Python | 473 lines | 398 code | 48 blank | 27 comment | 56 complexity | d2df529357ce64771dc89a04de6d1758 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): WTFPL
- """
- The Python parts of the Jedi library for VIM. It is mostly about communicating
- with VIM.
- """
- import traceback # for exception output
- import re
- import os
- from shlex import split as shsplit
- import vim
- import jedi
- import jedi.keywords
- from jedi._compatibility import unicode, is_py3k
- def catch_and_print_exceptions(func):
- def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
- try:
- return func(*args, **kwargs)
- except (Exception, vim.error):
- print(traceback.format_exc())
- return None
- return wrapper
- class VimError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, message, throwpoint, executing):
- super(type(self), self).__init__(message)
- self.throwpoint = throwpoint
- self.executing = executing
- def __str__(self):
- return self.message + '; created by: ' + repr(self.executing)
- def _catch_exception(string, is_eval):
- """
- Interface between vim and python calls back to it.
- Necessary, because the exact error message is not given by `vim.error`.
- """
- e = 'jedi#_vim_exceptions(%s, %s)'
- result = vim.eval(e % (repr(PythonToVimStr(string, 'UTF-8')), is_eval))
- if 'exception' in result:
- raise VimError(result['exception'], result['throwpoint'], string)
- return result['result']
- def vim_eval(string):
- return _catch_exception(string, 1)
- def vim_command(string):
- _catch_exception(string, 0)
- def echo_highlight(msg):
- vim_command('echohl WarningMsg | echom "%s" | echohl None' % msg)
- class PythonToVimStr(unicode):
- """ Vim has a different string implementation of single quotes """
- __slots__ = []
- def __new__(cls, obj, encoding='UTF-8'):
- if is_py3k or isinstance(obj, unicode):
- return unicode.__new__(cls, obj)
- else:
- return unicode.__new__(cls, obj, encoding)
- def __repr__(self):
- # this is totally stupid and makes no sense but vim/python unicode
- # support is pretty bad. don't ask how I came up with this... It just
- # works...
- # It seems to be related to that bug: http://bugs.python.org/issue5876
- if unicode is str:
- s = self
- else:
- s = self.encode('UTF-8')
- return '"%s"' % s.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', r'\"')
- @catch_and_print_exceptions
- def get_script(source=None, column=None):
- jedi.settings.additional_dynamic_modules = [b.name for b in vim.buffers
- if b.name is not None and b.name.endswith('.py')]
- if source is None:
- source = '\n'.join(vim.current.buffer)
- row = vim.current.window.cursor[0]
- if column is None:
- column = vim.current.window.cursor[1]
- buf_path = vim.current.buffer.name
- encoding = vim_eval('&encoding') or 'latin1'
- return jedi.Script(source, row, column, buf_path, encoding)
- @catch_and_print_exceptions
- def completions():
- row, column = vim.current.window.cursor
- clear_call_signatures()
- if vim.eval('a:findstart') == '1':
- count = 0
- for char in reversed(vim.current.line[:column]):
- if not re.match('[\w\d]', char):
- break
- count += 1
- vim.command('return %i' % (column - count))
- else:
- base = vim.eval('a:base')
- source = ''
- for i, line in enumerate(vim.current.buffer):
- # enter this path again, otherwise source would be incomplete
- if i == row - 1:
- source += line[:column] + base + line[column:]
- else:
- source += line
- source += '\n'
- # here again hacks, because jedi has a different interface than vim
- column += len(base)
- try:
- script = get_script(source=source, column=column)
- completions = script.completions()
- signatures = script.call_signatures()
- out = []
- for c in completions:
- d = dict(word=PythonToVimStr(c.name[:len(base)] + c.complete),
- abbr=PythonToVimStr(c.name),
- # stuff directly behind the completion
- menu=PythonToVimStr(c.description),
- info=PythonToVimStr(c.doc), # docstr
- icase=1, # case insensitive
- dup=1 # allow duplicates (maybe later remove this)
- )
- out.append(d)
- strout = str(out)
- except Exception:
- # print to stdout, will be in :messages
- print(traceback.format_exc())
- strout = ''
- completions = []
- signatures = []
- show_call_signatures(signatures)
- vim.command('return ' + strout)
- @catch_and_print_exceptions
- def goto(is_definition=False, is_related_name=False, no_output=False):
- definitions = []
- script = get_script()
- try:
- if is_related_name:
- definitions = script.usages()
- elif is_definition:
- definitions = script.goto_definitions()
- else:
- definitions = script.goto_assignments()
- except jedi.NotFoundError:
- echo_highlight( "Cannot follow nothing. Put your cursor on a valid name.")
- else:
- if no_output:
- return definitions
- if not definitions:
- echo_highlight("Couldn't find any definitions for this.")
- elif len(definitions) == 1 and not is_related_name:
- # just add some mark to add the current position to the jumplist.
- # this is ugly, because it overrides the mark for '`', so if anyone
- # has a better idea, let me know.
- vim_command('normal! m`')
- d = list(definitions)[0]
- if d.in_builtin_module():
- if d.is_keyword:
- echo_highlight(
- "Cannot get the definition of Python keywords.")
- else:
- echo_highlight("Builtin modules cannot be displayed (%s)."
- % d.module_path)
- else:
- if d.module_path != vim.current.buffer.name:
- result = new_buffer(d.module_path)
- if not result:
- return
- vim.current.window.cursor = d.line, d.column
- vim_command('normal! zt') # cursor at top of screen
- else:
- # multiple solutions
- lst = []
- for d in definitions:
- if d.in_builtin_module():
- lst.append(dict(text=
- PythonToVimStr('Builtin ' + d.description)))
- else:
- lst.append(dict(filename=PythonToVimStr(d.module_path),
- lnum=d.line, col=d.column + 1,
- text=PythonToVimStr(d.description)))
- vim_eval('setqflist(%s)' % repr(lst))
- vim_eval('jedi#add_goto_window()')
- return definitions
- @catch_and_print_exceptions
- def show_documentation():
- script = get_script()
- try:
- definitions = script.goto_definitions()
- except jedi.NotFoundError:
- definitions = []
- except Exception:
- # print to stdout, will be in :messages
- definitions = []
- print("Exception, this shouldn't happen.")
- print(traceback.format_exc())
- if not definitions:
- echo_highlight('No documentation found for that.')
- vim.command('return')
- else:
- docs = ['Docstring for %s\n%s\n%s' % (d.desc_with_module, '='*40, d.doc) if d.doc
- else '|No Docstring for %s|' % d for d in definitions]
- text = ('\n' + '-' * 79 + '\n').join(docs)
- vim.command('let l:doc = %s' % repr(PythonToVimStr(text)))
- vim.command('let l:doc_lines = %s' % len(text.split('\n')))
- @catch_and_print_exceptions
- def clear_call_signatures():
- cursor = vim.current.window.cursor
- e = vim_eval('g:jedi#call_signature_escape')
- regex = r'%sjedi=([0-9]+), ([^%s]*)%s.*%sjedi%s'.replace('%s', e)
- for i, line in enumerate(vim.current.buffer):
- match = re.search(r'%s' % regex, line)
- if match is not None:
- vim_regex = r'\v' + regex.replace('=', r'\=') + '.{%s}' % \
- int(match.group(1))
- vim_command(r'try | %s,%ss/%s/\2/g | catch | endtry' \
- % (i + 1, i + 1, vim_regex))
- vim_eval('histdel("search", -1)')
- vim_command('let @/ = histget("search", -1)')
- vim.current.window.cursor = cursor
- @catch_and_print_exceptions
- def show_call_signatures(signatures=()):
- if vim_eval("has('conceal') && g:jedi#show_call_signatures") == '0':
- return
- if signatures == ():
- signatures = get_script().call_signatures()
- clear_call_signatures()
- if not signatures:
- return
- for i, signature in enumerate(signatures):
- line, column = signature.bracket_start
- # signatures are listed above each other
- line_to_replace = line - i - 1
- # because there's a space before the bracket
- insert_column = column - 1
- if insert_column < 0 or line_to_replace <= 0:
- # Edge cases, when the call signature has no space on the screen.
- break
- # TODO check if completion menu is above or below
- line = vim_eval("getline(%s)" % line_to_replace)
- params = [p.get_code().replace('\n', '') for p in signature.params]
- try:
- params[signature.index] = '*%s*' % params[signature.index]
- except (IndexError, TypeError):
- pass
- # This stuff is reaaaaally a hack! I cannot stress enough, that
- # this is a stupid solution. But there is really no other yet.
- # There is no possibility in VIM to draw on the screen, but there
- # will be one (see :help todo Patch to access screen under Python.
- # (Marko Mahni, 2010 Jul 18))
- text = " (%s) " % ', '.join(params)
- text = ' ' * (insert_column - len(line)) + text
- end_column = insert_column + len(text) - 2 # -2 due to bold symbols
- # Need to decode it with utf8, because vim returns always a python 2
- # string even if it is unicode.
- e = vim_eval('g:jedi#call_signature_escape')
- if hasattr(e, 'decode'):
- e = e.decode('UTF-8')
- # replace line before with cursor
- regex = "xjedi=%sx%sxjedix".replace('x', e)
- prefix, replace = line[:insert_column], line[insert_column:end_column]
- # Check the replace stuff for strings, to append them
- # (don't want to break the syntax)
- regex_quotes = r'''\\*["']+'''
- # `add` are all the quotation marks.
- # join them with a space to avoid producing '''
- add = ' '.join(re.findall(regex_quotes, replace))
- # search backwards
- if add and replace[0] in ['"', "'"]:
- a = re.search(regex_quotes + '$', prefix)
- add = ('' if a is None else a.group(0)) + add
- tup = '%s, %s' % (len(add), replace)
- repl = prefix + (regex % (tup, text)) + add + line[end_column:]
- vim_eval('setline(%s, %s)' % (line_to_replace, repr(PythonToVimStr(repl))))
- @catch_and_print_exceptions
- def rename():
- if not int(vim.eval('a:0')):
- _rename_cursor = vim.current.window.cursor
- vim_command('normal A ') # otherwise startinsert doesn't work well
- vim.current.window.cursor = _rename_cursor
- vim_command('augroup jedi_rename')
- vim_command('autocmd InsertLeave <buffer> call jedi#rename(1)')
- vim_command('augroup END')
- vim_command('normal! diw')
- vim_command(':startinsert')
- else:
- window_path = vim.current.buffer.name
- # reset autocommand
- vim_command('autocmd! jedi_rename InsertLeave')
- replace = vim_eval("expand('<cword>')")
- vim_command('normal! u') # undo new word
- cursor = vim.current.window.cursor
- vim_command('normal! u') # undo the space at the end
- vim.current.window.cursor = cursor
- if replace is None:
- echo_highlight('No rename possible, if no name is given.')
- else:
- temp_rename = goto(is_related_name=True, no_output=True)
- # sort the whole thing reverse (positions at the end of the line
- # must be first, because they move the stuff before the position).
- temp_rename = sorted(temp_rename, reverse=True,
- key=lambda x: (x.module_path, x.start_pos))
- for r in temp_rename:
- if r.in_builtin_module():
- continue
- if vim.current.buffer.name != r.module_path:
- result = new_buffer(r.module_path)
- if not result:
- return
- vim.current.window.cursor = r.start_pos
- vim_command('normal! cw%s' % replace)
- result = new_buffer(window_path)
- if not result:
- return
- vim.current.window.cursor = cursor
- echo_highlight('Jedi did %s renames!' % len(temp_rename))
- @catch_and_print_exceptions
- def py_import():
- # args are the same as for the :edit command
- args = shsplit(vim.eval('a:args'))
- import_path = args.pop()
- text = 'import %s' % import_path
- scr = jedi.Script(text, 1, len(text), '')
- try:
- completion = scr.goto_assignments()[0]
- except IndexError:
- echo_highlight('Cannot find %s in sys.path!' % import_path)
- else:
- if completion.in_builtin_module():
- echo_highlight('%s is a builtin module.' % import_path)
- else:
- cmd_args = ' '.join([a.replace(' ', '\\ ') for a in args])
- new_buffer(completion.module_path, cmd_args)
- @catch_and_print_exceptions
- def py_import_completions():
- argl = vim.eval('a:argl')
- try:
- import jedi
- except ImportError:
- print('Pyimport completion requires jedi module: https://github.com/davidhalter/jedi')
- comps = []
- else:
- text = 'import %s' % argl
- script=jedi.Script(text, 1, len(text), '')
- comps = ['%s%s' % (argl, c.complete) for c in script.completions()]
- vim.command("return '%s'" % '\n'.join(comps))
- @catch_and_print_exceptions
- def new_buffer(path, options=''):
- # options are what you can to edit the edit options
- if vim_eval('g:jedi#use_tabs_not_buffers') == '1':
- _tabnew(path, options)
- elif not vim_eval('g:jedi#use_splits_not_buffers') == '1':
- user_split_option = vim_eval('g:jedi#use_splits_not_buffers')
- split_options = {
- 'top': 'topleft split',
- 'left': 'topleft vsplit',
- 'right': 'botright vsplit',
- 'bottom': 'botright split'
- }
- if user_split_option not in split_options:
- print('g:jedi#use_splits_not_buffers value is not correct, valid options are: %s' % ','.join(split_options.keys()))
- else:
- vim_command(split_options[user_split_option] + " %s" % path)
- else:
- if vim_eval("!&hidden && &modified") == '1':
- if vim_eval("bufname('%')") is None:
- echo_highlight('Cannot open a new buffer, use `:set hidden` or save your buffer')
- return False
- else:
- vim_command('w')
- vim_command('edit %s %s' % (options, escape_file_path(path)))
- # sometimes syntax is being disabled and the filetype not set.
- if vim_eval('!exists("g:syntax_on")') == '1':
- vim_command('syntax enable')
- if vim_eval("&filetype != 'python'") == '1':
- vim_command('set filetype=python')
- return True
- @catch_and_print_exceptions
- def _tabnew(path, options=''):
- """
- Open a file in a new tab or switch to an existing one.
- :param options: `:tabnew` options, read vim help.
- """
- path = os.path.abspath(path)
- if vim_eval('has("gui")') == '1':
- vim_command('tab drop %s %s' % (options, escape_file_path(path)))
- return
- for tab_nr in range(int(vim_eval("tabpagenr('$')"))):
- for buf_nr in vim_eval("tabpagebuflist(%i + 1)" % tab_nr):
- buf_nr = int(buf_nr) - 1
- try:
- buf_path = vim.buffers[buf_nr].name
- except (LookupError, ValueError):
- # Just do good old asking for forgiveness.
- # don't know why this happens :-)
- pass
- else:
- if buf_path == path:
- # tab exists, just switch to that tab
- vim_command('tabfirst | tabnext %i' % (tab_nr + 1))
- break
- else:
- continue
- break
- else:
- # tab doesn't exist, add a new one.
- vim_command('tabnew %s' % escape_file_path(path))
- def escape_file_path(path):
- return path.replace(' ', r'\ ')
- def print_to_stdout(level, str_out):
- print(str_out)
- if not hasattr(jedi, '__version__') or jedi.__version__ < (0, 7, 0):
- echo_highlight('Please update your Jedi version, it is to old.')