JavaScript | 1442 lines | 751 code | 211 blank | 480 comment | 150 complexity | 36c86962b6cb5270290aa4a9890520d7 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): CC-BY-SA-3.0, LGPL-2.1, MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception
Large files files are truncated, but you can click here to view the full file
- /*
- __ .__
- |__|____ __________ _|__| ______
- | \__ \\_ __ \ \/ / |/ ___/
- | |/ __ \| | \/\ /| |\___ \
- /\__| (____ /__| \_/ |__/____ >
- \______| \/ \/
- Copyright 2013 - SmartAdmin Template
- * This script is part of an item on wrapbootstrap.com
- * https://wrapbootstrap.com/user/myorange
- *
- * Date : Jan 2014
- * Updated : 12/12/2013
- * Dependency: jQuery UI core, json2(ie7)
- *
- * ************************************************************* *
- *
- * Jarvis Widgets (AKA Power Widgets), is originally created by
- * Mark (www.creativemilk.net) and Sunny (bootstraphunter.com).
- * This script may NOT be RESOLD or REDISTRUBUTED under any
- * circumstances, and is only to be used with this purchased
- * copy of SmartAdmin Template.
- *
- * ************************************************************* */
- ;
- (function ($, window, document, undefined) {
- //"use strict"; // jshint ;_;
- var pluginName = 'jarvisWidgets';
- function Plugin(element, options) {
- /**
- * Variables.
- **/
- this.obj = $(element);
- this.o = $.extend({}, $.fn[pluginName].defaults, options);
- this.objId = this.obj.attr('id');
- this.pwCtrls = '.jarviswidget-ctrls'
- this.widget = this.obj.find(this.o.widgets);
- this.toggleClass = this.o.toggleClass.split('|');
- this.editClass = this.o.editClass.split('|');
- this.fullscreenClass = this.o.fullscreenClass.split('|');
- this.customClass = this.o.customClass.split('|');
- this.init();
- };
- Plugin.prototype = {
- /**
- * Important settings like storage and touch support.
- *
- * @param:
- **/
- _settings: function () {
- var self = this;
- //*****************************************************************//
- //////////////////////// LOCALSTORAGE CHECK /////////////////////////
- //*****************************************************************//
- storage = !! function () {
- var result, uid = +new Date;
- try {
- localStorage.setItem(uid, uid);
- result = localStorage.getItem(uid) == uid;
- localStorage.removeItem(uid);
- return result;
- } catch (e) {}
- }() && localStorage;
- //*****************************************************************//
- /////////////////////////// SET/GET KEYS ////////////////////////////
- //*****************************************************************//
- // TODO : Push state does not work on IE9, try to find a way to detect IE and use a seperate filter
- if (storage && self.o.localStorage) {
- if (self.o.ajaxnav === true) {
- widget_url = location.hash.replace(/^#/, '')
- keySettings = 'Plugin_settings_' + widget_url + '_' + self.objId;
- getKeySettings = localStorage.getItem(keySettings);
- keyPosition = 'Plugin_position_' + widget_url + '_' + self.objId;
- getKeyPosition = localStorage.getItem(keyPosition);
- //console.log("from jarvis widget " + widget_url);
- //console.log(self.o.ajaxnav + " if")
- } else {
- keySettings = 'jarvisWidgets_settings_' + location.pathname + '_' + self.objId;
- getKeySettings = localStorage.getItem(keySettings);
- keyPosition = 'jarvisWidgets_position_' + location.pathname + '_' + self.objId;
- getKeyPosition = localStorage.getItem(keyPosition);
- //console.log(self.o.ajaxnav + " else")
- } // end else
- } // end if
- //*****************************************************************//
- ////////////////////////// TOUCH SUPPORT ////////////////////////////
- //*****************************************************************//
- /**
- * Check for touch support and set right click events.
- **/
- if (('ontouchstart' in window) || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch) {
- clickEvent = 'touchstart';
- //click tap
- } else {
- clickEvent = 'click';
- }
- },
- /**
- * Function for the indicator image.
- *
- * @param:
- **/
- _runLoaderWidget: function (elm) {
- var self = this;
- if (self.o.indicator === true) {
- elm.parents(self.o.widgets)
- .find('.jarviswidget-loader')
- .stop(true, true)
- .fadeIn(100)
- .delay(self.o.indicatorTime)
- .fadeOut(100);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Create a fixed timestamp.
- *
- * @param: t | date | Current date.
- **/
- _getPastTimestamp: function (t) {
- var self = this;
- var da = new Date(t);
- /**
- * Get and set the date and time.
- **/
- tsMonth = da.getMonth() + 1;
- // index based
- tsDay = da.getDate();
- tsYear = da.getFullYear();
- tsHours = da.getHours();
- tsMinutes = da.getMinutes();
- tsSeconds = da.getUTCSeconds();
- /**
- * Checking for one digit values, if so add an zero.
- **/
- if (tsMonth < 10) {
- var tsMonth = '0' + tsMonth
- }
- if (tsDay < 10) {
- var tsDay = '0' + tsDay
- }
- if (tsHours < 10) {
- var tsHours = '0' + tsHours
- }
- if (tsMinutes < 10) {
- var tsMinutes = '0' + tsMinutes
- }
- if (tsSeconds < 10) {
- var tsSeconds = '0' + tsSeconds
- }
- /**
- * The output, how you want it.
- **/
- var format = self.o.timestampFormat.replace(/%d%/g, tsDay)
- .replace(/%m%/g, tsMonth)
- .replace(/%y%/g, tsYear)
- .replace(/%h%/g, tsHours)
- .replace(/%i%/g, tsMinutes)
- .replace(/%s%/g, tsSeconds);
- return format;
- },
- /**
- * AJAX load File, which get and shows the .
- *
- * @param: awidget | object | The widget.
- * @param: file | file | The file thats beeing loaded.
- * @param: loader | object | The widget.
- **/
- _loadAjaxFile: function (awidget, file, loader) {
- var self = this
- awidget.find('.widget-body')
- .load(file, function (response, status, xhr) {
- var $this = $(this);
- /**
- * If action runs into an error display an error msg.
- **/
- if (status == "error") {
- $this.html('<h4 class="alert alert-danger">' + self.o.labelError + '<b> ' +
- xhr.status + " " + xhr.statusText + '</b></h4>');
- }
- /**
- * Run if there are no errors.
- **/
- if (status == "success") {
- /**
- * Show a timestamp.
- **/
- var aPalceholder = awidget.find(self.o.timestampPlaceholder);
- if (aPalceholder.length) {
- aPalceholder.html(self._getPastTimestamp(new Date()));
- }
- /**
- * Run the callback function.
- **/
- if (typeof self.o.afterLoad == 'function') {
- self.o.afterLoad.call(this, awidget);
- }
- }
- });
- /**
- * Run function for the indicator image.
- **/
- self._runLoaderWidget(loader);
- },
- /**
- * Save all settings to the localStorage.
- *
- * @param:
- **/
- _saveSettingsWidget: function () {
- var self = this;
- self._settings();
- if (storage && self.o.localStorage) {
- var storeSettings = [];
- self.obj.find(self.o.widgets)
- .each(function () {
- var storeSettingsStr = {};
- storeSettingsStr['id'] = $(this)
- .attr('id');
- storeSettingsStr['style'] = $(this)
- .attr('data-widget-attstyle');
- storeSettingsStr['title'] = $(this)
- .children('header')
- .children('h2')
- .text();
- storeSettingsStr['hidden'] = ($(this)
- .is(':hidden') ? 1 : 0);
- storeSettingsStr['collapsed'] = ($(this)
- .hasClass('jarviswidget-collapsed') ? 1 : 0);
- storeSettings.push(storeSettingsStr);
- });
- var storeSettingsObj = JSON.stringify({
- 'widget': storeSettings
- });
- /* Place it in the storage(only if needed) */
- if (getKeySettings != storeSettingsObj) {
- localStorage.setItem(keySettings, storeSettingsObj);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Run the callback function.
- **/
- if (typeof self.o.onSave == 'function') {
- self.o.onSave.call(this, null, storeSettingsObj);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Save positions to the localStorage.
- *
- * @param:
- **/
- _savePositionWidget: function () {
- var self = this;
- self._settings();
- if (storage && self.o.localStorage) {
- var mainArr = [];
- self.obj.find(self.o.grid + '.sortable-grid')
- .each(function () {
- var subArr = [];
- $(this)
- .children(self.o.widgets)
- .each(function () {
- var subObj = {};
- subObj['id'] = $(this)
- .attr('id');
- subArr.push(subObj);
- });
- var out = {
- 'section': subArr
- }
- mainArr.push(out);
- });
- var storePositionObj = JSON.stringify({
- 'grid': mainArr
- });
- /* Place it in the storage(only if needed) */
- if (getKeyPosition != storePositionObj) {
- localStorage.setItem(keyPosition, storePositionObj, null);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Run the callback function.
- **/
- if (typeof self.o.onSave == 'function') {
- self.o.onSave.call(this, storePositionObj);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Code that we run at the start.
- *
- * @param:
- **/
- init: function () {
- var self = this;
- self._settings();
- /**
- * Force users to use an id(it's needed for the local storage).
- **/
- if (!$('#' + self.objId)
- .length) {
- alert('It looks like your using a class instead of an ID, dont do that!')
- }
- /**
- * Add RTL support.
- **/
- if (self.o.rtl === true) {
- $('body')
- .addClass('rtl');
- }
- /**
- * This will add an extra class that we use to store the
- * widgets in the right order.(savety)
- **/
- $(self.o.grid)
- .each(function () {
- if ($(this)
- .find(self.o.widgets)
- .length) {
- $(this)
- .addClass('sortable-grid');
- }
- });
- //*****************************************************************//
- //////////////////////// SET POSITION WIDGET ////////////////////////
- //*****************************************************************//
- /**
- * Run if data is present.
- **/
- if (storage && self.o.localStorage && getKeyPosition) {
- var jsonPosition = JSON.parse(getKeyPosition);
- /**
- * Loop the data, and put every widget on the right place.
- **/
- for (var key in jsonPosition.grid) {
- var changeOrder = self.obj.find(self.o.grid + '.sortable-grid')
- .eq(key);
- for (var key2 in jsonPosition.grid[key].section) {
- changeOrder.append($('#' + jsonPosition.grid[key].section[key2].id));
- }
- }
- }
- //*****************************************************************//
- /////////////////////// SET SETTINGS WIDGET /////////////////////////
- //*****************************************************************//
- /**
- * Run if data is present.
- **/
- if (storage && self.o.localStorage && getKeySettings) {
- var jsonSettings = JSON.parse(getKeySettings);
- /**
- * Loop the data and hide/show the widgets and set the inputs in
- * panel to checked(if hidden) and add an indicator class to the div.
- * Loop all labels and update the widget titles.
- **/
- for (var key in jsonSettings.widget) {
- var widgetId = $('#' + jsonSettings.widget[key].id);
- /**
- * Set a style(if present).
- **/
- if (jsonSettings.widget[key].style) {
- //console.log("test");
- widgetId.removeClassPrefix('jarviswidget-color-')
- .addClass(jsonSettings.widget[key].style)
- .attr('data-widget-attstyle', '' + jsonSettings.widget[key].style + '');
- }
- /**
- * Hide/show widget.
- **/
- if (jsonSettings.widget[key].hidden == 1) {
- widgetId.hide(1);
- } else {
- widgetId.show(1)
- .removeAttr('data-widget-hidden');
- }
- /**
- * Toggle content widget.
- **/
- if (jsonSettings.widget[key].collapsed == 1) {
- widgetId.addClass('jarviswidget-collapsed')
- .children('div')
- .hide(1);
- }
- /**
- * Update title widget (if needed).
- **/
- if (widgetId.children('header')
- .children('h2')
- .text() != jsonSettings.widget[key].title) {
- widgetId.children('header')
- .children('h2')
- .text(jsonSettings.widget[key].title);
- }
- }
- }
- //*****************************************************************//
- ////////////////////////// LOOP AL WIDGETS //////////////////////////
- //*****************************************************************//
- /**
- * This will add/edit/remove the settings to all widgets
- **/
- self.widget.each(function () {
- var tWidget = $(this);
- var thisHeader = $(this)
- .children('header');
- /**
- * Dont double wrap(check).
- **/
- if (!thisHeader.parent()
- .attr('role')) {
- /**
- * Hide the widget if the dataset 'widget-hidden' is set to true.
- **/
- if (tWidget.data('widget-hidden') === true) {
- tWidget.hide();
- }
- /**
- * Hide the content of the widget if the dataset
- * 'widget-collapsed' is set to true.
- **/
- if (tWidget.data('widget-collapsed') === true) {
- tWidget.addClass('jarviswidget-collapsed')
- .children('div')
- .hide();
- }
- /**
- * Check for the dataset 'widget-icon' if so get the icon
- * and attach it to the widget header.
- * NOTE: MOVED THIS TO PHYSICAL for more control
- **/
- //if(tWidget.data('widget-icon')){
- // thisHeader.prepend('<i class="jarviswidget-icon '+tWidget.data('widget-icon')+'"></i>');
- //}
- /**
- * Add a delete button to the widget header (if set to true).
- **/
- if (self.o.customButton === true && tWidget.data('widget-custombutton') ===
- undefined && self.customClass[0].length != 0) {
- var customBtn =
- '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="button-icon jarviswidget-custom-btn"><i class="' +
- self.customClass[0] + '"></i></a>';
- } else {
- customBtn = '';
- }
- /**
- * Add a delete button to the widget header (if set to true).
- **/
- if (self.o.deleteButton === true && tWidget.data('widget-deletebutton') ===
- undefined) {
- var deleteBtn =
- '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="button-icon jarviswidget-delete-btn" rel="tooltip" title="Delete" data-placement="bottom"><i class="' +
- self.o.deleteClass + '"></i></a>';
- } else {
- deleteBtn = '';
- }
- /**
- * Add a delete button to the widget header (if set to true).
- **/
- if (self.o.editButton === true && tWidget.data('widget-editbutton') === undefined) {
- var editBtn =
- '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="button-icon jarviswidget-edit-btn" rel="tooltip" title="Edit Title" data-placement="bottom"><i class="' +
- self.editClass[0] + '"></i></a>';
- } else {
- editBtn = '';
- }
- /**
- * Add a delete button to the widget header (if set to true).
- **/
- if (self.o.fullscreenButton === true && tWidget.data('widget-fullscreenbutton') ===
- undefined) {
- var fullscreenBtn =
- '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="button-icon jarviswidget-fullscreen-btn" rel="tooltip" title="Fullscreen" data-placement="bottom"><i class="' +
- self.fullscreenClass[0] + '"></i></a>';
- } else {
- fullscreenBtn = '';
- }
- /**
- * Add a delete button to the widget header (if set to true).
- **/
- if (self.o.colorButton === true && tWidget.data('widget-colorbutton') ===
- undefined) {
- var widgetcolorBtn =
- '<a data-toggle="dropdown" class="dropdown-toggle color-box selector" href="javascript:void(0);"></a><ul class="dropdown-menu arrow-box-up-right color-select pull-right"><li><span class="bg-color-green" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-green" rel="tooltip" data-placement="left" data-original-title="Green Grass"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-greenDark" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-greenDark" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Dark Green"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-greenLight" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-greenLight" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Light Green"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-purple" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-purple" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Purple"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-magenta" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-magenta" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Magenta"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-pink" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-pink" rel="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-original-title="Pink"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-pinkDark" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-pinkDark" rel="tooltip" data-placement="left" data-original-title="Fade Pink"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-blueLight" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-blueLight" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Light Blue"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-teal" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-teal" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Teal"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-blue" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-blue" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Ocean Blue"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-blueDark" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-blueDark" rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="Night Sky"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-darken" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-darken" rel="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-original-title="Night"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-yellow" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-yellow" rel="tooltip" data-placement="left" data-original-title="Day Light"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-orange" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-orange" rel="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-original-title="Orange"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-orangeDark" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-orangeDark" rel="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-original-title="Dark Orange"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-red" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-red" rel="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-original-title="Red Rose"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-redLight" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-redLight" rel="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-original-title="Light Red"></span></li><li><span class="bg-color-white" data-widget-setstyle="jarviswidget-color-white" rel="tooltip" data-placement="right" data-original-title="Purity"></span></li><li><a href="javascript:void(0);" class="jarviswidget-remove-colors" data-widget-setstyle="" rel="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-original-title="Reset widget color to default">Remove</a></li></ul>';
- thisHeader.prepend('<div class="widget-toolbar">' + widgetcolorBtn + '</div>');
- } else {
- widgetcolorBtn = '';
- }
- /**
- * Add a toggle button to the widget header (if set to true).
- **/
- if (self.o.toggleButton === true && tWidget.data('widget-togglebutton') ===
- undefined) {
- if (tWidget.data('widget-collapsed') === true || tWidget.hasClass(
- 'jarviswidget-collapsed')) {
- var toggleSettings = self.toggleClass[1];
- } else {
- toggleSettings = self.toggleClass[0];
- }
- var toggleBtn =
- '<a href="#" class="button-icon jarviswidget-toggle-btn" rel="tooltip" title="Collapse" data-placement="bottom"><i class="' +
- toggleSettings + '"></i></a>';
- } else {
- toggleBtn = '';
- }
- /**
- * Add a refresh button to the widget header (if set to true).
- **/
- if (self.o.refreshButton === true && tWidget.data('widget-refreshbutton') !=
- false && tWidget.data('widget-load')) {
- var refreshBtn =
- '<a href="#" class="button-icon jarviswidget-refresh-btn" data-loading-text=" Loading... " rel="tooltip" title="Refresh" data-placement="bottom"><i class="' +
- self.o.refreshButtonClass + '"></i></a>';
- } else {
- refreshBtn = '';
- }
- /**
- * Set the buttons order.
- **/
- var formatButtons = self.o.buttonOrder.replace(/%refresh%/g, refreshBtn)
- .replace(/%delete%/g, deleteBtn)
- .replace(/%custom%/g, customBtn)
- .replace(/%fullscreen%/g, fullscreenBtn)
- .replace(/%edit%/g, editBtn)
- .replace(/%toggle%/g, toggleBtn);
- /**
- * Add a button wrapper to the header.
- **/
- if (refreshBtn != '' || deleteBtn != '' || customBtn != '' || fullscreenBtn != '' ||
- editBtn != '' || toggleBtn != '') {
- thisHeader.prepend('<div class="jarviswidget-ctrls">' + formatButtons +
- '</div>');
- }
- /**
- * Adding a helper class to all sortable widgets, this will be
- * used to find the widgets that are sortable, it will skip the widgets
- * that have the dataset 'widget-sortable="false"' set to false.
- **/
- if (self.o.sortable === true && tWidget.data('widget-sortable') === undefined) {
- tWidget.addClass('jarviswidget-sortable');
- }
- /**
- * If the edit box is present copy the title to the input.
- **/
- if (tWidget.find(self.o.editPlaceholder)
- .length) {
- tWidget.find(self.o.editPlaceholder)
- .find('input')
- .val($.trim(thisHeader.children('h2')
- .text()));
- }
- /**
- * Prepend the image to the widget header.
- **/
- thisHeader.append(
- '<span class="jarviswidget-loader"><i class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin"></i></span>'
- );
- /**
- * Adding roles to some parts.
- **/
- tWidget.attr('role', 'widget')
- .children('div')
- .attr('role', 'content')
- .prev('header')
- .attr('role', 'heading')
- .children('div')
- .attr('role', 'menu');
- }
- });
- /**
- * Hide all buttons if option is set to true.
- **/
- if (self.o.buttonsHidden === true) {
- $(self.o.pwCtrls)
- .hide();
- }
- /* activate all tooltips */
- $(".jarviswidget header [rel=tooltip]")
- .tooltip();
- //******************************************************************//
- //////////////////////////////// AJAX ////////////////////////////////
- //******************************************************************//
- /**
- * Loop all ajax widgets.
- **/
- self.obj.find('[data-widget-load]')
- .each(function () {
- /**
- * Variables.
- **/
- var thisItem = $(this),
- thisItemHeader = thisItem.children(),
- pathToFile = thisItem.data('widget-load'),
- reloadTime = thisItem.data('widget-refresh') * 1000,
- ajaxLoader = thisItem.children();
- if (!thisItem.find('.jarviswidget-ajax-placeholder')
- .length) {
- /**
- * Append a AJAX placeholder.
- **/
- thisItem.children('widget-body')
- .append('<div class="jarviswidget-ajax-placeholder">' + self.o.loadingLabel +
- '</div>');
- /**
- * If widget has a reload time refresh the widget, if the value
- * has been set to 0 dont reload.
- **/
- if (thisItem.data('widget-refresh') > 0) {
- /**
- * Load file on start.
- **/
- self._loadAjaxFile(thisItem, pathToFile, thisItemHeader);
- /**
- * Set an interval to reload the content every XXX seconds.
- **/
- setInterval(function () {
- self._loadAjaxFile(thisItem, pathToFile, thisItemHeader);
- }, reloadTime);
- } else {
- /**
- * Load the content just once.
- **/
- self._loadAjaxFile(thisItem, pathToFile, thisItemHeader);
- }
- }
- });
- //******************************************************************//
- ////////////////////////////// SORTABLE //////////////////////////////
- //******************************************************************//
- /**
- * jQuery UI soratble, this allows users to sort the widgets.
- * Notice that this part needs the jquery-ui core to work.
- **/
- if (self.o.sortable === true && jQuery.ui) {
- var sortItem = self.obj.find('.sortable-grid')
- .not('[data-widget-excludegrid]');
- sortItem.sortable({
- items: sortItem.find('.jarviswidget-sortable'),
- connectWith: sortItem,
- placeholder: self.o.placeholderClass,
- cursor: 'move',
- revert: true,
- opacity: self.o.opacity,
- delay: 200,
- cancel: '.button-icon, #jarviswidget-fullscreen-mode > div',
- zIndex: 10000,
- handle: self.o.dragHandle,
- forcePlaceholderSize: true,
- forceHelperSize: true,
- update: function (event, ui) {
- /* run pre-loader in the widget */
- self._runLoaderWidget(ui.item.children());
- /* store the positions of the plugins */
- self._savePositionWidget();
- /**
- * Run the callback function.
- **/
- if (typeof self.o.onChange == 'function') {
- self.o.onChange.call(this, ui.item);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- //*****************************************************************//
- ////////////////////////// BUTTONS VISIBLE //////////////////////////
- //*****************************************************************//
- /**
- * Show and hide the widget control buttons, the buttons will be
- * visible if the users hover over the widgets header. At default the
- * buttons are always visible.
- **/
- if (self.o.buttonsHidden === true) {
- /**
- * Show and hide the buttons.
- **/
- self.widget.children('header')
- .hover(function () {
- $(this)
- .children(self.o.pwCtrls)
- .stop(true, true)
- .fadeTo(100, 1.0);
- }, function () {
- $(this)
- .children(self.o.pwCtrls)
- .stop(true, true)
- .fadeTo(100, 0.0);
- });
- }
- //*****************************************************************//
- ///////////////////////// CLICKEVENTS //////////////////////////
- //*****************************************************************//
- self._clickEvents();
- //*****************************************************************//
- ///////////////////// DELETE LOCAL STORAGE KEYS /////////////////////
- //*****************************************************************//
- /**
- * Delete the settings key.
- **/
- $(self.o.deleteSettingsKey)
- .on(clickEvent, this, function (e) {
- if (storage && self.o.localStorage) {
- var cleared = confirm(self.o.settingsKeyLabel);
- if (cleared) {
- localStorage.removeItem(keySettings);
- }
- }
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- /**
- * Delete the position key.
- **/
- $(self.o.deletePositionKey)
- .on(clickEvent, this, function (e) {
- if (storage && self.o.localStorage) {
- var cleared = confirm(self.o.positionKeyLabel);
- if (cleared) {
- localStorage.removeItem(keyPosition);
- }
- }
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- //*****************************************************************//
- ///////////////////////// CREATE NEW KEYS //////////////////////////
- //*****************************************************************//
- /**
- * Create new keys if non are present.
- **/
- if (storage && self.o.localStorage) {
- /**
- * If the local storage key (keySettings) is empty or
- * does not excite, create one and fill it.
- **/
- if (getKeySettings === null || getKeySettings.length < 1) {
- self._saveSettingsWidget();
- }
- /**
- * If the local storage key (keyPosition) is empty or
- * does not excite, create one and fill it.
- **/
- if (getKeyPosition === null || getKeyPosition.length < 1) {
- self._savePositionWidget();
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- * All of the click events.
- *
- * @param:
- **/
- _clickEvents: function () {
- var self = this;
- self._settings();
- //*****************************************************************//
- /////////////////////////// TOGGLE WIDGETS //////////////////////////
- //*****************************************************************//
- /**
- * Allow users to toggle the content of the widgets.
- **/
- self.widget.on(clickEvent, '.jarviswidget-toggle-btn', function (e) {
- var tWidget = $(this);
- var pWidget = tWidget.parents(self.o.widgets);
- /**
- * Run function for the indicator image.
- **/
- self._runLoaderWidget(tWidget);
- /**
- * Change the class and hide/show the widgets content.
- **/
- if (pWidget.hasClass('jarviswidget-collapsed')) {
- tWidget.children()
- .removeClass(self.toggleClass[1])
- .addClass(self.toggleClass[0])
- .parents(self.o.widgets)
- .removeClass('jarviswidget-collapsed')
- .children('[role=content]')
- .slideDown(self.o.toggleSpeed, function () {
- self._saveSettingsWidget();
- });
- } else {
- tWidget.children()
- .removeClass(self.toggleClass[0])
- .addClass(self.toggleClass[1])
- .parents(self.o.widgets)
- .addClass('jarviswidget-collapsed')
- .children('[role=content]')
- .slideUp(self.o.toggleSpeed, function () {
- self._saveSettingsWidget();
- });
- }
- /**
- * Run the callback function.
- **/
- if (typeof self.o.onToggle == 'function') {
- self.o.onToggle.call(this, pWidget);
- }
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- //*****************************************************************//
- ///////////////////////// FULLSCREEN WIDGETS ////////////////////////
- //*****************************************************************//
- /**
- * Set fullscreen height function.
- **/
- function heightFullscreen() {
- if ($('#jarviswidget-fullscreen-mode')
- .length) {
- /**
- * Setting height variables.
- **/
- var heightWindow = $(window)
- .height();
- var heightHeader = $('#jarviswidget-fullscreen-mode')
- .find(self.o.widgets)
- .children('header')
- .height();
- /**
- * Setting the height to the right widget.
- **/
- $('#jarviswidget-fullscreen-mode')
- .find(self.o.widgets)
- .children('div')
- .height(heightWindow - heightHeader - 15);
- }
- }
- /**
- * On click go to fullscreen mode.
- **/
- self.widget.on(clickEvent, '.jarviswidget-fullscreen-btn', function (e) {
- var thisWidget = $(this)
- .parents(self.o.widgets);
- var thisWidgetContent = thisWidget.children('div');
- /**
- * Run function for the indicator image.
- **/
- self._runLoaderWidget($(this));
- /**
- * Wrap the widget and go fullsize.
- **/
- if ($('#jarviswidget-fullscreen-mode')
- .length) {
- /**
- * Remove class from the body.
- **/
- $('.nooverflow')
- .removeClass('nooverflow');
- /**
- * Unwrap the widget, remove the height, set the right
- * fulscreen button back, and show all other buttons.
- **/
- thisWidget.unwrap('<div>')
- .children('div')
- .removeAttr('style')
- .end()
- .find('.jarviswidget-fullscreen-btn')
- .children()
- .removeClass(self.fullscreenClass[1])
- .addClass(self.fullscreenClass[0])
- .parents(self.pwCtrls)
- .children('a')
- .show();
- /**
- * Reset collapsed widgets.
- **/
- if (thisWidgetContent.hasClass('jarviswidget-visible')) {
- thisWidgetContent.hide()
- .removeClass('jarviswidget-visible');
- }
- } else {
- /**
- * Prevent the body from scrolling.
- **/
- $('body')
- .addClass('nooverflow');
- /**
- * Wrap, append it to the body, show the right button
- * and hide all other buttons.
- **/
- thisWidget.wrap('<div id="jarviswidget-fullscreen-mode"/>')
- .parent()
- .find('.jarviswidget-fullscreen-btn')
- .children()
- .removeClass(self.fullscreenClass[0])
- .addClass(self.fullscreenClass[1])
- .parents(self.pwCtrls)
- .children('a:not(.jarviswidget-fullscreen-btn)')
- .hide();
- /**
- * Show collapsed widgets.
- **/
- if (thisWidgetContent.is(':hidden')) {
- thisWidgetContent.show()
- .addClass('jarviswidget-visible');
- }
- }
- /**
- * Run the set height function.
- **/
- heightFullscreen();
- /**
- * Run the callback function.
- **/
- if (typeof self.o.onFullscreen == 'function') {
- self.o.onFullscreen.call(this, thisWidget);
- }
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- /**
- * Run the set fullscreen height function when the screen resizes.
- **/
- $(window)
- .resize(function () {
- /**
- * Run the set height function.
- **/
- heightFullscreen();
- });
- //*****************************************************************//
- //////////////////////////// EDIT WIDGETS ///////////////////////////
- //*****************************************************************//
- /**
- * Allow users to show/hide a edit box.
- **/
- self.widget.on(clickEvent, '.jarviswidget-edit-btn', function (e) {
- var tWidget = $(this)
- .parents(self.o.widgets);
- /**
- * Run function for the indicator image.
- **/
- self._runLoaderWidget($(this));
- /**
- * Show/hide the edit box.
- **/
- if (tWidget.find(self.o.editPlaceholder)
- .is(':visible')) {
- $(this)
- .children()
- .removeClass(self.editClass[1])
- .addClass(self.editClass[0])
- .parents(self.o.widgets)
- .find(self.o.editPlaceholder)
- .slideUp(self.o.editSpeed, function () {
- self._saveSettingsWidget();
- });
- } else {
- $(this)
- .children()
- .removeClass(self.editClass[0])
- .addClass(self.editClass[1])
- .parents(self.o.widgets)
- .find(self.o.editPlaceholder)
- .slideDown(self.o.editSpeed);
- }
- /**
- * Run the callback function.
- **/
- if (typeof self.o.onEdit == 'function') {
- self.o.onEdit.call(this, tWidget);
- }
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- /**
- * Update the widgets title by using the edit input.
- **/
- $(self.o.editPlaceholder)
- .find('input')
- .keyup(function () {
- $(this)
- .parents(self.o.widgets)
- .children('header')
- .children('h2')
- .text($(this)
- .val());
- });
- /**
- * Set a custom style.
- **/
- self.widget.on(clickEvent, '[data-widget-setstyle]', function (e) {
- var val = $(this)
- .data('widget-setstyle');
- var styles = '';
- /**
- * Get all other styles, in order to remove it.
- **/
- $(this)
- .parents(self.o.editPlaceholder)
- .find('[data-widget-setstyle]')
- .each(function () {
- styles += $(this)
- .data('widget-setstyle') + ' ';
- });
- /**
- * Set the new style.
- **/
- $(this)
- .parents(self.o.widgets)
- .attr('data-widget-attstyle', '' + val + '')
- .removeClassPrefix('jarviswidget-color-')
- .addClass(val);
- /**
- * Run function for the indicator image.
- **/
- self._runLoaderWidget($(this));
- /**
- * Lets save the setings.
- **/
- self._saveSettingsWidget();
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- //*****************************************************************//
- /////////////////////////// CUSTOM ACTION ///////////////////////////
- //*****************************************************************//
- /**
- * Allow users to show/hide a edit box.
- **/
- self.widget.on(clickEvent, '.jarviswidget-custom-btn', function (e) {
- var w = $(this)
- .parents(self.o.widgets);
- /**
- * Run function for the indicator image.
- **/
- self._runLoaderWidget($(this));
- /**
- * Start and end custom action.
- **/
- if ($(this)
- .children('.' + self.customClass[0])
- .length) {
- $(this)
- .children()
- .removeClass(self.customClass[0])
- .addClass(self.customClass[1]);
- /**
- * Run the callback function.
- …
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