C# | 318 lines | 220 code | 49 blank | 49 comment | 16 complexity | 9945ba4ecb43e4415aae9dba339250e3 MD5 | raw file
- #region Copyright (c) Lokad 2009
- // This code is released under the terms of the new BSD licence.
- // URL: http://www.lokad.com/
- #endregion
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Globalization;
- using System.IO;
- using System.Security;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Xml.XPath;
- using Lokad.Cloud.Storage;
- using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient;
- namespace Lokad.Cloud.Diagnostics
- {
- /// <summary>Log entry (when retrieving logs with the <see cref="CloudLogger"/>.
- /// </summary>
- public class LogEntry
- {
- public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }
- public string Level { get; set; }
- public string Message { get; set; }
- public string Error { get; set; }
- public string Source { get; set; }
- }
- /// <summary>Logger built on top of the Blob Storage.</summary>
- /// <remarks>
- /// Logs are formatted in XML with
- /// <code>
- /// <log>
- /// <message> {0} </message>
- /// <error> {1} </error>
- /// </log>
- /// </code>
- ///
- /// Also, the logger is relying on date prefix in order to facilitate large
- /// scale enumeration of the logs. Yet, in order to facilitate fast enumeration
- /// of recent logs, an prefix inversion trick is used.
- /// </remarks>
- public class CloudLogger : ILog
- {
- public const string ContainerName = "lokad-cloud-logs";
- public const string Delimiter = "/";
- public const int DeleteBatchSize = 50;
- private static readonly char[] DelimiterCharArray = Delimiter.ToCharArray();
- readonly IBlobStorageProvider _provider;
- readonly string _source;
- LogLevel _logLevelThreshold;
- /// <summary>Minimal log level (inclusive), below this level,
- /// notifications are ignored.</summary>
- public LogLevel LogLevelThreshold
- {
- get { return _logLevelThreshold; }
- set { _logLevelThreshold = value; }
- }
- public CloudLogger(IBlobStorageProvider provider, string source)
- {
- _provider = provider;
- _source = source;
- _logLevelThreshold = LogLevel.Min;
- }
- public void Log(LogLevel level, object message)
- {
- Log(level, null, message);
- }
- public void Log(LogLevel level, Exception ex, object message)
- {
- if (!IsEnabled(level)) return;
- var blobName = GetNewLogBlobName(level);
- var log = string.Format(
- @"
- <log>
- <message>{0}</message>
- <error>{1}</error>
- <source>{2}</source>
- </log>
- ",
- SecurityElement.Escape(message.ToString()),
- ex != null ? SecurityElement.Escape(ex.ToString()) : string.Empty,
- string.IsNullOrEmpty(_source) ? "" : SecurityElement.Escape(_source));
- // on first execution, container needs to be created.
- var policy = ActionPolicy.With(e =>
- {
- var storageException = e as StorageClientException;
- if(storageException == null) return false;
- return storageException.ErrorCode == StorageErrorCode.ContainerNotFound;
- })
- .Retry(2, (e, i) => _provider.CreateContainer(ContainerName));
- policy.Do(() =>
- {
- var attempt = 0;
- while (!_provider.PutBlob(ContainerName, blobName + attempt, log, false))
- {
- attempt++;
- }
- });
- }
- public bool IsEnabled(LogLevel level)
- {
- return level >= _logLevelThreshold;
- }
- private static string GetNamePrefix(string blobName)
- {
- return blobName.Substring(0, 23); // prefix is always 23 char long
- }
- private static LogEntry DecodeLogEntry(string blobName, string blobContent)
- {
- var prefix = GetNamePrefix(blobName);
- var dateTime = ToDateTime(prefix);
- var level = blobName.Substring(23).Split(DelimiterCharArray, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0];
- using(var stream = new StringReader(blobContent))
- {
- var xpath = new XPathDocument(stream);
- var nav = xpath.CreateNavigator();
- return new LogEntry
- {
- DateTime = dateTime,
- Level = level,
- Message = nav.SelectSingleNode("/log/message").InnerXml,
- Error = nav.SelectSingleNode("/log/error").InnerXml,
- Source = nav.SelectSingleNode("/log/source").InnerXml,
- };
- }
- }
- /// <summary>Lazily enumerates over the entire logs.</summary>
- /// <returns></returns>
- public IEnumerable<LogEntry> GetRecentLogs()
- {
- foreach(var blobName in _provider.List(ContainerName, string.Empty))
- {
- var rawlog = _provider.GetBlob<string>(ContainerName, blobName);
- if (!rawlog.HasValue)
- {
- continue;
- }
- yield return DecodeLogEntry(blobName, rawlog.Value);
- }
- }
- /// <summary>Lazily loads a page of logs.</summary>
- /// <param name="pageIndex">The zero-based index of the page.</param>
- /// <param name="pageSize">The size of the page.</param>
- /// <returns>The logs (silently fails if the page is empty).</returns>
- public IEnumerable<LogEntry> GetPagedLogs(int pageIndex, int pageSize)
- {
- return GetPagedLogs(pageIndex, pageSize, LogLevel.Min);
- }
- /// <summary>Lazily loads a page of logs.</summary>
- /// <param name="pageIndex">The zero-based index of the page.</param>
- /// <param name="pageSize">The size of the page.</param>
- /// <param name="levelThreshold">Minimal log level (inclusive) for entries to be included.</param>
- /// <returns>The logs (silently fails if the page is empty).</returns>
- public IEnumerable<LogEntry> GetPagedLogs(int pageIndex, int pageSize, LogLevel levelThreshold)
- {
- Enforce.Argument(() => pageIndex, Rules.Is.AtLeast(0));
- Enforce.Argument(() => pageSize, Rules.Is.AtLeast(2), Rules.Is.AtMost(100));
- int skipItems = pageIndex * pageSize;
- int count = 0;
- foreach (var blobName in _provider.List(ContainerName, String.Empty))
- {
- if (count >= skipItems)
- {
- if (count - skipItems >= pageSize)
- {
- yield break;
- }
- var content = _provider.GetBlob<string>(ContainerName, blobName);
- if (!content.HasValue)
- {
- continue;
- }
- var entry = DecodeLogEntry(blobName, content.Value);
- if(EnumUtil.Parse<LogLevel>(entry.Level) < levelThreshold)
- {
- continue;
- }
- yield return entry;
- }
- count++;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>Deletes all the logs older than <paramref name="maxWeeks"/> weeks.</summary>
- /// <param name="maxWeeks">The max number of weeks of logs to preserve.</param>
- /// <remarks>The implementation is far from being efficient, but it is expected to be used sparingly.</remarks>
- public void DeleteOldLogs(int maxWeeks)
- {
- Enforce.Argument(() => maxWeeks, Rules.Is.AtLeast(1));
- DeleteOldLogs(DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-7 * maxWeeks));
- }
- // This is used for testing only
- // limit should be universal time
- internal void DeleteOldLogs(DateTime limit)
- {
- // Algorithm:
- // Iterate over the logs, queuing deletions up to 50 items at a time,
- // then restart; continue until no deletions are queued
- var deleteQueue = new List<string>(DeleteBatchSize);
- do
- {
- deleteQueue.Clear();
- foreach(var blobName in _provider.List(ContainerName, string.Empty))
- {
- var prefix = GetNamePrefix(blobName);
- var dateTime = ToDateTime(prefix);
- if(dateTime < limit) deleteQueue.Add(blobName);
- if(deleteQueue.Count == DeleteBatchSize) break;
- }
- foreach(var blobName in deleteQueue)
- {
- _provider.DeleteBlob(ContainerName, blobName);
- }
- } while(deleteQueue.Count > 0);
- }
- static string GetNewLogBlobName(LogLevel level)
- {
- var builder = new StringBuilder();
- builder.Append(ToPrefix(DateTime.UtcNow));
- builder.Append(Delimiter);
- builder.Append(level.ToString());
- builder.Append(Delimiter);
- return builder.ToString();
- }
- /// <summary>Time prefix with inversion in order to enumerate
- /// starting from the most recent.</summary>
- /// <remarks>This method is the symmetric of <see cref="ToDateTime"/>.</remarks>
- public static string ToPrefix(DateTime dateTime)
- {
- dateTime = dateTime.ToUniversalTime();
- // yyyy/MM/dd/hh/mm/ss/fff
- return string.Format("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}/{4}/{5}/{6}",
- (10000 - dateTime.Year).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
- (12 - dateTime.Month).ToString("00"),
- (31 - dateTime.Day).ToString("00"),
- (24 - dateTime.Hour).ToString("00"),
- (60 - dateTime.Minute).ToString("00"),
- (60 - dateTime.Second).ToString("00"),
- (999 - dateTime.Millisecond).ToString("000"));
- }
- /// <summary>Convert a prefix with inversion into a <c>DateTime</c>.</summary>
- /// <remarks>This method is the symmetric of <see cref="ToPrefix"/>.</remarks>
- public static DateTime ToDateTime(string prefix)
- {
- var tokens = prefix.Split('/');
- if(tokens.Length != 7) throw new ArgumentException("Incorrect prefix.", "prefix");
- var year = 10000 - int.Parse(tokens[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- var month = 12 - int.Parse(tokens[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- var day = 31 - int.Parse(tokens[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- var hour = 24 - int.Parse(tokens[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- var minute = 60 - int.Parse(tokens[4], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- var second = 60 - int.Parse(tokens[5], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- var millisecond = 999 - int.Parse(tokens[6], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
- return new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, DateTimeKind.Utc);
- }
- }
- ///<summary>
- /// Log provider for the cloud logger
- ///</summary>
- public class CloudLogProvider : ILogProvider
- {
- readonly IBlobStorageProvider _provider;
- public CloudLogProvider(IBlobStorageProvider provider)
- {
- _provider = provider;
- }
- ILog IProvider<string, ILog>.Get(string key)
- {
- return new CloudLogger(_provider, key);
- }
- }
- }