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- """
- Introduction
- ============
- Python module for reading and writing GRIB (editions 1 and 2) files.
- GRIB is the World Meterological Organization
- U{standard<http://www.wmo.ch/pages/prog/www/WMOCodes/GRIB.html>}
- for distributing gridded data.
- The module is a python interface to the
- U{GRIB API<http://www.ecmwf.int/products/data/software/grib_api.html>} C library
- from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
- (U{ECMWF<http://www.ecmwf.int>}).
- Required
- ========
- - U{Python<http://python.org>} 2.4 or higher.
- - U{numpy<http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=1369>}
- N-dimensional array object for python. Version 1.2.1 or higher (version
- 1.5.1 required for Python 3).
- - U{pyproj<http://code.google.com/p/pyproj/>} Python interface to
- U{PROJ.4<http://trac.osgeo.org/proj>} library for cartographic
- transformations B{or} U{matplotlib<http://matplotlib.sf.net>} and
- the U{basemap<http://matplotlib.sf.net/basemap/doc/html>} toolkit.
- Pyproj 1.8.9 is required for Python 3.
- - U{GRIB API<http://www.ecmwf.int/products/data/software/grib_api.html>} C library
- for encoding and decoding GRIB messages (edition 1 and edition 2).
- Version 1.8.0 or higher required.
- To be fully functional, the GRIB API library requires
- U{Jasper<http://www.ece.uvic.ca/~mdadams/jasper>} or
- U{OpenJPEG<http://www.openjpeg.org>} for JPEG200 encoding,
- and U{PNG<http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html>} for PNG encoding.
- These dependencies are available via the package management system of most
- Linux distributions, and on MacOS X using U{macports<http://macports.org/>}.
- If you build grib_api yourself as a static library on a 64-bit system
- you may need to set C{CFLAGS} to C{'-O2 -fPIC'} before running the C{configure}
- script. To use pygrib on Windows, you must use the
- U{Cygwin<http://cygwin.com>} environment, since the grib_api library requires a
- posix environment. Cygwin installation instructions are available
- U{here<http://code.google.com/p/pygrib/wiki/CygwinWindowsInstall>}.
- Installation
- ============
- - U{Download<http://code.google.com/p/pygrib/downloads/list>} the source code.
- - pygrib installation options can either be set with environment variables,
- or specified in a text file (setup.cfg). To use environment variables,
- C{$PNG_DIR} and C{$ZLIB_DIR} so that the include files and libraries for
- GRIB API, Jasper, OpenJPEG, PNG and zlib will be found.
- For example, the include files for
- jasper should be found in C{$JASPER_DIR/include} or
- C{$JASPER_DIR/include/jasper}, and the jasper
- library should be found in C{$JASPER_DIR/lib} or C{$JASPER_DIR/lib64}. If any of
- those environment variables are not set, then it is assumed that GRIB API was
- not built with support for that library.
- If the libraries and
- include files are installed in separate locations, the environment variables
- C{$GRIBAPI_INCDIR} and C{$GRIBAPI_LIBDIR} can be used to define the locations
- separately (same goes for C{JASPER}, C{OPENJPEG}, C{PNG} and C{ZLIB}).
- To use setup.cfg, copy setup.cfg.template to setup.cfg, open setup.cfg in a
- text editor and follow the instructions in the comments for editing.
- - Run 'python setup.py build' and then 'python setup.py install', as root if necessary.
- Note that if you are using environment variables to specify the build options,
- you cannot build and install in one step with 'sudo python setup.py install',
- since sudo does not pass environment variables. Instead, run 'python setup.py
- build' first as a regular user, then run 'sudo python setup.py install' if the
- install directory requires admin or root privileges.
- - Run 'python test.py' to test your installation.
- - Look at examples in C{test} directory (most require
- U{matplotlib<http://matplotlib.sf.net>} and
- U{basemap<http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/basemap/doc/html/>}).
- - If you're on MacOS X, see
- U{README.macosx<http://pygrib.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/README.macosx>}
- for special instruction on how to install pygrib and all it's
- dependencies using U{macports<http://macports.org>}.
- Example usage
- =============
- - from the python interpreter prompt, import the package::
- >>> import pygrib
- - open a GRIB file, create a grib message iterator::
- >>> grbs = pygrib.open('sampledata/flux.grb')
- - pygrib open instances behave like regular python file objects, with
- C{seek}, C{tell}, C{read}, C{readline} and C{close} methods, except that offsets
- are measured in grib messages instead of bytes::
- >>> grbs.seek(2)
- >>> grbs.tell()
- 2
- >>> grb = grbs.read(1)[0] # read returns a list with the next N (N=1 in this case) messages.
- >>> grb # printing a grib message object displays summary info
- 3:Maximum temperature:K (instant):regular_gg:heightAboveGround:level 2 m:fcst time 108-120 hrs:from 200402291200
- >>> grbs.tell()
- 3
- - print an inventory of the file::
- >>> grbs.seek(0)
- >>> for grb in grbs:
- >>> grb
- 1:Precipitation rate:kg m**-2 s**-1 (avg):regular_gg:surface:level 0:fcst time 108-120 hrs (avg):from 200402291200
- 2:Surface pressure:Pa (instant):regular_gg:surface:level 0:fcst time 120 hrs:from 200402291200
- 3:Maximum temperature:K (instant):regular_gg:heightAboveGround:level 2 m:fcst time 108-120 hrs:from 200402291200
- 4:Minimum temperature:K (instant):regular_gg:heightAboveGround:level 2 m:fcst time 108-120 hrs:from 200402291200
- - find the first grib message with a matching name::
- >>> grb = grbs.select(name='Maximum temperature')[0]
- - extract the data values using the 'values' key
- (grb.keys() will return a list of the available keys)::
- # The data is returned as a numpy array, or if missing values or a bitmap
- # are present, a numpy masked array. Reduced lat/lon or gaussian grid
- # data is automatically expanded to a regular grid. Details of the internal
- # representation of the grib data (such as the scanning mode) are handled
- # automatically.
- >>> maxt = grb.values # same as grb['values']
- >>> maxt.shape, maxt.min(), maxt.max()
- (94, 192) 223.7 319.9
- - get the latitudes and longitudes of the grid::
- >>> lats, lons = grb.latlons()
- >>> lats.shape, lats.min(), lats.max(), lons.shape, lons.min(), lons.max()
- (94, 192) -88.5419501373 88.5419501373 0.0 358.125
- - get the second grib message::
- >>> grb = grbs.message(2) # same as grbs.seek(1); grb=grbs.readline()
- >>> grb
- 2:Surface pressure:Pa (instant):regular_gg:surface:level 0:fcst time 120 hrs:from 200402291200
- - modify the values associated with existing keys (either via attribute or
- dictionary access)::
- >>> grb['forecastTime'] = 240
- >>> grb.dataDate = 20100101
- - get the binary string associated with the coded message::
- >>> msg = grb.tostring()
- >>> grbs.close() # close the grib file.
- - write the modified message to a new GRIB file::
- >>> grbout = open('test.grb','wb')
- >>> grbout.write(msg)
- >>> grbout.close()
- >>> pygrib.open('test.grb').readline()
- 1:Surface pressure:Pa (instant):regular_gg:surface:level 0:fcst time 240 hrs:from 201001011200
- Documentation
- =============
- - see below for the full python API documentation.
- Changelog
- =========
- - see U{Changelog<http://pygrib.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Changelog>} file.
- @author: Jeffrey Whitaker.
- @contact: U{Jeff Whitaker<mailto:jeffrey.s.whitaker@noaa.gov>}
- @version: 1.9.4
- @copyright: copyright 2010 by Jeffrey Whitaker.
- @license: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
- documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
- provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
- both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
- supporting documentation.
- __test__ = None
- del __test__ # hack so epydoc doesn't show __test__
- __version__ = '1.9.4'
- import numpy as np
- from datetime import datetime
- from numpy import ma
- try:
- import pyproj
- except ImportError:
- try:
- from mpl_toolkits.basemap import pyproj
- except:
- raise ImportError("either pyproj or basemap required")
- from ncepgrib2 import Grib2Decode
- import_array()
- cdef extern from "stdlib.h":
- ctypedef long size_t
- void *malloc(size_t size)
- void free(void *ptr)
- cdef extern from "stdio.h":
- ctypedef struct FILE
- FILE *fopen(char *path, char *mode)
- int fclose(FILE *)
- size_t fwrite(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, FILE *stream)
- void rewind (FILE *)
- cdef extern from "Python.h":
- object PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(char *s, size_t size)
- default_encoding = 'ascii'
- cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h":
- ctypedef int npy_intp
- ctypedef extern class numpy.ndarray [object PyArrayObject]:
- cdef char *data
- cdef int nd
- cdef npy_intp *dimensions
- cdef npy_intp *strides
- cdef object base
- cdef int flags
- npy_intp PyArray_SIZE(ndarray arr)
- npy_intp PyArray_ISCONTIGUOUS(ndarray arr)
- npy_intp PyArray_ISALIGNED(ndarray arr)
- void import_array()
- cdef extern from "grib_api.h":
- ctypedef struct grib_handle
- ctypedef struct grib_index
- ctypedef struct grib_keys_iterator
- ctypedef struct grib_context
- cdef enum:
- int grib_get_size(grib_handle *h, char *name, size_t *size)
- int grib_get_native_type(grib_handle *h, char *name, int *type)
- int grib_get_long(grib_handle *h, char *name, long *ival)
- int grib_set_long(grib_handle *h, char *name, long val)
- int grib_get_long_array(grib_handle *h, char *name, long *ival, size_t *size)
- int grib_set_long_array(grib_handle *h, char *name, long *ival, size_t size)
- int grib_get_double(grib_handle *h, char *name, double *dval)
- int grib_set_double(grib_handle *h, char *name, double dval)
- int grib_get_double_array(grib_handle *h, char *name, double *dval, size_t *size)
- int grib_set_double_array(grib_handle *h, char *name, double *dval, size_t size)
- int grib_get_string(grib_handle *h, char *name, char *mesg, size_t *size)
- int grib_set_string(grib_handle *h, char *name, char *mesg, size_t *size)
- grib_keys_iterator* grib_keys_iterator_new(grib_handle* h,unsigned long filter_flags, char* name_space)
- int grib_keys_iterator_next(grib_keys_iterator *kiter)
- char* grib_keys_iterator_get_name(grib_keys_iterator *kiter)
- int grib_handle_delete(grib_handle* h)
- grib_handle* grib_handle_new_from_file(grib_context* c, FILE* f, int* error)
- char* grib_get_error_message(int code)
- int grib_keys_iterator_delete( grib_keys_iterator* kiter)
- void grib_multi_support_on(grib_context* c)
- void grib_multi_support_off(grib_context* c)
- int grib_get_message(grib_handle* h , void** message,size_t *message_length)
- int grib_get_message_copy(grib_handle* h , void* message,size_t *message_length)
- long grib_get_api_version()
- grib_handle* grib_handle_clone(grib_handle* h)
- grib_index* grib_index_new_from_file(grib_context* c,\
- char* filename,char* keys,int *err)
- int grib_index_get_size(grib_index* index,char* key,size_t* size)
- int grib_index_get_long(grib_index* index,char* key,\
- long* values,size_t *size)
- int grib_index_get_double(grib_index* index,char* key,\
- double* values,size_t *size)
- int grib_index_get_string(grib_index* index,char* key,\
- char** values,size_t *size)
- int grib_index_select_long(grib_index* index,char* key,long value)
- int grib_index_select_double(grib_index* index,char* key,double value)
- int grib_index_select_string(grib_index* index,char* key,char* value)
- grib_handle* grib_handle_new_from_index(grib_index* index,int *err)
- void grib_index_delete(grib_index* index)
- int grib_is_missing(grib_handle* h, char* key, int* err)
- grib_handle* grib_handle_new_from_message(grib_context * c, void * data,\
- size_t data_len)
- grib_handle* grib_handle_new_from_message_copy(grib_context * c, void * data,\
- size_t data_len)
- int grib_julian_to_datetime(double jd, long *year, long *month, long *day, long *hour, long *minute, long *second)
- int grib_datetime_to_julian(long year, long month, long day, long hour, long minute, long second, double *jd)
- int grib_get_gaussian_latitudes(long truncation,double* latitudes)
- int grib_index_write(grib_index *index, char *filename)
- grib_index* grib_index_read(grib_context* c, char* filename,int *err)
- missingvalue_int = GRIB_MISSING_LONG
- #this doesn't work, since defined constants are assumed to be integers
- #missingvalue_float = GRIB_MISSING_DOUBLE
- missingvalue_float = -1.e100 # value given in grib_api.h version 1.90
- def _get_grib_api_version():
- div = lambda v,d: (v/d,v%d)
- v = grib_get_api_version()
- v,revision = div(v,100)
- v,minor = div(v,100)
- major = v
- return "%d.%d.%d" % (major,minor,revision)
- grib_api_version = _get_grib_api_version()
- def gaulats(object nlats):
- """
- gaulats(nlats)
- Returns nlats gaussian latitudes, in degrees, oriented from
- north to south. nlats must be even."""
- cdef ndarray lats
- if nlats%2:
- raise ValueError('nlats must be even')
- lats = np.empty(nlats, np.float64)
- grib_get_gaussian_latitudes(<long>nlats/2, <double *>lats.data)
- return lats
- # dict for forecast time units (Code Table 4.4).
- _ftimedict = {}
- _ftimedict[0]='mins'
- _ftimedict[1]='hrs'
- _ftimedict[2]='days'
- _ftimedict[3]='months'
- _ftimedict[4]='yrs'
- _ftimedict[5]='decades'
- _ftimedict[6]='30 yr periods'
- _ftimedict[7]='centuries'
- _ftimedict[10]='3 hr periods'
- _ftimedict[11]='6 hr periods'
- _ftimedict[12]='12 hr periods'
- _ftimedict[13]='secs'
- # turn on support for multi-field grib messages.
- grib_multi_support_on(NULL)
- cdef class open(object):
- """
- open(filename)
- returns GRIB file iterator object given GRIB filename. When iterated, returns
- instances of the L{gribmessage} class. Behaves much like a python file
- object, with L{seek}, L{tell}, L{read} and L{close} methods,
- except that offsets are measured in grib messages instead of bytes.
- Additional methods include L{rewind} (like C{seek(0)}), L{message}
- (like C{seek(N-1)}; followed by C{readline()}), and L{select} (filters
- messages based on specified conditions). The C{__call__} method forwards
- to L{select}, and instances can be sliced with C{__getitem__} (returning
- lists of L{gribmessage} instances). The position of the iterator is not
- altered by slicing with C{__getitem__}.
- @ivar messages: The total number of grib messages in the file.
- @ivar messagenumber: The grib message number that the iterator currently
- points to (the value returned by L{tell}).
- @ivar name: The GRIB file which the instance represents."""
- cdef FILE *_fd
- cdef grib_handle *_gh
- cdef public object name, messagenumber, messages, closed
- def __cinit__(self, filename):
- # initialize C level objects.
- cdef grib_handle *gh
- cdef FILE *_fd
- bytestr = _strencode(filename)
- self._fd = fopen(bytestr, "rb")
- if self._fd == NULL:
- raise IOError("could not open %s", filename)
- self._gh = NULL
- def __init__(self, filename):
- cdef int err
- cdef grib_handle *gh
- # initalize Python level objects
- self.name = filename
- self.closed = False
- self.messagenumber = 0
- # count number of messages in file.
- nmsgs = 0
- while 1:
- gh = grib_handle_new_from_file(NULL, self._fd, &err)
- err = grib_handle_delete(gh)
- if gh == NULL: break
- nmsgs = nmsgs + 1
- rewind(self._fd)
- self.messages = nmsgs
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def __next__(self):
- cdef grib_handle* gh
- cdef int err
- if self.messagenumber == self.messages:
- raise StopIteration
- if self._gh is not NULL:
- err = grib_handle_delete(self._gh)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- gh = grib_handle_new_from_file(NULL, self._fd, &err)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- if gh == NULL:
- raise StopIteration
- else:
- self._gh = gh
- self.messagenumber = self.messagenumber + 1
- return _create_gribmessage(self._gh, self.messagenumber)
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- if type(key) == slice:
- # for a slice, return a list of grib messages.
- beg, end, inc = key.indices(self.messages)
- msg = self.tell()
- grbs = [self.message(n+1) for n in xrange(beg,end,inc)]
- self.seek(msg) # put iterator back in original position
- return grbs
- elif type(key) == int or type(key) == long:
- # for an integer, return a single grib message.
- msg = self.tell()
- grb = self.message(key)
- self.seek(msg) # put iterator back in original position
- return grb
- else:
- raise KeyError('key must be an integer message number or a slice')
- def __call__(self, **kwargs):
- """same as L{select}"""
- return self.select(**kwargs)
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self,atype,value,traceback):
- self.close()
- def tell(self):
- """returns position of iterator (grib message number, 0 means iterator
- is positioned at beginning of file)."""
- return self.messagenumber
- def seek(self, msg, from_what=0):
- """
- seek(N,from_what=0)
- advance iterator N grib messages from beginning of file
- (if C{from_what=0}), from current position (if C{from_what=1})
- or from the end of file (if C{from_what=2})."""
- if from_what not in [0,1,2]:
- raise ValueError('from_what keyword arg to seek must be 0,1 or 2')
- if msg == 0:
- if from_what == 0:
- self.rewind()
- elif from_what == 1:
- return
- elif from_what == 2:
- self.message(self.messages)
- else:
- if from_what == 0:
- self.message(msg)
- elif from_what == 1:
- self.message(self.messagenumber+msg)
- elif from_what == 2:
- self.message(self.messages+msg)
- def readline(self):
- """
- readline()
- read one entire grib message from the file.
- Returns a L{gribmessage} instance, or None if an EOF is encountered."""
- try:
- if hasattr(self,'next'):
- grb = self.next()
- else:
- grb = next(self)
- except StopIteration:
- grb = None
- return grb
- def read(self,msgs=None):
- """
- read(N=None)
- read N messages from current position, returning grib messages instances in a
- list. If N=None, all the messages to the end of the file are read.
- C{pygrib.open(f).read()} is equivalent to C{list(pygrib.open(f))},
- both return a list containing L{gribmessage} instances for all the
- grib messages in the file C{f}.
- """
- if msgs is None:
- grbs = self._advance(self.messages-self.messagenumber,return_msgs=True)
- else:
- grbs = self._advance(msgs,return_msgs=True)
- return grbs
- def close(self):
- """
- close()
- close GRIB file, deallocate C structures associated with class instance"""
- # doesn't have __dealloc__, user must explicitly call close.
- # having both causes segfaults.
- cdef int err
- fclose(self._fd)
- if self._gh != NULL:
- err = grib_handle_delete(self._gh)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- self.closed = True
- def rewind(self):
- """rewind iterator (same as seek(0))"""
- # before rewinding, move iterator to end of file
- # to make sure it is not left in a funky state
- # (such as in the middle of a multi-part message, issue 54)
- while 1:
- gh = grib_handle_new_from_file(NULL, self._fd, &err)
- err = grib_handle_delete(gh)
- if gh == NULL: break
- rewind(self._fd)
- self.messagenumber = 0
- def message(self, N):
- """
- message(N)
- retrieve N'th message in iterator.
- same as seek(N-1) followed by readline()."""
- if N < 1:
- raise IOError('grb message numbers start at 1')
- # if iterator positioned past message N, reposition at beginning.
- if self.messagenumber >= N:
- self.rewind()
- # move iterator forward to message N.
- self._advance(N-self.messagenumber)
- return _create_gribmessage(self._gh, self.messagenumber)
- def select(self, **kwargs):
- """
- select(**kwargs)
- return a list of L{gribmessage} instances from iterator filtered by kwargs.
- If keyword is a container object, each grib message
- in the iterator is searched for membership in the container.
- If keyword is a callable (has a _call__ method), each grib
- message in the iterator is tested using the callable (which should
- return a boolean).
- If keyword is not a container object or a callable, each
- grib message in the iterator is tested for equality.
- Example usage:
- >>> import pygrib
- >>> grbs = pygrib.open('sampledata/gfs.grb')
- >>> selected_grbs=grbs.select(shortName='gh',typeOfLevel='isobaricInhPa',level=10)
- >>> for grb in selected_grbs: grb
- 26:Geopotential height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 10 Pa:fcst time 72 hrs:from 200412091200:lo res cntl fcst
- >>> # the __call__ method does the same thing
- >>> selected_grbs=grbs(shortName='gh',typeOfLevel='isobaricInhPa',level=10)
- >>> for grb in selected_grbs: grb
- 26:Geopotential height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 10 Pa:fcst time 72 hrs:from 200412091200:lo res cntl fcst
- >>> # to select multiple specific key values, use containers (e.g. sequences)
- >>> selected_grbs=grbs(shortName=['u','v'],typeOfLevel='isobaricInhPa',level=[10,50])
- >>> for grb in selected_grbs: grb
- 193:u-component of wind:m s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 50 Pa:fcst time 72 hrs:from 200412091200:lo res cntl fcst
- 194:v-component of wind:m s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 50 Pa:fcst time 72 hrs:from 200412091200:lo res cntl fcst
- 199:u-component of wind:m s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 10 Pa:fcst time 72 hrs:from 200412091200:lo res cntl fcst
- 200:v-component of wind:m s**-1 (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 10 Pa:fcst time 72 hrs:from 200412091200:lo res cntl fcst
- >>> # to select key values based on a conditional expression, use a function
- >>> selected_grbs=grbs(shortName='gh',level=lambda l: l < 500 and l >= 300)
- >>> for grb in selected_grbs: grb
- 14:Geopotential height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 45000 Pa:fcst time 72 hrs:from 200412091200:lo res cntl fcst
- 15:Geopotential height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 40000 Pa:fcst time 72 hrs:from 200412091200:lo res cntl fcst
- 16:Geopotential height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 35000 Pa:fcst time 72 hrs:from 200412091200:lo res cntl fcst
- 17:Geopotential height:gpm (instant):regular_ll:isobaricInhPa:level 30000 Pa:fcst time 72 hrs:from 200412091200:lo res cntl fcst
- """
- msgnum = self.tell()
- self.rewind() # always search from beginning
- grbs = [grb for grb in self if _find(grb, **kwargs)]
- self.seek(msgnum) # leave iterator in original position.
- return grbs
- def _advance(self,nmsgs,return_msgs=False):
- """advance iterator n messages from current position.
- if return_msgs==True, grib message instances are returned
- in a list"""
- cdef int err
- if nmsgs < 0:
- raise ValueError('nmsgs must be >= 0 in _advance')
- if return_msgs: grbs=[]
- for n in range(self.messagenumber,self.messagenumber+nmsgs):
- err = grib_handle_delete(self._gh)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- self._gh = grib_handle_new_from_file(NULL, self._fd, &err)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- if self._gh == NULL:
- raise IOError('not that many messages in file')
- self.messagenumber = self.messagenumber + 1
- if return_msgs: grbs.append(_create_gribmessage(self._gh, self.messagenumber))
- if return_msgs: return grbs
- # keep track of python gribmessage attributes so they can be
- # distinguished from grib keys.
- _private_atts =\
- ['_gh','fcstimeunits','expand_reduced','projparams','messagenumber','_all_keys','_ro_keys']
- def julian_to_datetime(object jd):
- """
- julian_to_datetime(julday)
- convert Julian day number to python datetime instance.
- Used to create validDate and analDate attributes from
- julianDay and forecastTime keys."""
- cdef double julday
- cdef long year, month, day, hour, minute, second
- cdef int err
- julday = jd
- err = grib_julian_to_datetime(julday, &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute, &second)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- return datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
- def datetime_to_julian(object d):
- """
- datetime_to_julian(date)
- convert python datetime instance to Julian day number."""
- cdef double julday
- cdef int err
- cdef long year, month, day, hour, minute, second
- year = d.year; month = d.month; day = d.day; hour = d.hour
- minute = d.minute; second = d.second
- err = grib_datetime_to_julian(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,&julday)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- return julday
- cdef _create_gribmessage(grib_handle *gh, object messagenumber):
- """factory function for creating gribmessage instances"""
- cdef gribmessage grb = gribmessage.__new__(gribmessage)
- grb.messagenumber = messagenumber
- grb.expand_reduced = True
- grb._gh = grib_handle_clone(gh)
- grb._all_keys = grb.keys()
- grb._ro_keys = grb._read_only_keys()
- grb._set_projparams() # set projection parameter dict.
- return setdates(grb)
- def fromstring(gribstring):
- """
- fromstring(string)
- Create a gribmessage instance from a python bytes object
- representing a binary grib message (the reverse of L{gribmessage.tostring}).
- """
- cdef char* gribstr
- cdef grib_handle * gh
- cdef gribmessage grb
- gribstr = gribstring
- gh = grib_handle_new_from_message_copy(NULL, <void *>gribstr, len(gribstring))
- grb = gribmessage.__new__(gribmessage)
- grb.messagenumber = 1
- grb.expand_reduced = True
- grb._gh = gh
- grb._all_keys = grb.keys()
- grb._ro_keys = grb._read_only_keys()
- grb._set_projparams() # set projection parameter dict.
- return setdates(grb)
- def setdates(gribmessage grb):
- """
- setdates(grb)
- set fcstimeunits, analDate and validDate attributes using
- julianDay, forecastTime and indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange.
- Called automatically when gribmessage instance created,
- but can be called manually to update keys if one of
- them is modified after instance creation.
- """
- grb.fcstimeunits = ""
- if grb.has_key('indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange') and\
- grb.indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange in _ftimedict:
- grb.fcstimeunits = _ftimedict[grb.indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange]
- if grb.has_key('forecastTime'):
- if grb.has_key('stepRange'):
- # this is a hack to work around grib_api bug
- # sometimes stepUnits and indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange
- # are inconsistent.
- grb.stepUnits = grb.indicatorOfUnitOfTimeRange
- ftime = grb['stepRange'] # computed key, uses stepUnits
- # if it's a range, use the end of the range to define validDate
- try:
- ftime = float(ftime.split('-')[1])
- except:
- ftime = grb.forecastTime
- else:
- ftime = grb.forecastTime
- else:
- ftime = 0
- if grb.has_key('julianDay'):
- grb.analDate =\
- julian_to_datetime(grb.julianDay)
- if grb.fcstimeunits == 'hrs':
- grb.validDate =\
- julian_to_datetime(grb.julianDay+ftime/24.)
- elif grb.fcstimeunits == 'mins':
- grb.validDate =\
- julian_to_datetime(grb.julianDay+ftime/1440.)
- elif grb.fcstimeunits == 'days':
- grb.validDate =\
- julian_to_datetime(grb.julianDay+ftime)
- elif grb.fcstimeunits == 'secs':
- grb.validDate =\
- julian_to_datetime(grb.julianDay+ftime/86400.)
- elif grb.fcstimeunits == '3 hr periods':
- grb.validDate =\
- julian_to_datetime(grb.julianDay+ftime/8.)
- elif grb.fcstimeunits == '6 hr periods':
- grb.validDate =\
- julian_to_datetime(grb.julianDay+ftime/4.)
- elif grb.fcstimeunits == '12 hr periods':
- grb.validDate =\
- julian_to_datetime(grb.julianDay+ftime/2.)
- return grb
- def reload(gribmessage grb):
- """
- reload(grb)
- Recreate gribmessage object, updating all the keys to be consistent
- with each other. For example, if the forecastTime key is changed,
- recreating the gribmessage object with this function will cause
- the analDate and verifDate keys to be updated accordingly.
- Equivalent to fromstring(grb.tostring())"""
- return fromstring(grb.tostring())
- cdef class gribmessage(object):
- """
- Grib message object.
- Each grib message has attributes corresponding to grib message
- keys for
- U{GRIB1 <http://www.ecmwf.int/publications/manuals/d/gribapi/fm92/grib1>}
- and
- U{GRIB2 <http://www.ecmwf.int/publications/manuals/d/gribapi/fm92/grib2/>}.
- Parameter names are
- are given by the C{name}, C{shortName} and C{paramID}
- U{keys <http://www.ecmwf.int/publications/manuals/d/gribapi/param/>}.
- pygrib also defines some special attributes which are defined below
- under the heading B{Instance Variables}.
- @ivar messagenumber: The grib message number in the file.
- @ivar projparams: A dictionary containing proj4 key/value pairs describing
- the grid. Set to C{None} for unsupported grid types.
- @ivar expand_reduced: If True (default), reduced lat/lon and gaussian grids
- will be expanded to regular grids when data is accessed via "values" key. If
- False, data is kept on unstructured reduced grid, and is returned in a 1-d
- array.
- @ivar fcstimeunits: A string representing the forecast time units
- (an empty string if not defined).
- @ivar analDate: A python datetime instance describing the analysis date
- and time for the forecast. Only set if forecastTime and julianDay keys
- exist.
- @ivar validDate: A python datetime instance describing the valid date
- and time for the forecast. Only set if forecastTime and julianDay keys
- exist, and fcstimeunits is defined. If forecast time
- is a range, then C{validDate} corresponds to the end of the range."""
- cdef grib_handle *_gh
- cdef public messagenumber, projparams, validDate, analDate,\
- expand_reduced, _ro_keys, _all_keys, fcstimeunits
- def __init__(self):
- # calling "__new__()" will not call "__init__()" !
- raise TypeError("This class cannot be instantiated from Python")
- def __dealloc__(self):
- # finalization (inverse of __cinit__): needed to allow garbage collector to free memory.
- cdef int err
- err = grib_handle_delete(self._gh)
- def __getattr__(self, item):
- # allow gribmessage keys to accessed like attributes.
- # this is tried after looking for item in self.__dict__.keys().
- try:
- return self.__getitem__(item)
- except KeyError:
- raise AttributeError(item)
- def __setattr__(self, name, value):
- # allow gribmessage keys to be set like attributes.
- if name not in _private_atts:
- # these are grib message keys
- self[name] = value
- else:
- # these are python attributes.
- self.__dict__[name]=value
- def __repr__(self):
- """prints a short inventory of the grib message"""
- inventory = []
- if self.valid_key('name'):
- if self['name'] != 'unknown':
- inventory.append(repr(self.messagenumber)+':'+self['name'])
- elif self.valid_key('parameterName'):
- inventory.append(repr(self.messagenumber)+':'+self['parameterName'])
- if self.valid_key('units'):
- if self['units'] != 'unknown':
- inventory.append(':'+self['units'])
- elif self.valid_key('parameterUnits'):
- inventory.append(':'+self['parameterUnits'])
- if self.valid_key('stepType'):
- inventory.append(' ('+self['stepType']+')')
- if self.valid_key('typeOfGrid') or self.valid_key('gridType'):
- if self.valid_key('typeOfGrid'):
- inventory.append(':'+self['typeOfGrid'])
- else:
- inventory.append(':'+self['gridType'])
- if self.valid_key('typeOfLevel'):
- inventory.append(':'+self['typeOfLevel'])
- if self.valid_key('topLevel') and self.valid_key('bottomLevel'):
- toplev = None; botlev = None
- levunits = 'unknown'
- if self.valid_key('unitsOfFirstFixedSurface'):
- levunits = self['unitsOfFirstFixedSurface']
- if self.valid_key('typeOfFirstFixedSurface') and self['typeOfFirstFixedSurface'] != 255:
- toplev = self['topLevel']
- if self.valid_key('scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface') and\
- self.valid_key('scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface'):
- if self['scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface']:
- toplev = self['scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface']/\
- np.power(10.0,self['scaleFactorOfFirstFixedSurface'])
- else:
- toplev = self['scaledValueOfFirstFixedSurface']
- if self.valid_key('typeOfSecondFixedSurface') and self['typeOfSecondFixedSurface'] != 255:
- botlev = self['bottomLevel']
- if self.valid_key('scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface') and\
- self.valid_key('scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface'):
- if self['scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface']:
- botlev = self['scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface']/\
- np.power(10.0,self['scaleFactorOfSecondFixedSurface'])
- else:
- botlev = self['scaledValueOfSecondFixedSurface']
- levstring = None
- if botlev is None or toplev == botlev:
- levstring = ':level %s' % toplev
- else:
- levstring = ':levels %s-%s' % (toplev,botlev)
- if levunits != 'unknown':
- levstring = levstring+' %s' % levunits
- if levstring is not None:
- inventory.append(levstring)
- elif self.valid_key('level'):
- inventory.append(':level %s' % self['level'])
- if self.has_key('stepRange'):
- ftime = self['stepRange'] # computed key, uses stepUnits
- if self.valid_key('stepType') and self['stepType'] != 'instant':
- inventory.append(':fcst time %s %s (%s)'%\
- (ftime,self.fcstimeunits,self.stepType))
- else:
- inventory.append(':fcst time %s %s'% (ftime,self.fcstimeunits))
- elif self.valid_key('forecastTime'):
- ftime = repr(self['forecastTime'])
- inventory.append(':fcst time %s %s'% (ftime,self.fcstimeunits))
- if self.valid_key('dataDate') and self.valid_key('dataTime'):
- inventory.append(
- ':from '+repr(self['dataDate'])+'%04i' % self['dataTime'])
- #if self.valid_key('validityDate') and self.valid_key('validityTime'):
- # inventory.append(
- # ':valid '+repr(self['validityDate'])+repr(self['validityTime']))
- if self.valid_key('perturbationNumber') and\
- self.valid_key('typeOfEnsembleForecast'):
- ens_type = self['typeOfEnsembleForecast']
- pert_num = self['perturbationNumber']
- if ens_type == 0:
- inventory.append(":lo res cntl fcst")
- elif ens_type == 1:
- inventory.append(":hi res cntl fcst")
- elif ens_type == 2:
- inventory.append(":neg ens pert %d" % pert_num)
- elif ens_type == 3:
- inventory.append(":pos ens pert %d" % pert_num)
- if self.valid_key('derivedForecast'):
- if self['derivedForecast'] == 0:
- inventory.append(":ens mean")
- elif self['derivedForecast'] == 1:
- inventory.append(":weighted ens mean")
- elif self['derivedForecast'] == 2:
- inventory.append(":ens std dev")
- elif self['derivedForecast'] == 3:
- inventory.append(":normalized ens std dev")
- elif self['derivedForecast'] == 4:
- inventory.append(":ens spread")
- elif self['derivedForecast'] == 5:
- inventory.append(":ens large anomaly index")
- elif self['derivedForecast'] == 6:
- inventory.append(":ens mean of cluster")
- if self.valid_key('probabilityTypeName'):
- inventory.append(":"+self['probabilityTypeName'])
- lowerlim = None
- if self.valid_key('scaledValueOfLowerLimit') and\
- self.valid_key('scaleFactorOfLowerLimit'):
- if self['scaledValueOfLowerLimit'] and\
- self['scaleFactorOfLowerLimit']:
- lowerlim = self['scaledValueOfLowerLimit']/\
- np.power(10.0,self['scaleFactorOfLowerLimit'])
- upperlim = None
- if self.valid_key('scaledValueOfUpperLimit') and\
- self.valid_key('scaleFactorOfUpperLimit'):
- if self['scaledValueOfUpperLimit'] and\
- self['scaleFactorOfUpperLimit']:
- upperlim = self['scaledValueOfUpperLimit']/\
- np.power(10.0,self['scaleFactorOfUpperLimit'])
- if upperlim is not None and lowerlim is not None:
- inventory.append(" (%s-%s)" % (upperlim,lowerlim))
- elif upperlim is not None:
- inventory.append(" (> %s)" % upperlim)
- elif lowerlim is not None:
- inventory.append(" (< %s)" % lowerlim)
- return ''.join(inventory)
- def is_missing(self,key):
- """
- is_missing(key)
- returns True if value associated with key is equal
- to grib missing value flag (False otherwise)"""
- cdef int err,miss
- cdef char *name
- bytestr = _strencode(key)
- name = bytestr
- miss = grib_is_missing(self._gh, name, &err)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- if miss:
- return True
- else:
- return False
- def keys(self):
- """
- keys()
- return keys associated with a grib message (a dictionary-like object)
- """
- cdef grib_keys_iterator* gi
- cdef int err, typ
- cdef char *name
- # use cached keys if they exist.
- if self._all_keys is not None: return self._all_keys
- # if not, get keys from grib file.
- gi = grib_keys_iterator_new(self._gh,\
- keys = []
- while grib_keys_iterator_next(gi):
- name = grib_keys_iterator_get_name(gi)
- key = name.decode('ascii')
- # ignore these keys.
- if key in ["zero","one","eight","eleven","false","thousand","file",
- "localDir","7777","oneThousand"]:
- continue
- err = grib_get_native_type(self._gh, name, &typ)
- if err: # skip unreadable keys
- continue
- # keys with these types are ignored.
- if typ not in\
- keys.append(key)
- err = grib_keys_iterator_delete(gi)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- return keys
- def _read_only_keys(self):
- """
- _read_only_keys()
- return read-only keys associated with a grib message (a dictionary-like object)
- """
- cdef grib_keys_iterator* gi
- cdef int err, typ
- cdef char *name
- if self._all_keys is None:
- self._all_keys = self.keys()
- gi = grib_keys_iterator_new(self._gh,\
- keys_noro = []
- while grib_keys_iterator_next(gi):
- name = grib_keys_iterator_get_name(gi)
- key = name.decode('ascii')
- keys_noro.append(key)
- err = grib_keys_iterator_delete(gi)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- keys_ro = []
- for key in self._all_keys:
- if key not in keys_noro:
- keys_ro.append(key)
- return keys_ro
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- """
- change values associated with existing grib keys.
- """
- cdef int err, typ
- cdef size_t size
- cdef char *name
- cdef long longval
- cdef double doubleval
- cdef ndarray datarr
- cdef char *strdata
- if key in self._ro_keys:
- raise KeyError('key "%s" is read only' % key)
- if key not in self._all_keys:
- raise KeyError('can only modify existing grib keys (key "%s" not found)'
- % key )
- bytestr = _strencode(key)
- name = bytestr
- err = grib_get_native_type(self._gh, name, &typ)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- elif typ == GRIB_TYPE_LONG:
- # is value an array or a scalar?
- datarr = np.asarray(value, np.int)
- is_array = False
- if datarr.shape:
- is_array = True
- if not is_array: # scalar
- longval = value
- err = grib_set_long(self._gh, name, longval)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- else:
- if key == 'values':
- datarr = self._unshape_mask(datarr)
- if not PyArray_ISCONTIGUOUS(datarr):
- datarr = datarr.copy()
- size = datarr.size
- err = grib_set_long_array(self._gh, name, <long *>datarr.data, size)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- elif typ == GRIB_TYPE_DOUBLE:
- # is value an array or a scalar?
- datarr = np.asarray(value, np.float)
- is_array = False
- if datarr.shape:
- is_array = True
- if not is_array: # scalar
- doubleval = value
- err = grib_set_double(self._gh, name, doubleval)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- else:
- if key == 'values':
- datarr = self._unshape_mask(datarr)
- if not PyArray_ISCONTIGUOUS(datarr):
- datarr = datarr.copy()
- size = datarr.size
- err = grib_set_double_array(self._gh, name, <double *>datarr.data, size)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- elif typ == GRIB_TYPE_STRING:
- size=len(value)
- bytestr = _strencode(value)
- strdata = bytestr
- err = grib_set_string(self._gh, name, strdata, &size)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- else:
- raise ValueError("unrecognized grib type % d" % typ)
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- """
- access values associated with grib keys.
- The key "values" will return the data associated with the grib message.
- The data is returned as a numpy array, or if missing values or a bitmap
- are present, a numpy masked array. Reduced lat/lon or gaussian grid
- data is automatically expanded to a regular grid using linear
- interpolation (nearest neighbor if an adjacent grid point is a missing
- value)."""
- cdef int err, typ
- cdef size_t size
- cdef char *name
- cdef long longval
- cdef double doubleval
- cdef ndarray datarr
- cdef char strdata[1024]
- bytestr = _strencode(key)
- name = bytestr
- usenceplib = key == 'values' and self.packingType.startswith('grid_complex')
- # this workaround only needed for grib_api < 1.9.16.
- if usenceplib:
- size = self.numberOfValues
- else:
- err = grib_get_size(self._gh, name, &size)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- # this workaround only needed for grib_api < 1.9.16.
- if usenceplib:
- typ = 2
- err = 0
- else:
- err = grib_get_native_type(self._gh, name, &typ)
- # force 'paramId' to be size 1 (it returns a size of 7,
- # which is a relic from earlier versions of grib_api in which
- # paramId was a string and not an integer)
- if key=='paramId' and typ == GRIB_TYPE_LONG: size=1
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- elif typ == GRIB_TYPE_LONG:
- if size == 1: # scalar
- err = grib_get_long(self._gh, name, &longval)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- return longval
- else: # array
- if self.has_key('jPointsAreConsecutive') and\
- self['jPointsAreConsecutive']:
- storageorder='F'
- else:
- storageorder='C'
- datarr = np.zeros(size, np.int, order=storageorder)
- err = grib_get_long_array(self._gh, name, <long *>datarr.data, &size)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- if key == 'values':
- return self._reshape_mask(datarr)
- else:
- return datarr
- elif typ == GRIB_TYPE_DOUBLE:
- if size == 1: # scalar
- err = grib_get_double(self._gh, name, &doubleval)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- return doubleval
- else: # array
- if self.has_key('jPointsAreConsecutive') and\
- self['jPointsAreConsecutive']:
- storageorder='F'
- else:
- storageorder='C'
- if usenceplib:
- # use ncep lib to decode data (workaround for grib_api
- # bug with second-order complex packing).
- grb = Grib2Decode(self.tostring(), gribmsg=True)
- return grb.data()
- else:
- datarr = np.zeros(size, np.double, order=storageorder)
- err = grib_get_double_array(self._gh, name, <double *>datarr.data, &size)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- if key == 'values':
- return self._reshape_mask(datarr)
- else:
- return datarr
- elif typ == GRIB_TYPE_STRING:
- size=1024 # grib_get_size returns 1 ?
- err = grib_get_string(self._gh, name, strdata, &size)
- if err:
- raise RuntimeError(grib_get_error_message(err))
- msg = strdata.decode(default_encoding)
- return msg.rstrip()
- else:
- raise ValueError("unrecognized grib type % d" % typ)
- def has_key(self,key):
- """
- has_key(key)
- tests whether a grib message object has a specified key.
- """
- return key in self._all_keys
- def valid_key(self,key):
- """
- valid_key(key)
- tests whether a grib…