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- Overtone
- ==============
- #### Live-coding and musical exploration
- Overtone is a Clojure based musical generation and manipulation system for live-coding and more.
- ### Project Info:
- #### Source Repository
- Downloads and the source repository can be found on GitHub:
- http://github.com/rosejn/overtone
- The project is 100% open source and free, and contributions of code,
- documentation, feedback, thoughts and ideas are welcome. Clone the repository on GitHub to get
- started, and if you are ready to submit a patch fork your own copy and then do a pull request.
- Make sure to jump onto the mailing list before getting started so we don't duplicate our efforts.
- #### Mailing List
- If you are looking for some help or you are interested in joining in the
- project, start by joining the
- <a href="http://groups.google.com/group/overtone">mailing list</a>.
- ### Ubuntu Quick Setup:
- sudo apt-get install supercollider-server jack-tools ant sun-java6-jdk
- Download jdk zip file and put in correct location...
- Download and install leiningen wherever you local executables go:
- wget http://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/raw/stable/bin/lein
- chmod u+x lein
- mv lein ~/bin
- lein self-install
- Now get Overtone and its submodules:
- git clone git://github.com/rosejn/overtone.git
- cd overtone
- git submodule init
- git submodule update
- lein deps
- ;; In Linux start by just using Jack with Alsa and the default settings, but if you get
- ;; serious you'll want to read up on tuning jack to minimize audio latency
- ;; and get realtime scheduling of audio threads. This shouldn't be
- ;; necessary for Windows or Mac.
- ./script/start.sh
- ./script/repl
- (use 'overtone.live)
- (refer-ugens)
- (boot)
- (synth (sin-osc 440)) ; define an anonymous synth
- (*1) ; play it... returns a node-id
- (kill <node-id>) ; put the number returned from above
- ;; Define a simple synth with a saw wave that has
- ;; a vibrato effect and a percussive style envelope.
- (defsynth foo [freq 220, lfo 8, depth 20,
- rise 0.05, fall 0.6]
- (* (env-gen (perc rise fall) 1 1 0 1 :free)
- (saw (+ freq (* 10 (sin-osc:kr lfo))))))
- ; Call with none or some arguments and it uses the defaults
- (foo)
- (foo 220)
- (foo 220 10)
- ; Or call with keyword style args
- (foo :rise 0.1 :fall 2.0)
- (quit)
- ### General Setup:
- Install:
- * Super Collider (http://supercollider.sourceforge.net/)
- - Make sure it's available on your path.
- * Java 6 JDK
- * Leiningen
- * Linux users will need a working Jackd setup, as well as the jack\_lsp, and
- jack\_connect utilities (jack-tools package in Ubuntu).
- Beyond those requirements, you can run "ant deps" to retrieve the necessary jar
- files, which are currently about 5 megs. The footprint will go down
- substantially soon though.
- At this point you have enough to write musical scripts and make noise, but you
- won't be able to do any livecoding unless you have an interactive Clojure
- environment setup. I use the vimclojure plugin for vim, but it should be
- possible to use emacs and slime, or netbeans and enclojure, or eclipse, or
- whatever else as long as you can evaluate clojure expressions inside the
- editor.
- ### Contributors
- * Jeff Rose
- * Jon Rose
- * Sam Aaron
- * Fabian Aussems
- * Christophe McKeon