MATLAB | 362 lines | 204 code | 55 blank | 103 comment | 33 complexity | b01487d27723bf8cfba4fcd35458268f MD5 | raw file
- ## Copyright (C) 2004 Josep Mones i Teixidor
- ##
- ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- ## (at your option) any later version.
- ##
- ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- ## GNU General Public License for more details.
- ##
- ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- ## Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
- ##
- ##
- ## Based on old imadjust.m (GPL):
- ## Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Kai Habel
- ## -*- texinfo -*-
- ## @deftypefn {Function File} @var{J}= imadjust (@var{I})
- ## @deftypefnx {Function File} @var{J}= imadjust (@var{I},[@var{low_in};@var{high_in}])
- ## @deftypefnx {Function File} @var{J}= imadjust (@var{I},[@var{low_in};@var{high_in}],[@var{low_out};@var{high_out}])
- ## @deftypefnx {Function File} @var{J}= imadjust (..., @var{gamma})
- ## @deftypefnx {Function File} @var{newmap}= imadjust (@var{map}, ...)
- ## @deftypefnx {Function File} @var{RGB_out}= imadjust (@var{RGB}, ...)
- ## Adjust image or colormap values to a specified range
- ##
- ## @code{J=imadjust(I)} adjusts intensity image @var{I} values so that
- ## 1% of data on lower and higher values (2% in total) of the image is
- ## saturated; choosing for that the corresponding lower and higher
- ## bounds (using @code{stretchlim}) and mapping them to 0 and 1. @var{J}
- ## is an image of the same size as @var{I} which contains mapped values.
- ## This is equivalent to @code{imadjust(I,stretchlim(I))}.
- ##
- ## @code{J=imadjust(I,[low_in;high_in])} behaves as described but uses
- ## @var{low_in} and @var{high_in} values instead of calculating them. It
- ## maps those values to 0 and 1; saturates values lower than first limit
- ## to 0 and values higher than second to 1; and finally maps all values
- ## between limits linearly to a value between 0 and 1. If @code{[]} is
- ## passes as @code{[low_in;high_in]} value, then @code{[0;1]} is taken
- ## as a default value.
- ##
- ## @code{J=imadjust(I,[low_in;high_in],[low_out;high_out])} behaves as
- ## described but maps output values between @var{low_out} and
- ## @var{high_out} instead of 0 and 1. A default value @code{[]} can also
- ## be used for this parameter, which is taken as @code{[0;1]}.
- ##
- ## @code{J=imadjust(...,gamma)} takes, in addition of 3 parameters
- ## explained above, an extra parameter @var{gamma}, which specifies the
- ## shape of the mapping curve between input elements and output
- ## elements, which is linear (as taken if this parameter is omitted). If
- ## @var{gamma} is above 1, then function is weighted towards lower
- ## values, and if below 1, towards higher values.
- ##
- ## @code{newmap=imadjust(map,...)} applies a transformation to a
- ## colormap @var{map}, which output is @var{newmap}. This transformation
- ## is the same as explained above, just using a map instead of an image.
- ## @var{low_in}, @var{high_in}, @var{low_out}, @var{high_out} and
- ## @var{gamma} can be scalars, in which case the same values are applied
- ## for all three color components of a map; or it can be 1-by-3
- ## vectors, to define unique mappings for each component.
- ##
- ## @code{RGB_out=imadjust(RGB,...)} adjust RGB image @var{RGB} (a
- ## M-by-N-by-3 array) the same way as specified in images and colormaps.
- ## Here too @var{low_in}, @var{high_in}, @var{low_out}, @var{high_out} and
- ## @var{gamma} can be scalars or 1-by-3 matrices, to specify the same
- ## mapping for all planes, or unique mappings for each.
- ##
- ## The formula used to realize the mapping (if we omit saturation) is:
- ##
- ## @code{J = low_out + (high_out - low_out) .* ((I - low_in) / (high_in - low_in)) .^ gamma;}
- ##
- ## @strong{Compatibility notes:}
- ##
- ## @itemize @bullet
- ## @item
- ## Prior versions of imadjust allowed @code{[low_in; high_in]} and
- ## @code{[low_out; high_out]} to be row vectors. Compatibility with this
- ## behaviour has been keeped, although preferred form is vertical vector
- ## (since it extends nicely to 2-by-3 matrices for RGB images and
- ## colormaps).
- ## @item
- ## Previous version of imadjust, if @code{low_in>high_in} it "negated" output.
- ## Now it is negated if @code{low_out>high_out}, for compatibility with
- ## MATLAB.
- ## @item
- ## Class of @var{I} is not considered, so limit values are not
- ## modified depending on class of the image, just treated "as is". When
- ## Octave 2.1.58 is out, limits will be multiplied by 255 for uint8
- ## images and by 65535 for uint16 as in MATLAB.
- ## @end itemize
- ##
- ## @seealso{stretchlim, brighten}
- ## @end deftypefn
- ## Author: Josep Mones i Teixidor <jmones@puntbarra.com>
- ## TODO: When Octave 2.1.58 is out multiply indices if input argument is
- ## TODO: of class int* or uint*.
- function ret = imadjust (image, in, out, gamma)
- if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 4)
- usage ("imadjust(...) number of arguments must be between 1 and 4");
- endif
- if (nargin < 4)
- gamma = 1; ## default gamma
- endif
- if !(ismatrix(image))
- error ("imadjust(image,...) first parameter must be a image matrix or colormap");
- endif
- if (nargin==1)
- in=stretchlim(image); ## this saturates 1% on lower and 1% on
- out=[0;1]; ## higher values
- endif
- if (nargin==2)
- out=[0;1]; ## default out
- endif
- if !((ismatrix(in) || isempty(in)) && (ismatrix(out) || isempty(out)) )
- usage("imadjust(image,[low high],[bottom top],gamma)");
- endif
- if (isempty(in))
- in=[0;1]; ## default in
- endif
- if (isempty(out))
- out=[0;1]; ## default out
- endif
- simage=size(image);
- if (length(simage)==3 && simage(3)==3)
- ## image is rgb
- [in, out, gamma]=__imadjust_check_3d_args__(in, out, gamma);
- ## make room
- ret=zeros(size(image));
- ## process each plane
- for i=1:3
- ret(:,:,i)=__imadjust_plane__(image(:,:,i),in(1,i),in(2,i),out(1,i),out(2,i),gamma(1,i));
- endfor
- elseif (length(simage)==2)
- if(simage(2)==3 && \
- (size(in)==[2,3] || size(out)==[2,3] || size(gamma)==[1,3]) )
- ## image is a colormap
- [in, out, gamma]=__imadjust_check_3d_args__(in, out, gamma);
- ret=[];
- ## process each color
- for i=1:3
- ret=horzcat(ret,__imadjust_plane__(image(:,i),in(1,i),in(2,i),out(1,i),out(2,i),gamma(i)));
- endfor
- else
- ## image is a intensity image
- if( !isvector(in) || length(in)!=2 || !isvector(out) || length(out)!=2 || !isscalar(gamma) || (gamma<0) || (gamma==Inf) )
- error("imadjust: on an intensity image, in and out must be 2-by-1 and gamma a positive scalar.");
- endif
- ret=__imadjust_plane__(image,in(1),in(2),out(1),out(2),gamma);
- endif
- else
- error("imadjust: first parameter must be a colormap, an intensity image or a RGB image");
- endif
- endfunction
- ## This does all the work. I has a plane; li and hi input low and high
- ## values; and lo and ho, output bottom and top values.
- ## Image negative is computed if ho<lo although nothing special is
- ## needed, since formula automatically handles it.
- function ret=__imadjust_plane__(I, li, hi, lo, ho, gamma)
- ret = (I < li) .* lo;
- ret = ret + (I >= li & I < hi) .* (lo + (ho - lo) .* ((I - li) / (hi - li)) .^ gamma);
- ret = ret + (I >= hi) .* ho;
- endfunction
- ## Checks in, out and gamma to see if they are ok for colormap and RGB
- ## cases.
- function [in, out, gamma]=__imadjust_check_3d_args__(in, out, gamma)
- switch(size(in))
- case([2,3])
- ## ok!
- case([2,1])
- in=repmat(in,1,3);
- case([1,2]) ## Compatibility behaviour!
- in=repmat(in',1,3);
- otherwise
- error("imadjust: in must be 2-by-3 or 2-by-1.");
- endswitch
- switch(size(out))
- case([2,3])
- ## ok!
- case([2,1])
- out=repmat(out,1,3);
- case([1,2]) ## Compatibility behaviour!
- out=repmat(out',1,3);
- otherwise
- error("imadjust: out must be 2-by-3 or 2-by-1.");
- endswitch
- switch(size(gamma))
- case([1,3])
- ## ok!
- case([1,1])
- gamma=repmat(gamma,1,3);
- otherwise
- error("imadjust: gamma must be a scalar or a 1-by-3 matrix.");
- endswitch
- ## check gamma allowed range
- if(!all((gamma>=0)&(gamma<Inf)))
- error("imadjust: gamma values must be in the range [0,Inf]");
- endif
- endfunction
- # bad arguments
- # bad images
- %!error(imadjust("bad argument"));
- %!error(imadjust(zeros(10,10,3,2)));
- %!error(imadjust(zeros(10,10,4)));
- %!error(imadjust("bad argument"));
- # bad 2d, 3d or 4th argument
- %!error(imadjust([1:100],"bad argument",[0;1],1));
- %!error(imadjust([1:100],[0,1,1],[0;1],1));
- %!error(imadjust([1:100],[0;1],[0,1,1],1));
- %!error(imadjust([1:100],[0;1],[0;1],[0;1]));
- %!error(imadjust([1:100],[0;1],[0;1],-1));
- %!# 1% on each end saturated
- %!assert(imadjust([1:100]),[0,linspace(0,1,98),1]);
- %!# test with only input arg
- %!assert(sum(abs((imadjust(linspace(0,1,100),[1/99;98/99]) - \
- %! [0,linspace(0,1,98),1] )(:))) < 1e-10);
- %!# a test with input and output args
- %!assert(imadjust([1:100],[50;90],[-50;-30]), \
- %! [-50*ones(1,49), linspace(-50,-30,90-50+1), -30*ones(1,10)]);
- %!# a test with input and output args in a row vector (Compatibility behaviour)
- %!assert(imadjust([1:100],[50,90],[-50,-30]), \
- %! [-50*ones(1,49), linspace(-50,-30,90-50+1), -30*ones(1,10)]);
- %!# the previous test, "negated"
- %!assert(imadjust([1:100],[50;90],[-30;-50]), \
- %! [-30*ones(1,49), linspace(-30,-50,90-50+1), -50*ones(1,10)]);
- %!shared cm,cmn
- %! cm=[[1:10]',[2:11]',[3:12]'];
- %! cmn=([[1:10]',[2:11]',[3:12]']-1)/11;
- %!# a colormap
- %!assert(imadjust(cmn,[0;1],[10;11]),cmn+10);
- %!# a colormap with params in row (Compatibility behaviour)
- %!assert(imadjust(cmn,[0,1],[10,11]),cmn+10);
- %!# a colormap, different output on each
- %!assert(imadjust(cmn,[0;1],[10,20,30;11,21,31]),cmn+repmat([10,20,30],10,1));
- %!# a colormap, different input on each, we need increased tolerance for this test
- %!assert(sum(abs((imadjust(cm,[2,4,6;7,9,11],[0;1]) - \
- %! [[0,linspace(0,1,6),1,1,1]', \
- %! [0,0,linspace(0,1,6),1,1]', \
- %! [0,0,0,linspace(0,1,6),1]'] \
- %! ))(:)) < 1e-10 \
- %! );
- %!# a colormap, different input and output on each
- %!assert(sum(abs((imadjust(cm,[2,4,6;7,9,11],[0,1,2;1,2,3]) - \
- %! [[0,linspace(0,1,6),1,1,1]', \
- %! [0,0,linspace(0,1,6),1,1]'+1, \
- %! [0,0,0,linspace(0,1,6),1]'+2] \
- %! ))(:)) < 1e-10 \
- %! );
- %!# a colormap, different gamma, input and output on each
- %!assert(sum(abs((imadjust(cm,[2,4,6;7,9,11],[0,1,2;1,2,3],[1,2,3]) - \
- %! [[0,linspace(0,1,6),1,1,1]', \
- %! [0,0,linspace(0,1,6).^2,1,1]'+1, \
- %! [0,0,0,linspace(0,1,6).^3,1]'+2] \
- %! )(:))) < 1e-10 \
- %! );
- %!shared iRGB,iRGBn,oRGB
- %! iRGB=zeros(10,1,3);
- %! iRGB(:,:,1)=[1:10]';
- %! iRGB(:,:,2)=[2:11]';
- %! iRGB(:,:,3)=[3:12]';
- %! iRGBn=(iRGB-1)/11;
- %! oRGB=zeros(10,1,3);
- %! oRGB(:,:,1)=[0,linspace(0,1,6),1,1,1]';
- %! oRGB(:,:,2)=[0,0,linspace(0,1,6),1,1]';
- %! oRGB(:,:,3)=[0,0,0,linspace(0,1,6),1]';
- %!# a RGB image
- %!assert(imadjust(iRGBn,[0;1],[10;11]),iRGBn+10);
- %!# a RGB image, params in row (compatibility behaviour)
- %!assert(imadjust(iRGBn,[0,1],[10,11]),iRGBn+10);
- %!# a RGB, different output on each
- %!test
- %! t=iRGBn;
- %! t(:,:,1)+=10;
- %! t(:,:,2)+=20;
- %! t(:,:,3)+=30;
- %! assert(imadjust(iRGBn,[0;1],[10,20,30;11,21,31]),t);
- %!# a RGB, different input on each, we need increased tolerance for this test
- %!assert(sum(abs((imadjust(iRGB,[2,4,6;7,9,11],[0;1]) - oRGB)(:))) < 1e-10);
- %!# a RGB, different input and output on each
- %!test
- %! t=oRGB;
- %! t(:,:,2)+=1;
- %! t(:,:,3)+=2;
- %! assert(sum(abs((imadjust(iRGB,[2,4,6;7,9,11],[0,1,2;1,2,3]) - t)(:))) < 1e-10);
- %!# a RGB, different gamma, input and output on each
- %!test
- %! t=oRGB;
- %! t(:,:,2)=t(:,:,2).^2+1;
- %! t(:,:,3)=t(:,:,3).^3+2;
- %! assert(sum(abs((imadjust(iRGB,[2,4,6;7,9,11],[0,1,2;1,2,3],[1,2,3]) - t)(:))) < 1e-10);
- %
- % $Log$
- % Revision 1.3 2007/03/23 16:14:37 adb014
- % Update the FSF address
- %
- % Revision 1.2 2007/01/04 23:47:43 hauberg
- % Put seealso before end deftypefn
- %
- % Revision 1.1 2006/08/20 12:59:33 hauberg
- % Changed the structure to match the package system
- %
- % Revision 1.3 2004/09/01 22:51:14 jmones
- % Fully recoded: NDArray support, docs, tests, more compatible with MATLAB, changed copyright
- %
- %