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XML | 47 lines | 25 code | 0 blank | 22 comment | 0 complexity | 60659d1942689cedef4cc3a3b5746e78 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): LGPL-2.1
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <!-- $Revision$ -->
  3. <!-- EN-Revision: 1.1 Maintainer: nobody Status: ready -->
  4. <sect1 id="variable.php.handling">
  5. <title>$php_handling</title>
  6. <para>
  7. Isso diz Я Smarty como manipular cзdigos PHP contido nos
  8. templates. quatro possьveis configuraушes, padrсo sendo
  9. SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU. Note que isso NO farр efeito com cзdigos php
  10. dentro de tags <link linkend="language.function.php">{php}{/php}</link>
  11. no template.
  12. </para>
  13. <itemizedlist>
  14. <listitem><para>SMARTY_PHP_PASSTHRU - Smarty echos tags as-is.</para></listitem>
  15. <listitem><para>SMARTY_PHP_QUOTE - Smarty quotes the
  16. tags as html entities.</para></listitem>
  17. <listitem><para>SMARTY_PHP_REMOVE - Smarty
  18. irр remover as tags do template.</para></listitem>
  19. <listitem><para>SMARTY_PHP_ALLOW - Smarty irр executar as
  20. tags como cзdigos PHP.</para></listitem>
  21. </itemizedlist>
  22. <para>
  23. NOTE: Usando cзdigos PHP code dentro de templates ж altamente desencorajado.
  24. Use <link linkend="language.custom.functions">custom functions</link> ou
  25. <link linkend="language.modifiers">modifiers</link> ao invжs disso.
  26. </para>
  27. </sect1>
  28. <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
  29. Local variables:
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  31. sgml-omittag:t
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  33. sgml-minimize-attributes:nil
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  43. End:
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  47. -->