Java | 1672 lines | 1049 code | 122 blank | 501 comment | 159 complexity | b5d2adb6047e536f733a27112631560e MD5 | raw file
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- package com.wellsoft.pt.basicdata.printtemplate.service.impl;
- import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
- import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.FileInputStream;
- import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.io.InputStream;
- import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
- import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.Arrays;
- import java.util.Calendar;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import java.util.Date;
- import java.util.HashMap;
- import java.util.Iterator;
- import java.util.List;
- import java.util.Map;
- import java.util.regex.Matcher;
- import java.util.regex.Pattern;
- import javax.persistence.Table;
- import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
- import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils;
- import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
- import org.apache.poi.hwpf.HWPFDocument;
- import org.apache.poi.hwpf.model.FieldsDocumentPart;
- import org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Field;
- import org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Fields;
- import org.apache.poi.hwpf.usermodel.Range;
- import org.springframework.beans.BeanWrapperImpl;
- import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
- import org.springframework.security.acls.domain.BasePermission;
- import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
- import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional;
- import com.jacob.activeX.ActiveXComponent;
- import com.jacob.com.ComThread;
- import com.jacob.com.Dispatch;
- import com.jacob.com.Variant;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.basicdata.printtemplate.bean.PrintTemplateBean;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.basicdata.printtemplate.dao.PrintRecordDao;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.basicdata.printtemplate.dao.PrintTemplateDao;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.basicdata.printtemplate.entity.PrintRecord;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.basicdata.printtemplate.entity.PrintTemplate;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.basicdata.printtemplate.service.PrintTemplateService;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.common.component.jqgrid.JqGridQueryData;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.common.component.jqgrid.JqGridQueryInfo;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.common.enums.IdPrefix;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.common.enums.Separator;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.common.utils.DateUtil;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.core.dao.Page;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.core.entity.IdEntity;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.core.resource.Config;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.core.template.TemplateEngine;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.core.template.TemplateEngineFactory;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.org.entity.Department;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.org.entity.User;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.org.facade.OrgApiFacade;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.repository.entity.mongo.file.MongoFileEntity;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.repository.service.MongoFileService;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.security.acl.entity.AclSid;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.security.acl.service.AclService;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.security.core.userdetails.UserDetails;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.utils.bean.BeanUtils;
- import com.wellsoft.pt.utils.security.SpringSecurityUtils;
- import freemarker.template.Configuration;
- /**
- *
- * Description: 打印模板实现类
- *
- * @author zhouyq
- * @date 2013-3-21
- * @version 1.0
- *
- * <pre>
- * 修改记录:
- * 修改后版本 修改人 修改日期 修改内容
- * 2013-3-21.1 zhouyq 2013-3-21 Create
- * </pre>
- *
- */
- @Service
- @Transactional
- public class PrintTemplateServiceImpl implements PrintTemplateService {
- @Autowired
- private PrintTemplateDao printTemplateDao;
- @Autowired
- private PrintRecordDao printRecordDao;
- @Autowired
- private AclService aclService;
- @Autowired
- private OrgApiFacade orgApiFacade;
- @Autowired
- private MongoFileService mongoFileService;
- private Configuration configuration = null;
- private Dispatch wordObject;
- /**
- * 通过uuid查找打印模板
- * @see com.wellsoft.pt.message.service.PrintTemplateService#getById(java.lang.String)
- */
- @Override
- public PrintTemplate getByUuid(String uuid) {
- return printTemplateDao.get(uuid);
- }
- /**
- * 根据uuid查找对应的打印模板bean
- * @see com.wellsoft.pt.message.service.PrintTemplateService#getBeanById(java.lang.String)
- */
- @Override
- public PrintTemplateBean getBeanByUuid(String uuid) {
- PrintTemplate printTemplate = this.printTemplateDao.get(uuid);
- PrintTemplateBean bean = new PrintTemplateBean();
- BeanUtils.copyProperties(printTemplate, bean);
- //设置打印模板使用人
- List<AclSid> aclSids = aclService.getSid(printTemplate);
- List<String> sids = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (AclSid sid : aclSids) {
- if (ACL_SID.equals(sid.getSid())) {
- continue;
- }
- sids.add(sid.getSid());
- }
- StringBuilder ownerIds = new StringBuilder();
- StringBuilder ownerNames = new StringBuilder();
- Iterator<String> it = sids.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- String sid = it.next();
- if (sid.startsWith(IdPrefix.USER.getValue())) {
- User user = orgApiFacade.getUserById(sid);
- ownerIds.append(user.getId());
- ownerNames.append(user.getUserName());
- } else if (sid.startsWith(IdPrefix.ROLE.getValue())) {
- sid = sid.substring(IdPrefix.ROLE.getName().length() + 1);
- Department department = orgApiFacade.getDepartmentById(sid);
- ownerIds.append(department.getId());
- ownerNames.append(department.getName());
- }
- if (it.hasNext()) {
- ownerIds.append(Separator.SEMICOLON.getValue());
- ownerNames.append(Separator.SEMICOLON.getValue());
- }
- }
- bean.setOwnerIds(ownerIds.toString());
- bean.setOwnerNames(ownerNames.toString());
- return bean;
- }
- /**
- * 保存打印模板bean
- * @throws IOException
- * @see com.wellsoft.pt.message.service.PrintTemplateService#saveBean(com.wellsoft.pt.message.bean.PrintTemplateBean)
- */
- @Override
- public PrintTemplate saveBean(PrintTemplateBean bean) throws IOException {
- PrintTemplate printTemplate = new PrintTemplate();
- // 保存新printTemplate 设置id值
- if (StringUtils.isBlank(bean.getUuid())) {
- bean.setUuid(null);
- } else {
- printTemplate = this.printTemplateDao.get(bean.getUuid());
- }
- BeanUtils.copyProperties(bean, printTemplate);
- //设置所有者
- if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(bean.getOwnerIds())) {
- String[] ownerIds = StringUtils.split(bean.getOwnerIds(), Separator.SEMICOLON.getValue());
- printTemplate.setOwners(Arrays.asList(ownerIds));
- }
- this.printTemplateDao.save(printTemplate);
- this.saveAcl(printTemplate);
- return printTemplate;
- }
- /**
- * 删除打印模板
- * @see com.wellsoft.pt.message.service.PrintTemplateService#remove(java.lang.String)
- */
- @Override
- public void remove(String uuid) {
- this.printTemplateDao.delete(uuid);
- }
- /**
- * (non-Javadoc)
- * @see com.wellsoft.pt.message.service.PrintTemplateService#query(com.wellsoft.pt.common.component.jqgrid.JqGridQueryInfo)
- */
- @Override
- public JqGridQueryData query(JqGridQueryInfo queryInfo) {
- Page<PrintTemplate> pageData = new Page<PrintTemplate>();
- pageData.setPageNo(queryInfo.getPage());
- pageData.setPageSize(queryInfo.getRows());
- this.printTemplateDao.findPage(pageData);
- List<PrintTemplate> printTemplates = pageData.getResult();
- List<PrintTemplate> jqUsers = new ArrayList<PrintTemplate>();
- for (PrintTemplate printTemplate : printTemplates) {
- PrintTemplate jqPrintTemplate = new PrintTemplate();
- BeanUtils.copyProperties(printTemplate, jqPrintTemplate);
- jqUsers.add(jqPrintTemplate);
- }
- JqGridQueryData queryData = new JqGridQueryData();
- queryData.setCurrentPage(queryInfo.getPage());
- queryData.setDataList(jqUsers);
- queryData.setRepeatitems(false);
- queryData.setTotalPages(pageData.getTotalPages());
- queryData.setTotalRows(pageData.getTotalCount());
- return queryData;
- }
- @Override
- public PrintTemplate saveAcl(PrintTemplate printTemplate) {
- List<AclSid> aclSids = aclService.getSid(printTemplate);
- List<String> existSids = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (AclSid aclSid : aclSids) {
- existSids.add(aclSid.getSid());
- }
- List<String> sids = getAclSid(printTemplate);
- //新的SID
- List<String> newSids = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (String newSid : sids) {
- if (!existSids.contains(newSid)) {
- newSids.add(newSid);
- }
- }
- //要删除的SID
- List<String> delSids = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (String newSid : existSids) {
- if (!sids.contains(newSid)) {
- delSids.add(newSid);
- }
- }
- //删除
- for (String sid : delSids) {
- aclService.removePermission(printTemplate, BasePermission.ADMINISTRATION, sid);
- }
- /*// 新增
- if (printTemplate.getParent() != null) {
- aclService.save(printTemplate, printTemplate.getParent(), sids.get(0), BasePermission.ADMINISTRATION);
- }*/
- for (String sid : sids) {
- aclService.addPermission(printTemplate, BasePermission.ADMINISTRATION, sid);
- }
- return aclService.get(PrintTemplate.class, printTemplate.getUuid(), BasePermission.ADMINISTRATION);
- }
- /**
- * 返回打印模板使用者在ACL中的SID
- *
- * @param printTemplate
- *
- * @return
- */
- private List<String> getAclSid(PrintTemplate printTemplate) {
- List<String> newOwners = new ArrayList<String>();
- if (printTemplate.getOwners().isEmpty()) {
- printTemplate.getOwners().add(ACL_SID);
- return printTemplate.getOwners();
- } else {
- List<String> owners = printTemplate.getOwners();
- for (String owner : owners) {
- if (owner.startsWith(IdPrefix.DEPARTMENT.getValue())) {
- owner = "ROLE_" + owner;
- }
- newOwners.add(owner);
- }
- }
- // 返回组织部门中选择的角色作为SID
- return newOwners;
- }
- /**
- * 判断当前登录用户是否在指定的组织部门中
- *
- * @param printTemplate
- * @param sid
- */
- private Boolean hasPermission(PrintTemplate printTemplate) {
- Boolean hasPermission = false;
- // 获取该打印模板的所有SID,判断是否有访问权限
- List<AclSid> aclSids = aclService.getSid(printTemplate);
- for (AclSid aclSid : aclSids) {
- String sid = aclSid.getSid();
- // 如果所有者是默认的则有权限
- if (sid.equals(ACL_SID)) {
- hasPermission = true;
- break;
- } else {// 由组织部门提供接口,判断当前登录用户是否在指定的SID(组织部门)中
- if (sid.startsWith(IdPrefix.USER.getValue())) {
- if (StringUtils.equals(((UserDetails) SpringSecurityUtils.getCurrentUser()).getUserId(), sid)) {
- hasPermission = true;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- hasPermission = false;
- }
- }
- }
- return hasPermission;
- }
- /**
- *
- * 打印模板调用接口,返回文件流(模板ID,单份工作,动态表单集合,输入文件(正文))
- *
- * @param templateId
- * @param entities
- */
- @Override
- public <ENTITY extends IdEntity> InputStream getPrintTemplateInputStream(String templateId,
- Collection<ENTITY> entities, Map<String, Object> dytableMap, File textFile) throws Exception {
- List<Collection<ENTITY>> allEntities = new ArrayList<Collection<ENTITY>>();
- allEntities.add(entities);
- List<Map<String, Object>> dytableMaps = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
- dytableMaps.add(dytableMap);
- File finalFile = getPrintTemplateFile(templateId, allEntities, dytableMaps, textFile);
- InputStream fileInStream = new FileInputStream(finalFile);
- return fileInStream;
- }
- /**
- *
- * 打印模板调用接口,返回文件(模板ID,单份工作,动态表单集合,输入文件(正文))
- *
- * (non-Javadoc)
- * @throws Exception
- * @see com.wellsoft.pt.basicdata.printtemplate.service.PrintTemplateService#getPrintTemplate(java.lang.String, java.util.Collection, java.io.InputStream)
- */
- @Override
- public <ENTITY extends IdEntity> File getPrintTemplateFile(String templateId, Collection<ENTITY> entities,
- Map<String, Object> dytableMap, File textFile) throws Exception {
- List<Collection<ENTITY>> allEntities = new ArrayList<Collection<ENTITY>>();
- allEntities.add(entities);
- List<Map<String, Object>> dytableMaps = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>();
- dytableMaps.add(dytableMap);
- return getPrintTemplateFile(templateId, allEntities, dytableMaps, textFile);
- }
- /**
- *
- * 打印模板调用接口,返回文件流(模板ID,多份工作,动态表单集合,输入文件(正文))
- *
- * @param templateId
- * @param entities
- */
- @Override
- public <ENTITY extends IdEntity> InputStream getPrintTemplateInputStream(String templateId,
- Collection<Collection<ENTITY>> allEntities, List<Map<String, Object>> dytableMaps, File textFile)
- throws Exception {
- File finalFile = getPrintTemplateFile(templateId, allEntities, dytableMaps, textFile);
- InputStream fileInStream = new FileInputStream(finalFile);
- return fileInStream;
- }
- /**
- *
- * 打印模板调用接口,返回文件(模板ID,多份工作,动态表单集合,输入文件(正文))
- *
- * (non-Javadoc)
- * @throws Exception
- * @see com.wellsoft.pt.basicdata.printtemplate.service.PrintTemplateService#getPrintTemplate(java.lang.String, java.util.Collection, java.io.InputStream)
- */
- @Override
- public <ENTITY extends IdEntity> File getPrintTemplateFile(String templateId,
- Collection<Collection<ENTITY>> allEntities, List<Map<String, Object>> dytableMaps, File textFile)
- throws Exception {
- PrintTemplate printTemplate = printTemplateDao.findUniqueBy("id", templateId);
- File finalFile = null;
- //word模板类型
- if ("wordType".equals(printTemplate.getTemplateType())) {
- String uuid = printTemplate.getUuid();
- //下载该打印模板对应的模板文件
- List<MongoFileEntity> files = mongoFileService.getFilesFromFolder(uuid, "attach");
- MongoFileEntity mongoFileEntity = files.get(0);
- InputStream inputStreamOut = mongoFileEntity.getInputstream();
- //将文件输出流转为临时文件,使用"./"表示放在eclipseWorkspace\basic下
- FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(inputStreamOut, new File("./", "temp.doc"));
- System.out.println("临时文件输出成功!");
- //判断是否需要多次套打
- if (allEntities.size() == 1) {
- //判断是否保存到源文档
- if (printTemplate.getIsSaveSource()) {
- for (Collection<ENTITY> entities : allEntities) {
- //文件名定义格式
- String fileNameFormat = printTemplate.getFileNameFormat();
- fileNameFormat = fileNameFormat.replaceAll("}", "!}");//防止freemarker模板处理null出错
- Map<String, Object> templateMap = getMapValue(entities, dytableMaps.get(0));//获得模板集合
- TemplateEngine templateEngine = TemplateEngineFactory.getDefaultTemplateEngine();
- String fileName = templateEngine.process(fileNameFormat, templateMap);
- String outputPath = Config.HOME_DIR + "/" + fileName + ".doc";//文件输出路径
- Map<String, String> replaceMap = new HashMap<String, String>();//用来存放解析后的键值对
- File tempFile = getTempFile();//获取下载的临时文件
- String text = getWordText(tempFile);//获取临时word文件文本内容
- String reg = "\\$\\{.*?(?=\\}.*)";//文本内容中的关键字定义部分正则
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(reg);
- Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
- String keyWords = "";
- while (matcher.find()) {
- //取得关键字
- String keyWord = matcher.group() + "!}";
- keyWords = keyWords + keyWord + ",";
- System.out.println("关键字:" + keyWord);
- //模板解析关键字
- String result = templateEngine.process(keyWord, templateMap);
- System.out.println("关键字替换后:" + result);
- String newKeyWord = keyWord.replaceAll("!", "");
- replaceMap.put(newKeyWord, result);
- }
- //读取关键字后保存在数据库中的关键字列
- String newKeyWords = keyWords.replaceAll("!", "");
- printTemplate.setKeyWords(newKeyWords);
- printTemplateDao.save(printTemplate);
- //完成关键字解析后对word进行操作
- finalFile = exportDocByMutiLine(tempFile.getCanonicalPath(), outputPath, replaceMap, textFile,
- printTemplate);
- }
- } else {
- //多个工作数量
- Integer docNumber = allEntities.size();
- Integer subScript = 0;
- //对多个工作进行遍历
- for (Collection<ENTITY> entities : allEntities) {
- Map<String, String> replaceMap = new HashMap<String, String>();//用来存放解析后的键值对
- Map<String, Object> templateMap = getMapValue(entities, dytableMaps.get(subScript));//获得模板集合
- subScript = subScript + 1;
- TemplateEngine templateEngine = TemplateEngineFactory.getDefaultTemplateEngine();
- File tempFile = getTempFile();//获取下载的临时文件
- String text = getWordText(tempFile);//获取临时word文件文本内容
- String reg = "\\$\\{.*?(?=\\}.*)";//文本内容中的关键字定义部分正则
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(reg);
- Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
- String keyWords = "";
- while (matcher.find()) {
- //取得关键字
- String keyWord = matcher.group() + "!}";
- keyWords = keyWords + keyWord + ",";
- System.out.println("关键字:" + keyWord);
- //模板解析关键字
- String result = templateEngine.process(keyWord, templateMap);
- System.out.println("关键字替换后:" + result);
- String newKeyWord = keyWord.replaceAll("!", "");
- replaceMap.put(newKeyWord, result);
- }
- //读取关键字后保存在数据库中的关键字列
- String newKeyWords = keyWords.replaceAll("!", "");
- printTemplate.setKeyWords(newKeyWords);
- printTemplateDao.save(printTemplate);
- //完成关键字解析后对word进行操作
- exportDoc(tempFile.getCanonicalPath(), Config.HOME_DIR + "/" + docNumber + ".doc", replaceMap,
- textFile, printTemplate);
- docNumber = docNumber - 1;
- }
- //判断多次套打是分页还是多行
- if ("paging".equals(printTemplate.getPrintInterval())) {
- //合并word文档(分页)
- finalFile = uniteDocByPage(allEntities.size(), printTemplate);
- } else if ("multi_line".equals(printTemplate.getPrintInterval())) {
- //合并word文档(多行)
- finalFile = uniteDocByMultiLine(allEntities.size(), printTemplate);
- }
- }
- } else {
- //多个工作数量
- Integer docNumber = allEntities.size();
- Integer subScript = 0;
- //对多个工作进行遍历
- for (Collection<ENTITY> entities : allEntities) {
- Map<String, String> replaceMap = new HashMap<String, String>();//用来存放解析后的键值对
- Map<String, Object> templateMap = getMapValue(entities, dytableMaps.get(subScript));//获得模板集合
- subScript = subScript + 1;
- TemplateEngine templateEngine = TemplateEngineFactory.getDefaultTemplateEngine();
- File tempFile = getTempFile();//获取下载的临时文件
- String text = getWordText(tempFile);//获取临时word文件文本内容
- String reg = "\\$\\{.*?(?=\\}.*)";//文本内容中的关键字定义部分正则
- Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(reg);
- Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text);
- String keyWords = "";
- while (matcher.find()) {
- //取得关键字
- String keyWord = matcher.group() + "!}";
- keyWords = keyWords + keyWord + ",";
- System.out.println("关键字:" + keyWord);
- //模板解析关键字
- String result = templateEngine.process(keyWord, templateMap);
- System.out.println("关键字替换后:" + result);
- String newKeyWord = keyWord.replaceAll("!", "");
- replaceMap.put(newKeyWord, result);
- }
- //读取关键字后保存在数据库中的关键字列
- String newKeyWords = keyWords.replaceAll("!", "");
- printTemplate.setKeyWords(newKeyWords);
- printTemplateDao.save(printTemplate);
- //完成关键字解析后对word进行操作
- exportDoc(tempFile.getCanonicalPath(), Config.HOME_DIR + "/" + docNumber + ".doc", replaceMap,
- textFile, printTemplate);
- docNumber = docNumber - 1;
- }
- //判断多次套打是分页还是多行
- if ("paging".equals(printTemplate.getPrintInterval())) {
- //合并word文档(分页)
- finalFile = uniteDocByPage(allEntities.size(), printTemplate);
- } else if ("multi_line".equals(printTemplate.getPrintInterval())) {
- //合并word文档(多行)
- finalFile = uniteDocByMultiLine(allEntities.size(), printTemplate);
- }
- }
- //判断是否保存打印记录
- if (printTemplate.getIsSavePrintRecord()) {
- for (Collection<ENTITY> entities : allEntities) {
- PrintRecord printRecord = new PrintRecord();
- String printObjectUuid = "";
- String printObjectType = "";
- for (ENTITY entity : entities) {
- printObjectUuid = printObjectUuid + entity.getUuid() + ",";
- printObjectType = printObjectType + entity.getClass().getName() + ",";
- }
- //打印记录历史次数集合
- List<Integer> oldPrintTimes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
- List<PrintRecord> oldPrintRecords = printRecordDao.findBy("printObject", printObjectUuid);
- for (PrintRecord oldPrintRecord : oldPrintRecords) {
- Integer oldPrintTimes1 = oldPrintRecord.getPrintTimes();
- oldPrintTimes.add(oldPrintTimes1);
- }
- //取得打印次数的最大值
- int maxOldPrintTimes = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < oldPrintTimes.size(); i++) {
- if (oldPrintTimes.get(i) > maxOldPrintTimes) {
- maxOldPrintTimes = oldPrintTimes.get(i);
- }
- }
- //如果打印记录不为null的话
- if (oldPrintRecords != null) {
- printRecord.setPrintTimes(maxOldPrintTimes + 1);
- } else {
- printRecord.setPrintTimes(1);
- }
- printRecord.setPrintObject(printObjectUuid);
- printRecord.setPrintObjectType(printObjectType);
- //获取调用人
- String userName = SpringSecurityUtils.getCurrentUserName();
- System.out.println("当前用户名:" + userName);
- printRecord.setUserName(userName);
- printRecord.setCode(templateId);
- printRecordDao.save(printRecord);
- }
- }
- } else if ("htmlType".equals(printTemplate.getTemplateType())) {
- //判断是否需要多次套打
- if (allEntities.size() == 1) {
- //判断是否保存到源文档
- if (printTemplate.getIsSaveSource()) {
- for (Collection<ENTITY> entities : allEntities) {
- //文件流每次被读取的话都要新下载该文件流
- String uuid = printTemplate.getUuid();
- //下载该打印模板对应的html模板文件
- List<MongoFileEntity> files = mongoFileService.getFilesFromFolder(uuid, "attach");
- MongoFileEntity mongoFileEntity = files.get(0);
- InputStream inputStreamOut = mongoFileEntity.getInputstream();
- //文件名定义格式
- String fileNameFormat = printTemplate.getFileNameFormat();
- fileNameFormat = fileNameFormat.replaceAll("}", "!}");//防止freemarker模板处理null出错
- Map<String, Object> templateMap = getMapValue(entities, dytableMaps.get(0));//获得模板集合
- TemplateEngine templateEngine = TemplateEngineFactory.getDefaultTemplateEngine();
- String fileName = templateEngine.process(fileNameFormat, templateMap);
- String outputPath = Config.HOME_DIR + "/" + fileName + ".doc";//文件输出路径
- Map<String, String> replaceMap = new HashMap<String, String>();//用来存放解析后的键值对
- //读取html模板流并替换为freemarker模板数据内容
- String beforeReplaceHtml = IOUtils.toString(inputStreamOut);
- String afterReplaceHtml = templateEngine.process(beforeReplaceHtml, templateMap);
- InputStream afterReplaceInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(
- afterReplaceHtml.getBytes("UTF-8"));//html模板替换后的文件流
- // File tempHtmlFile = new File("./", "tempHtml.doc");
- FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(afterReplaceInputStream, new File(outputPath));
- finalFile = new File(outputPath);
- /* //如果套打模板设置为只读,则最终的结果以pdf来展示
- if (printTemplate.getIsReadOnly()) {
- File afterReplaceHtmlToWord = new File("./", "tempHtmlToWord.doc");
- PrinttemplateUtil.htmlToWord(finalFile.getCanonicalPath(),
- afterReplaceHtmlToWord.getCanonicalPath());
- //删除临时html文件流转成的word文档tempHtml.doc
- finalFile.delete();
- //html转为word之后样式会有变化,所以这时要对页面进行设置(纸张大小、页边距等)
- ActiveXComponent word = PrinttemplateUtil.getActiveXComponent();
- Dispatch wordDispatchDocument = PrinttemplateUtil.getWordDispatchDocument(word);
- Dispatch currentDispatch = PrinttemplateUtil.open(wordDispatchDocument,
- afterReplaceHtmlToWord.getCanonicalPath());
- PrinttemplateUtil.setPageSetup(currentDispatch, 1, 8, 45, 45, 40, 40);
- PrinttemplateUtil.save(word, afterReplaceHtmlToWord.getCanonicalPath());
- PrinttemplateUtil.closeActiveXComponent(word);
- fileService.convert2PDF(FileUtils.openInputStream(afterReplaceHtmlToWord),
- printTemplate.getUuid());
- //删除临时word文档tempHtmlToWord.doc
- afterReplaceHtmlToWord.delete();
- finalFile = new File(Config.APP_DATA_DIR + "/pdf2swf/" + printTemplate.getUuid() + ".pdf");
- }*/
- }
- } else {
- //多个工作数量
- Integer docNumber = allEntities.size();
- Integer subScript = 0;
- //对多个工作进行遍历
- for (Collection<ENTITY> entities : allEntities) {
- //文件流每次被读取的话都要新下载该文件流
- String uuid = printTemplate.getUuid();
- //下载该打印模板对应的html模板文件
- List<MongoFileEntity> files = mongoFileService.getFilesFromFolder(uuid, "attach");
- MongoFileEntity mongoFileEntity = files.get(0);
- InputStream inputStreamOut = mongoFileEntity.getInputstream();
- Map<String, String> replaceMap = new HashMap<String, String>();//用来存放解析后的键值对
- Map<String, Object> templateMap = getMapValue(entities, dytableMaps.get(subScript));//获得模板集合
- subScript = subScript + 1;
- TemplateEngine templateEngine = TemplateEngineFactory.getDefaultTemplateEngine();
- //读取html模板流并替换为freemarker模板数据内容
- String beforeReplaceHtml = IOUtils.toString(inputStreamOut);
- String afterReplaceHtml = templateEngine.process(beforeReplaceHtml, templateMap);
- InputStream afterReplaceInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(
- afterReplaceHtml.getBytes("UTF-8"));//html模板替换后的文件流
- // File tempHtmlFile = new File(Config.HOME_DIR + "/" + docNumber + ".doc");//多份工作临时存放位置,存放格式为1.doc,2.doc……
- String outputPath = Config.HOME_DIR + "/" + getFileName() + ".doc";//文件输出路径
- FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(afterReplaceInputStream, new File(outputPath));
- finalFile = new File(outputPath);
- docNumber = docNumber - 1;
- }
- /*//判断多次套打是分页还是多行
- if ("paging".equals(printTemplate.getPrintInterval())) {
- //合并word文档(分页)
- finalFile = uniteDocByPage(allEntities.size(), printTemplate);
- } else if ("multi_line".equals(printTemplate.getPrintInterval())) {
- //合并word文档(多行)
- finalFile = uniteDocByMultiLine(allEntities.size(), printTemplate);
- }
- */
- /*//如果套打模板设置为只读,则最终的结果以pdf来展示
- if (printTemplate.getIsReadOnly()) {
- File afterReplaceHtmlToWord = new File("./", "tempHtmlToWord.doc");
- PrinttemplateUtil.htmlToWord(finalFile.getCanonicalPath(),
- afterReplaceHtmlToWord.getCanonicalPath());
- //删除临时html文件流转成的word文档tempHtml.doc
- finalFile.delete();
- //html转为word之后样式会有变化,所以这时要对页面进行设置(纸张大小、页边距等)
- ActiveXComponent word = PrinttemplateUtil.getActiveXComponent();
- Dispatch wordDispatchDocument = PrinttemplateUtil.getWordDispatchDocument(word);
- Dispatch currentDispatch = PrinttemplateUtil.open(wordDispatchDocument,
- afterReplaceHtmlToWord.getCanonicalPath());
- PrinttemplateUtil.setPageSetup(currentDispatch, 1, 8, 45, 45, 40, 40);
- PrinttemplateUtil.save(word, afterReplaceHtmlToWord.getCanonicalPath());
- PrinttemplateUtil.closeActiveXComponent(word);
- fileService.convert2PDF(FileUtils.openInputStream(afterReplaceHtmlToWord),
- printTemplate.getUuid());
- //删除临时word文档tempHtmlToWord.doc
- afterReplaceHtmlToWord.delete();
- finalFile = new File(Config.APP_DATA_DIR + "/pdf2swf/" + printTemplate.getUuid() + ".pdf");
- }*/
- }
- } else {
- //多个工作数量
- Integer docNumber = allEntities.size();
- Integer subScript = 0;
- //对多个工作进行遍历
- for (Collection<ENTITY> entities : allEntities) {
- //文件流每次被读取的话都要新下载该文件流
- String uuid = printTemplate.getUuid();
- //下载该打印模板对应的html模板文件
- List<MongoFileEntity> files = mongoFileService.getFilesFromFolder(uuid, "attach");
- MongoFileEntity mongoFileEntity = files.get(0);
- InputStream inputStreamOut = mongoFileEntity.getInputstream();
- Map<String, String> replaceMap = new HashMap<String, String>();//用来存放解析后的键值对
- Map<String, Object> templateMap = getMapValue(entities, dytableMaps.get(subScript));//获得模板集合
- subScript = subScript + 1;
- TemplateEngine templateEngine = TemplateEngineFactory.getDefaultTemplateEngine();
- //读取html模板流并替换为freemarker模板数据内容
- String beforeReplaceHtml = IOUtils.toString(inputStreamOut);
- String afterReplaceHtml = templateEngine.process(beforeReplaceHtml, templateMap);
- InputStream afterReplaceInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(afterReplaceHtml.getBytes("UTF-8"));//html模板替换后的文件流
- // File tempHtmlFile = new File(Config.HOME_DIR + "/" + docNumber + ".doc");//多份工作临时存放位置,存放格式为1.doc,2.doc……
- String outputPath = Config.HOME_DIR + "/" + getFileName() + ".doc";//文件输出路径
- FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(afterReplaceInputStream, new File(outputPath));
- finalFile = new File(outputPath);
- docNumber = docNumber - 1;
- }
- /*//判断多次套打是分页还是多行
- if ("paging".equals(printTemplate.getPrintInterval())) {
- //合并word文档(分页)
- finalFile = uniteDocByPage(allEntities.size(), printTemplate);
- } else if ("multi_line".equals(printTemplate.getPrintInterval())) {
- //合并word文档(多行)
- finalFile = uniteDocByMultiLine(allEntities.size(), printTemplate);
- }
- //如果套打模板设置为只读,则最终的结果以pdf来展示
- if (printTemplate.getIsReadOnly()) {
- File afterReplaceHtmlToWord = new File("./", "tempHtmlToWord.doc");
- PrinttemplateUtil.htmlToWord(finalFile.getCanonicalPath(),
- afterReplaceHtmlToWord.getCanonicalPath());
- //删除临时html文件流转成的word文档tempHtml.doc
- finalFile.delete();
- //html转为word之后样式会有变化,所以这时要对页面进行设置(纸张大小、页边距等)
- ActiveXComponent word = PrinttemplateUtil.getActiveXComponent();
- Dispatch wordDispatchDocument = PrinttemplateUtil.getWordDispatchDocument(word);
- Dispatch currentDispatch = PrinttemplateUtil.open(wordDispatchDocument,
- afterReplaceHtmlToWord.getCanonicalPath());
- PrinttemplateUtil.setPageSetup(currentDispatch, 1, 8, 45, 45, 40, 40);
- PrinttemplateUtil.save(word, afterReplaceHtmlToWord.getCanonicalPath());
- PrinttemplateUtil.closeActiveXComponent(word);
- fileService.convert2PDF(FileUtils.openInputStream(afterReplaceHtmlToWord), printTemplate.getUuid());
- //删除临时word文档tempHtmlToWord.doc
- afterReplaceHtmlToWord.delete();
- finalFile = new File(Config.APP_DATA_DIR + "/pdf2swf/" + printTemplate.getUuid() + ".pdf");
- }*/
- }
- //判断是否保存打印记录
- if (printTemplate.getIsSavePrintRecord()) {
- for (Collection<ENTITY> entities : allEntities) {
- PrintRecord printRecord = new PrintRecord();
- String printObjectUuid = "";
- String printObjectType = "";
- for (ENTITY entity : entities) {
- printObjectUuid = printObjectUuid + entity.getUuid() + ",";
- printObjectType = printObjectType + entity.getClass().getName() + ",";
- }
- //打印记录历史次数集合
- List<Integer> oldPrintTimes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
- List<PrintRecord> oldPrintRecords = printRecordDao.findBy("printObject", printObjectUuid);
- for (PrintRecord oldPrintRecord : oldPrintRecords) {
- Integer oldPrintTimes1 = oldPrintRecord.getPrintTimes();
- oldPrintTimes.add(oldPrintTimes1);
- }
- //取得打印次数的最大值
- int maxOldPrintTimes = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < oldPrintTimes.size(); i++) {
- if (oldPrintTimes.get(i) > maxOldPrintTimes) {
- maxOldPrintTimes = oldPrintTimes.get(i);
- }
- }
- //如果打印记录不为null的话
- if (oldPrintRecords != null) {
- printRecord.setPrintTimes(maxOldPrintTimes + 1);
- } else {
- printRecord.setPrintTimes(1);
- }
- printRecord.setPrintObject(printObjectUuid);
- printRecord.setPrintObjectType(printObjectType);
- //获取调用人
- String userName = SpringSecurityUtils.getCurrentUserName();
- System.out.println("当前用户名:" + userName);
- printRecord.setUserName(userName);
- printRecord.setCode(templateId);
- printRecordDao.save(printRecord);
- }
- }
- }
- return finalFile;
- }
- /**
- *
- * 合并文件(多行)
- *
- */
- private <ENTITY extends IdEntity> File uniteDocByMultiLine(Integer docNumber, PrintTemplate printTemplate) {
- Integer rows = printTemplate.getRowNumber();//获取行数
- String outputPath = Config.HOME_DIR + "/" + getFileName() + ".doc";//合并文件输出路径
- System.out.println("合并文件输出路径:" + outputPath);
- List<String> fileList = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (int i = 1; i <= docNumber; i++) {
- String file = Config.HOME_DIR + "/" + i + ".doc";
- fileList.add(file);
- System.out.println("当前文件名为:" + file);
- }
- if (fileList.size() == 0 || fileList == null) {
- return null;
- }
- //打开word
- ActiveXComponent active = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");//启动word
- try {
- // 设置word不可见
- active.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false));
- //获得documents对象
- Object docs = active.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();
- //打开第一个文件
- Dispatch doc = Dispatch.invoke((Dispatch) docs, "Open", Dispatch.Method,
- new Object[] { (String) fileList.get(0), new Variant(false), new Variant(true) }, new int[3])
- .toDispatch();
- //选择区域
- Dispatch selection = this.select(active);
- //判断文本内容中是否包含{BOTTOM}
- if (getWordText(getTempFile()).contains("{BOTTOM}")) {
- //置底部分不用显示痕迹
- Dispatch.put(doc, "TrackRevisions", new Variant(false));
- Dispatch.put(doc, "PrintRevisions", new Variant(false));
- Dispatch.put(doc, "ShowRevisions", new Variant(false));
- System.out.println("文本中包含{BOTTOM},需要置底");
- moveStart(selection);
- Boolean result = find("{BOTTOM}", selection, active);//查找{BOTTOM}关键字并选中
- if (result) {
- //替换{BOTTOM}为空
- this.replaceAll(selection, "{BOTTOM}", "");
- System.out.println("{BOTTOM}已经替换为空");
- // // 插入分页符
- // Dispatch.call(selection, "InsertBreak", new Variant(7));
- // moveUp(2, selection);//将光标往上移动两行
- int pages1 = Integer.parseInt(Dispatch.call(selection, "information", 4).toString());//总页数 //显示修订内容的最终状态
- System.out.println("移动前总页数:" + pages1);
- boolean flag = false;
- while (pages1 == Integer.parseInt(Dispatch.call(selection, "information", 4).toString()) && !flag) {
- insertBlank(selection);//插入空白行
- while (Integer.parseInt(Dispatch.call(selection, "information", 4).toString()) > pages1) {
- moveUp(1, selection, active);//超过当前页光标上移
- // goToEnd(selection);//光标移动至末尾
- Dispatch.call(selection, "Delete");//删除当前空行
- flag = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //追加文件
- for (int i = 1; i < fileList.size(); i++) {
- goToEnd(selection);
- if (i == 1) {
- for (int j = 0; j <= rows; j++) {
- insertBlank(selection);
- }
- } else {
- //第二份文件开始追加时少一个空行
- for (int j = 0; j <= rows - 1; j++) {
- insertBlank(selection);
- }
- }
- Dispatch.invoke(active.getProperty("Selection").toDispatch(), "insertFile", Dispatch.Method,
- new Object[] { (String) fileList.get(i), "", new Variant(false), new Variant(false),
- new Variant(false) }, new int[3]);
- //判断文本内容中是否包含{BOTTOM}
- if (getWordText(getTempFile()).contains("{BOTTOM}")) {
- //置底部分不用显示痕迹
- Dispatch.put(doc, "TrackRevisions", new Variant(false));
- Dispatch.put(doc, "PrintRevisions", new Variant(false));
- Dispatch.put(doc, "ShowRevisions", new Variant(false));
- System.out.println("文本中包含{BOTTOM},需要置底");
- moveStart(selection);
- Boolean result = find("{BOTTOM}", selection, active);//查找{BOTTOM}关键字并选中
- if (result) {
- //替换{BOTTOM}为空
- this.replaceAll(selection, "{BOTTOM}", "");
- System.out.println("{BOTTOM}已经替换为空");
- // // 插入分页符
- // Dispatch.call(selection, "InsertBreak", new Variant(7));
- // moveUp(2, selection);//将光标往上移动两行
- int pages1 = Integer.parseInt(Dispatch.call(selection, "information", 4).toString());//总页数 //显示修订内容的最终状态
- System.out.println("移动前总页数:" + pages1);
- boolean flag = false;
- while (pages1 == Integer.parseInt(Dispatch.call(selection, "information", 4).toString())
- && !flag) {
- insertBlank(selection);//插入空白行
- while (Integer.parseInt(Dispatch.call(selection, "information", 4).toString()) > pages1) {
- flag = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //删除最后一页空白页
- goToEnd(selection);//光标移动至末尾
- Dispatch.call(selection, "Delete");//删除当前空行
- //保存新的word文件
- Dispatch.invoke((Dispatch) doc, "SaveAs", Dispatch.Method, new Object[] { outputPath, new Variant(1) },
- new int[3]);
- if (printTemplate.getIsReadOnly()) {
- new File(outputPath).setWritable(false);//将输出文档设为只读
- }
- Variant f = new Variant(false);
- Dispatch.call((Dispatch) doc, "Close", f);
- //合并完毕后删除原来文件
- for (int i = 1; i <= docNumber; i++) {
- String file = Config.HOME_DIR + "/" + i + ".doc";
- File delFile = new File(file);
- delFile.delete();
- System.out.println("原来文件删除成功!");
- }
- //删除临时文件temp.doc
- new File("./", "temp.doc").delete();
- System.out.println("临时文件删除成功!");
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("合并word文件出错.原因:" + e);
- } finally {
- active.invoke("Quit", new Variant[] {});
- }
- System.out.println("多行合并成功!");
- return new File(outputPath);
- }
- /**
- *
- * 合并文件(分页)
- *
- */
- public <ENTITY extends IdEntity> File uniteDocByPage(Integer docNumber, PrintTemplate printTemplate) {
- String outputPath = Config.HOME_DIR + "/" + getFileName() + ".doc";//合并文件输出路径
- System.out.println("合并文件输出路径:" + outputPath);
- List<String> fileList = new ArrayList<String>();
- for (int i = 1; i <= docNumber; i++) {
- String file = Config.HOME_DIR + "/" + i + ".doc";
- fileList.add(file);
- System.out.println("当前文件名为:" + file);
- }
- if (fileList.size() == 0 || fileList == null) {
- return null;
- }
- //打开word
- ActiveXComponent active = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");//启动word
- try {
- // 设置word不可见
- active.setProperty("Visible", new Variant(false));
- //获得documents对象
- Object docs = active.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();
- //打开第一个文件
- Object doc = Dispatch.invoke((Dispatch) docs, "Open", Dispatch.Method,
- new Object[] { (String) fileList.get(0), new Variant(false), new Variant(true) }, new int[3])
- .toDispatch();
- //选择区域
- Dispatch selection = this.select(active);
- //追加文件
- for (int i = 1; i < fileList.size(); i++) {
- goToEnd(selection);//光标移动至末尾
- PageBreak(selection);//插入分页符
- Dispatch.invoke(active.getProperty("Selection").toDispatch(), "insertFile", Dispatch.Method,
- new Object[] { (String) fileList.get(i), "", new Variant(false), new Variant(false),
- new Variant(false) }, new int[3]);
- }
- //删除最后一页空白页
- goToEnd(selection);//光标移动至末尾
- Dispatch.call(selection, "Delete");//删除当前空行
- //保存新的word文件
- Dispatch.invoke((Dispatch) doc, "SaveAs", Dispatch.Method, new Object[] { outputPath, new Variant(1) },
- new int[3]);
- if (printTemplate.getIsReadOnly()) {
- new File(outputPath).setWritable(false);//将输出文档设为只读
- }
- Variant f = new Variant(false);
- Dispatch.call((Dispatch) doc, "Close", f);
- //合并完毕后删除原来文件
- for (int i = 1; i <= docNumber; i++) {
- String file = Config.HOME_DIR + "/" + i + ".doc";
- File delFile = new File(file);
- delFile.delete();
- System.out.println("原来文件删除成功!");
- }
- //删除临时文件temp.doc
- new File("./", "temp.doc").delete();
- System.out.println("临时文件删除成功!");
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new RuntimeException("合并word文件出错.原因:" + e);
- } finally {
- active.invoke("Quit", new Variant[] {});
- }
- System.out.println("分页合并成功!");
- return new File(outputPath);
- }
- /**
- * 解析关键字后操作word(单工作多行)
- * @param inputDocPath
- * @param outPutDocPath
- * @param map
- * @param isPrint
- * @throws IOException
- */
- public File exportDocByMutiLine(String inputDocPath, String outPutDocPath, Map<String, String> map, File textFile,
- PrintTemplate printTemplate) {
- //初始化com的线程
- ComThread.InitSTA();
- //word运行程序对象
- ActiveXComponent word = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");
- //文档对象
- Dispatch wordObject = (Dispatch) word.getObject();
- //设置属性 Variant(true)表示word应用程序可见
- Dispatch.put((Dispatch) wordObject, "Visible", new Variant(false));
- //word所有文档
- Dispatch documents = word.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();
- //打开模板文档
- Dispatch document = this.open(documents, inputDocPath);
- //选择区域
- Dispatch selection = this.select(word);
- Iterator keys = map.keySet().iterator();
- String oldText;
- Object newValue;
- while (keys.hasNext()) {
- oldText = (String) keys.next();//替换前关键字
- newValue = map.get(oldText);//替换后的关键字
- this.replaceAll(selection, oldText, newValue);
- }
- //判断是否包含{正文}及正文内容的文件
- if (getWordText(getTempFile()).contains("{正文}") && textFile.exists()) {
- //判断是否需要保留正文修改痕迹
- if (printTemplate.getIsSaveTrace()) {
- Dispatch.put(document, "TrackRevisions", new Variant(true));
- Dispatch.put(document, "PrintRevisions", new Variant(true));
- Dispatch.put(document, "ShowRevisions", new Variant(true));
- }
- //打开含正文内容文档
- Dispatch textDocument;
- try {
- textDocument = this.open(documents, textFile.getCanonicalPath());
- Dispatch textSelection = this.select(word);
- Dispatch wordContent = Dispatch.get(textDocument, "Content").toDispatch(); //取得正文word文件的内容
- Dispatch.call(wordContent, "Select");//全选
- Dispatch.call(textSelection, "Copy");//复制
- this.close(textDocument);//关闭正文word
- //替换{正文}为空
- this.replaceAll(selection, "{正文}", "");
- System.out.println("{正文}已经替换为空");
- paste(selection);//粘贴至源文档
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- this.close(document);//出异常则关闭当前word
- word.invoke("Quit", new Variant[0]);
- }
- }
- //判断文本内容中是否包含{BOTTOM}
- if (getWordText(getTempFile()).contains("{BOTTOM}")) {
- //置底部分不用显示痕迹
- Dispatch.put(document, "TrackRevisions", new Variant(false));
- Dispatch.put(document, "PrintRevisions", new Variant(false));
- Dispatch.put(document, "ShowRevisions", new Variant(false));
- System.out.println("文本中包含{BOTTOM},需要置底");
- moveStart(selection);
- Boolean result = find("{BOTTOM}", selection, word);//查找{BOTTOM}关键字并选中
- if (result) {
- //替换{BOTTOM}为空
- this.replaceAll(selection, "{BOTTOM}", "");
- System.out.println("{BOTTOM}已经替换为空");
- // // 插入分页符
- // Dispatch.call(selection, "InsertBreak", new Variant(7));
- // moveUp(2, selection);//将光标往上移动两行
- int pages1 = Integer.parseInt(Dispatch.call(selection, "information", 4).toString());//总页数 //显示修订内容的最终状态
- System.out.println("移动前总页数:" + pages1);
- boolean flag = false;
- while (pages1 == Integer.parseInt(Dispatch.call(selection, "information", 4).toString()) && !flag) {
- insertBlank(selection);//插入空白行
- while (Integer.parseInt(Dispatch.call(selection, "information", 4).toString()) > pages1) {
- moveUp(1, selection, word);//超过当前页光标上移
- // goToEnd(selection);//光标移动至末尾
- Dispatch.call(selection, "Delete");//删除当前空行
- flag = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- this.save(word, outPutDocPath, printTemplate, document);
- this.close(document);
- word.invoke("Quit", new Variant[0]);
- //关闭com的线程
- ComThread.Release();
- return new File(outPutDocPath);
- }
- /**
- * 解析关键字后操作word
- * @param inputDocPath
- * @param outPutDocPath
- * @param map
- * @param isPrint
- * @throws IOException
- */
- public File exportDoc(String inputDocPath, String outPutDocPath, Map<String, String> map, File textFile,
- PrintTemplate printTemplate) {
- //初始化com的线程
- ComThread.InitSTA();
- //word运行程序对象
- ActiveXComponent word = new ActiveXComponent("Word.Application");
- //文档对象
- Dispatch wordObject = (Dispatch) word.getObject();
- //设置属性 Variant(true)表示word应用程序可见
- Dispatch.put((Dispatch) wordObject, "Visible", new Variant(false));
- //word所有文档
- Dispatch documents = word.getProperty("Documents").toDispatch();
- //打开模板文档
- Dispatch document = this.open(documents, inputDocPath);
- //选择区域
- Dispatch selection = this.select(word);
- Iterator keys = map.keySet().iterator();
- String oldText;
- Object newValue;
- while (keys.hasNext()) {
- oldText = (String) keys.next();//替换前关键字
- newValue = map.get(oldText);//替换后的关键字
- this.replaceAll(selection, oldText, newValue);
- }
- //判断是否包含{正文}及正文内容的文件
- if (getWordText(getTempFile()).contains("{正文}") && textFile.exists()) {
- //判断是否需要保留正文修改痕迹
- if (printTemplate.getIsSaveTrace()) {
- Dispatch.put(document, "TrackRevisions", new Variant(true));
- Dispatch.put(document, "PrintRevisions", new Variant(true));
- Dispatch.put(document, "ShowRevisions", new Variant(true));
- }
- //打开含正文内容文档
- Dispatch textDocument;
- try {
- textDocument = this.open(documents, textFile.getCanonicalPath());
- Dispatch textSelection = this.select(word);
- Dispatch wordContent = Dispatch.get(textDocument, "Content").toDispatch(); //取得正文word文件的内容
- Dispatch.call(wordContent, "Select");//全选
- Dispatch.call(textSelection, "Copy");//复制
- this.close(textDocument);//关闭正文word
- //替换{正文}为空
- this.replaceAll(selection, "{正文}", "");
- System.out.println("{正文}已经替换为空");
- paste(selection);//粘贴至源文档
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- this.close(document);//出异常则关闭当前word
- word.invoke("Quit", new Variant[0]);
- }
- }
- //如果是分页先执行置底然后再合并
- if ("paging".equals(printTemplate.getPrintInterval())) {
- //判断文本内容中是否包含{BOTTOM}
- if (getWordText(getTempFile()).contains("{BOTTOM}")) {
- //置底部分不用显示痕迹
- Dispatch.put(document, "TrackRevisions", new Variant(false));
- Dispatch.put(document, "PrintRevisions", new Variant(false));
- Dispatch.put(document, "ShowRevisions", new Variant(false));
- System.out.println("文本中包含{BOTTOM},需要置底");
- moveStart(selection);
- Boolean result = find("{BOTTOM}", selection, word);//查找{BOTTOM}关键字并选中
- if (result) {
- //替换{BOTTOM}为空
- this.replaceAll(selection, "{BOTTOM}", "");
- System.out.println("{BOTTOM}已经替换为空");
- // // 插入分页符
- // Dispatch.call(selection, "InsertBreak", new Variant(7));
- // moveUp(2, selection);//将光标往上移动两行
- int pages1 = Integer.parseInt(Dispatch.call(selection, "information", 4).toString());//总页数 //显示修订内容的最终状态
- System.out.println("移动前总页数:" + pages1);
- boolean flag = false;
- while (pages1 == Integer.parseInt(Dispatch.call(selection, "information", 4).toString()) && !flag) {
- insertBlank(selection);//插入空白行
- while (Integer.parseInt(Dispatch.call(selection, "information", 4).toString()) > pages1) {
- moveUp(1, selection, word);//超过当前页光标上移
- // goToEnd(selection);//光标移动至末尾
- Dispatch.call(selection, "Delete");//删除…
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