# · Perl · 757 lines · 425 code · 66 blank · 266 comment · 78 complexity · 708df66afb9e3896ec825d90a00561e8 MD5 · raw file
- use strict;
- package Serial_Item;
- @Serial_Item::ISA = ('Generic_Item');
- my (%serial_items_by_id);
- sub reset {
- undef %serial_items_by_id; # Reset on code re-load
- }
- sub serial_items_by_id {
- my($id) = @_;
- return unless $serial_items_by_id{$id};
- return @{$serial_items_by_id{$id}};
- }
- # For backward compatability, return just the first item
- sub serial_item_by_id {
- my($id) = @_;
- my @refs = &serial_items_by_id($id);
- return $refs[0];
- }
- sub new {
- my ($class, $id, $state, $port_name) = @_;
- my $self = {state => undef}; # Use undef ... '' will return as defined
- # print "\n\nWarning: duplicate ID codes on different Serial_Item objects:\n " .
- # "id=$id state=$state states=@{${$serial_item_by_id{$id}}{states}}\n\n" if $serial_item_by_id{$id};
- $$self{port_name} = $port_name;
- &add($self, $id, $state);
- bless $self, $class;
- $self->set_interface($port_name) if $id and $id =~ /^X/;
- $self->state_overload('off'); # By default, do not process ~;: strings as substate/multistate
- return $self;
- }
- sub add {
- my ($self, $id, $state) = @_;
- # Allow for Serial_Item's without states
- # $state = 'default_state' unless defined $state;
- $state = $id unless defined $state;
- $$self{state_by_id}{$id} = $state if defined $id;
- $$self{id_by_state}{$state} = $id if defined $state;
- push(@{$$self{states}}, $state);
- push(@{$serial_items_by_id{$id}}, $self) if $id;
- }
- sub is_started {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $port_name = $self->{port_name};
- return ($main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{object}) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- sub is_stopped {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $port_name = $self->{port_name};
- return ($main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{object}) ? 0 : 1;
- }
- # Try to do a 'new' ... object is not kept, even if new is sucessful
- # - not sure if there is a better way to test if a port is available
- # Hopefully this is not too wasteful
- sub is_available {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $port_name = $self->{port_name};
- my $port = $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{port};
- print "testing port $port_name $port ... ";
- my $sp_object;
- # Use the 2nd parm of '1' to indicate this do a test open
- # - Modified Win32::SerialPort so it does not compilain if New/open fails
- if (( $main::OS_win and $sp_object = new Win32::SerialPort($port, 1))or
- (!$main::OS_win and $sp_object = new Device::SerialPort($port))) {
- print " available\n";
- $sp_object->close;
- return 1;
- }
- else {
- print " not available\n";
- return 0;
- }
- }
- sub start {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $port_name = $self->{port_name};
- print "Starting port $port_name on port $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{port}\n";
- if ($main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{object}) {
- print "Port $port_name is already started\n";
- return;
- }
- if ($port_name) {
- if (&main::serial_port_open($port_name)) {
- print "Port $port_name was re-opened\n";
- }
- else {
- print "Serial_Item start failed for port $port_name\n";
- }
- }
- else {
- print "Error in Serial_Item start: no port name for object=$self\n";
- }
- }
- sub stop {
- my ($self) = @_;
- my $port_name = $self->{port_name};
- my $sp_object = $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{object};
- if ($sp_object) {
- my $port = $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{port};
- # &Win32::SerialPort::debug(1);
- if ($sp_object->close) {
- print "Port $port_name on port $port was closed\n";
- }
- else {
- print "Serial_Item stop failed for port $port_name\n";
- }
- # Delete the ports, even if it didn't close, so we can do
- # starts again without a 'port reuse' message.
- delete $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{object};
- delete $main::Serial_Ports{object_by_port}{$port};
- # &Win32::SerialPort::debug(0);
- }
- else {
- print "Error in Serial_Item stop for port $port_name: Port is not started\n";
- }
- }
- sub said {
- my $port_name = $_[0]->{port_name};
- my $datatype = $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{datatype};
- my $data;
- if ($datatype and $datatype eq 'raw') {
- $data = $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{data};
- $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{data} = undef;
- }
- else {
- $data = $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{data_record};
- $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{data_record} = undef; # Maybe this should be reset in main loop??
- }
- # print "db serial $port_name data: $data\n" if $main::Debug{$port_name};
- return $data;
- }
- sub set_data {
- my ($self, $data) = @_;
- my $port_name = $self->{port_name};
- my $datatype = $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{datatype};
- if ($datatype eq 'raw') {
- $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{data} = $data;
- }
- else {
- $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{data_record} = $data;
- }
- }
- sub set_receive {
- my ($self, $state, $set_by) = @_;
- # $set_by = 'serial' unless $set_by;
- return if &main::check_for_tied_filters($self, $state);
- return if &set_prev_pass_check($self, $state);
- &Generic_Item::set_states_for_next_pass($self, $state, $set_by);
- }
- sub set_dtr {
- my ($self, $state) = @_;
- my $port_name = $self->{port_name};
- if (my $serial_port = $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{object}) {
- $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{object}->dtr_active($state);
- print "Serial_port $port_name dtr set to $state\n" if $main::Debug{serial};
- }
- else {
- print "Error, serial port set_dtr for $port_name failed, port has not been set\n";
- }
- }
- sub set_rts {
- my ($self, $state) = @_;
- my $port_name = $self->{port_name};
- if (my $serial_port = $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{object}) {
- $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{object}->rts_active($state);
- print "Serial_port $port_name rts set to $state\n" if $main::Debug{serial};
- }
- else {
- print "Error, serial port set_rts for $port_name failed, port has not been set\n";
- }
- }
- sub set {
- my ($self, $state, $set_by) = @_;
- return if &main::check_for_tied_filters($self, $state);
- # Allow for Serial_Item's without states
- unless (defined $state) {
- print "Serial_Item set with an empty state on $$self{object_name}\n";
- $state = 'default_state';
- }
- my $serial_id;
- # Allow for upper/mixed case (e.g. treat ON the same as on ... so X10_Items is simpler)
- if (defined $self->{id_by_state}{$state}) {
- $serial_id = $self->{id_by_state}{$state};
- }
- elsif (defined $self->{id_by_state}{lc $state}) {
- $serial_id = $self->{id_by_state}{lc $state};
- }
- else {
- $serial_id = $state;
- }
- # uc since other mh processing can lc it to avoid state sensitivity
- my $serial_data = $serial_id;
- $serial_id = uc $serial_id unless defined $self->{states_casesensitive};
- return if &set_prev_pass_check($self, $serial_id);
- &Generic_Item::set_states_for_next_pass($self, $state, $set_by);
- my $port_name = $self->{port_name};
- my $interface = $self->{interface};
- $interface = '' unless $interface;
- print "Serial_Item: port=$port_name self=$self state=$state data=$serial_data interface=$$self{interface}\n"
- if $main::Debug{serial};
- return if $main::Save{mode} eq 'offline';
- return unless %main::Serial_Ports;
- # First deal with X10 strings. Assume X10 capable if interface is set.
- # Ideally, we would test for specific X10 interfaces, but so far it only
- # gets set if it is an X10 interface.
- if (($serial_data =~ /^X/ and $interface ne '') or $self->isa('X10_Item')) {
- # allow for xx% (e.g. 1% -> &P1)
- # ... need to allow for multiple X10 commands data here?
- if ($serial_data =~ /(\d+)%/) {
- $serial_data = '&P' . int ($1 * 63 / 100 + 0.5);
- }
- # Make sure that &P codes have the house_unit code prefixed
- # - e.g. device A1 -> A&P1
- if ($serial_data =~ /&P/) {
- $serial_data = substr($self->{x10_id}, 1, 1) . $serial_data;
- }
- # If code is &P##, prefix with item code.
- # - e.g. A&P1 -> A1A&P1
- if (substr($serial_data, 1, 1) eq '&') {
- $serial_data = $self->{x10_id} . $serial_data;
- }
- # Make sure that +-\d codes have the house_unit code prefixed
- # - e.g. device +12 -> A1A+12
- # Also round of to the nearest 5
- if ($serial_data =~ /^X?[\+\-]?\d+$/) {
- $serial_data = $self->{x10_id} . substr($self->{x10_id}, 1, 1) . $serial_data;
- }
- &main::print_log("X10: Outgoing data=$serial_data") if $main::config_parms{x10_errata} >= 4;
- # Allow for long strings like this: XAGAGAGAG (e.g. SmartLinc control)
- # - break it into individual codes (XAG XAG XAG)
- $serial_data =~ s/^X//;
- my $serial_chunk;
- while ($serial_data) {
- if ($serial_data =~ /^([A-P]STATUS)(\S*)/ or
- $serial_data =~ /^([A-P]PRESET_DIM1)(\S*)/ or
- $serial_data =~ /^([A-P]PRESET_DIM2)(\S*)/ or
- $serial_data =~ /^([A-P][1][0-6])(\S*)/ or
- $serial_data =~ /^([A-P][1-9A-W])(\S*)/ or
- $serial_data =~ /^([A-P]\&P\d+)(\S*)/ or # Pre Dim Cmds
- $serial_data =~ /^([A-P]Z\S*)/ or # Scene Cmds for Switchlinc
- $serial_data =~ /^([A-P]\d+\%)(\S*)/ or
- $serial_data =~ /^([A-P][\+\-]?\d+)(\S*)/) {
- $serial_chunk = $1;
- $serial_data = $2;
- # Allow for unit=9,10,11..16, instead of 9,A,B,C..F
- $serial_chunk = $1 . substr 'ABCDEFG', $2, 1 if $serial_chunk =~ /^(\S)1(\d)$/;
- &send_x10_data($interface, 'X' . $serial_chunk);
- }
- else {
- print "Serial_Item error, X10 string not parsed: $serial_data.\n";
- return;
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- else {
- $port_name = $interface if !$port_name;
- $port_name = 'Homevision' if !$port_name and $main::Serial_Ports{Homevision}{object}; #Since it's multifunction, it should be default
- $port_name = 'weeder' if !$port_name and $main::Serial_Ports{weeder}{object};
- $port_name = 'serial1' if !$port_name and $main::Serial_Ports{serial1}{object};
- $port_name = 'serial2' if !$port_name and $main::Serial_Ports{serial2}{object};
- unless ($port_name) {
- print "Error, serial set called, but no serial port found: data=$serial_data\n";
- return;
- }
- &send_serial_data($port_name, $serial_data);
- }
- # Check for X10 All-on All-off house codes
- # - If found, set states of all X10_Items on that housecode
- if ($serial_data =~ /^X(\S)([OP])$/) {
- print "db l=$main::Loop_Count X10: mh set House code $1 set to $2\n" if $main::Debug{x10};
- my $state = ($2 eq 'O') ? 'on' : 'off';
- &X10_Item::set_by_housecode($1, $state);
- }
- # Check for other items with the same codes
- # - If found, set them to the same state
- if ($serial_items_by_id{$serial_id} and my @refs = @{$serial_items_by_id{$serial_id}}) {
- for my $ref (@refs) {
- next if $ref eq $self;
- # Only compare between items on the same port
- my $port_name1 = ($self->{port_name} or ' ');
- my $port_name2 = ($ref ->{port_name} or ' ');
- next unless $port_name1 eq $port_name2;
- print "Serial_Item: Setting duplicate state: id=$serial_id item1=$$self{object_name} item2=$$ref{object_name}\n"
- if $main::Debug{serial};
- if ($state = $$ref{state_by_id}{$serial_id}) {
- $ref->set_receive($state, $set_by);
- }
- else {
- $ref->set_receive($serial_id, $set_by);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Avoid sending the same X10 code on consecutive passes.
- # It is pretty easy to create a loop with
- # tied items, groups, house codes, etc. Just ask Bill S. :)
- sub set_prev_pass_check {
- my ($self, $state);
- # print "db state=$state, sp=$self->{state_prev}, loop=$main::Loop_Count, lcp==$self->{change_pass}\n";
- if ($state =~ /^X/ and $self->{state_prev} and $state eq $self->{state_prev} and
- $self->{change_pass} >= ($main::Loop_Count - 1)) {
- my $item_name = $self->{object_name};
- print "X10 item set skipped on consecutive pass. item=$item_name state=$state id=$state\n";
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- sub send_serial_data {
- my ($port_name, $serial_data) = @_;
- return if &main::proxy_send($port_name, 'send_serial_data', $serial_data);
- # The ncpuxa code works on a socket, not a serial port
- # but may be called as a Serial_Item
- unless ($main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{object} or lc $port_name eq 'ncpuxa') {
- print "Error, serial port for $port_name has not been set: data=$serial_data\n";
- return;
- }
- if (lc $port_name eq 'homevision') {
- print "Using homevision to send: $serial_data\n";
- &Homevision::send($main::Serial_Ports{Homevision}{object}, $serial_data);
- }
- elsif (lc $port_name eq 'ncpuxa') {
- &main::print_log("Using ncpuxa to send: $serial_data");
- &ncpuxa_mh::send($main::config_parms{ncpuxa_port}, $serial_data);
- }
- else {
- my $datatype = $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{datatype};
- my $prefix = $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{prefix};
- $serial_data = $prefix . $serial_data if $prefix and $prefix ne '';
- $serial_data .= "\r" unless $datatype and $datatype eq 'raw';
- my $results = $main::Serial_Ports{$port_name}{object}->write($serial_data);
- # &main::print_log("serial port=$port_name out=$serial_data results=$results") if $main::Debug{serial};
- print "serial port=$port_name out=$serial_data results=$results\n" if $main::Debug{serial};
- }
- }
- my $x10_save_unit;
- sub send_x10_data {
- my ($interface, $serial_data) = @_;
- my ($isfunc);
- # Use proxy mh if present (avoids mh pauses for slow X10 xmits)
- return if &main::proxy_send($interface, 'send_x10_data', $serial_data);
- if ($serial_data =~ /^X[A-P][1-9A-G]$/) {
- $isfunc = 0;
- $x10_save_unit = $serial_data;
- }
- else {
- $isfunc = 1;
- }
- print "X10: interface=$interface isfunc=$isfunc save_unit=$x10_save_unit data=$serial_data\n" if $main::Debug{x10};
- if ($interface eq 'cm11') {
- # cm11 wants individual codes without X
- &ControlX10::CM11::send($main::Serial_Ports{cm11}{object},
- substr($serial_data, 1));
- }
- elsif ($interface eq 'bx24') {
- &X10_BX24::SendX10($serial_data);
- }
- elsif ($interface eq 'lynx10plc')
- {
- # marrick PLC wants XA1AK
- &Lynx10PLC::send_plc($main::Serial_Ports{Lynx10PLC}{object},
- "X" . substr($x10_save_unit, 1) .
- substr($serial_data, 1)) if $isfunc;
- }
- elsif ($interface eq 'cm17') {
- # cm17 wants A1K, not XA1AK
- &ControlX10::CM17::send($main::Serial_Ports{cm17}{object},
- substr($x10_save_unit, 1) . substr($serial_data, 2)) if $isfunc;
- }
- elsif ($interface eq 'homevision') {
- # homevision wants XA1AK
- if ($isfunc) {
- print "Using homevision to send: " .
- $x10_save_unit . substr($serial_data, 1) . "\n";
- &Homevision::send($main::Serial_Ports{Homevision}{object},
- $x10_save_unit . substr($serial_data, 1));
- }
- }
- elsif ($interface eq 'homebase') {
- # homebase wants individual codes without X
- print "Using homebase to send: $serial_data\n";
- &HomeBase::send_X10($main::Serial_Ports{HomeBase}{object}, substr($serial_data, 1));
- }
- elsif ($interface eq 'stargate') {
- # Stargate wants individual codes without X
- print "Using stargate to send: $serial_data\n";
- &Stargate::send_X10($main::Serial_Ports{Stargate}{object}, substr($serial_data, 1));
- }
- elsif ($interface eq 'houselinc') {
- # houselinc wants XA1AK
- if ($isfunc) {
- print "Using houselinc to send: " .
- $x10_save_unit . substr($serial_data, 1) . "\n";
- &HouseLinc::send_X10($main::Serial_Ports{HouseLinc}{object},
- $x10_save_unit . substr($serial_data, 1));
- }
- }
- elsif ($interface eq 'marrick') {
- # marrick wants XA1AK
- if ($isfunc) {
- print "Using marrick to send: " .
- $x10_save_unit . substr($serial_data, 1) . "\n";
- &Marrick::send_X10($main::Serial_Ports{Marrick}{object},
- $x10_save_unit . substr($serial_data, 1));
- }
- }
- elsif ($interface eq 'ncpuxa') {
- # ncpuxa wants individual codes with X
- &main::print_log("Using ncpuxa to send: $serial_data");
- &ncpuxa_mh::send($main::config_parms{ncpuxa_port}, $serial_data);
- }
- elsif ($interface eq 'weeder') {
- # Weeder table does not match what we defined in CM11,CM17,X10_Items.pm
- # - Dim -> L, Bright -> M, AllOn -> I, AllOff -> H
- my ($device, $house, $command) = $serial_data =~ /^X(\S\S)(\S)(\S+)/;
- # Allow for +-xx%
- my $dim_amount = 3;
- if ($command =~ /[\+\-]\d+/) {
- $dim_amount = int(10 * abs($command) / 100); # about 10 levels to 100%
- $command = ($command > 0) ? 'L' : 'M';
- }
- if ($command eq 'M') {
- $command = 'L' . (($house . 'L') x $dim_amount);
- }
- elsif ($command eq 'L') {
- $command = 'M' . (($house . 'M') x $dim_amount);
- }
- elsif ($command eq 'O') {
- $command = 'I';
- }
- elsif ($command eq 'P') {
- $command = 'H';
- }
- $serial_data = 'X' . $device . $house . $command;
- $main::Serial_Ports{weeder}{object}->write($serial_data);
- # Give weeder a chance to do the previous command
- # Surely there must be a better way!
- select undef, undef, undef, 1.2;
- }
- else {
- print "\nError, X10 interface not found: interface=$interface, data=$serial_data\n";
- }
- &send_x10_data_hooks($serial_data); # Created by &add_hooks
- }
- sub set_interface {
- my ($self, $interface) = @_;
- # Set the default interface
- unless ($interface) {
- if ($main::config_parms{x10_interface}) {
- $interface = $main::config_parms{x10_interface};
- }
- elsif ($main::Serial_Ports{cm11}{object}) {
- $interface = 'cm11';
- }
- elsif ($main::Serial_Ports{BX24}{object}) {
- $interface = 'bx24';
- }
- elsif ($main::Serial_Ports{Homevision}{object}) {
- $interface = 'homevision';
- }
- elsif ($main::Serial_Ports{HomeBase}{object}) {
- $interface = 'homebase';
- }
- elsif ($main::Serial_Ports{Stargate}{object}) {
- $interface = 'stargate';
- }
- elsif ($main::Serial_Ports{HouseLinc}{object}) {
- $interface = 'houselinc';
- }
- elsif ($main::Serial_Ports{Marrick}{object}) {
- $interface = 'marrick';
- }
- elsif ($main::config_parms{ncpuxa_port}) {
- $interface = 'ncpuxa';
- }
- elsif ($main::Serial_Ports{cm17}{object}) {
- $interface = 'cm17';
- }
- elsif ($main::Serial_Ports{Lynx10PLC}{object}) {
- $interface = 'lynx10plc';
- }
- elsif ($main::Serial_Ports{weeder}{object}) {
- $interface = 'weeder';
- }
- }
- $$self{interface} = lc($interface) if $interface;
- }
- #
- # $Log$
- # Revision 1.68 2003/12/01 03:09:52 winter
- # - 2.85 release
- #
- # Revision 1.67 2003/11/23 20:26:01 winter
- # - 2.84 release
- #
- # Revision 1.66 2003/09/02 02:48:46 winter
- # - 2.83 release
- #
- # Revision 1.65 2003/07/06 17:55:11 winter
- # - 2.82 release
- #
- # Revision 1.64 2003/04/20 21:44:07 winter
- # - 2.80 release
- #
- # Revision 1.63 2003/03/09 19:34:41 winter
- # - 2.79 release
- #
- # Revision 1.62 2003/02/08 05:29:23 winter
- # - 2.78 release
- #
- # Revision 1.61 2003/01/12 20:39:20 winter
- # - 2.76 release
- #
- # Revision 1.60 2002/12/24 03:05:08 winter
- # - 2.75 release
- #
- # Revision 1.59 2002/10/13 02:07:59 winter
- # - 2.72 release
- #
- # Revision 1.58 2002/09/22 01:33:23 winter
- # - 2.71 release
- #
- # Revision 1.57 2002/07/01 22:25:28 winter
- # - 2.69 release
- #
- # Revision 1.56 2002/05/28 13:07:51 winter
- # - 2.68 release
- #
- # Revision 1.55 2002/03/31 18:50:39 winter
- # - 2.66 release
- #
- # Revision 1.54 2002/03/02 02:36:51 winter
- # - 2.65 release
- #
- # Revision 1.53 2002/01/19 21:11:12 winter
- # - 2.63 release
- #
- # Revision 1.52 2001/12/16 21:48:41 winter
- # - 2.62 release
- #
- # Revision 1.51 2001/10/21 01:22:32 winter
- # - 2.60 release
- #
- # Revision 1.50 2001/09/23 19:28:11 winter
- # - 2.59 release
- #
- # Revision 1.49 2001/08/12 04:02:58 winter
- # - 2.57 update
- #
- # Revision 1.48 2001/06/27 03:45:14 winter
- # - 2.54 release
- #
- # Revision 1.47 2001/04/15 16:17:21 winter
- # - 2.49 release
- #
- # Revision 1.46 2001/03/24 18:08:38 winter
- # - 2.47 release
- #
- # Revision 1.45 2001/02/04 20:31:31 winter
- # - 2.43 release
- #
- # Revision 1.44 2000/12/03 19:38:55 winter
- # - 2.36 release
- #
- # Revision 1.43 2000/11/12 21:02:38 winter
- # - 2.34 release
- #
- # Revision 1.42 2000/10/22 16:48:29 winter
- # - 2.32 release
- #
- # Revision 1.41 2000/10/01 23:29:40 winter
- # - 2.29 release
- #
- # Revision 1.40 2000/09/09 21:19:11 winter
- # - 2.28 release
- #
- # Revision 1.39 2000/08/19 01:22:36 winter
- # - 2.27 release
- #
- # Revision 1.38 2000/06/24 22:10:54 winter
- # - 2.22 release. Changes to read_table, tk_*, tie_* functions, and hook_ code
- #
- # Revision 1.37 2000/05/27 16:40:10 winter
- # - 2.20 release
- #
- # Revision 1.36 2000/05/06 16:34:32 winter
- # - 2.15 release
- #
- # Revision 1.35 2000/03/10 04:09:01 winter
- # - Add Ibutton support and more web changes
- #
- # Revision 1.34 2000/02/13 03:57:27 winter
- # - 2.00 release. New web server interface
- #
- # Revision 1.33 2000/02/12 06:11:37 winter
- # - commit lots of changes, in preperation for mh release 2.0
- #
- # Revision 1.32 2000/01/27 13:42:42 winter
- # - update version number
- #
- # Revision 1.31 2000/01/19 13:23:29 winter
- # - add yucky delay to Weeder X10 xmit
- #
- # Revision 1.30 2000/01/02 23:47:43 winter
- # - add Device:: to as Serilport check. Use 10, not 7, increments in weeder dim
- #
- # Revision 1.29 1999/12/09 03:00:21 winter
- # - added Weeder bright/dim support
- #
- # Revision 1.28 1999/11/08 02:16:17 winter
- # - Move X10 stuff to X10_Items.pm. Fix close method
- #
- # Revision 1.27 1999/11/02 14:51:36 winter
- # - delete port in any case in stop method
- #
- # Revision 1.26 1999/10/31 14:49:04 winter
- # - added X10 &P## preset dim option and X10_Lamp item
- #
- # Revision 1.25 1999/10/27 12:42:27 winter
- # - add delete to serial_ports_by_port in sub close
- #
- # Revision 1.24 1999/10/09 20:36:49 winter
- # - add call to set_interface in first new method. Change to ControlX10
- #
- # Revision 1.23 1999/10/02 22:41:10 winter
- # - move interface stuff to set_interface, so we can use for x10_appliances also
- #
- # Revision 1.22 1999/09/27 03:16:32 winter
- # - move cm11 to HomeAutomation dir
- #
- # Revision 1.21 1999/09/12 16:57:07 winter
- # - point to new cm17 path
- #
- # Revision 1.20 1999/08/30 00:23:30 winter
- # - add set_dtr set_rts. Add check on loop_count
- #
- # Revision 1.19 1999/08/02 02:24:21 winter
- # - Add STATUS state
- #
- # Revision 1.18 1999/06/27 20:12:09 winter
- # - add CM17 support
- #
- # Revision 1.17 1999/06/20 22:32:43 winter
- # - check for raw datatype on writes
- #
- # Revision 1.16 1999/04/29 12:25:20 winter
- # - add House all on/off states
- #
- # Revision 1.15 1999/03/21 17:35:36 winter
- # - add datatype raw
- #
- # Revision 1.14 1999/03/12 04:30:24 winter
- # - add start, stop, and set_receive methods
- #
- # Revision 1.13 1999/02/16 02:06:57 winter
- # - add homebase send errata
- #
- # Revision 1.12 1999/02/08 03:50:25 winter
- # - re-enable serial writes! Bug introduced in last install.
- #
- # Revision 1.11 1999/02/08 00:30:54 winter
- # - make serial port prints depend on debug parm
- #
- # Revision 1.10 1999/01/30 19:55:45 winter
- # - add more checks for blank objects, so we don't abend
- #
- # Revision 1.9 1999/01/23 16:23:43 winter
- # - change the Serial_Port object to match Socket_Port format
- #
- # Revision 1.8 1999/01/13 14:11:03 winter
- # - add some more debug records
- #
- # Revision 1.7 1999/01/07 01:55:40 winter
- # - add 5% increments on X10_Item
- #
- # Revision 1.6 1998/12/10 14:34:19 winter
- # - fix empty state case
- #
- # Revision 1.5 1998/12/07 14:33:27 winter
- # - add dim level support. Allow for arbitrary set commands.
- #
- # Revision 1.4 1998/11/15 22:04:26 winter
- # - add support for generic serial ports
- #
- # Revision 1.3 1998/09/12 22:13:14 winter
- # - added HomeBase call
- #
- # Revision 1.2 1998/08/29 20:46:36 winter
- # - allow for cm11 interface
- #
- #
- 1;