https://github.com/songlu/caffe · C++ · 349 lines · 256 code · 57 blank · 36 comment · 26 complexity · af08d9faefb91cc75db27f5c855aed1b MD5 · raw file
- // Copyright 2014 BVLC and contributors.
- // pycaffe provides a wrapper of the caffe::Net class as well as some
- // caffe::Caffe functions so that one could easily call it from Python.
- // Note that for Python, we will simply use float as the data type.
- #include "boost/python.hpp"
- #include "boost/python/suite/indexing/vector_indexing_suite.hpp"
- #include "numpy/arrayobject.h"
- // these need to be included after boost on OS X
- #include <string> // NOLINT(build/include_order)
- #include <vector> // NOLINT(build/include_order)
- #include <fstream> // NOLINT
- #include "caffe/caffe.hpp"
- // Temporary solution for numpy < 1.7 versions: old macro, no promises.
- // You're strongly advised to upgrade to >= 1.7.
- #define PyArray_SetBaseObject(arr, x) (PyArray_BASE(arr) = (x))
- #endif
- using namespace caffe; // NOLINT(build/namespaces)
- using boost::python::extract;
- using boost::python::len;
- using boost::python::list;
- using boost::python::object;
- using boost::python::handle;
- using boost::python::vector_indexing_suite;
- // for convenience, check that input files can be opened, and raise an
- // exception that boost will send to Python if not (caffe could still crash
- // later if the input files are disturbed before they are actually used, but
- // this saves frustration in most cases)
- static void CheckFile(const string& filename) {
- std::ifstream f(filename.c_str());
- if (!f.good()) {
- f.close();
- throw std::runtime_error("Could not open file " + filename);
- }
- f.close();
- }
- // wrap shared_ptr<Blob<float> > in a class that we construct in C++ and pass
- // to Python
- class CaffeBlob {
- public:
- CaffeBlob(const shared_ptr<Blob<float> > &blob, const string& name)
- : blob_(blob), name_(name) {}
- string name() const { return name_; }
- int num() const { return blob_->num(); }
- int channels() const { return blob_->channels(); }
- int height() const { return blob_->height(); }
- int width() const { return blob_->width(); }
- int count() const { return blob_->count(); }
- // this is here only to satisfy boost's vector_indexing_suite
- bool operator == (const CaffeBlob &other) {
- return this->blob_ == other.blob_;
- }
- protected:
- shared_ptr<Blob<float> > blob_;
- string name_;
- };
- // We need another wrapper (used as boost::python's HeldType) that receives a
- // self PyObject * which we can use as ndarray.base, so that data/diff memory
- // is not freed while still being used in Python.
- class CaffeBlobWrap : public CaffeBlob {
- public:
- CaffeBlobWrap(PyObject *p, const CaffeBlob &blob)
- : CaffeBlob(blob), self_(p) {}
- object get_data() {
- npy_intp dims[] = {num(), channels(), height(), width()};
- PyObject *obj = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(4, dims, NPY_FLOAT32,
- blob_->mutable_cpu_data());
- PyArray_SetBaseObject(reinterpret_cast<PyArrayObject *>(obj), self_);
- Py_INCREF(self_);
- handle<> h(obj);
- return object(h);
- }
- object get_diff() {
- npy_intp dims[] = {num(), channels(), height(), width()};
- PyObject *obj = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(4, dims, NPY_FLOAT32,
- blob_->mutable_cpu_diff());
- PyArray_SetBaseObject(reinterpret_cast<PyArrayObject *>(obj), self_);
- Py_INCREF(self_);
- handle<> h(obj);
- return object(h);
- }
- private:
- PyObject *self_;
- };
- class CaffeLayer {
- public:
- CaffeLayer(const shared_ptr<Layer<float> > &layer, const string &name)
- : layer_(layer), name_(name) {}
- string name() const { return name_; }
- vector<CaffeBlob> blobs() {
- vector<CaffeBlob> result;
- for (int i = 0; i < layer_->blobs().size(); ++i) {
- result.push_back(CaffeBlob(layer_->blobs()[i], name_));
- }
- return result;
- }
- // this is here only to satisfy boost's vector_indexing_suite
- bool operator == (const CaffeLayer &other) {
- return this->layer_ == other.layer_;
- }
- protected:
- shared_ptr<Layer<float> > layer_;
- string name_;
- };
- // A simple wrapper over CaffeNet that runs the forward process.
- struct CaffeNet {
- // For cases where parameters will be determined later by the Python user,
- // create a Net with unallocated parameters (which will not be zero-filled
- // when accessed).
- explicit CaffeNet(string param_file) {
- Init(param_file);
- }
- CaffeNet(string param_file, string pretrained_param_file) {
- Init(param_file);
- CheckFile(pretrained_param_file);
- net_->CopyTrainedLayersFrom(pretrained_param_file);
- }
- explicit CaffeNet(shared_ptr<Net<float> > net)
- : net_(net) {}
- void Init(string param_file) {
- CheckFile(param_file);
- net_.reset(new Net<float>(param_file));
- }
- virtual ~CaffeNet() {}
- // Generate Python exceptions for badly shaped or discontiguous arrays.
- inline void check_contiguous_array(PyArrayObject* arr, string name,
- int channels, int height, int width) {
- if (!(PyArray_FLAGS(arr) & NPY_ARRAY_C_CONTIGUOUS)) {
- throw std::runtime_error(name + " must be C contiguous");
- }
- if (PyArray_NDIM(arr) != 4) {
- throw std::runtime_error(name + " must be 4-d");
- }
- if (PyArray_TYPE(arr) != NPY_FLOAT32) {
- throw std::runtime_error(name + " must be float32");
- }
- if (PyArray_DIMS(arr)[1] != channels) {
- throw std::runtime_error(name + " has wrong number of channels");
- }
- if (PyArray_DIMS(arr)[2] != height) {
- throw std::runtime_error(name + " has wrong height");
- }
- if (PyArray_DIMS(arr)[3] != width) {
- throw std::runtime_error(name + " has wrong width");
- }
- }
- void Forward() {
- net_->ForwardPrefilled();
- }
- void Backward() {
- net_->Backward();
- }
- void set_input_arrays(object data_obj, object labels_obj) {
- // check that this network has an input MemoryDataLayer
- shared_ptr<MemoryDataLayer<float> > md_layer =
- boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MemoryDataLayer<float> >(net_->layers()[0]);
- if (!md_layer) {
- throw std::runtime_error("set_input_arrays may only be called if the"
- " first layer is a MemoryDataLayer");
- }
- // check that we were passed appropriately-sized contiguous memory
- PyArrayObject* data_arr =
- reinterpret_cast<PyArrayObject*>(data_obj.ptr());
- PyArrayObject* labels_arr =
- reinterpret_cast<PyArrayObject*>(labels_obj.ptr());
- check_contiguous_array(data_arr, "data array", md_layer->datum_channels(),
- md_layer->datum_height(), md_layer->datum_width());
- check_contiguous_array(labels_arr, "labels array", 1, 1, 1);
- if (PyArray_DIMS(data_arr)[0] != PyArray_DIMS(labels_arr)[0]) {
- throw std::runtime_error("data and labels must have the same first"
- " dimension");
- }
- if (PyArray_DIMS(data_arr)[0] % md_layer->batch_size() != 0) {
- throw std::runtime_error("first dimensions of input arrays must be a"
- " multiple of batch size");
- }
- // hold references
- input_data_ = data_obj;
- input_labels_ = labels_obj;
- md_layer->Reset(static_cast<float*>(PyArray_DATA(data_arr)),
- static_cast<float*>(PyArray_DATA(labels_arr)),
- PyArray_DIMS(data_arr)[0]);
- }
- // The caffe::Caffe utility functions.
- void set_mode_cpu() { Caffe::set_mode(Caffe::CPU); }
- void set_mode_gpu() { Caffe::set_mode(Caffe::GPU); }
- void set_phase_train() { Caffe::set_phase(Caffe::TRAIN); }
- void set_phase_test() { Caffe::set_phase(Caffe::TEST); }
- void set_device(int device_id) { Caffe::SetDevice(device_id); }
- vector<CaffeBlob> blobs() {
- vector<CaffeBlob> result;
- for (int i = 0; i < net_->blobs().size(); ++i) {
- result.push_back(CaffeBlob(net_->blobs()[i], net_->blob_names()[i]));
- }
- return result;
- }
- vector<CaffeLayer> layers() {
- vector<CaffeLayer> result;
- for (int i = 0; i < net_->layers().size(); ++i) {
- result.push_back(CaffeLayer(net_->layers()[i], net_->layer_names()[i]));
- }
- return result;
- }
- list inputs() {
- list input_blob_names;
- for (int i = 0; i < net_->input_blob_indices().size(); ++i) {
- input_blob_names.append(
- net_->blob_names()[net_->input_blob_indices()[i]]);
- }
- return input_blob_names;
- }
- list outputs() {
- list output_blob_names;
- for (int i = 0; i < net_->output_blob_indices().size(); ++i) {
- output_blob_names.append(
- net_->blob_names()[net_->output_blob_indices()[i]]);
- }
- return output_blob_names;
- }
- // The pointer to the internal caffe::Net instant.
- shared_ptr<Net<float> > net_;
- // if taking input from an ndarray, we need to hold references
- object input_data_;
- object input_labels_;
- };
- class CaffeSGDSolver {
- public:
- explicit CaffeSGDSolver(const string& param_file) {
- // as in CaffeNet, (as a convenience, not a guarantee), create a Python
- // exception if param_file can't be opened
- CheckFile(param_file);
- solver_.reset(new SGDSolver<float>(param_file));
- // we need to explicitly store the net wrapper, rather than constructing
- // it on the fly, so that it can hold references to Python objects
- net_.reset(new CaffeNet(solver_->net()));
- }
- shared_ptr<CaffeNet> net() { return net_; }
- void Solve() { return solver_->Solve(); }
- void SolveResume(const string& resume_file) {
- CheckFile(resume_file);
- return solver_->Solve(resume_file);
- }
- protected:
- shared_ptr<CaffeNet> net_;
- shared_ptr<SGDSolver<float> > solver_;
- };
- // The boost_python module definition.
- // below, we prepend an underscore to methods that will be replaced
- // in Python
- boost::python::class_<CaffeNet, shared_ptr<CaffeNet> >(
- "Net", boost::python::init<string, string>())
- .def(boost::python::init<string>())
- .def("_forward", &CaffeNet::Forward)
- .def("_backward", &CaffeNet::Backward)
- .def("set_mode_cpu", &CaffeNet::set_mode_cpu)
- .def("set_mode_gpu", &CaffeNet::set_mode_gpu)
- .def("set_phase_train", &CaffeNet::set_phase_train)
- .def("set_phase_test", &CaffeNet::set_phase_test)
- .def("set_device", &CaffeNet::set_device)
- .add_property("_blobs", &CaffeNet::blobs)
- .add_property("layers", &CaffeNet::layers)
- .add_property("inputs", &CaffeNet::inputs)
- .add_property("outputs", &CaffeNet::outputs)
- .def("_set_input_arrays", &CaffeNet::set_input_arrays);
- boost::python::class_<CaffeBlob, CaffeBlobWrap>(
- "Blob", boost::python::no_init)
- .add_property("name", &CaffeBlob::name)
- .add_property("num", &CaffeBlob::num)
- .add_property("channels", &CaffeBlob::channels)
- .add_property("height", &CaffeBlob::height)
- .add_property("width", &CaffeBlob::width)
- .add_property("count", &CaffeBlob::count)
- .add_property("data", &CaffeBlobWrap::get_data)
- .add_property("diff", &CaffeBlobWrap::get_diff);
- boost::python::class_<CaffeLayer>(
- "Layer", boost::python::no_init)
- .add_property("name", &CaffeLayer::name)
- .add_property("blobs", &CaffeLayer::blobs);
- boost::python::class_<CaffeSGDSolver, boost::noncopyable>(
- "SGDSolver", boost::python::init<string>())
- .add_property("net", &CaffeSGDSolver::net)
- .def("solve", &CaffeSGDSolver::Solve)
- .def("solve", &CaffeSGDSolver::SolveResume);
- boost::python::class_<vector<CaffeBlob> >("BlobVec")
- .def(vector_indexing_suite<vector<CaffeBlob>, true>());
- boost::python::class_<vector<CaffeLayer> >("LayerVec")
- .def(vector_indexing_suite<vector<CaffeLayer>, true>());
- import_array();
- }