MATLAB | 716 lines | 424 code | 45 blank | 247 comment | 50 complexity | 8874bc7f2038f77a9d575c07c4af8399 MD5 | raw file
- %# Copyright (C) 2008, Thomas Treichl <treichl@users.sourceforge.net>
- %# OdePkg - A package for solving ordinary differential equations and more
- %#
- %# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- %# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- %# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- %# (at your option) any later version.
- %#
- %# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- %# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- %# GNU General Public License for more details.
- %#
- %# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- %# along with this program; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- %# -*- texinfo -*-
- %# @deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{}] =} ode23d (@var{@@fun}, @var{slot}, @var{init}, @var{lags}, @var{hist}, [@var{opt}], [@var{par1}, @var{par2}, @dots{}])
- %# @deftypefnx {Command} {[@var{sol}] =} ode23d (@var{@@fun}, @var{slot}, @var{init}, @var{lags}, @var{hist}, [@var{opt}], [@var{par1}, @var{par2}, @dots{}])
- %# @deftypefnx {Command} {[@var{t}, @var{y}, [@var{xe}, @var{ye}, @var{ie}]] =} ode23d (@var{@@fun}, @var{slot}, @var{init}, @var{lags}, @var{hist}, [@var{opt}], [@var{par1}, @var{par2}, @dots{}])
- %#
- %# This function file can be used to solve a set of non--stiff delay differential equations (non--stiff DDEs) with a modified version of the well known explicit Runge--Kutta method of order (2,3).
- %#
- %# If this function is called with no return argument then plot the solution over time in a figure window while solving the set of DDEs that are defined in a function and specified by the function handle @var{@@fun}. The second input argument @var{slot} is a double vector that defines the time slot, @var{init} is a double vector that defines the initial values of the states, @var{lags} is a double vector that describes the lags of time, @var{hist} is a double matrix and describes the history of the DDEs, @var{opt} can optionally be a structure array that keeps the options created with the command @command{odeset} and @var{par1}, @var{par2}, @dots{} can optionally be other input arguments of any type that have to be passed to the function defined by @var{@@fun}.
- %#
- %# If this function is called with one return argument then return the solution @var{sol} of type structure array after solving the set of DDEs. The solution @var{sol} has the fields @var{x} of type double column vector for the steps chosen by the solver, @var{y} of type double column vector for the solutions at each time step of @var{x}, @var{solver} of type string for the solver name and optionally the extended time stamp information @var{xe}, the extended solution information @var{ye} and the extended index information @var{ie} all of type double column vector that keep the informations of the event function if an event function handle is set in the option argument @var{opt}.
- %#
- %# If this function is called with more than one return argument then return the time stamps @var{t}, the solution values @var{y} and optionally the extended time stamp information @var{xe}, the extended solution information @var{ye} and the extended index information @var{ie} all of type double column vector.
- %#
- %# For example, solve an anonymous implementation of a chaotic behavior
- %# @example
- %# fcao = @@(vt, vy, vz) [2 * vz / (1 + vz^9.65) - vy];
- %#
- %# vopt = odeset ("NormControl", "on", "RelTol", 1e-3);
- %# vsol = ode23d (fcao, [0, 100], 0.5, 2, 0.5, vopt);
- %#
- %# vlag = interp1 (vsol.x, vsol.y, vsol.x - 2);
- %# plot (vsol.y, vlag); legend ("fcao (t,y,z)");
- %# @end example
- %# @end deftypefn
- %#
- %# @seealso{odepkg}
- function [varargout] = ode23d (vfun, vslot, vinit, vlags, vhist, varargin)
- if (nargin == 0) %# Check number and types of all input arguments
- help ('ode23d');
- error ('OdePkg:InvalidArgument', ...
- 'Number of input arguments must be greater than zero');
- elseif (nargin < 5)
- print_usage;
- elseif (~isa (vfun, 'function_handle'))
- error ('OdePkg:InvalidArgument', ...
- 'First input argument must be a valid function handle');
- elseif (~isvector (vslot) || length (vslot) < 2)
- error ('OdePkg:InvalidArgument', ...
- 'Second input argument must be a valid vector');
- elseif (~isvector (vinit) || ~isnumeric (vinit))
- error ('OdePkg:InvalidArgument', ...
- 'Third input argument must be a valid numerical value');
- elseif (~isvector (vlags) || ~isnumeric (vlags))
- error ('OdePkg:InvalidArgument', ...
- 'Fourth input argument must be a valid numerical value');
- elseif ~(isnumeric (vhist) || isa (vhist, 'function_handle'))
- error ('OdePkg:InvalidArgument', ...
- 'Fifth input argument must either be numeric or a function handle');
- elseif (nargin >= 6)
- if (~isstruct (varargin{1}))
- %# varargin{1:len} are parameters for vfun
- vodeoptions = odeset;
- vfunarguments = varargin;
- elseif (length (varargin) > 1)
- %# varargin{1} is an OdePkg options structure vopt
- vodeoptions = odepkg_structure_check (varargin{1}, 'ode23d');
- vfunarguments = {varargin{2:length(varargin)}};
- else %# if (isstruct (varargin{1}))
- vodeoptions = odepkg_structure_check (varargin{1}, 'ode23d');
- vfunarguments = {};
- end
- else %# if (nargin == 5)
- vodeoptions = odeset;
- vfunarguments = {};
- end
- %# Start preprocessing, have a look which options have been set in
- %# vodeoptions. Check if an invalid or unused option has been set and
- %# print warnings.
- vslot = vslot(:)'; %# Create a row vector
- vinit = vinit(:)'; %# Create a row vector
- vlags = vlags(:)'; %# Create a row vector
- %# Check if the user has given fixed points of time
- if (length (vslot) > 2), vstepsizegiven = true; %# Step size checking
- else vstepsizegiven = false; end
- %# Get the default options that can be set with 'odeset' temporarily
- vodetemp = odeset;
- %# Implementation of the option RelTol has been finished. This option
- %# can be set by the user to another value than default value.
- if (isempty (vodeoptions.RelTol) && ~vstepsizegiven)
- vodeoptions.RelTol = 1e-6;
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "RelTol" not set, new value %f is used', vodeoptions.RelTol);
- elseif (~isempty (vodeoptions.RelTol) && vstepsizegiven)
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "RelTol" will be ignored if fixed time stamps are given');
- %# This implementation has been added to odepkg_structure_check.m
- %# elseif (~isscalar (vodeoptions.RelTol) && ~vstepsizegiven)
- %# error ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- %# 'Option "RelTol" must be set to a scalar value for this solver');
- end
- %# Implementation of the option AbsTol has been finished. This option
- %# can be set by the user to another value than default value.
- if (isempty (vodeoptions.AbsTol) && ~vstepsizegiven)
- vodeoptions.AbsTol = 1e-6;
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "AbsTol" not set, new value %f is used', vodeoptions.AbsTol);
- elseif (~isempty (vodeoptions.AbsTol) && vstepsizegiven)
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "AbsTol" will be ignored if fixed time stamps are given');
- else %# create column vector
- vodeoptions.AbsTol = vodeoptions.AbsTol(:);
- end
- %# Implementation of the option NormControl has been finished. This
- %# option can be set by the user to another value than default value.
- if (strcmp (vodeoptions.NormControl, 'on')), vnormcontrol = true;
- else vnormcontrol = false;
- end
- %# Implementation of the option NonNegative has been finished. This
- %# option can be set by the user to another value than default value.
- if (~isempty (vodeoptions.NonNegative))
- if (isempty (vodeoptions.Mass)), vhavenonnegative = true;
- else
- vhavenonnegative = false;
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "NonNegative" will be ignored if mass matrix is set');
- end
- else vhavenonnegative = false;
- end
- %# Implementation of the option OutputFcn has been finished. This
- %# option can be set by the user to another value than default value.
- if (isempty (vodeoptions.OutputFcn) && nargout == 0)
- vodeoptions.OutputFcn = @odeplot;
- vhaveoutputfunction = true;
- elseif (isempty (vodeoptions.OutputFcn)), vhaveoutputfunction = false;
- else vhaveoutputfunction = true;
- end
- %# Implementation of the option OutputSel has been finished. This
- %# option can be set by the user to another value than default value.
- if (~isempty (vodeoptions.OutputSel)), vhaveoutputselection = true;
- else vhaveoutputselection = false; end
- %# Implementation of the option Refine has been finished. This option
- %# can be set by the user to another value than default value.
- if (isequal (vodeoptions.Refine, vodetemp.Refine)), vhaverefine = true;
- else vhaverefine = false; end
- %# Implementation of the option Stats has been finished. This option
- %# can be set by the user to another value than default value.
- %# Implementation of the option InitialStep has been finished. This
- %# option can be set by the user to another value than default value.
- if (isempty (vodeoptions.InitialStep) && ~vstepsizegiven)
- vodeoptions.InitialStep = abs (vslot(1,1) - vslot(1,2)) / 10;
- vodeoptions.InitialStep = vodeoptions.InitialStep / 10^vodeoptions.Refine;
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "InitialStep" not set, new value %f is used', vodeoptions.InitialStep);
- end
- %# Implementation of the option MaxStep has been finished. This option
- %# can be set by the user to another value than default value.
- if (isempty (vodeoptions.MaxStep) && ~vstepsizegiven)
- vodeoptions.MaxStep = abs (vslot(1,1) - vslot(1,length (vslot))) / 10;
- %# vodeoptions.MaxStep = vodeoptions.MaxStep / 10^vodeoptions.Refine;
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "MaxStep" not set, new value %f is used', vodeoptions.MaxStep);
- end
- %# Implementation of the option Events has been finished. This option
- %# can be set by the user to another value than default value.
- if (~isempty (vodeoptions.Events)), vhaveeventfunction = true;
- else vhaveeventfunction = false; end
- %# The options 'Jacobian', 'JPattern' and 'Vectorized' will be ignored
- %# by this solver because this solver uses an explicit Runge-Kutta
- %# method and therefore no Jacobian calculation is necessary
- if (~isequal (vodeoptions.Jacobian, vodetemp.Jacobian))
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "Jacobian" will be ignored by this solver');
- end
- if (~isequal (vodeoptions.JPattern, vodetemp.JPattern))
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "JPattern" will be ignored by this solver');
- end
- if (~isequal (vodeoptions.Vectorized, vodetemp.Vectorized))
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "Vectorized" will be ignored by this solver');
- end
- %# Implementation of the option Mass has been finished. This option
- %# can be set by the user to another value than default value.
- if (~isempty (vodeoptions.Mass) && ismatrix (vodeoptions.Mass))
- vhavemasshandle = false; vmass = vodeoptions.Mass; %# constant mass
- elseif (isa (vodeoptions.Mass, 'function_handle'))
- vhavemasshandle = true; %# mass defined by a function handle
- else %# no mass matrix - creating a diag-matrix of ones for mass
- vhavemasshandle = false; %# vmass = diag (ones (length (vinit), 1), 0);
- end
- %# Implementation of the option MStateDependence has been finished.
- %# This option can be set by the user to another value than default
- %# value.
- if (strcmp (vodeoptions.MStateDependence, 'none'))
- vmassdependence = false;
- else vmassdependence = true;
- end
- %# Other options that are not used by this solver. Print a warning
- %# message to tell the user that the option(s) is/are ignored.
- if (~isequal (vodeoptions.MvPattern, vodetemp.MvPattern))
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "MvPattern" will be ignored by this solver');
- end
- if (~isequal (vodeoptions.MassSingular, vodetemp.MassSingular))
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "MassSingular" will be ignored by this solver');
- end
- if (~isequal (vodeoptions.InitialSlope, vodetemp.InitialSlope))
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "InitialSlope" will be ignored by this solver');
- end
- if (~isequal (vodeoptions.MaxOrder, vodetemp.MaxOrder))
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "MaxOrder" will be ignored by this solver');
- end
- if (~isequal (vodeoptions.BDF, vodetemp.BDF))
- warning ('OdePkg:InvalidOption', ...
- 'Option "BDF" will be ignored by this solver');
- end
- %# Starting the initialisation of the core solver ode23d
- vtimestamp = vslot(1,1); %# timestamp = start time
- vtimelength = length (vslot); %# length needed if fixed steps
- vtimestop = vslot(1,vtimelength); %# stop time = last value
- if (~vstepsizegiven)
- vstepsize = vodeoptions.InitialStep;
- vminstepsize = (vtimestop - vtimestamp) / (1/eps);
- else %# If step size is given then use the fixed time steps
- vstepsize = abs (vslot(1,1) - vslot(1,2));
- vminstepsize = eps; %# vslot(1,2) - vslot(1,1) - eps;
- end
- vretvaltime = vtimestamp; %# first timestamp output
- if (vhaveoutputselection) %# first solution output
- vretvalresult = vinit(vodeoptions.OutputSel);
- else vretvalresult = vinit;
- end
- %# Initialize the OutputFcn
- if (vhaveoutputfunction)
- feval (vodeoptions.OutputFcn, vslot', ...
- vretvalresult', 'init', vfunarguments{:});
- end
- %# Initialize the History
- if (isnumeric (vhist))
- vhmat = vhist;
- vhavehistnumeric = true;
- else %# it must be a function handle
- for vcnt = 1:length (vlags);
- vhmat(:,vcnt) = feval (vhist, (vslot(1)-vlags(vcnt)), vfunarguments{:});
- end
- vhavehistnumeric = false;
- end
- %# Initialize DDE variables for history calculation
- vsaveddetime = [vtimestamp - vlags, vtimestamp]';
- vsaveddeinput = [vhmat, vinit']';
- vsavedderesult = [vhmat, vinit']';
- %# Initialize the EventFcn
- if (vhaveeventfunction)
- odepkg_event_handle (vodeoptions.Events, vtimestamp, ...
- {vretvalresult', vhmat}, 'init', vfunarguments{:});
- end
- vpow = 1/3; %# 20071016, reported by Luis Randez
- va = [ 0, 0, 0; %# The Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg 2(3) coefficients
- 1/2, 0, 0; %# Coefficients proved on 20060827
- -1, 2, 0]; %# See p.91 in Ascher & Petzold
- vb2 = [0; 1; 0]; %# 2nd and 3rd order
- vb3 = [1/6; 2/3; 1/6]; %# b-coefficients
- vc = sum (va, 2);
- %# The solver main loop - stop if the endpoint has been reached
- vcntloop = 2; vcntcycles = 1; vu = vinit; vk = vu' * zeros(1,3);
- vcntiter = 0; vunhandledtermination = true;
- while ((vtimestamp < vtimestop && vstepsize >= vminstepsize))
- %# Hit the endpoint of the time slot exactely
- if ((vtimestamp + vstepsize) > vtimestop)
- vstepsize = vtimestop - vtimestamp; end
- %# Estimate the three results when using this solver
- for j = 1:3
- vthetime = vtimestamp + vc(j,1) * vstepsize;
- vtheinput = vu' + vstepsize * vk(:,1:j-1) * va(j,1:j-1)';
- %# Claculate the history values (or get them from an external
- %# function) that are needed for the next step of solving
- if (vhavehistnumeric)
- for vcnt = 1:length (vlags)
- %# Direct implementation of a 'quadrature cubic Hermite interpolation'
- %# found at the Faculty for Mathematics of the University of Stuttgart
- %# http://mo.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/inhalt/aussage/aussage1269
- vnumb = find (vthetime - vlags(vcnt) >= vsaveddetime);
- velem = min (vnumb(end), length (vsaveddetime) - 1);
- vstep = vsaveddetime(velem+1) - vsaveddetime(velem);
- vdiff = (vthetime - vlags(vcnt) - vsaveddetime(velem)) / vstep;
- vsubs = 1 - vdiff;
- %# Calculation of the coefficients for the interpolation algorithm
- vua = (1 + 2 * vdiff) * vsubs^2;
- vub = (3 - 2 * vdiff) * vdiff^2;
- vva = vstep * vdiff * vsubs^2;
- vvb = -vstep * vsubs * vdiff^2;
- vhmat(:,vcnt) = vua * vsaveddeinput(velem,:)' + ...
- vub * vsaveddeinput(velem+1,:)' + ...
- vva * vsavedderesult(velem,:)' + ...
- vvb * vsavedderesult(velem+1,:)';
- end
- else %# the history must be a function handle
- for vcnt = 1:length (vlags)
- vhmat(:,vcnt) = feval ...
- (vhist, vthetime - vlags(vcnt), vfunarguments{:});
- end
- end
- if (vhavemasshandle) %# Handle only the dynamic mass matrix,
- if (vmassdependence) %# constant mass matrices have already
- vmass = feval ... %# been set before (if any)
- (vodeoptions.Mass, vthetime, vtheinput, vfunarguments{:});
- else %# if (vmassdependence == false)
- vmass = feval ... %# then we only have the time argument
- (vodeoptions.Mass, vthetime, vfunarguments{:});
- end
- vk(:,j) = vmass \ feval ...
- (vfun, vthetime, vtheinput, vhmat, vfunarguments{:});
- else
- vk(:,j) = feval ...
- (vfun, vthetime, vtheinput, vhmat, vfunarguments{:});
- end
- end
- %# Compute the 2nd and the 3rd order estimation
- y2 = vu' + vstepsize * (vk * vb2);
- y3 = vu' + vstepsize * (vk * vb3);
- if (vhavenonnegative)
- vu(vodeoptions.NonNegative) = abs (vu(vodeoptions.NonNegative));
- y2(vodeoptions.NonNegative) = abs (y2(vodeoptions.NonNegative));
- y3(vodeoptions.NonNegative) = abs (y3(vodeoptions.NonNegative));
- end
- vSaveVUForRefine = vu;
- %# Calculate the absolute local truncation error and the acceptable error
- if (~vstepsizegiven)
- if (~vnormcontrol)
- vdelta = y3 - y2;
- vtau = max (vodeoptions.RelTol * vu', vodeoptions.AbsTol);
- else
- vdelta = norm (y3 - y2, Inf);
- vtau = max (vodeoptions.RelTol * max (norm (vu', Inf), 1.0), ...
- vodeoptions.AbsTol);
- end
- else %# if (vstepsizegiven == true)
- vdelta = 1; vtau = 2;
- end
- %# If the error is acceptable then update the vretval variables
- if (all (vdelta <= vtau))
- vtimestamp = vtimestamp + vstepsize;
- vu = y3'; %# MC2001: the higher order estimation as "local extrapolation"
- vretvaltime(vcntloop,:) = vtimestamp;
- if (vhaveoutputselection)
- vretvalresult(vcntloop,:) = vu(vodeoptions.OutputSel);
- else
- vretvalresult(vcntloop,:) = vu;
- end
- vcntloop = vcntloop + 1; vcntiter = 0;
- %# Update DDE values for next history calculation
- vsaveddetime(end+1) = vtimestamp;
- vsaveddeinput(end+1,:) = vtheinput';
- vsavedderesult(end+1,:) = vu;
- %# Call plot only if a valid result has been found, therefore this
- %# code fragment has moved here. Stop integration if plot function
- %# returns false
- if (vhaveoutputfunction)
- if (vhaverefine) %# Do interpolation
- for vcnt = 0:vodeoptions.Refine %# Approximation between told and t
- vapproxtime = (vcnt + 1) * vstepsize / (vodeoptions.Refine + 2);
- vapproxvals = vSaveVUForRefine' + vapproxtime * (vk * vb3);
- if (vhaveoutputselection)
- vapproxvals = vapproxvals(vodeoptions.OutputSel);
- end
- feval (vodeoptions.OutputFcn, (vtimestamp - vstepsize) + vapproxtime, ...
- vapproxvals, [], vfunarguments{:});
- end
- end
- vpltret = feval (vodeoptions.OutputFcn, vtimestamp, ...
- vretvalresult(vcntloop-1,:)', [], vfunarguments{:});
- if (vpltret), vunhandledtermination = false; break; end
- end
- %# Call event only if a valid result has been found, therefore this
- %# code fragment has moved here. Stop integration if veventbreak is
- %# true
- if (vhaveeventfunction)
- vevent = ...
- odepkg_event_handle (vodeoptions.Events, vtimestamp, ...
- {vu(:), vhmat}, [], vfunarguments{:});
- if (~isempty (vevent{1}) && vevent{1} == 1)
- vretvaltime(vcntloop-1,:) = vevent{3}(end,:);
- vretvalresult(vcntloop-1,:) = vevent{4}(end,:);
- vunhandledtermination = false; break;
- end
- end
- end %# If the error is acceptable ...
- %# Update the step size for the next integration step
- if (~vstepsizegiven)
- %# vdelta may be 0 or even negative - could be an iteration problem
- vdelta = max (vdelta, eps);
- vstepsize = min (vodeoptions.MaxStep, ...
- min (0.8 * vstepsize * (vtau ./ vdelta) .^ vpow));
- elseif (vstepsizegiven)
- if (vcntloop < vtimelength)
- vstepsize = vslot(1,vcntloop-1) - vslot(1,vcntloop-2);
- end
- end
- %# Update counters that count the number of iteration cycles
- vcntcycles = vcntcycles + 1; %# Needed for postprocessing
- vcntiter = vcntiter + 1; %# Needed to find iteration problems
- %# Stop solving because the last 1000 steps no successful valid
- %# value has been found
- if (vcntiter >= 5000)
- error (['Solving has not been successful. The iterative', ...
- ' integration loop exited at time t = %f before endpoint at', ...
- ' tend = %f was reached. This happened because the iterative', ...
- ' integration loop does not find a valid solution at this time', ...
- ' stamp. Try to reduce the value of "InitialStep" and/or', ...
- ' "MaxStep" with the command "odeset".\n'], vtimestamp, vtimestop);
- end
- end %# The main loop
- %# Check if integration of the ode has been successful
- if (vtimestamp < vtimestop)
- if (vunhandledtermination == true)
- error (['Solving has not been successful. The iterative', ...
- ' integration loop exited at time t = %f', ...
- ' before endpoint at tend = %f was reached. This may', ...
- ' happen if the stepsize grows smaller than defined in', ...
- ' vminstepsize. Try to reduce the value of "InitialStep" and/or', ...
- ' "MaxStep" with the command "odeset".\n'], vtimestamp, vtimestop);
- else
- warning ('OdePkg:HideWarning', ...
- ['Solver has been stopped by a call of "break" in', ...
- ' the main iteration loop at time t = %f before endpoint at', ...
- ' tend = %f was reached. This may happen because the @odeplot', ...
- ' function returned "true" or the @event function returned "true".'], ...
- vtimestamp, vtimestop);
- end
- end
- %# Postprocessing, do whatever when terminating integration algorithm
- if (vhaveoutputfunction) %# Cleanup plotter
- feval (vodeoptions.OutputFcn, vtimestamp, ...
- vretvalresult(vcntloop-1,:)', 'done', vfunarguments{:});
- end
- if (vhaveeventfunction) %# Cleanup event function handling
- odepkg_event_handle (vodeoptions.Events, vtimestamp, ...
- {vretvalresult(vcntloop-1,:), vhmat}, 'done', vfunarguments{:});
- end
- %# Print additional information if option Stats is set
- if (strcmp (vodeoptions.Stats, 'on'))
- vhavestats = true;
- vnsteps = vcntloop-2; %# vcntloop from 2..end
- vnfailed = (vcntcycles-1)-(vcntloop-2)+1; %# vcntcycl from 1..end
- vnfevals = 3*(vcntcycles-1); %# number of ode evaluations
- vndecomps = 0; %# number of LU decompositions
- vnpds = 0; %# number of partial derivatives
- vnlinsols = 0; %# no. of solutions of linear systems
- %# Print cost statistics if no output argument is given
- if (nargout == 0)
- vmsg = fprintf (1, 'Number of successful steps: %d', vnsteps);
- vmsg = fprintf (1, 'Number of failed attempts: %d', vnfailed);
- vmsg = fprintf (1, 'Number of function calls: %d', vnfevals);
- end
- else vhavestats = false;
- end
- if (nargout == 1) %# Sort output variables, depends on nargout
- varargout{1}.x = vretvaltime; %# Time stamps are saved in field x
- varargout{1}.y = vretvalresult; %# Results are saved in field y
- varargout{1}.solver = 'ode23d'; %# Solver name is saved in field solver
- if (vhaveeventfunction)
- varargout{1}.ie = vevent{2}; %# Index info which event occured
- varargout{1}.xe = vevent{3}; %# Time info when an event occured
- varargout{1}.ye = vevent{4}; %# Results when an event occured
- end
- if (vhavestats)
- varargout{1}.stats = struct;
- varargout{1}.stats.nsteps = vnsteps;
- varargout{1}.stats.nfailed = vnfailed;
- varargout{1}.stats.nfevals = vnfevals;
- varargout{1}.stats.npds = vnpds;
- varargout{1}.stats.ndecomps = vndecomps;
- varargout{1}.stats.nlinsols = vnlinsols;
- end
- elseif (nargout == 2)
- varargout{1} = vretvaltime; %# Time stamps are first output argument
- varargout{2} = vretvalresult; %# Results are second output argument
- elseif (nargout == 5)
- varargout{1} = vretvaltime; %# Same as (nargout == 2)
- varargout{2} = vretvalresult; %# Same as (nargout == 2)
- varargout{3} = []; %# LabMat doesn't accept lines like
- varargout{4} = []; %# varargout{3} = varargout{4} = [];
- varargout{5} = [];
- if (vhaveeventfunction)
- varargout{3} = vevent{3}; %# Time info when an event occured
- varargout{4} = vevent{4}; %# Results when an event occured
- varargout{5} = vevent{2}; %# Index info which event occured
- end
- %# else nothing will be returned, varargout{1} undefined
- end
- %! # We are using a "pseudo-DDE" implementation for all tests that
- %! # are done for this function. We also define an Events and a
- %! # pseudo-Mass implementation. For further tests we also define a
- %! # reference solution (computed at high accuracy) and an OutputFcn.
- %!function [vyd] = fexp (vt, vy, vz, varargin)
- %! vyd(1,1) = exp (- vt) - vz(1); %# The DDEs that are
- %! vyd(2,1) = vy(1) - vz(2); %# used for all examples
- %!function [vval, vtrm, vdir] = feve (vt, vy, vz, varargin)
- %! vval = fexp (vt, vy, vz); %# We use the derivatives
- %! vtrm = zeros (2,1); %# don't stop solving here
- %! vdir = ones (2,1); %# in positive direction
- %!function [vval, vtrm, vdir] = fevn (vt, vy, vz, varargin)
- %! vval = fexp (vt, vy, vz); %# We use the derivatives
- %! vtrm = ones (2,1); %# stop solving here
- %! vdir = ones (2,1); %# in positive direction
- %!function [vmas] = fmas (vt, vy, vz, varargin)
- %! vmas = [1, 0; 0, 1]; %# Dummy mass matrix for tests
- %!function [vmas] = fmsa (vt, vy, vz, varargin)
- %! vmas = sparse ([1, 0; 0, 1]); %# A dummy sparse matrix
- %!function [vref] = fref () %# The reference solution
- %! vref = [0.12194462133618, 0.01652432423938];
- %!function [vout] = fout (vt, vy, vflag, varargin)
- %! if (regexp (char (vflag), 'init') == 1)
- %! if (any (size (vt) ~= [2, 1])) error ('"fout" step "init"'); end
- %! elseif (isempty (vflag))
- %! if (any (size (vt) ~= [1, 1])) error ('"fout" step "calc"'); end
- %! vout = false;
- %! elseif (regexp (char (vflag), 'done') == 1)
- %! if (any (size (vt) ~= [1, 1])) error ('"fout" step "done"'); end
- %! else error ('"fout" invalid vflag');
- %! end
- %!
- %! %# Turn off output of warning messages for all tests, turn them on
- %! %# again if the last test is called
- %!error %# input argument number one
- %! warning ('off', 'OdePkg:InvalidOption');
- %! B = ode23d (1, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0]);
- %!error %# input argument number two
- %! B = ode23d (@fexp, 1, [1; 0], 1, [1; 0]);
- %!error %# input argument number three
- %! B = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], 1, 1, [1; 0]);
- %!error %# input argument number four
- %! B = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], [1; 1], [1; 0]);
- %!error %# input argument number five
- %! B = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, 1);
- %!test %# one output argument
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0]);
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %! assert (isfield (vsol, 'solver'));
- %! assert (vsol.solver, 'ode23d');
- %!test %# two output arguments
- %! [vt, vy] = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0]);
- %! assert ([vt(end), vy(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %!test %# five output arguments and no Events
- %! [vt, vy, vxe, vye, vie] = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0]);
- %! assert ([vt(end), vy(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %! assert ([vie, vxe, vye], []);
- %!test %# anonymous function instead of real function
- %! faym = @(vt, vy, vz) [exp(-vt) - vz(1); vy(1) - vz(2)];
- %! vsol = ode23d (faym, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0]);
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %!test %# extra input arguments passed trhough
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], 'KL');
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %!test %# empty OdePkg structure *but* extra input arguments
- %! vopt = odeset;
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt, 12, 13, 'KL');
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %!error %# strange OdePkg structure
- %! vopt = struct ('foo', 1);
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %!test %# AbsTol option
- %! vopt = odeset ('AbsTol', 1e-5);
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %!test %# AbsTol and RelTol option
- %! vopt = odeset ('AbsTol', 1e-7, 'RelTol', 1e-7);
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %!test %# RelTol and NormControl option
- %! vopt = odeset ('AbsTol', 1e-7, 'NormControl', 'on');
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [5, fref], .5e-1);
- %!test %# NonNegative for second component
- %! vopt = odeset ('NonNegative', 1);
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 2.5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [2.5, 0.001, 0.237], 1e-1);
- %!test %# Details of OutputSel and Refine can't be tested
- %! vopt = odeset ('OutputFcn', @fout, 'OutputSel', 1, 'Refine', 5);
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 2.5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %!test %# Stats must add further elements in vsol
- %! vopt = odeset ('Stats', 'on');
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 2.5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert (isfield (vsol, 'stats'));
- %! assert (isfield (vsol.stats, 'nsteps'));
- %!test %# InitialStep option
- %! vopt = odeset ('InitialStep', 1e-8);
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %!test %# MaxStep option
- %! vopt = odeset ('MaxStep', 1e-2);
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %!test %# Events option add further elements in vsol
- %! vopt = odeset ('Events', @feve);
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert (isfield (vsol, 'ie'));
- %! assert (vsol.ie, [1; 1]);
- %! assert (isfield (vsol, 'xe'));
- %! assert (isfield (vsol, 'ye'));
- %!test %# Events option, now stop integration
- %! warning ('off', 'OdePkg:HideWarning');
- %! vopt = odeset ('Events', @fevn, 'NormControl', 'on');
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert ([vsol.ie, vsol.xe, vsol.ye], ...
- %! [1.0000, 2.9219, -0.2127, -0.2671], 1e-1);
- %!test %# Events option, five output arguments
- %! vopt = odeset ('Events', @fevn, 'NormControl', 'on');
- %! [vt, vy, vxe, vye, vie] = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert ([vie, vxe, vye], ...
- %! [1.0000, 2.9219, -0.2127, -0.2671], 1e-1);
- %!
- %! %# test for Jacobian option is missing
- %! %# test for Jacobian (being a sparse matrix) is missing
- %! %# test for JPattern option is missing
- %! %# test for Vectorized option is missing
- %!
- %!test %# Mass option as function
- %! vopt = odeset ('Mass', eye (2,2));
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %!test %# Mass option as matrix
- %! vopt = odeset ('Mass', eye (2,2));
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %!test %# Mass option as sparse matrix
- %! vopt = odeset ('Mass', sparse (eye (2,2)));
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %!test %# Mass option as function and sparse matrix
- %! vopt = odeset ('Mass', @fmsa);
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %!test %# Mass option as function and MStateDependence
- %! vopt = odeset ('Mass', @fmas, 'MStateDependence', 'strong');
- %! vsol = ode23d (@fexp, [0 5], [1; 0], 1, [1; 0], vopt);
- %! assert ([vsol.x(end), vsol.y(end,:)], [5, fref], 1e-1);
- %!
- %! %# test for MvPattern option is missing
- %! %# test for InitialSlope option is missing
- %! %# test for MaxOrder option is missing
- %! %# test for BDF option is missing
- %!
- %! warning ('on', 'OdePkg:InvalidOption');
- %# Local Variables: ***
- %# mode: octave ***
- %# End: ***