# · #! · 168 lines · 149 code · 19 blank · 0 comment · 0 complexity · a3537a86e66123297f2548d175e332c4 MD5 · raw file
- This version of mailagent has been written by Raphael Manfredi based on
- previous work from Larry Wall, published in dist-2.0.
- The mailagent history is somewhat linked to the dist package history. When
- I discovered dist-2.0 in August 1990 and began extending metaconfig and the
- pat tools, I also began extending Larry Wall's mailagent, which was included
- in dist-2.0 along with the mailpatch command.
- I started adding mailhelp, maildist and maillist because I needed them, and
- then left France in March 1991 to go write an Eiffel compiler until March 1993.
- Since I was getting a lot of mail at ISE, I felt the need for a real mail
- filter and not just an @SH command processor. Moreover, I was getting tired of
- having "Command mails" showing in my mailbox. The only mail filter I knew at
- that time was ELM's, and it was not meeting my requirements.
- Therefore, I started extending mailagent late 1991 up to the point where it
- became a real and flexible mail filter (according to my standards anyway)
- and since I thought others would like to play with it too, I released it
- as a beta 3.0 (known as version 2.9) on comp.sources.misc in July 1992 after
- 7 months of hard work.
- I got a lot of positive feedback on this program, and therefore I continued
- to extend it. I also began to see some limitations in the 2.9 version and
- started adding new features (like perl escapes, user-defined commands,
- etc...). I originally intended to make version 3.0 part of dist-3.0, but
- mailagent was starting to get a life of its own and not really a part of dist.
- However, @SH commands like ``package'' are meant to be used in conjunction
- with metaconfig, one of dist's components.
- In March 1993, I left ISE and returned to France to join A.C.R.I.. Although
- mailagent-3.0 was virtually finished by that time, I needed to release dist-3.0
- first due to some intensive user-pressure ;-). It's only late October 1993 that
- I found the time to finalize the manual page and add all the small features
- stacked in my TODO list...
- My first thanks will go to Larry Wall <lwall@netlabs.com> who wrote perl
- in the first place. I would never have dreamed of implementing mailagent
- from scratch if perl had not been invented.
- Then I'd like to thank all the early mailagent users for their useful input,
- suggestions, encouragement, contributions, constructive criticism or bug
- reports, and especially (by alphabetical order on the first name):
- Akihiro Hashimoto <cik1a03@dominic.ipc.chiba-u.ac.jp>
- Andrew Hardie <ash@cellar.demon.co.uk>
- Andy Glew <glew@ichips.intel.com>
- Arthur Siffert <siffert@spot.Colorado.EDU>
- Bertrand Meyer <bertrand@eiffel.com>
- Bill Campbell <billc@sierra.com>
- Bill Wohler <wohler@hw1175.sap-ag.de>
- Bjoern Stabell <bjoerns@stud.cs.uit.no>
- Brent Chapman <brent@GreatCircle.COM>
- CJ Canon <Clement.J.Canon@arp.anu.edu.au>
- Charles A. Lind <lind@eng.umd.edu>
- Chris Lewis <clewis@ferret.ocunix.on.ca>
- Christian Bertin <bertin@acri.fr>
- Christoph von Stuckrad <stucki@math.fu-berlin.de>
- Christopher Davis <ckd@eff.org>
- Dan O'Neill <dano@Cadence.COM>
- Dan Pierson <pierson@kukri.enet.dec.com>
- Darrell Schiebel <dschieb@muse.cv.nrao.edu>
- David Giddy <d.giddy@trl.oz.au>
- David Vincenzetti <vince@dsi.unimi.it>
- David W. Tamkin <dattier@ddsw1.mcs.com>
- Edward Feustel <efeustel@ida.org>
- Eric M. Carroll <eric@enfm.utcc.utoronto.ca>
- Erland Unruh <Erland.Unruh@malmo.trab.se>
- Forrest Aldrich <visgraph!forrie>
- Geoffrey Hart <ghart@ems.cdc.com>
- George Entenman <ge@mcnc.org>
- George Smith <gbs@stratus.swdc.stratus.com>
- George W. Wood <wood@ibmoto.com>
- Graham Stoney <greyham@research.canon.oz.au>
- Henry Kautz <kautz@research.att.com>
- J. Mark Noworolski <jmn@crown.Berkeley.EDU>
- JJ Lay <csjjlay@knuth.mtsu.edu>
- James Ault <aultj@rpi.edu>
- Jan Polcher <polcher@lmd.ens.fr>
- Jan-Piet Mens <jpm@Logix.DE>
- Janna Wemekamp <jw@cxcbr.cx.oz.au>
- Jean-Marc Calvez <calvez@acri.fr>
- Jean-Marc Eurin <eurin@acri.fr>
- Jim McCoy <mccoy@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu>
- John Plate <plate@infotek.dk>
- Jost Krieger <x920031@rubb.rz.ruhr-uni-bochum.de>
- Harald Koch <chk@enfm.utcc.utoronto.ca>
- Keith Pyle <keith@ibmoto.com>
- Keith Rose <rose@ultryx.com>
- Kent Landfield <kent@imd.sterling.com>
- Khalid Sattar <khalid@harlequin.co.uk>
- Kresten Krab Thorup <krab@iesd.auc.dk>
- Larry W. Virden <lvirden@cas.org>
- Mark Allman <mallman@oucsace.cs.ohiou.edu>
- Mark Kristie <clueless@camelot.bradley.edu>
- Mats Lidell <Mats.Lidell@eua.ericsson.se>
- Matthew Simmons <zarthac@camelot.bradley.edu>
- Michael Elkins <michael@jarthur.Claremont.EDU>
- Michael Peppler <mpeppler@itf0.itf.ch>
- NW Thomson <nige@kauri.vuw.ac.nz>
- Nigel Metheringham <nigelm@ohm.york.ac.uk>
- Ofer Inbar <cos@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu>
- Pascal Poissonnier <ppoisson@acri.fr>
- Patrick Labbaye <labbaye@acri.fr >
- Paul Raines <raines@bohr.physics.upenn.edu>
- Peter J Diaz de Leon <peter@miller.cs.uwm.edu>
- Peter N. Wan <peter@cc.gatech.edu>
- Ralf E. Stranzenbach <ralf@reswi.en.open.de>
- Richard Schneider <rschneid@erc.epson.com>
- Robert Brown <robertb@Barra.COM>
- Scott A. McIntyre <scott@shrug.dur.ac.uk>
- Scott Blachowicz <scott@statsci.com>
- Scott Robinson <shr@ichips.intel.com>
- Scott Schwartz <schwartz@groucho.cs.psu.edu>
- Sean Casey <sean@ms.uky.edu>
- Shigeya Suzuki <shigeya@foretune.co.jp>
- Soumendra Daas <dos@remus.ee.byu.edu>
- Sterling IMD <root@imd.sterling.com>
- Steve Hill <steveh@okam.corp.sgi.com>
- Syd Weinstein <syd@dsinc.dsi.com>
- Terry Hull <terry@eece.ksu.edu>
- Thomas Richter <richter@chemie.fu-berlin.de>
- Thunder-Thumbs <siffert@rintintin.Colorado.EDU>
- Tom Christiansen <tchrist@wraeththu.cs.colorado.edu>
- Tom Limoncelli <tom_limoncelli@Warren.MENTORG.COM>
- Tom Zheng <tzheng@cs.purdue.edu>
- Valery Alexeev <alexeev@math.utah.edu>
- Wes Price <ww2@bullwinkle.ssc.gov>
- Wolfram Schmidt <wschmidt@iao.fhg.de>
- Yeung Chee Wai <cheewai@uxmail.ust.hk>
- alexeev@math.utah.edu
- drw@bourbaki.mit.edu
- jim@morse.ilo.dec.com
- rschneid@callisto.erc.epson.com
- rsmith@proteus.arc.nasa.gov
- s090@brems.ii.uib.no
- sondeen@ISI.EDU
- If I forgot your name, please let me know, and accept my apologies -- not
- necessarily in that order ;-).
- Deepest thanks go to:
- Christian Bertin <bertin@acri.fr>
- Eric M. Carroll <eric@enfm.utcc.utoronto.ca>
- Graham Stoney <greyham@research.canon.oz.au>
- Jean-Marc Eurin <eurin@acri.fr>
- for their active contributions, with a special mention to Jean-Marc Eurin
- for carefully reviewing the release, installing it and proofreading the (long)
- manual page before my official posting to comp.sources.misc.
- I would also like to thank Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@datasync.com>, who
- did a wonderful job as Debian packager for mailagent.
- Finally, thank you Shigeya Suzuki <shigeya@foretune.co.jp> for hosting the
- agent-users mailing list. Send mail to majordomo@foretune.co.jp to subscribe.
- Raphael Manfredi <ram@acri.fr>
- Lyon, France, December 1993
- Raphael Manfredi <Raphael_Manfredi@pobox.com>
- Grenoble, France, March 2001