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XML | 114 lines | 114 code | 0 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | ca2ab842a31cf19d3ba5e65d376524dd MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): LGPL-2.1
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
  2. <panel name="place_profile">
  3. <string name="on" value="Ligar"/>
  4. <string name="off" value="Desligar"/>
  5. <string name="anyone" value="Todos"/>
  6. <string name="available" value="disponםvel"/>
  7. <string name="allocated" value="alocados"/>
  8. <string name="title_place" value="Perfil da regiדo"/>
  9. <string name="title_teleport_history" value="Teletransportes"/>
  10. <string name="not_available" value="(N/A)"/>
  11. <string name="unknown" value="(Desconhecido)"/>
  12. <string name="public" value="(pתblico)"/>
  13. <string name="none_text" value="(nenhum)"/>
  14. <string name="sale_pending_text" value="(Venda em andamento)"/>
  15. <string name="group_owned_text" value="(Propriedade do grupo)"/>
  16. <string name="price_text" value="L$"/>
  17. <string name="area_text" value="m²"/>
  18. <string name="all_residents_text" value="Todos os residentes"/>
  19. <string name="group_text" value="Grupo"/>
  20. <string name="can_resell">
  21. Esta regiדo permite a compra e venda de lotes.
  22. </string>
  23. <string name="can_not_resell">
  24. Esta regiדo nדo permite a compra e venda de lotes.
  25. </string>
  26. <string name="can_change">
  27. Esta regiדo permite a junחדo ou subdivisדo de lotes.
  28. </string>
  29. <string name="can_not_change">
  30. Esta regiדo nדo permite a junחדo ou subdivisדo de lotes.
  31. </string>
  32. <string name="server_update_text">
  33. Dados sobre o local requerem atualizaחדo do servidor.
  34. </string>
  35. <string name="server_error_text">
  36. Dados sobre o local nדo disponםveis no momento. Favor tentar mais tarde.
  37. </string>
  38. <string name="server_forbidden_text">
  39. Dados sobre o local controlados por lista de acesso. Verifique se vocך estב autorizado a acessב-los com o dono do lote.
  40. </string>
  41. <string name="acquired_date">
  42. [wkday,datetime,local] [mth,datetime,local] [day,datetime,local] [hour,datetime,local]:[min,datetime,local]:[second,datetime,local] [year,datetime,local]
  43. </string>
  44. <button name="back_btn" tool_tip="Atrבs"/>
  45. <text name="title" value="Perfil da regiדo"/>
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  47. <panel name="scrolling_panel">
  48. <text name="owner_label" value="Proprietבrio:"/>
  49. <text name="maturity_value" value="(Desconhecido)"/>
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  51. <accordion_tab name="parcel_characteristics_tab" title="Lote">
  52. <panel name="parcel_characteristics_panel">
  53. <text name="rating_label" value="Classificaחדo:"/>
  54. <text name="rating_value" value="desconhecido"/>
  55. <text name="voice_label" value="Voz:"/>
  56. <text name="voice_value" value="Ligado"/>
  57. <text name="fly_label" value="Voar:"/>
  58. <text name="fly_value" value="Ligado"/>
  59. <text name="push_label" value="Empurrץes:"/>
  60. <text name="push_value" value="Desligado"/>
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  66. <text name="damage_value" value="Desligado"/>
  67. <text name="see_avatars_label" value="Ver avatares:"/>
  68. <text name="see_avatars_value" value="Desligar"/>
  69. <button label="Sobre o terreno" name="about_land_btn"/>
  70. </panel>
  71. </accordion_tab>
  72. <accordion_tab name="region_information_tab" title="Regiדo">
  73. <panel name="region_information_panel">
  74. <text name="region_name_label" value="Regiדo:"/>
  75. <text name="region_name" value="Alcelגndia"/>
  76. <text name="region_type_label" value="Tipo:"/>
  77. <text name="region_type" value="Alce"/>
  78. <text name="region_rating_label" value="Classificaחדo:"/>
  79. <text name="region_rating" value="Adulto"/>
  80. <text name="region_owner_label" value="Proprietבrio:"/>
  81. <text name="region_owner" value="moose Van Moose extra long name moose"/>
  82. <text name="region_group_label" value="Grupo:"/>
  83. <text name="region_group">
  84. The Mighty Moose of mooseville soundvillemoose
  85. </text>
  86. <button label="Regiדo/Propriedade" name="region_info_btn"/>
  87. </panel>
  88. </accordion_tab>
  89. <accordion_tab name="estate_information_tab" title="Propriedade">
  90. <panel name="estate_information_panel">
  91. <text name="estate_name_label" value="Propriedade:"/>
  92. <text name="estate_rating_label" value="Classificaחדo:"/>
  93. <text name="estate_owner_label" value="Proprietבrio:"/>
  94. <text name="estate_owner" value="Testing owner name length with long name"/>
  95. <text name="covenant_label" value="Contrato:"/>
  96. </panel>
  97. </accordion_tab>
  98. <accordion_tab name="sales_tab" title="ְ venda">
  99. <panel name="sales_panel">
  100. <text name="sales_price_label" value="Preחo:"/>
  101. <text name="area_label" value="ֱrea:"/>
  102. <text name="traffic_label" value="Trגnsito:"/>
  103. <text name="primitives_label" value="Prims:"/>
  104. <text name="parcel_scripts_label" value="Scripts:"/>
  105. <text name="terraform_limits_label" value="Limite de terraplenagem:"/>
  106. <text name="subdivide_label" value="Capacidade de juntar/subdividir:"/>
  107. <text name="resale_label" value="Revenda:"/>
  108. <text name="sale_to_label" value="ְ venda para:"/>
  109. </panel>
  110. </accordion_tab>
  111. </accordion>
  112. </panel>
  113. </scroll_container>
  114. </panel>