https://code.google.com/p/sortingo/ · Go · 295 lines · 205 code · 29 blank · 61 comment · 33 complexity · bc80b97cbc84f8aa2ef28cefad784e27 MD5 · raw file
- //
- // Copyright 2011 Nathan Fiedler. All rights reserved.
- // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
- // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- //
- package sort
- // This file contains utility functions for the unit tests.
- import (
- "bytes"
- "fmt"
- "math/rand"
- "sort"
- "strings"
- "testing"
- )
- // smallDataSize is the recommended test size for the slower sorting
- // algorithms (e.g. insertion, gnome, selection).
- const smallDataSize = 512
- // mediumDataSize is the recommended test size for the sorting algorithms
- // that are faster than the typical slow sorts, but not necessarily as
- // fast as the memory efficient sorts.
- const mediumDataSize = 16384
- // largeDataSize is the recommended test size for the faster sorting
- // algorithms (e.g. burstsort, funnelsort). This is also the largest
- // allowable size for testing.
- const largeDataSize = 65536
- // repeatedStrings contains a sequence of repeated strings.
- var repeatedStrings []string
- // repeatedCycleStrings contains a repeating sequence of strings.
- var repeatedCycleStrings []string
- // randomStrings consists of strings of 100 mixed-case letters and numbers.
- var randomStrings []string
- // uniqueWords consists of unique pseudo words, similar to a dictionary.
- var uniqueWords []string
- // nonUniqueWords consists of pseudo words that may repeat numerous times.
- var nonUniqueWords []string
- // init sets up the test data one time to avoid regenerating repeatedly.
- func init() {
- // Generate the repeated strings test data.
- repeatedStrings = make([]string, largeDataSize)
- a100 := strings.Repeat("A", 100)
- for idx := range repeatedStrings {
- repeatedStrings[idx] = a100
- }
- // Generate a repeating cycle of strings.
- strs := make([]string, len(a100))
- for i := range strs {
- strs[i] = a100[0 : i+1]
- }
- repeatedCycleStrings = make([]string, largeDataSize)
- c := 0
- for i := range repeatedCycleStrings {
- repeatedCycleStrings[i] = strs[c]
- if c++; c >= len(strs) {
- c = 0
- }
- }
- // Generate a set of random strings, each of length 100.
- randomStrings = make([]string, largeDataSize)
- for i := range randomStrings {
- bb := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 100))
- for j := 0; j < 100; j++ {
- d := rand.Int31n(62)
- if d < 10 {
- bb.WriteRune('0' + d)
- } else if d < 36 {
- bb.WriteRune('A' + (d - 10))
- } else {
- bb.WriteRune('a' + (d - 36))
- }
- }
- randomStrings[i] = string(bb.Bytes())
- }
- // Generate a set of unique pseudo words.
- uniqueWords = make([]string, largeDataSize)
- wordExists := make(map[string]bool)
- for i := range uniqueWords {
- var s string
- // Loop until a unique random word is generated.
- for {
- // Each word is from 1 to 28 characters long.
- l := 1 + rand.Intn(27)
- bb := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, l))
- // Each word consists only of the lowercase letters.
- for j := 0; j < l; j++ {
- d := rand.Int31n(26)
- bb.WriteRune('a' + d)
- }
- s = string(bb.Bytes())
- if !wordExists[s] {
- break
- }
- }
- uniqueWords[i] = s
- wordExists[s] = true
- }
- // Generate a set of pseudo words that may be repeated.
- nonUniqueWords = make([]string, largeDataSize)
- n := len(nonUniqueWords)
- for i := 0; i < n; {
- // Each word is 1 to 28 characters long.
- l := 1 + rand.Intn(27)
- bb := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, l))
- // Each word consists only of the lowercase letters.
- for j := 0; j < l; j++ {
- d := rand.Int31n(26)
- bb.WriteRune('a' + d)
- }
- // Repeat the word some number of times.
- c := rand.Intn(100)
- if c > (n - i) {
- c = n - i
- }
- s := string(bb.Bytes())
- for j := 0; j < c; j++ {
- nonUniqueWords[i] = s
- i++
- }
- }
- shuffle(nonUniqueWords)
- }
- // testSortArguments runs a given sort function with the most
- // basic of input sequences in order to test its robustness.
- func testSortArguments(t *testing.T, f func([]string)) {
- // these should silently do nothing
- f(nil)
- f(make([]string, 0))
- f([]string{"a"})
- // test the bare minimum input, two elements
- input := []string{"b", "a"}
- f(input)
- if !sort.StringsAreSorted(input) {
- t.Error("two inputs not sorted")
- }
- // now try three elements
- input = []string{"c", "b", "a"}
- f(input)
- if !sort.StringsAreSorted(input) {
- t.Error("three inputs not sorted")
- }
- // test with all empty input
- input = []string{"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""}
- f(input)
- // test with peculiar input
- input = []string{"z", "m", "", "a", "d", "tt", "tt", "tt", "foo", "bar"}
- f(input)
- if !sort.StringsAreSorted(input) {
- t.Error("peculiar inputs not sorted")
- }
- }
- // testRepeated runs a given sort function over a sequence of
- // repeated strings.
- func testSortRepeated(t *testing.T, f func([]string), size int) {
- checkTestSize(t, size)
- input := make([]string, size)
- copy(input, repeatedStrings)
- f(input)
- if !isRepeated(input) {
- t.Error("repeated input not repeating")
- }
- }
- // testSortRepeatedCycle generates a repeating cycle of strings and
- // runs the given sort on that data. The size is the number of elements
- // to generate for the test.
- func testSortRepeatedCycle(t *testing.T, f func([]string), size int) {
- checkTestSize(t, size)
- input := make([]string, size)
- copy(input, repeatedCycleStrings)
- f(input)
- if !sort.StringsAreSorted(input) {
- t.Error("repeated cycle input not sorted")
- }
- }
- // testSortRandom runs the given sort on a randomly generated data set
- // consisting of strings of 100 letters and upper and lower case letters.
- func testSortRandom(t *testing.T, f func([]string), size int) {
- checkTestSize(t, size)
- input := make([]string, size)
- copy(input, randomStrings)
- f(input)
- if !sort.StringsAreSorted(input) {
- t.Error("random input not sorted")
- }
- }
- // testSortDictWords generates a set of random pseudo-words and runs the
- // given sort function on that set.
- func testSortDictWords(t *testing.T, f func([]string), size int) {
- checkTestSize(t, size)
- input := make([]string, size)
- copy(input, uniqueWords)
- f(input)
- if !sort.StringsAreSorted(input) {
- t.Error("dictwords input not sorted")
- }
- }
- // testSortSorted runs the given sort function on an input set that
- // is already in sorted order.
- func testSortSorted(t *testing.T, f func([]string), size int) {
- checkTestSize(t, size)
- input := make([]string, size)
- copy(input, uniqueWords)
- sort.Strings(input)
- f(input)
- if !sort.StringsAreSorted(input) {
- t.Error("sorted dictwords input not sorted")
- }
- }
- // ReverseStringArray is identical to sort.StringArray except that the
- // contents are sorted in reverse order.
- type ReverseStringArray []string
- func (p ReverseStringArray) Len() int { return len(p) }
- func (p ReverseStringArray) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i] > p[j] }
- func (p ReverseStringArray) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
- // testSortReversed runs the given sort function on an input set that
- // is in reverse sorted order.
- func testSortReversed(t *testing.T, f func([]string), size int) {
- checkTestSize(t, size)
- input := make([]string, size)
- copy(input, uniqueWords)
- ri := ReverseStringArray(input)
- sort.Sort(ri)
- f(input)
- if !sort.StringsAreSorted(input) {
- t.Error("reversed dictwords input not sorted")
- }
- }
- // testSortNonUnique runs the given sort function on a set of words
- // that are not necessarily unique (many will repeat a random number
- // of times).
- func testSortNonUnique(t *testing.T, f func([]string), size int) {
- checkTestSize(t, size)
- input := make([]string, size)
- copy(input, nonUniqueWords)
- f(input)
- if !sort.StringsAreSorted(input) {
- t.Error("non-unique words input not sorted")
- }
- }
- // checkTestSize compares the given size argument to the maximum
- // allowable value, logging an error and failing the test if the
- // value is too large.
- func checkTestSize(t *testing.T, size int) {
- if size > largeDataSize {
- t.Error("size is larger than", largeDataSize)
- }
- }
- // shuffle randomly shuffles the elements in the string slice.
- func shuffle(input []string) {
- n := len(input)
- indices := rand.Perm(n)
- for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
- j := indices[i]
- input[i], input[j] = input[j], input[i]
- }
- }
- // isRepeated tests if the array consists only of repeated strings.
- func isRepeated(arr []string) bool {
- s := arr[0]
- for i, a := range arr {
- if a != s {
- fmt.Printf("%s != %s @ %d\n", a, s, i)
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
- }