/Visual Studio 2008/VBSL3MediaElement/VBSL3MediaElement/MainPage.xaml.vb
Visual Basic | 174 lines | 117 code | 25 blank | 32 comment | 0 complexity | 4f1b5c234801e2af678751504656b15f MD5 | raw file
- '***************************** Module Header ******************************\
- '* Module Name: MainPage.xaml.cs
- '* Project: VBSL3MediaElement
- '* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
- '*
- '* This example illustrates basic usage of MediaElement.
- '*
- '* This source is subject to the Microsoft Public License.
- '* See http://www.microsoft.com/opensource/licenses.mspx#Ms-PL.
- '* All other rights reserved.
- '*
- '* History:
- '* * 10/12/2009 03:00 PM Allen Chen Created
- '\**************************************************************************
- Imports System
- Imports System.Collections.Generic
- Imports System.Linq
- Imports System.Net
- Imports System.Windows
- Imports System.Windows.Controls
- Imports System.Windows.Documents
- Imports System.Windows.Input
- Imports System.Windows.Media
- Imports System.Windows.Media.Animation
- Imports System.Windows.Shapes
- Imports System.Windows.Threading
- Partial Public Class MainPage
- Inherits UserControl
- Private _timer As DispatcherTimer = New DispatcherTimer()
- Public Sub New()
- InitializeComponent()
- AddHandler Loaded, AddressOf MainPage_Loaded
- _timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)
- AddHandler _timer.Tick, AddressOf _timer_Tick
- End Sub
- Private Sub MainPage_Loaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
- ' Attach events of SilverlightHost to subscribe the
- ' FullScreenChanged event.
- AddHandler App.Current.Host.Content.FullScreenChanged, AddressOf Content_FullScreenChanged
- End Sub
- Private Sub Content_FullScreenChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
- If (Not App.Current.Host.Content.IsFullScreen) Then
- ' When shifting back to normal mode, reset width/height of MediaElement.
- Me.MyMediaElement.Width = Double.NaN
- Me.MyMediaElement.Height = Double.NaN
- ' When shifting back to normal mode, hide FullSreenPanel and show MenuPanel
- Me.MenuPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible
- Me.FullScreenPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed
- Else
- ' In full-screen mode, set width/height of MediaElement to a big value
- Me.MyMediaElement.Width = App.Current.Host.Content.ActualWidth
- Me.MyMediaElement.Height = App.Current.Host.Content.ActualHeight
- ' In full-screen mode, hide MenuPanel and show FullSreenPanel
- Me.MenuPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed
- Me.FullScreenPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub _timer_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
- If Me.MyMediaElement.CurrentState = MediaElementState.Playing Then
- ' Update Status of controls
- Dim ts As TimeSpan = Me.MyMediaElement.Position
- Me.CurrentPositionTextBlock.Text = String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}/", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds)
- Me.CurrentPositionSlider.Value = ts.TotalMilliseconds
- ElseIf Me.MyMediaElement.CurrentState = MediaElementState.Stopped Then
- ' Reset status of controls
- Me.CurrentPositionTextBlock.Text = "0:0:0/"
- Me.CaptionTextBlock.Text = String.Empty
- Me.CurrentPositionSlider.Value = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub PlayButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
- Me.MyMediaElement.Play()
- Me._timer.Start()
- End Sub
- Private Sub PauseButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
- Me.MyMediaElement.Pause()
- End Sub
- Private Sub StopButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
- Me.MyMediaElement.Stop()
- End Sub
- Private Sub MyMediaElement_CurrentStateChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
- ' Show current state of MediaElement. Note only 4 states are catched here.
- ' You can add more when creating your own media player.
- Select Case Me.MyMediaElement.CurrentState
- Case MediaElementState.Stopped
- Me.StatusTextBlock.Text = "Stopped"
- Exit Select
- Case MediaElementState.Paused
- Me.StatusTextBlock.Text = "Paused"
- Exit Select
- Case MediaElementState.Playing
- Me.StatusTextBlock.Text = "Playing"
- Exit Select
- Case MediaElementState.Buffering
- Me.StatusTextBlock.Text = "Buffering"
- Exit Select
- End Select
- End Sub
- Private Sub MyMediaElement_MediaOpened(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
- Dim ts As TimeSpan = Me.MyMediaElement.NaturalDuration.TimeSpan
- Me.DurationTextBlock.Text = String.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds)
- ' Init CurrentPosition Slider
- Me.CurrentPositionSlider.Maximum = ts.TotalMilliseconds
- Me.CurrentPositionSlider.Minimum = 0
- ' Init VolumeSlider
- Me.VolumeSlider.Value = Me.MyMediaElement.Volume
- ' Add a marker by code
- Dim timelinemarker As TimelineMarker = New TimelineMarker()
- timelinemarker.Text = "This marker is added by code!"
- timelinemarker.Type = "MyMarker"
- timelinemarker.Time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(8)
- Me.MyMediaElement.Markers.Add(timelinemarker)
- ' Enable progress bar
- Me.CurrentPositionSlider.IsEnabled = True
- End Sub
- Private Sub MyMediaElement_MediaEnded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
- Me.MyMediaElement.Stop()
- End Sub
- Private Sub HorizontalThumb_DragStarted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragStartedEventArgs)
- Me.MyMediaElement.Pause()
- End Sub
- Private Sub HorizontalThumb_DragCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.DragCompletedEventArgs)
- Me.MyMediaElement.Position = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Me.CurrentPositionSlider.Value)
- Me.MyMediaElement.Play()
- End Sub
- Private Sub MyMediaElement_MarkerReached(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As TimelineMarkerRoutedEventArgs)
- If e.Marker.Type = "MyMarker" Then
- ' Show marker text made by code
- Me.CaptionTextBlock.FontSize = 22
- Me.CaptionTextBlock.Text = e.Marker.Text
- Else
- ' Show marker text made by Expression Blend 3
- ' Because the caption is "out of" the video you get more flexibility to customizing it
- Me.CaptionTextBlock.FontSize = 12
- Me.CaptionTextBlock.Text = e.Marker.Text
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub FullScreenButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedEventArgs)
- ' Shift to full-screen mode
- App.Current.Host.Content.IsFullScreen = Not App.Current.Host.Content.IsFullScreen
- End Sub
- Private Sub VolumeSlider_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs(Of Double))
- Me.MyMediaElement.Volume = Me.VolumeSlider.Value
- End Sub
- Private Sub MyMediaElement_MediaFailed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ExceptionRoutedEventArgs)
- Me.CurrentPositionSlider.IsEnabled = False
- MessageBox.Show(e.ErrorException.Message & ". Please make sure you're viewing CSSL3MediaElementTestPage.aspx")
- End Sub
- End Class