Perl | 108 lines | 99 code | 7 blank | 2 comment | 2 complexity | 28bb218ac90eeff246fbdb0a5f3a8160 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- package DDG::Spice::InTheaters;
- # ABSTRACT: Show movies from Rotten Tomatoes.
- use strict;
- use DDG::Spice;
- primary_example_queries "movies";
- secondary_example_queries "movies in theaters", "currently in theaters", "i want to watch a movie";
- description "Current movies from Rotten Tomatoes";
- name "InTheaters";
- code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/InTheaters.pm";
- icon_url "/i/www.rottentomatoes.com.ico";
- topics "entertainment";
- category "entertainment";
- attribution github => ['https://github.com/jagtalon','jagtalon'],
- twitter => ['http://twitter.com/juantalon','jagtalon'];
- my $rating = '(?:g\s*|pg\s*|r\s*)?';
- triggers any => 'movie', 'movies', 'theaters', 'theatres', 'showing', 'something', 'watch', 'opening', 'see';
- spice from => '(.*?)/(.*)';
- spice to => 'http://api.rottentomatoes.com/api/public/v1.0/lists/movies/$1.json?country=$2&apikey={{ENV{DDG_SPICE_ROTTEN_APIKEY}}}&callback={{callback}}&page_limit=30&limit=30';
- # Uses $loc so needs to not cache back end.
- spice is_cached => 0;
- spice proxy_cache_valid => "200 1d";
- my %movies = (
- 'movies now showing' => 1,
- 'what can i watch?' => 1,
- 'movies opening' => 0,
- 'movies opening soon' => 0,
- 'watch a movie' => 1,
- 'opening soon in theaters' => 0,
- 'opening soon in theatres' => 0,
- 'opening movies' => 0,
- 'r movies opening' => 0,
- 'pg movies opening' => 0,
- 'pg-13 movies opening' => 0,
- 'g movies opening' => 0,
- 'pg13 movies opening' => 0,
- 'unrated movies opening' => 0,
- 'see an r movie' => 1,
- 'see a pg movie' => 1,
- 'see a pg-13 movie' => 1,
- 'see a g movie' =>1,
- 'see a pg13 movie' =>1,
- 'see an unrated movie' =>1,
- 'pg13 movies opening soon' => 0,
- 'unrated movies opening soon' => 0,
- 'r movies opening soon' => 0,
- 'pg movies opening soon' => 0,
- 'pg-13 movies opening soon' => 0,
- 'g movies opening soon' => 0,
- 'i need to watch a movie' => 1,
- 'i deserve to watch a movie' => 1,
- 'i want to watch a movie' => 1,
- 'i want to watch an r movie' => 1,
- 'i want to watch a pg movie' => 1,
- 'i want to watch a pg-13 movie' =>1,
- 'i want to watch a pg13 movie' =>1,
- 'i want to watch an unrated movie' =>1,
- 'i want to watch something' => 1,
- 'watch something' => 1,
- 'need to watch a movie' => 1,
- 'need to watch an r movie' => 1,
- 'need to watch a pg movie' => 1,
- 'need to watch a pg-13 movie' => 1,
- 'need to watch a g movie' => 1,
- 'need to watch a pg13 movie' => 1,
- 'need to watch an unrated movie' => 1,
- 'watch an r movie' => 1,
- 'watch a pg movie' => 1,
- 'watch a pg-13 movie' => 1,
- 'watch a g movie' => 1,
- 'watch a pg13 movie' => 1,
- 'watch an unrated movie' => 1,
- 'theaters' => 0,
- 'theatres' => 0,
- 'movies' => 1,
- 'r movies' => 1,
- 'pg movies' => 1,
- 'pg-13 movies' => 1,
- 'g movies' => 1,
- 'pg13 movies' => 1,
- 'unrated movies' => 1,
- 'movies in theaters' => 1,
- 'r movies in theaters' => 1,
- 'pg movies in theaters' => 1,
- 'pg-13 movies in theaters' => 1,
- 'g movies in theaters' => 1,
- 'pg13 movies in theaters' => 1,
- 'unrated movies in theaters' => 1,
- 'movies currently in theaters' => 1,
- 'movies currently in theatres' => 1,
- 'currently in theaters' => 1,
- 'currently in theatres' => 1,
- );
- handle query_lc => sub {
- return unless exists $movies{$_};
- if($movies{$_}) {
- return "in_theaters", $loc->country_code;
- } else {
- return "opening", $loc->country_code;
- }
- };
- 1;