Python | 448 lines | 214 code | 65 blank | 169 comment | 25 complexity | 1514ee96d19c1862e87ec31e28c637a7 MD5 | raw file
- '''
- function result = johansen(x,p,k)
- % PURPOSE: perform Johansen cointegration tests
- % -------------------------------------------------------
- % USAGE: result = johansen(x,p,k)
- % where: x = input matrix of time-series in levels, (nobs x m)
- % p = order of time polynomial in the null-hypothesis
- % p = -1, no deterministic part
- % p = 0, for constant term
- % p = 1, for constant plus time-trend
- % p > 1, for higher order polynomial
- % k = number of lagged difference terms used when
- % computing the estimator
- % -------------------------------------------------------
- % RETURNS: a results structure:
- % result.eig = eigenvalues (m x 1)
- % result.evec = eigenvectors (m x m), where first
- % r columns are normalized coint vectors
- % result.lr1 = likelihood ratio trace statistic for r=0 to m-1
- % (m x 1) vector
- % result.lr2 = maximum eigenvalue statistic for r=0 to m-1
- % (m x 1) vector
- % result.cvt = critical values for trace statistic
- % (m x 3) vector [90% 95% 99%]
- % result.cvm = critical values for max eigen value statistic
- % (m x 3) vector [90% 95% 99%]
- % result.ind = index of co-integrating variables ordered by
- % size of the eigenvalues from large to small
- % -------------------------------------------------------
- % NOTE: c_sja(), c_sjt() provide critical values generated using
- % a method of MacKinnon (1994, 1996).
- % critical values are available for n<=12 and -1 <= p <= 1,
- % zeros are returned for other cases.
- % -------------------------------------------------------
- % SEE ALSO: prt_coint, a function that prints results
- % -------------------------------------------------------
- % References: Johansen (1988), 'Statistical Analysis of Co-integration
- % vectors', Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 12, pp. 231-254.
- % MacKinnon, Haug, Michelis (1996) 'Numerical distribution
- % functions of likelihood ratio tests for cointegration',
- % Queen's University Institute for Economic Research Discussion paper.
- % (see also: MacKinnon's JBES 1994 article
- % -------------------------------------------------------
- % written by:
- % James P. LeSage, Dept of Economics
- % University of Toledo
- % 2801 W. Bancroft St,
- % Toledo, OH 43606
- % jlesage@spatial-econometrics.com
- % ****************************************************************
- % NOTE: Adina Enache provided some bug fixes and corrections that
- % she notes below in comments. 4/10/2000
- % ****************************************************************
- '''
- import numpy as np
- from numpy import zeros, ones, flipud, log
- from numpy.linalg import inv, eig, cholesky as chol
- from statsmodels.regression.linear_model import OLS
- tdiff = np.diff
- class Holder(object):
- pass
- def rows(x):
- return x.shape[0]
- def trimr(x, front, end):
- if end > 0:
- return x[front:-end]
- else:
- return x[front:]
- import statsmodels.tsa.tsatools as tsat
- mlag = tsat.lagmat
- def mlag_(x, maxlag):
- '''return all lags up to maxlag
- '''
- return x[:-lag]
- def lag(x, lag):
- return x[:-lag]
- def detrend(y, order):
- if order == -1:
- return y
- return OLS(y, np.vander(np.linspace(-1, 1, len(y)), order + 1)).fit().resid
- def resid(y, x):
- r = y - np.dot(x, np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(x), y))
- return r
- def coint_johansen(x, p, k, print_on_console=True):
- # % error checking on inputs
- # if (nargin ~= 3)
- # error('Wrong # of inputs to johansen')
- # end
- nobs, m = x.shape
- # why this? f is detrend transformed series, p is detrend data
- if (p > -1):
- f = 0
- else:
- f = p
- x = detrend(x, p)
- dx = tdiff(x, 1, axis=0)
- # dx = trimr(dx,1,0)
- z = mlag(dx, k) # [k-1:]
- # print z.shape
- z = trimr(z, k, 0)
- z = detrend(z, f)
- # print dx.shape
- dx = trimr(dx, k, 0)
- dx = detrend(dx, f)
- # r0t = dx - z*(z\dx)
- r0t = resid(dx, z) # diff on lagged diffs
- # lx = trimr(lag(x,k),k,0)
- lx = lag(x, k)
- lx = trimr(lx, 1, 0)
- dx = detrend(lx, f)
- # print 'rkt', dx.shape, z.shape
- # rkt = dx - z*(z\dx)
- rkt = resid(dx, z) # level on lagged diffs
- skk = np.dot(rkt.T, rkt) / rows(rkt)
- sk0 = np.dot(rkt.T, r0t) / rows(rkt)
- s00 = np.dot(r0t.T, r0t) / rows(r0t)
- sig = np.dot(sk0, np.dot(inv(s00), (sk0.T)))
- tmp = inv(skk)
- # du, au = eig(np.dot(tmp, sig))
- au, du = eig(np.dot(tmp, sig)) # au is eval, du is evec
- # orig = np.dot(tmp, sig)
- # % Normalize the eigen vectors such that (du'skk*du) = I
- temp = inv(chol(np.dot(du.T, np.dot(skk, du))))
- dt = np.dot(du, temp)
- # JP: the next part can be done much easier
- # % NOTE: At this point, the eigenvectors are aligned by column. To
- # % physically move the column elements using the MATLAB sort,
- # % take the transpose to put the eigenvectors across the row
- # dt = transpose(dt)
- # % sort eigenvalues and vectors
- # au, auind = np.sort(diag(au))
- auind = np.argsort(au)
- # a = flipud(au)
- aind = flipud(auind)
- a = au[aind]
- # d = dt[aind,:]
- d = dt[:, aind]
- # %NOTE: The eigenvectors have been sorted by row based on auind and moved to array "d".
- # % Put the eigenvectors back in column format after the sort by taking the
- # % transpose of "d". Since the eigenvectors have been physically moved, there is
- # % no need for aind at all. To preserve existing programming, aind is reset back to
- # % 1, 2, 3, ....
- # d = transpose(d)
- # test = np.dot(transpose(d), np.dot(skk, d))
- # %EXPLANATION: The MATLAB sort function sorts from low to high. The flip realigns
- # %auind to go from the largest to the smallest eigenvalue (now aind). The original procedure
- # %physically moved the rows of dt (to d) based on the alignment in aind and then used
- # %aind as a column index to address the eigenvectors from high to low. This is a double
- # %sort. If you wanted to extract the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue by,
- # %using aind as a reference, you would get the correct eigenvector, but with sorted
- # %coefficients and, therefore, any follow-on calculation would seem to be in error.
- # %If alternative programming methods are used to evaluate the eigenvalues, e.g. Frame method
- # %followed by a root extraction on the characteristic equation, then the roots can be
- # %quickly sorted. One by one, the corresponding eigenvectors can be generated. The resultant
- # %array can be operated on using the Cholesky transformation, which enables a unit
- # %diagonalization of skk. But nowhere along the way are the coefficients within the
- # %eigenvector array ever changed. The final value of the "beta" array using either method
- # %should be the same.
- # % Compute the trace and max eigenvalue statistics */
- lr1 = zeros(m)
- lr2 = zeros(m)
- cvm = zeros((m, 3))
- cvt = zeros((m, 3))
- iota = ones(m)
- t, junk = rkt.shape
- for i in range(0, m):
- tmp = trimr(log(iota - a), i , 0)
- lr1[i] = -t * np.sum(tmp, 0) # columnsum ?
- # tmp = np.log(1-a)
- # lr1[i] = -t * np.sum(tmp[i:])
- lr2[i] = -t * log(1 - a[i])
- cvm[i, :] = c_sja(m - i, p)
- cvt[i, :] = c_sjt(m - i, p)
- aind[i] = i
- # end
- result = Holder()
- # % set up results structure
- # estimation results, residuals
- result.rkt = rkt
- result.r0t = r0t
- result.eig = a
- result.evec = d # transposed compared to matlab ?
- result.lr1 = lr1
- result.lr2 = lr2
- result.cvt = cvt
- result.cvm = cvm
- result.ind = aind
- result.meth = 'johansen'
- if print_on_console == True:
- print ('--------------------------------------------------')
- print ('--> Trace Statistics')
- print ('variable statistic Crit-90% Crit-95% Crit-99%')
- for i in range(len(result.lr1)):
- print ('r =', i, '\t', round(result.lr1[i], 4), result.cvt[i, 0], result.cvt[i, 1], result.cvt[i, 2])
- print ('--------------------------------------------------')
- print ('--> Eigen Statistics')
- print ('variable statistic Crit-90% Crit-95% Crit-99%')
- for i in range(len(result.lr2)):
- print ('r =', i, '\t', round(result.lr2[i], 4), result.cvm[i, 0], result.cvm[i, 1], result.cvm[i, 2])
- print ('--------------------------------------------------')
- print ('eigenvectors:\n', result.evec)
- print ('--------------------------------------------------')
- print ('eigenvalues:\n', result.eig)
- print ('--------------------------------------------------')
- return result
- def c_sjt(n, p):
- # PURPOSE: find critical values for Johansen trace statistic
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # USAGE: jc = c_sjt(n,p)
- # where: n = dimension of the VAR system
- # NOTE: routine doesn't work for n > 12
- # p = order of time polynomial in the null-hypothesis
- # p = -1, no deterministic part
- # p = 0, for constant term
- # p = 1, for constant plus time-trend
- # p > 1 returns no critical values
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # RETURNS: a (3x1) vector of percentiles for the trace
- # statistic for [90# 95# 99#]
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # NOTES: for n > 12, the function returns a (3x1) vector of zeros.
- # The values returned by the function were generated using
- # a method described in MacKinnon (1996), using his FORTRAN
- # program johdist.f
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # SEE ALSO: johansen()
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # # References: MacKinnon, Haug, Michelis (1996) 'Numerical distribution
- # functions of likelihood ratio tests for cointegration',
- # Queen's University Institute for Economic Research Discussion paper.
- # -------------------------------------------------------
- # written by:
- # James P. LeSage, Dept of Economics
- # University of Toledo
- # 2801 W. Bancroft St,
- # Toledo, OH 43606
- # jlesage@spatial-econometrics.com
- #
- # Ported to Python by Javier Garcia
- # javier.macro.trader@gmail.com
- # these are the values from Johansen's 1995 book
- # for comparison to the MacKinnon values
- # jcp0 = [ 2.98 4.14 7.02
- # 10.35 12.21 16.16
- # 21.58 24.08 29.19
- # 36.58 39.71 46.00
- # 55.54 59.24 66.71
- # 78.30 86.36 91.12
- # 104.93 109.93 119.58
- # 135.16 140.74 151.70
- # 169.30 175.47 187.82
- # 207.21 214.07 226.95
- # 248.77 256.23 270.47
- # 293.83 301.95 318.14];
- jcp0 = ((2.9762, 4.1296, 6.9406),
- (10.4741, 12.3212, 16.3640),
- (21.7781, 24.2761, 29.5147),
- (37.0339, 40.1749, 46.5716),
- (56.2839, 60.0627, 67.6367),
- (79.5329, 83.9383, 92.7136),
- (106.7351, 111.7797, 121.7375),
- (137.9954, 143.6691, 154.7977),
- (173.2292, 179.5199, 191.8122),
- (212.4721, 219.4051, 232.8291),
- (255.6732, 263.2603, 277.9962),
- (302.9054, 311.1288, 326.9716))
- jcp1 = ((2.7055, 3.8415, 6.6349),
- (13.4294, 15.4943, 19.9349),
- (27.0669, 29.7961, 35.4628),
- (44.4929, 47.8545, 54.6815),
- (65.8202, 69.8189, 77.8202),
- (91.1090, 95.7542, 104.9637),
- (120.3673, 125.6185, 135.9825),
- (153.6341, 159.5290, 171.0905),
- (190.8714, 197.3772, 210.0366),
- (232.1030, 239.2468, 253.2526),
- (277.3740, 285.1402, 300.2821),
- (326.5354, 334.9795, 351.2150))
- jcp2 = ((2.7055, 3.8415, 6.6349),
- (16.1619, 18.3985, 23.1485),
- (32.0645, 35.0116, 41.0815),
- (51.6492, 55.2459, 62.5202),
- (75.1027, 79.3422, 87.7748),
- (102.4674, 107.3429, 116.9829),
- (133.7852, 139.2780, 150.0778),
- (169.0618, 175.1584, 187.1891),
- (208.3582, 215.1268, 228.2226),
- (251.6293, 259.0267, 273.3838),
- (298.8836, 306.8988, 322.4264),
- (350.1125, 358.7190, 375.3203))
- if (p > 1) or (p < -1):
- jc = (0, 0, 0)
- elif (n > 12) or (n < 1):
- jc = (0, 0, 0)
- elif p == -1:
- jc = jcp0[n - 1]
- elif p == 0:
- jc = jcp1[n - 1]
- elif p == 1:
- jc = jcp2[n - 1]
- return jc
- def c_sja(n, p):
- # PURPOSE: find critical values for Johansen maximum eigenvalue statistic
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # USAGE: jc = c_sja(n,p)
- # where: n = dimension of the VAR system
- # p = order of time polynomial in the null-hypothesis
- # p = -1, no deterministic part
- # p = 0, for constant term
- # p = 1, for constant plus time-trend
- # p > 1 returns no critical values
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # RETURNS: a (3x1) vector of percentiles for the maximum eigenvalue
- # statistic for: [90# 95# 99#]
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # NOTES: for n > 12, the function returns a (3x1) vector of zeros.
- # The values returned by the function were generated using
- # a method described in MacKinnon (1996), using his FORTRAN
- # program johdist.f
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # SEE ALSO: johansen()
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # References: MacKinnon, Haug, Michelis (1996) 'Numerical distribution
- # functions of likelihood ratio tests for cointegration',
- # Queen's University Institute for Economic Research Discussion paper.
- # -------------------------------------------------------
- # written by:
- # James P. LeSage, Dept of Economics
- # University of Toledo
- # 2801 W. Bancroft St,
- # Toledo, OH 43606
- # jlesage@spatial-econometrics.com
- # Ported to Python by Javier Garcia
- # javier.macro.trader@gmail.com
- jcp0 = ((2.9762, 4.1296, 6.9406),
- (9.4748, 11.2246, 15.0923),
- (15.7175, 17.7961, 22.2519),
- (21.8370, 24.1592, 29.0609),
- (27.9160, 30.4428, 35.7359),
- (33.9271, 36.6301, 42.2333),
- (39.9085, 42.7679, 48.6606),
- (45.8930, 48.8795, 55.0335),
- (51.8528, 54.9629, 61.3449),
- (57.7954, 61.0404, 67.6415),
- (63.7248, 67.0756, 73.8856),
- (69.6513, 73.0946, 80.0937))
- jcp1 = ((2.7055, 3.8415, 6.6349),
- (12.2971, 14.2639, 18.5200),
- (18.8928, 21.1314, 25.8650),
- (25.1236, 27.5858, 32.7172),
- (31.2379, 33.8777, 39.3693),
- (37.2786, 40.0763, 45.8662),
- (43.2947, 46.2299, 52.3069),
- (49.2855, 52.3622, 58.6634),
- (55.2412, 58.4332, 64.9960),
- (61.2041, 64.5040, 71.2525),
- (67.1307, 70.5392, 77.4877),
- (73.0563, 76.5734, 83.7105))
- jcp2 = ((2.7055, 3.8415, 6.6349),
- (15.0006, 17.1481, 21.7465),
- (21.8731, 24.2522, 29.2631),
- (28.2398, 30.8151, 36.1930),
- (34.4202, 37.1646, 42.8612),
- (40.5244, 43.4183, 49.4095),
- (46.5583, 49.5875, 55.8171),
- (52.5858, 55.7302, 62.1741),
- (58.5316, 61.8051, 68.5030),
- (64.5292, 67.9040, 74.7434),
- (70.4630, 73.9355, 81.0678),
- (76.4081, 79.9878, 87.2395))
- if (p > 1) or (p < -1):
- jc = (0, 0, 0)
- elif (n > 12) or (n < 1):
- jc = (0, 0, 0)
- elif p == -1:
- jc = jcp0[n - 1]
- elif p == 0:
- jc = jcp1[n - 1]
- elif p == 1:
- jc = jcp2[n - 1]
- return jc