JavaScript | 130 lines | 102 code | 13 blank | 15 comment | 24 complexity | 1ba9e0508175574606386d519b4030a6 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- (function(env) {
- "use strict";
- // A change in the Rotten Tomatoes API returns images that end in _tmb.
- // This changes this to _det.
- function toDetail(img) {
- if(/resizing\.flixster\.com/.test(img)) {
- // Everything before the size of the image can be removed and it would still work.
- img = img.replace(/.+\/\d+x\d+\/(.+)/, "http://$1");
- // Better use the _det size (which is smaller) instead of the _ori size.
- return img.replace(/_ori/, "_det");
- }
- // Otherwise, use the old string replacement strategy.
- return img.replace(/tmb\.(jpg|png)/, "det.$1");
- }
- function get_image(critics_rating) {
- if(!critics_rating) {
- return;
- }
- // The filename is the same as the critics_rating, but
- // lowercased and with spaces converted to dashes.
- critics_rating = critics_rating.toLowerCase().replace(/ /, '-');
- return DDG.get_asset_path('in_theaters', critics_rating + ((DDG.is3x || DDG.is2x) ? '.retina.png' : '.png'));
- }
- env.ddg_spice_in_theaters = function(api_result) {
- if(!api_result || api_result.error) {
- return Spice.failed('in_theaters');
- }
- var mod_api_result = [];
- var filter_rating;
- var query_array = DDG.get_query().toLowerCase().split(" ");
- var ratings = ["r","pg-13","pg","g","pg13","unrated"];
- // Check whether our query contains any rating
- $.each(ratings, function(index, value) {
- if(($.inArray(value, query_array)) !== -1) {
- if(value === "pg13") {
- filter_rating = "pg-13";
- } else {
- filter_rating = value;
- }
- }
- });
- Spice.add({
- id: 'in_theaters',
- name: 'Movies',
- data: api_result.movies,
- signal: 'high',
- meta: {
- sourceName: 'Rotten Tomatoes',
- sourceUrl: 'http://www.rottentomatoes.com/movie/in-theaters/',
- total: api_result.movies,
- itemType: 'Movies'
- },
- normalize: function(item) {
- if (filter_rating && item.mpaa_rating.toLowerCase() !== filter_rating) {
- return null;
- }
- var position;
- // We add these so that we can position the Rotten Tomatoes images.
- if(item.ratings.critics_rating === "Fresh" || item.ratings.critics_rating === "Certified Fresh") {
- position = "-256px -144px";
- } else if(item.ratings.critics_rating === "Rotten") {
- position = "-272px -144px";
- }
- // Modify the image from _tmb.jpg to _det.jpg
- var image = toDetail(item.posters.detailed)
- if(item.alternate_ids && item.alternate_ids.imdb) {
- return {
- rating: item.ratings.critics_score >= 0 ? item.ratings.critics_score / 20 : 0,
- //image: image,
- icon_image: get_image(item.ratings.critics_rating),
- abstract: Handlebars.helpers.ellipsis(item.synopsis, 200),
- heading: item.title,
- //img: image,
- //img_m: image,
- url: item.links.alternate,
- is_retina: ((DDG.is3x || DDG.is2x) ? 'is_retina' : 'no_retina')
- };
- }
- },
- templates: {
- group: 'movies',
- options: {
- subtitle_content: Spice.in_theaters.subtitle_content,
- rating: false,
- buy: Spice.in_theaters.buy
- }
- },
- onItemShown: function(item) {
- $.ajaxSetup({ cache: true });
- if(item.alternate_ids && item.alternate_ids.imdb) {
- $.getJSON("/js/spice/movie_image/tt" + item.alternate_ids.imdb, function(data) {
- if(data && data.movie_results && data.movie_results.length > 0 && data.movie_results[0].poster_path) {
- var image = "https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w185" + data.movie_results[0].poster_path;
- item.$html.find(".tile__media__img").attr("src", "https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?f=1&u=" + encodeURIComponent(image));
- $.extend(item, {
- image: image,
- img: image,
- img_m: image
- });
- }
- });
- }
- }
- });
- }
- // Convert minutes to hr. min. format.
- // e.g. {{time 90}} will return 1 hr. 30 min.
- Handlebars.registerHelper("InTheaters_time", function(runtime) {
- var hours = '',
- minutes = runtime;
- if(runtime >= 60) {
- hours = Math.floor(runtime / 60) + ' hr. ';
- minutes = (runtime % 60);
- }
- return hours + (minutes > 0 ? minutes + ' min.' : '');
- });
- }(this));