Perl | 78 lines | 61 code | 12 blank | 5 comment | 8 complexity | 3970849989776047c07bc535bd524d58 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- package DDG::Spice::Snow;
- # ABSTRACT: Shows weather conditions for cities
- use strict;
- use DDG::Spice;
- primary_example_queries "is it snowing?";
- secondary_example_queries "is it snowing in New York City?";
- description "Check weather conditions at your location";
- name "Snow";
- icon_url "/icon16.png";
- source "Is it snowing yet?";
- code_url "https://github.com/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-spice/blob/master/lib/DDG/Spice/Snow.pm";
- topics "everyday";
- category "facts";
- attribution web => [ 'https://www.duckduckgo.com', 'DuckDuckGo' ],
- github => [ 'https://github.com/duckduckgo', 'DuckDuckGo'],
- twitter => ['http://twitter.com/duckduckgo', 'DuckDuckGo'];
- spice to => 'http://isitsnowingyet.org/api/check/$1/key/{{ENV{DDG_SPICE_SNOW_APIKEY}}}';
- triggers any => "snow", "snowing";
- spice proxy_cache_valid => '418 1d';
- my %snow = map { $_ => undef } (
- 'is it going to snow',
- 'going to snow',
- 'going to snow today',
- 'is it snowing',
- 'is it snowing here',
- 'is it snowing now',
- 'is it going to snow here',
- 'is it snowing today',
- 'is it going to snow today',
- 'going to snow today',
- 'is it snowing yet',
- 'make it snow',
- 'let it snow'
- );
- handle query_lc => sub {
- my $query = $_;
- # It's possible that $loc or some of its attributes will be null. If we
- # don't know where the user is, we can't determine the weather there, so we
- # return. This prevents a needless request to isitsnowingyet; we already
- # know that we would get an empty response.
- return unless $loc && ($loc->city || $loc->region_name) && $loc->country_name;
- my @location = ();
- if ($loc->city) {
- push(@location, $loc->city);
- }
- if ($loc->region_name) {
- push(@location, $loc->region_name);
- }
- if ($loc->country_name) {
- push(@location, $loc->country_name);
- }
- my $location_str = join(',', @location);
- if (exists $snow{$query}) {
- return $location_str, {is_cached => 0};
- } elsif ($query =~ /^(?:is[ ]it[ ])?
- (?:going[ ]to[ ])?
- snow(?:ing)?[ ]?
- (?:(?:here|now|yet)[ ]?)?
- (?:in[ ](.*?))?
- (?:[ ]today)?\??$/ix) {
- return $1 if $1;
- return $location_str, {is_cached => 0};
- }
- return;
- };
- 1;