https://github.com/vk2cot/cfg2html · Shell · 274 lines · 251 code · 11 blank · 12 comment · 35 complexity · a0e3122ff8055e1a3119ad3d1ce6758e MD5 · raw file
- #!/usr/bin/ksh
- # @(#) $Id: get_sap.sh,v 2013-09-12 16:13:15 ralph Exp $
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # First Version: Roland Schoettler, HP Ratingen
- # Update: 23/08/99: Klaus Doemer, HP Ratingen
- # 11/10/00: Klaus Doemer / SG-Specials
- # / Saprouter-Config
- # / HP Somersault
- # 06/02/02: Klaus Doemer / Oracle 8.1.X/9.x
- # 19/03/02: Klaus Doemer / SAP Logfilesize Change
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- get_database()
- {
- database=""
- dbname=""
- if [ -d /oracle/$sid ]
- then
- database="oracle"
- dbname="Oracle"
- fi
- if [ -d /informix/$sid ]
- then
- database="informix"
- dbname="Informix"
- fi
- if [ -n "$database" ]
- then
- if [ -d /$database/$sid/sapcheck ]
- then
- filename=`ls -t /$database/$sid/sapcheck | grep -n .chk | grep "^1:" | awk ' BEGIN { FS=":"} {print $2} '`
- if [ -f "/$database/$sid/sapcheck/$filename" ]
- then
- echo "@@@@@@ START OF ${sid}_sapdba-check_($dbname)"
- echo ""
- cat /$database/$sid/sapcheck/$filename | grep -v "^\*\*\*"
- echo ""
- echo "###### END OF ${sid}_sapdba-check_($dbname)"
- echo ""
- fi
- fi
- fi
- }
- get_oracle_config()
- {
- if [ -r /oracle/$sid/saptrace/background/alert_${sid}.log ]
- then
- echo "@@@@@@ START OF ${sid}_OracleVersion"
- echo
- cat /oracle/$sid/saptrace/background/alert_${sid}.log | \
- grep Version | tail -1
- echo
- echo "###### END OF ${sid}_OracleVersion"
- echo
- fi
- transdir=/usr/sap/trans
- for i in $transdir/listener.ora $transdir/tnsnames.ora $transdir/sqlnet.ora \
- /etc/listener.ora /etc/tnsnames.ora /etc/sqlnet.ora
- do
- if [ -r "$i" ]
- then
- echo "@@@@@@ START OF ${i}"
- echo
- cat $i
- echo
- echo "###### END OF ${i}"
- echo
- fi
- done
- for o in /oracle/$sid /oracle/$sid/81?_??
- do
- if [ -d $o ]
- then
- oradir=$o/dbs
- ora1dir=$o/network/admin
- ora2dir=$o/net80/admin
- for i in $ora1dir/listener.ora $ora1dir/tnsnames.ora $ora1dir/sqlnet.ora \
- $ora2dir/listener.ora $ora2dir/tnsnames.ora $ora2dir/sqlnet.ora \
- $oradir/init${sid}.ora $oradir/init${sid}.sap $oradir/init${sid}.dba
- do
- if [ -r "$i" ]
- then
- echo "@@@@@@ START OF ${i}"
- echo
- cat $i
- echo
- echo "###### END OF ${i}"
- echo
- fi
- done
- fi
- done
- }
- get_profiles()
- {
- if [ -d /usr/sap/$sid/SYS/profile ]
- then
- hostname=`hostname`
- profile="`echo /usr/sap/$sid/SYS/profile/START_*_* | grep -v \*`"
- if [ -n "$profile" ]
- then
- for i in $profile
- do
- echo "@@@@@@ START OF $i"
- echo ""
- if [ -r "$i" ]
- then
- cat "$i"
- else
- echo "$i not readable"
- fi
- echo ""
- echo "###### END OF $i"
- echo ""
- done
- fi
- echo "@@@@@@ START OF /usr/sap/$sid/SYS/profile/DEFAULT.PFL"
- echo ""
- if [ -r /usr/sap/$sid/SYS/profile/DEFAULT.PFL ]
- then
- cat /usr/sap/$sid/SYS/profile/DEFAULT.PFL
- else
- echo "no DEFAULT.PFL configured"
- fi
- echo ""
- echo "###### END OF /usr/sap/$sid/SYS/profile/DEFAULT.PFL"
- echo ""
- profile="`echo /usr/sap/$sid/SYS/profile/${sid}_*_* | grep -v \*`"
- if [ -n "$profile" ]
- then
- for i in $profile
- do
- echo "@@@@@@ START OF $i"
- echo ""
- if [ -r "$i" ]
- then
- cat "$i"
- else
- echo "$i not readable"
- fi
- echo ""
- echo "###### END OF $i"
- echo ""
- done
- fi
- fi
- }
- get_tracefiles()
- {
- directories="`echo /usr/sap/$sid/D*/work | grep -v \*`"
- if [ -n "$directories" ]
- then
- for d in $directories
- do
- instance=`echo $d | awk -F/ '{ print $5 }'`
- cd "$d"
- files=`echo dev_w* dev_disp dev_ms`
- if [ -n "$files" ]
- then
- for i in $files
- do
- echo "@@@@@@ START OF ${sid}_${instance}_${i} first 40/last 40 lines"
- echo ""
- if [ -r "$i" ]
- then
- if [ `wc -l $i | awk ' { print $1} ' ` -lt 80 ]
- then
- cat $i
- else
- head -40 "$i"
- echo "............."
- tail -40 "$i"
- fi
- else
- echo "$i not readable"
- fi
- echo ""
- echo "###### END OF ${sid}_${instance}_${i}"
- echo ""
- done
- fi
- done
- fi
- }
- get_dispwork_version()
- {
- if [ -x /usr/sap/$sid/SYS/exe/run/disp+work ]
- then
- echo "@@@@@@ START OF ${sid}_what_disp+work"
- echo
- what /usr/sap/$sid/SYS/exe/run/disp+work
- echo
- echo "###### END OF ${sid}_what_disp+work"
- echo
- fi
- }
- get_transportconfig()
- {
- if [ -r /usr/sap/trans/bin/TPPARAM ]
- then
- echo "@@@@@@ START OF TPPARAM"
- echo
- cat /usr/sap/trans/bin/TPPARAM
- echo
- echo "###### END OF TPPARAM"
- echo
- fi
- }
- get_saproutconfig()
- {
- if [ -r /usr/sap/saprouter/saprouttab ]
- then
- echo "@@@@@@ START OF SAPROUTTAB"
- echo
- cat /usr/sap/saprouter/saprouttab
- echo
- echo "###### END OF SAPROUTTAB"
- echo
- fi
- }
- get_ss_config()
- {
- ssdir=/var/opt/hpsom/$sid
- if [ -d ${ssdir} ]
- then
- for i in /home/${sid}adm/.SS_machines $ssdir/settings_custom \
- $ssdir/enq_config $ssdir/${sid}_*_hpsom_srv \
- $ssdir/SS_comp_file $ssdir/Status/*_status_* \
- $ssdir/Trace/ENQ* $ssdir/Trace/*hpsom*_trc_*
- do
- if [ -r "$i" ]
- then
- echo "@@@@@@ START OF ${i}"
- echo
- cat $i
- echo
- echo "###### END OF ${i}"
- echo
- fi
- done
- fi
- }
- ################ MAIN #############
- if [ -d /usr/sap ]
- then
- cd /usr/sap
- sids=`ls | grep -v "put|tmp|trans|archive|ccms"`
- for sid in $sids
- do
- get_database;
- if [ "$database" = "oracle" ]
- then
- get_oracle_config;
- fi
- get_profiles;
- get_tracefiles;
- get_dispwork_version;
- get_ss_config;
- done
- get_transportconfig;
- get_saproutconfig;
- else
- echo "No SAP-System installed or detected"
- fi