# · C Header · 376 lines · 104 code · 51 blank · 221 comment · 0 complexity · e6156e0c663ca8a10e64d0477aac3a07 MD5 · raw file
- /*
- eXosip - This is the eXtended osip library.
- Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Aymeric MOIZARD amoizard@antisip.com
- eXosip is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- eXosip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
- permission to link the code of portions of this program with the
- OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each
- individual source file, and distribute linked combinations
- including the two.
- You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects
- for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. If you modify
- file(s) with this exception, you may extend this exception to your
- version of the file(s), but you are not obligated to do so. If you
- do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your
- version. If you delete this exception statement from all source
- files in the program, then also delete it here.
- */
- #include <mpatrol.h>
- #endif
- #ifndef __EX_SETUP_H__
- #define __EX_SETUP_H__
- #include <eXosip2/eXosip.h>
- #include <osipparser2/osip_message.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- struct eXosip_t;
- struct osip_srv_record;
- struct osip_naptr;
- /**
- * @file eX_setup.h
- * @brief eXosip setup API
- *
- * This file provide the API needed to setup and configure
- * the SIP endpoint.
- *
- */
- /**
- * @defgroup eXosip2_conf eXosip2 configuration API
- * @ingroup eXosip2_setup
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * Allocate an eXosip context.
- *
- * @return a new allocated eXosip_t instance.
- */
- struct eXosip_t *eXosip_malloc (void);
- /**
- * Initiate the eXtented oSIP library.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- */
- int eXosip_init (struct eXosip_t *excontext);
- /**
- * Release ressource used by the eXtented oSIP library.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- */
- void eXosip_quit (struct eXosip_t *excontext);
- /**
- * Lock the eXtented oSIP library.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- */
- int eXosip_lock (struct eXosip_t *excontext);
- /**
- * UnLock the eXtented oSIP library.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- */
- int eXosip_unlock (struct eXosip_t *excontext);
- /**
- * Process (non-threaded mode ONLY) eXosip events.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- */
- int eXosip_execute (struct eXosip_t *excontext);
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_UDP_KEEP_ALIVE (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+1) /**< int *: interval for keep alive packets (UDP, TCP, TLS, DTLS) */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_AUTO_MASQUERADE_CONTACT (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+2) /**< int *: specific re-usage of "rport" */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_USE_RPORT (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+7) /**< int *: enable or disable rport in via */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_SET_IPV4_FOR_GATEWAY (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+8) /**< char *: usually, this is the proxy address */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_ADD_DNS_CACHE (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+9) /**< struct eXosip_dns_cache *: force some cache entry to avoid DNS */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_DELETE_DNS_CACHE (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+10) /**< struct eXosip_dns_cache *: force removal of some cache entry to avoid DNS */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_SET_IPV6_FOR_GATEWAY (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+12) /**< char *: usually, this is the proxy address */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_ADD_ACCOUNT_INFO (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+13) /**< struct eXosip_account_info *: internal stuff */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_DNS_CAPABILITIES (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+14) /**< int *: 0 to disable, 2 to use NAPTR/SRV record */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_SET_DSCP (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+15) /**< int *: set a dscp value for SIP socket */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_REGISTER_WITH_DATE (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+16) /**< int *: enable usage of Date header in REGISTER */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_SET_HEADER_USER_AGENT (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+17) /**< char *: set the User-Agent header */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_ENABLE_DNS_CACHE (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+18) /**< int *: 0 to disable use of cache*/
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_ENABLE_AUTOANSWERBYE (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+19) /**< int *: 0 to disable automatic answer of BYE */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_ENABLE_IPV6 (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+20) /**< int *: 0 to disable -this is a per-eXosip_t parameter for using IPv6 DNS request */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_ENABLE_REUSE_TCP_PORT (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+21) /**< int *: 0 to disable, 1 to enable reusing local tcp port for outgoing tcp connection */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_ENABLE_USE_EPHEMERAL_PORT (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+22) /**< int *: 0 to disable, 1 to enable usage of emphemeral tcp port in Contact headers instead of local listening port for TCP/TLS */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_SET_TLS_VERIFY_CERTIFICATE (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+500) /**< int *: enable verification of certificate for TLS connection */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_SET_TLS_CERTIFICATES_INFO (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+501) /**< eXosip_tls_ctx_t *: client and/or server certificate/ca-root/key info */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_SET_TLS_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_NAME (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+502) /**< char*: user can choose a specific certifcate present in Windows Certificate Store */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_SET_TLS_SERVER_CERTIFICATE_NAME (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+503) /**< char*: user can choose a specific certifcate present in Windows Certificate Store */
- /* non standard option: need a compilation flag to activate */
- #define EXOSIP_OPT_SET_TSC_SERVER (EXOSIP_OPT_BASE_OPTION+1001) /**< void*: set the tsc tunnel handle */
- /**
- * structure used to for inserting a DNS cache entry and avoid DNS resolution.
- * @struct eXosip_dns_cache
- */
- struct eXosip_dns_cache {
- char host[1024];
- char ip[256];
- };
- struct eXosip_account_info {
- char proxy[1024];
- char nat_ip[256];
- int nat_port;
- };
- struct eXosip_http_auth {
- char pszCallId[64];
- osip_proxy_authenticate_t *wa;
- char pszCNonce[64];
- int iNonceCount;
- int answer_code;
- };
- /**
- * Set eXosip options.
- * See eXosip_option for available options.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- * @param opt option to configure.
- * @param value value for options.
- *
- */
- int eXosip_set_option (struct eXosip_t *excontext, int opt, const void *value);
- /**
- * structure used to describe credentials for a client or server
- * consists of a certificate, a corresponding private key and its password
- * @struct eXosip_tls_credentials_s
- */
- typedef struct eXosip_tls_credentials_s {
- char priv_key[1024];
- char priv_key_pw[1024];
- char cert[1024];
- } eXosip_tls_credentials_t;
- /**
- * structure to describe the whole TLS-context for eXosip
- * consists of a certificate, a corresponding private key and its password
- * @struct eXosip_tls_ctx_s
- */
- typedef struct eXosip_tls_ctx_s {
- char random_file[1024]; /**< absolute path to a file with random(!) data */
- char dh_param[1024]; /**< absolute path to a file necessary for diffie hellman key exchange */
- char root_ca_cert[1024]; /**< absolute path to the file with known rootCAs */
- eXosip_tls_credentials_t client; /**< credential of the client */
- eXosip_tls_credentials_t server; /**< credential of the server */
- } eXosip_tls_ctx_t;
- /**
- * An enumeration which describes the error which can occur while setting the eXosip_tls_ctx
- */
- typedef enum {
- TLS_OK = 0, /**< yippieh, everything is fine :) */
- TLS_ERR_NO_RAND = -1, /**< no absolute path to the random file was specified */
- TLS_ERR_NO_DH_PARAM = -2, /**< no absolute path to the diifie hellman file was specified */
- TLS_ERR_NO_PW = -3, /**< no password was specified */
- TLS_ERR_NO_ROOT_CA = -4, /**< no absolute path to the rootCA file was specified */
- TLS_ERR_MISSING_AUTH_PART = -5 /**< something is missing: the private key or the certificate */
- } eXosip_tls_ctx_error;
- /**
- * Start and return osip_naptr context.
- * Note that DNS results might not yet be available.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- * @param domain domain name for NAPTR record
- * @param protocol protocol to use ("SIP")
- * @param transport transport to use ("UDP")
- * @param keep_in_cache keep result in cache if >0
- */
- struct osip_naptr *eXosip_dnsutils_naptr (struct eXosip_t *excontext, const char *domain, const char *protocol, const char *transport, int keep_in_cache);
- /**
- * Continue to process asynchronous DNS request (if implemented).
- *
- * @param output_record result structure.
- * @param force force waiting for final answer if >0
- */
- int eXosip_dnsutils_dns_process (struct osip_naptr *output_record, int force);
- /**
- * Rotate first SRV entry to last SRV entry.
- *
- * @param output_record result structure.
- */
- int eXosip_dnsutils_rotate_srv (struct osip_srv_record *output_record);
- /**
- * Listen on a specified socket.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- * @param transport IPPROTO_UDP for udp. (soon to come: TCP/TLS?)
- * @param addr the address to bind (NULL for all interface)
- * @param port the listening port. (0 for random port)
- * @param family the IP family (AF_INET or AF_INET6).
- * @param secure 0 for UDP or TCP, 1 for TLS (with TCP).
- */
- int eXosip_listen_addr (struct eXosip_t *excontext, int transport, const char *addr, int port, int family, int secure);
- /**
- * Reset transport sockets.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- */
- int eXosip_reset_transports (struct eXosip_t *excontext);
- /**
- * Listen on a specified socket.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- * @param transport IPPROTO_UDP for udp. (soon to come: TCP/TLS?)
- * @param socket socket to use for listening to UDP sip messages.
- * @param port the listening port for masquerading.
- */
- int eXosip_set_socket (struct eXosip_t *excontext, int transport, int socket, int port);
- /**
- * Set the SIP User-Agent: header string.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- * @param user_agent the User-Agent header to insert in messages.
- */
- void eXosip_set_user_agent (struct eXosip_t *excontext, const char *user_agent);
- /**
- * Get the eXosip version as a sring
- *
- */
- const char *eXosip_get_version (void);
- typedef void (*CbSipCallback) (osip_message_t * msg, int received);
- /**
- * Set a callback to get sent and received SIP messages.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- * @param cbsipCallback the callback to retreive messages.
- */
- int eXosip_set_cbsip_message (struct eXosip_t *excontext, CbSipCallback cbsipCallback);
- /**
- * Use IPv6 instead of IPv4. (global setting)
- *
- * DEPRECATED: you MUST use EXOSIP_OPT_ENABLE_IPV6 to configure each
- * eXosip_t independantly.
- *
- *
- * eXosip_set_option(excontext, EXOSIP_OPT_ENABLE_IPV6, &val);
- *
- * @param ipv6_enable This paramter should be set to 1 to enable IPv6 mode.
- */
- void eXosip_enable_ipv6 (int ipv6_enable);
- /**
- * This method is used to replace contact address with
- * the public address of your NAT. The ip address should
- * be retreived manually (fixed IP address) or with STUN.
- * This address will only be used when the remote
- * correspondant appears to be on an DIFFERENT LAN.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- * @param public_address the ip address.
- * @param port the port for masquerading.
- *
- * If set to NULL, then the local ip address will be guessed
- * automatically (returns to default mode).
- */
- void eXosip_masquerade_contact (struct eXosip_t *excontext, const char *public_address, int port);
- /**
- * This method is used to find out an free IPPROTO_UDP or IPPROTO_TCP port.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- * @param free_port initial port for search.
- * @param transport IPPROTO_UDP or IPPROTO_TCP protocol.
- *
- */
- int eXosip_find_free_port (struct eXosip_t *excontext, int free_port, int transport);
- #ifndef DOXYGEN
- /**
- * Wake Up the eXosip_event_wait method.
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- */
- void eXosip_wakeup_event (struct eXosip_t *excontext);
- #endif
- /** @} */
- /**
- * @defgroup eXosip2_network eXosip2 network API
- * @ingroup eXosip2_setup
- * @{
- */
- /**
- * Modify the transport protocol used to send SIP message.
- *
- * @param msg The SIP message to modify
- * @param transport transport protocol to use ("UDP", "TCP" or "TLS")
- */
- int eXosip_transport_set (osip_message_t * msg, const char *transport);
- /**
- * Find the current localip (interface with default route).
- *
- * @param excontext eXosip_t instance.
- * @param family AF_INET or AF_INET6
- * @param address a string containing the local IP address.
- * @param size The size of the string
- */
- int eXosip_guess_localip (struct eXosip_t *excontext, int family, char *address, int size);
- /** @} */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif