Perl | 66 lines | 39 code | 15 blank | 12 comment | 0 complexity | 553ff5d4a8268ae124ac212403583128 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- package DDG::Spice::Namecheap;
- # ABSTRACT: Queries Namecheap for available domain names.
- use DDG::Spice;
- use Data::Validate::Domain qw(is_domain);
- use List::Util qw(pairmap);
- use URI::Escape;
- use DDG::Util::SpiceConstants;
- spice proxy_cache_valid => '418 1d';
- my $namecheap_endpoint = 'http://api.namecheap.com/xml.response';
- # environment variables:
- # DDG_SPICE_NAMECHEAP_IP_ADDR : Allowed end-User IP address
- my @query_list = (
- ApiUser => '{{ENV{DDG_SPICE_NAMECHEAP_USERNAME}}}', # Username required to access the API
- ApiKey => '{{ENV{DDG_SPICE_NAMECHEAP_APIKEY}}}', # Password required used to access the API
- UserName => '{{ENV{DDG_SPICE_NAMECHEAP_USERNAME}}}', # same as ApiUser
- Command => 'namecheap.domains.check', # API method
- ClientIp => '', # End-user IP address
- DomainList => '$1', # argument to method
- );
- my $query_url = uri_escape("$namecheap_endpoint?") . join( uri_escape('&'), pairmap {
- # the param must always be escaped
- my $param = uri_escape("$a=");
- # the value must not be escaped if it is part of the environment or argument
- my $val = $b;
- "$param$val";
- } @query_list );
- spice to => "https://duckduckgo.com/x.js?u=" . $query_url;
- spice wrap_jsonp_callback => 1;
- # Triggers
- triggers startend => "namecheap";
- my $domain_part_regex = qr|
- (?:http://)? # HTTP protocol scheme part [optional]
- (?<domain> [^/]* ) # domain part
- (?:[^\s]*) # any path part (e.g., /path/to/file)
- |x;
- # Handle statement
- handle remainder => sub {
- my ($remainder) = @_;
- return unless $remainder; # Guard against "no answer"
- # get the domain part out
- $remainder =~ $domain_part_regex;
- my $domain = $+{domain};
- # Namecheap API does not allow for subdomains
- return unless $domain =~ /^[^.]+\.@{[ DDG::Util::SpiceConstants::TLD_REGEX ]}$/;
- # must be a valid domain
- return unless is_domain($domain);
- return $domain;
- };
- 1;