Haskell | 324 lines | 141 code | 97 blank | 86 comment | 3 complexity | ca2a4b430a60fed8080540d112cc5da2 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): BSD-3-Clause, LGPL-2.1
- {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
- {-# OPTIONS -Wall #-}
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- |
- -- Module : Neume.Core.LilyPondOutput
- -- Copyright : (c) Stephen Tetley 2010
- -- License : BSD3
- --
- -- Maintainer : Stephen Tetley <stephen.tetley@gmail.com>
- -- Stability : highly unstable
- -- Portability : GHC
- --
- -- Pretty print LilyPond
- --
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- module Neume.Core.LilyPondOutput
- (
- LyOptionalDuration(..)
- , LyStdGlyph
- , LyStdNote
- , lyRelativeRewrite
- , lyAbsoluteRewrite
- , renderPhrase
- , renderGlyph
- , renderMarkupGlyph
- -- * rewriting
- , rewriteDurationOpt
- , rewritePitchAbs
- , rewritePitchAbs_treble
- , rewritePitchAbs_tab
- , rewritePitchRel
- ) where
- import Neume.Core.Duration
- import Neume.Core.LilyPondBasic
- import Neume.Core.Pitch
- import Neume.Core.SyntaxInterim
- import Neume.Core.SyntaxGlyph
- import Neume.Core.Utils
- import Neume.Core.Utils.OneList
- import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen -- package: wl-print
- import qualified Data.Foldable as F
- -- Type changing operation ...
- --
- class LyOptionalDuration gly where
- type LyOptDuration gly :: *
- lyExtractDuration :: gly -> Duration
- toOptDuration :: Maybe Duration -> gly -> LyOptDuration gly
- -- Note graces are always written with their duration...
- --
- instance LyOptionalDuration (Glyph anno pch Duration) where
- type LyOptDuration (Glyph anno pch Duration) = Glyph anno pch (Maybe Duration)
- lyExtractDuration (GlyNote _ d _) = d
- lyExtractDuration (Rest d) = d
- lyExtractDuration (Spacer d) = d
- lyExtractDuration (Chord _ d _) = d
- lyExtractDuration (Graces _) = dZero
- toOptDuration od (GlyNote n _ t) = GlyNote n od t
- toOptDuration od (Rest _) = Rest od
- toOptDuration od (Spacer _) = Spacer od
- toOptDuration od (Chord xs _ t) = Chord xs od t
- toOptDuration _ (Graces xs) = Graces (fmap (fmap3c Just) xs)
- instance LyOptionalDuration (MarkupGlyph gly Duration) where
- type LyOptDuration (MarkupGlyph gly Duration) = MarkupGlyph gly (Maybe Duration)
- lyExtractDuration (MGlyph _ d) = d
- lyExtractDuration (Skip d) = d
- toOptDuration od (MGlyph gly _) = MGlyph gly od
- toOptDuration od (Skip _) = Skip od
- type LyStdGlyph anno = Glyph anno Pitch (Maybe Duration)
- type LyStdNote anno = Note anno Pitch
- -- This isn\'t right - relative pitch transform needs to return
- -- the final pitch so the trasformation can be \'stacked\' for
- -- successive phrases.
- -- Chaining doesn't work well if we use
- -- Ly_Relative_Rewrite_Config...
- lyRelativeRewrite :: Pitch
- -> CPhrase (Glyph anno Pitch Duration)
- -> (CPhrase (Glyph anno Pitch (Maybe Duration)), Pitch)
- lyRelativeRewrite pch = fmap2a rewriteDurationOpt . rewritePitchRel pch
- lyAbsoluteRewrite :: Int
- -> CPhrase (Glyph anno Pitch Duration)
- -> CPhrase (Glyph anno Pitch (Maybe Duration))
- lyAbsoluteRewrite i = rewriteDurationOpt . rewritePitchAbs i
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Render
- -- Note for lilypond percussion we might want either the long or
- -- short name printing, so renderPhrase isn't a good candidate
- -- for a Type Class.
- -- ignore annotations at the moment...
- -- renderPhrase show be parameterized with a function :: (gly -> Doc)...
- renderPhrase :: (gly -> Doc) -> CPhrase gly -> PhraseImage
- renderPhrase = oPhrase
- oPhrase :: (gly -> Doc) -> CPhrase gly -> PhraseImage
- oPhrase f (Phrase name bars) =
- PhraseImage name $ map (oBar f) bars
- oBar :: (gly -> Doc) -> CBar gly -> BarImage
- oBar f = hsep . oCExprList f
- oCExprList :: (gly -> Doc) -> [CExpr gly] -> [Doc]
- oCExprList f = map (oCExpr f)
- oCExpr :: (gly -> Doc) -> CExpr gly -> Doc
- oCExpr f (Atom e) = f e
- oCExpr f (N_Plet mp xs) = pletForm mp (oCExprList f xs)
- oCExpr f (Beamed notes) = beamForm $ oCExprList f notes
- -- annos gerally printed _after_ duration...
- renderGlyph :: (pch -> Doc) -> (anno -> DocS)
- -> Glyph anno pch (Maybe Duration)
- -> Doc
- renderGlyph = oGlyph
- -- this is a hack to get anno as a suffix - needs improving ...
- oGlyph :: (pch -> Doc) -> (anno -> DocS) -> GlyphRelDur anno pch -> Doc
- oGlyph f g (GlyNote n d t) = oNote f g d n <> optDoc t tie
- oGlyph _ _ (Rest d) = rest d
- oGlyph _ _ (Spacer d) = spacer d
- oGlyph f g (Chord ps d t) = chordForm (toListF (oNote f g Nothing) ps) d <> optDoc t tie
- oGlyph f g (Graces os) = graceForm $ oGraceNotes f g os
- oNote :: (pch -> Doc) -> (anno -> DocS) -> Maybe Duration -> Note anno pch -> Doc
- oNote f g od (Note a p) = g a (f p <> maybe empty duration od)
- oGraceNotes :: (pch -> Doc)
- -> (anno -> DocS)
- -> OneList (GraceNote anno pch (Maybe Duration))
- -> [Doc]
- oGraceNotes f g = map gf . F.toList where
- gf (GraceNote a p d) = g a (f p <> maybe empty duration d)
- renderMarkupGlyph :: (gly -> Maybe Duration -> Doc)
- -> MarkupGlyph gly (Maybe Duration)
- -> Doc
- renderMarkupGlyph f (MGlyph g d) = f g d
- renderMarkupGlyph _ (Skip d) = spacer d
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Rewrite Duration
- -- LilyPond has a shorthand notation thats a variation on
- -- run-length-encoding - successive equal durations are elided.
- --
- -- For (post-)composabilty the first note in a bar should be
- -- printed with a duration regardless of the duration of its
- -- predecessor.
- --
- -- Also it doesn't seem useful to 'compact' dotted durations.
- -- (explanation needed! [Currently, I've forgotten why...])
- --
- -- Note - seed each bar with the default duration.
- -- This makes scores clearer.
- --
- -- | A quarter note
- default_duration :: Duration
- default_duration = dQuarter
- -- This one is more complicated than expected...
- -- It has to look at the first 'note' of a bar - the first note
- -- may be the first note inside a Tuplet or beam group
- -- so it is not a standard map (nor a firstSpecial_st either).
- --
- -- Suggests bringing back shape/contents traversals... ?
- --
- rewriteDurationOpt :: (LyOptionalDuration gly, gly' ~ LyOptDuration gly)
- => CPhrase gly -> CPhrase gly'
- rewriteDurationOpt =
- stmapBarInitialGlyph doptGlyph1 doptGlyphN default_duration
- -- Never replace the duration of the first note in a bar.
- --
- doptGlyph1 :: (LyOptionalDuration gly, gly' ~ LyOptDuration gly)
- => Duration -> gly -> (gly',Duration)
- doptGlyph1 _ gly = (gly',d)
- where
- d = lyExtractDuration gly
- gly' = toOptDuration (Just d) gly
- -- Never replace the duration of the first note in a bar.
- --
- doptGlyphN :: (LyOptionalDuration gly, gly' ~ LyOptDuration gly)
- => Duration -> gly -> (gly',Duration)
- doptGlyphN old gly = (gly',d)
- where
- d = lyExtractDuration gly
- gly' = if (d==old && notDotted d)
- then toOptDuration Nothing gly
- else toOptDuration (Just d) gly
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Rewrite Pitch
- -- Absolute
- -- Middle C in Neume is C-octave 4.
- --
- -- Middle C in LilyPond is c' - in Mullein terms, after the
- -- absolute pitch transformation, this is C-octave 1, the
- -- octave designator has 3 subtracted to represent the number
- -- of apostrophes to print (a negative number represents the
- -- number of commas to print, after taking the @abs@ of the
- -- value).
- --
- -- HOWEVER, printing guitar tablature in absolute mode seems to
- -- take middle c as C (C-octave 0), so 4 has to be subtracted
- -- from the octave designator.
- --
- -- TODO - find out why this is the case.
- -- TODO - should these move to a type class / family like
- -- duration? Are there other pitched glyph types...
- rewritePitchAbs :: Int
- -> CPhrase (Glyph anno Pitch dur)
- -> CPhrase (Glyph anno Pitch dur)
- rewritePitchAbs i = mapCPhrase (abspGlyph i)
- rewritePitchAbs_treble :: CPhrase (Glyph anno Pitch dur)
- -> CPhrase (Glyph anno Pitch dur)
- rewritePitchAbs_treble = rewritePitchAbs (-3)
- rewritePitchAbs_tab :: CPhrase (Glyph anno Pitch dur)
- -> CPhrase (Glyph anno Pitch dur)
- rewritePitchAbs_tab = rewritePitchAbs (-4)
- abspGlyph :: Int -> Glyph anno Pitch dur -> Glyph anno Pitch dur
- abspGlyph i (GlyNote n d t) = GlyNote (abspNote i n) d t
- abspGlyph _ (Rest d) = Rest d
- abspGlyph _ (Spacer d) = Spacer d
- abspGlyph i (Chord os d t) = Chord (fmap (abspNote i) os) d t
- abspGlyph i (Graces os) = Graces $ fmap (abspGraceNote i) os
- abspNote :: Int -> Note anno Pitch -> Note anno Pitch
- abspNote i (Note a p) = Note a (displaceOctave i p)
- abspGraceNote :: Int -> GraceNote anno Pitch dur -> GraceNote anno Pitch dur
- abspGraceNote i (GraceNote a p d) = GraceNote a (displaceOctave i p) d
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Relative Pitch
- rewritePitchRel :: Pitch
- -> CPhrase (Glyph anno Pitch dur)
- -> (CPhrase (Glyph anno Pitch dur), Pitch)
- rewritePitchRel pch = stmapCPhrase relpGlyph pch
- relpGlyph :: Pitch -> Glyph anno Pitch dur -> (Glyph anno Pitch dur,Pitch)
- relpGlyph = stmap3b relpP
- -- | Need to return the \original\ pitch as the state, not the
- -- octave modified new value.
- --
- relpP :: Pitch -> Pitch -> (Pitch,Pitch)
- relpP prev p = let p' = setOctave (lyOctaveDist prev p) p in (p',p)