PHP | 210 lines | 187 code | 12 blank | 11 comment | 4 complexity | 79dbe0830cb9ab101d911bc4a3096f69 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): AGPL-3.0
- <?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
- error_reporting(1);
- ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
- require('libraries/JSON.php');
- /**
- * Core Module file for NDG Flexible Admin
- *
- * This file must be in your /system/third_party/ndg_flexible_admin directory of your ExpressionEngine installation
- *
- * @package NDG Flexible Admin for EE2
- * @author Nico De Gols (nicodegols@me.com)
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010 Nico De Gols
- * @version Release: 1.0
- * @link http://pixelclub.be
- */
- class Ndg_flexible_admin {
- function Ndg_flexible_admin()
- {
- $this->EE =& get_instance();
- $this->EE->output->enable_profiler(FALSE);
- }
- function ajax_preview(){
- $this->EE->output->enable_profiler(FALSE);
- echo $this->get_tree_html($this->EE->input->post('jsontree'));
- }
- function my_strip_tags($str) {
- $str = strip_tags($str, "<img>");
- $pos1 = strpos($str,'<img');
- $pos1 = (!$pos1) ? strpos($str,'<IMG'):$pos1;
- $pos2 = strpos($str,'>', $pos1);
- if($pos1 && $pos2){
- $img = "<img src=".$this->EE->config->item('theme_folder_url')."cp_themes/default/images/home_icon.png />";
- $str = substr_replace($str, $img, $pos1, $pos2-$pos1+1);
- }
- return $str;
- }
- function get_tree_ul($child){
- $navhtml = "";
- if(count($child->children) > 0){
- $navhtml .= '<ul class="">';
- foreach($child->children as $subchild){
- $navhtml .= '<li class="'.$subchild->className.'" id="'.$subchild->id.'"><a href="'.$subchild->url.'">'.$subchild->title.'</a>';
- $navhtml .= $this->get_tree_ul($subchild);
- $navhtml .= '</li>';
- }
- $navhtml .= '</ul>';
- }
- return $navhtml;
- }
- function get_tree_html($jsontree){
- $this->EE->output->enable_profiler(FALSE);
- $cpurl = $this->EE->config->item('cp_url');
- $pieces = explode("/",$cpurl);
- $cpurl_index = $pieces[count($pieces)-1];
- $jsontree = str_replace("'",'"',(string)$jsontree);
- $jsontree = $this->my_strip_tags($jsontree);
- $jsontree = str_replace('EDIT','',$jsontree);
- $jsontree = str_replace('DELETE','',$jsontree);
- $jsontree = str_replace(' ','',$jsontree);
- $json = new Services_JSON();
- $json_decoded = $json->decode($jsontree);
- $navhtml = '';
- foreach($json_decoded as $item){
- $navhtml .= '<li class="'.$item->className.'" id="'.$item->id.'" ><a href="'.$item->url.'" class="first_level">'.str_replace('"', '\"',$item->title).'</a>';
- $navhtml .= $this->get_tree_ul($item);
- $navhtml .= '</li>';
- }
- return $navhtml;
- }
- function ajax_load_tree()
- {
- $this->EE->output->enable_profiler(FALSE);
- $site_id = ($this->EE->input->post("site_id") != "") ? $this->EE->input->post("site_id") : $this->EE->config->item('site_id');
- $this->EE->db->select('nav');
- $this->EE->db->where('group_id', $this->EE->input->post("group_id"));
- $this->EE->db->where('site_id', $site_id);
- $this->EE->db->from($this->EE->db->dbprefix('ndg_flexible_admin_menus'));
- $query = $this->EE->db->get();
- if ($query->num_rows() == 0)
- {
- echo "no_nav_found";
- }else{
- echo strpos($query->row()->nav, "'");
- echo str_replace("'",'"',$query->row()->nav);
- }
- }
- function ajax_load_settings()
- {
- $this->EE->output->enable_profiler(FALSE);
- $site_id = ($this->EE->input->post("site_id") != "") ? $this->EE->input->post("site_id") : $this->EE->config->item('site_id');
- $this->EE->db->select('nav, autopopulate');
- $this->EE->db->where('group_id', $this->EE->input->post("group_id"));
- $this->EE->db->where('site_id', $site_id);
- $this->EE->db->from($this->EE->db->dbprefix('ndg_flexible_admin_menus'));
- $query = $this->EE->db->get();
- if ($query->num_rows() == 0)
- {
- echo '{ "autopopulate" : "false" }';
- }else{
- echo '{ "autopopulate" : "'.$query->row()->autopopulate.'" }';
- }
- }
- function ajax_save_tree()
- {
- $this->EE->output->enable_profiler(FALSE);
- $new = TRUE;
- $site_id = ($this->EE->input->post("site_id") != "") ? $this->EE->input->post("site_id") : $this->EE->config->item('site_id');
- $group_id = $this->EE->input->post('group_id');
- $autopopulate = ($this->EE->input->post('autopopulate') == "true")? 1 : 0;
- $nav_content = $this->get_tree_html($this->EE->input->post('jsontree'));
- $nav_content = str_replace('S='.$this->EE->session->userdata("session_id").'&',"",$nav_content);
- if ($group_id == '' || $nav_content == '')
- {
- echo "cannot_save";
- }else{
- $results = $this->EE->db->query("SELECT group_id FROM ".$this->EE->db->dbprefix('ndg_flexible_admin_menus')." WHERE group_id = '".$group_id."'");
- if ($results->num_rows() == 0)
- {
- $data = array(
- 'site_id' => $site_id,
- 'group_id' => $group_id,
- 'nav' => $nav_content,
- 'autopopulate' => $autopopulate
- );
- $this->EE->db->query($this->EE->db->insert_string($this->EE->db->dbprefix('ndg_flexible_admin_menus'), $data));
- $cp_message = 'added';
- }
- else
- {
- $data = array(
- 'nav' => $nav_content,
- 'autopopulate' => $autopopulate
- );
- $where = array(
- 'group_id' => $group_id,
- 'site_id' => $site_id
- );
- $this->EE->db->query($this->EE->db->update_string($this->EE->db->dbprefix('ndg_flexible_admin_menus'), $data, $where));
- $cp_message = 'updated';
- }
- if ($this->EE->db->affected_rows() > 0) {
- echo $cp_message;
- }else{
- echo "no_affected_rows";
- }
- }
- }
- function ajax_remove_tree()
- {
- $this->EE->output->enable_profiler(FALSE);
- $site_id = ($this->EE->input->post("site_id") != "") ? $this->EE->input->post("site_id") : $this->EE->config->item('site_id');
- $group_id = $this->EE->input->post('group_id');
- $this->EE->db->where('site_id', $site_id);
- $this->EE->db->where('group_id', $group_id);
- $this->EE->db->delete($this->EE->db->dbprefix('ndg_flexible_admin_menus'));
- if ($this->EE->db->affected_rows() > 0) {
- echo "removed";
- }else{
- echo "no_affected_rows";
- }
- }
- }
- /* End of file mod.ndg_flexible_admin.php */
- /* Location: ./system/expressionengine/third_party/Cpnav/mod.ndg_flexible_admin.php */