/Visual Studio 2008/CppNamedPipeClient/ReadMe.txt
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- ========================================================================
- CONSOLE APPLICATION : CppNamedPipeClient Project Overview
- ========================================================================
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Summary:
- Named pipe is a mechanism for one-way or duplex inter-process communication
- between the pipe server and one or more pipe clients in the local machine or
- across the computers in the intranet:
- Client (GENERIC_WRITE) ---> Server (GENERIC_READ)
- Client (GENERIC_READ) <--- Server (GENERIC_WRITE)
- Client (GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, or both) <-->
- This code sample demonstrates a named pipe client that attempts to connect to
- the named pipe "\\.\pipe\SamplePipe" with the GENERIC_READ and
- GENERIC_WRITE accesses. After the pipe is connected, the application calls
- WriteFile and ReadFile to write a message to the pipe and receive the
- server's response.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Demo:
- The following steps walk through a demonstration of the named pipe sample.
- Step1. After you successfully build the CppNamedPipeClient and
- CppNamedPipeServer sample projects in Visual Studio 2008, you will get the
- applications: CppNamedPipeClient.exe and CppNamedPipeServer.exe.
- Step2. Run CppNamedPipeServer.exe in a command prompt to start up the server
- end of the named pipe. The application will output the following information
- in the command prompt if the pipe is created successfully.
- Server:
- The named pipe (\\.\pipe\SamplePipe) is created.
- Waiting for the client's connection...
- Step3. Run CppNamedPipeClient.exe in another command prompt to start up the
- client end of the named pipe. The application should output the message below
- in the command prompt when the client successfully connects to the named pipe.
- Client:
- The named pipe (\\.\pipe\SamplePipe) is connected.
- In the meantime, the server application outputs this message to indicate that
- the pipe is connected by a client.
- Server:
- Client is connected.
- Step4. The client attempts to write a message to the named pipe. You will see
- the message below in the commond prompt running the client application.
- Client:
- Send 56 bytes to server: "Default request from client"
- When the server application reads the message from the client, it prints:
- Server:
- Receive 56 bytes from client: "Default request from client"
- Next, the server writes a response to the pipe.
- Server:
- Send 58 bytes to client: "Default response from server"
- And the client receives the response:
- Client:
- Receive 58 bytes from server: "Default response from server"
- The connection is disconnected and the pipe is closed after that.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Sample Relation:
- (The relationship between the current sample and the rest samples in
- Microsoft All-In-One Code Framework http://1code.codeplex.com)
- CppNamedPipeClient -> CppNamedPipeServer/CSNamedPipeServer/VBNamedPipeServer
- CppNamedPipeClient is the client end of the named pipe. CSNamedPipeServer,
- VBNamedPipeServer and CppNamedPipeServer can be the server ends that create
- the named pipe.
- CppNamedPipeClient - CSNamedPipeClient - VBNamedPipeClient
- CppNamedPipeClient, CSNamedPipeClient and VBNamedPipeClient are the same
- named pipe client ends written in three different programming languages.
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- Code Logic:
- 1. Try to connect to a named pipe by calling CreateFile and specifying the
- target pipe server, name, desired access, etc. If all pipe instances are busy,
- wait for 5 seconds and connect again.
- // Try to open the named pipe identified by the pipe name.
- while (TRUE)
- {
- hPipe = CreateFile(
- FULL_PIPE_NAME, // Pipe name
- GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // Read and write access
- 0, // No sharing
- NULL, // Default security attributes
- OPEN_EXISTING, // Opens existing pipe
- 0, // Default attributes
- NULL // No template file
- );
- // If the pipe handle is opened successfully ...
- {
- wprintf(L"The named pipe (%s) is connected.\n", FULL_PIPE_NAME);
- break;
- }
- dwError = GetLastError();
- // Exit if an error other than ERROR_PIPE_BUSY occurs.
- if (ERROR_PIPE_BUSY != dwError)
- {
- wprintf(L"Unable to open named pipe w/err 0x%08lx\n", dwError);
- goto Cleanup;
- }
- // All pipe instances are busy, so wait for 5 seconds.
- if (!WaitNamedPipe(FULL_PIPE_NAME, 5000))
- {
- dwError = GetLastError();
- wprintf(L"Could not open pipe: 5 second wait timed out.");
- goto Cleanup;
- }
- }
- 2. Set the read mode and the blocking mode of the named pipe. In this sample,
- we set data to be read from the pipe as a stream of messages.
- if (!SetNamedPipeHandleState(hPipe, &dwMode, NULL, NULL))
- {
- dwError = GetLastError();
- wprintf(L"SetNamedPipeHandleState failed w/err 0x%08lx\n", dwError);
- goto Cleanup;
- }
- 3. Send a message to the pipe server and receive its response by calling
- the WriteFile and ReadFile functions.
- //
- // Send a request from client to server
- //
- wchar_t chRequest[] = REQUEST_MESSAGE;
- DWORD cbRequest, cbWritten;
- cbRequest = sizeof(chRequest);
- if (!WriteFile(
- hPipe, // Handle of the pipe
- chRequest, // Message to be written
- cbRequest, // Number of bytes to write
- &cbWritten, // Number of bytes written
- NULL // Not overlapped
- ))
- {
- dwError = GetLastError();
- wprintf(L"WriteFile to pipe failed w/err 0x%08lx\n", dwError);
- goto Cleanup;
- }
- wprintf(L"Send %ld bytes to server: \"%s\"\n", cbWritten, chRequest);
- //
- // Receive a response from server.
- //
- BOOL fFinishRead = FALSE;
- do
- {
- wchar_t chResponse[BUFFER_SIZE];
- DWORD cbResponse, cbRead;
- cbResponse = sizeof(chResponse);
- fFinishRead = ReadFile(
- hPipe, // Handle of the pipe
- chResponse, // Buffer to receive the reply
- cbResponse, // Size of buffer in bytes
- &cbRead, // Number of bytes read
- NULL // Not overlapped
- );
- if (!fFinishRead && ERROR_MORE_DATA != GetLastError())
- {
- dwError = GetLastError();
- wprintf(L"ReadFile from pipe failed w/err 0x%08lx\n", dwError);
- goto Cleanup;
- }
- wprintf(L"Receive %ld bytes from server: \"%s\"\n", cbRead, chResponse);
- } while (!fFinishRead); // Repeat loop if ERROR_MORE_DATA
- 4. Close the pipe.
- CloseHandle(hPipe);
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- References:
- MSDN: Named Pipes
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365590.aspx
- MSDN: Using Pipes / Named Pipe Client
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa365592.aspx
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////