C# | 271 lines | 219 code | 49 blank | 3 comment | 22 complexity | ca554cb71afc5fe2cabdbe60d3881acc MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-3.0, MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception, LGPL-2.1, Apache-2.0, BSD-3-Clause, CC-BY-SA-3.0
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using Raven.Abstractions.Connection;
- using Raven.Abstractions.Counters;
- using Raven.Abstractions.Data;
- using Raven.Abstractions.Extensions;
- using Raven.Abstractions.Logging;
- using Raven.Abstractions.Util;
- using Raven.Bundles.Replication.Data;
- using Raven.Client.Connection;
- using Raven.Database.Bundles.Replication.Data;
- using Raven.Json.Linq;
- namespace Raven.Database.Counters.Replication
- {
- internal class CountersReplicationTopologyDiscoverer
- {
- private readonly CounterStorage counterStorage;
- private readonly int ttl;
- private readonly ILog log;
- private readonly RavenJArray @from;
- private readonly HttpRavenRequestFactory requestFactory;
- public CountersReplicationTopologyDiscoverer(CounterStorage counterStorage, RavenJArray @from, int ttl, ILog log)
- {
- this.counterStorage = counterStorage;
- this.ttl = ttl;
- this.log = log;
- this.@from = @from;
- requestFactory = new HttpRavenRequestFactory();
- }
- public CountersReplicationTopologyRootNode Discover()
- {
- var root = new CountersReplicationTopologyRootNode(counterStorage.CounterStorageUrl, counterStorage.ServerId);
- if (ttl <= 0)
- return root;
- CountersReplicationDocument replicationData;
- IEnumerable<CounterStorage.ReplicationSourceInfo> serverSources;
- using (var reader = counterStorage.CreateReader())
- {
- replicationData = reader.GetReplicationData();
- serverSources = reader.GetReplicationSources().ToList();
- }
- if (@from.Contains(counterStorage.CounterStorageUrl) == false)
- {
- @from.Add(counterStorage.CounterStorageUrl);
- }
- if (replicationData != null)
- root.Destinations = HandleDestinations(replicationData.Destinations);
- root.Sources = HandleSources(serverSources, root);
- return root;
- }
- private List<CountersReplicationTopologySourceNode> HandleSources(IEnumerable<CounterStorage.ReplicationSourceInfo> serverSources, CountersReplicationTopologyRootNode root)
- {
- return serverSources
- .Select(HandleSource)
- .ToList();
- }
- private CountersReplicationTopologySourceNode HandleSource(CounterStorage.ReplicationSourceInfo source)
- {
- if (from.Contains(source.SourceName))
- {
- var state = CheckSourceConnectionState(source.SourceName);
- switch (state)
- {
- case ReplicatonNodeState.Online:
- return CountersReplicationTopologySourceNode.Online(source.SourceName, source.ServerId, source.Etag);
- case ReplicatonNodeState.Offline:
- return CountersReplicationTopologySourceNode.Offline(source.SourceName, source.ServerId, source.Etag);
- default:
- throw new NotSupportedException(state.ToString());
- }
- }
- string error;
- CountersReplicationTopologyRootNode rootNode;
- if (TryGetSchema(source.SourceName, new RavenConnectionStringOptions(), out rootNode, out error))
- {
- var node = CountersReplicationTopologySourceNode.Online(source.SourceName, source.ServerId, source.Etag);
- node.Destinations = rootNode.Destinations;
- node.Sources = rootNode.Sources;
- node.Errors = rootNode.Errors;
- return node;
- }
- var offline = CountersReplicationTopologySourceNode.Online(source.SourceName, source.ServerId, source.Etag);
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false)
- offline.Errors.Add(error);
- return offline;
- }
- private List<CountersReplicationTopologyDestinationNode> HandleDestinations(List<CounterReplicationDestination> destinations)
- {
- return destinations
- .Select(HandleDestination)
- .ToList();
- }
- private CountersReplicationTopologyDestinationNode HandleDestination(CounterReplicationDestination replicationDestination)
- {
- RavenConnectionStringOptions connectionStringOptions = new RavenConnectionStringOptions
- {
- Credentials = replicationDestination.Credentials,
- ApiKey = replicationDestination.ApiKey,
- Url = replicationDestination.ServerUrl
- };
- string error;
- string targetServerUrl;
- // since each server can be addresses using both dns and ips we normalize connection string url by fetching target server url
- // it should give us consistent urls
- if (FetchTargetServerUrl(replicationDestination.ServerUrl, connectionStringOptions, out targetServerUrl, out error) == false)
- {
- var offlineNode = CountersReplicationTopologyDestinationNode.Offline(replicationDestination.CounterStorageUrl, counterStorage.ServerId);
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false)
- offlineNode.Errors.Add(error);
- return offlineNode;
- }
- targetServerUrl = targetServerUrl.ForCounter(replicationDestination.CounterStorageName);
- if (replicationDestination.Disabled)
- return CountersReplicationTopologyDestinationNode.Disabled(targetServerUrl, counterStorage.ServerId);
- if (from.Contains(targetServerUrl))
- {
- var state = CheckConnectionState(replicationDestination.CounterStorageUrl, connectionStringOptions);
- switch (state)
- {
- case ReplicatonNodeState.Online:
- return CountersReplicationTopologyDestinationNode.Online(targetServerUrl, counterStorage.ServerId);
- case ReplicatonNodeState.Offline:
- return CountersReplicationTopologyDestinationNode.Offline(targetServerUrl, counterStorage.ServerId);
- default:
- throw new NotSupportedException(state.ToString());
- }
- }
- CountersReplicationTopologyRootNode rootNode;
- if (TryGetSchema(targetServerUrl, connectionStringOptions, out rootNode, out error))
- {
- var node = CountersReplicationTopologyDestinationNode.Online(targetServerUrl, counterStorage.ServerId);
- node.Destinations = rootNode.Destinations;
- node.Sources = rootNode.Sources;
- node.Errors = rootNode.Errors;
- return node;
- }
- var offline = CountersReplicationTopologyDestinationNode.Offline(targetServerUrl, counterStorage.ServerId);
- if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error) == false)
- offline.Errors.Add(error);
- return offline;
- }
- private bool FetchTargetServerUrl(string serverUrl, RavenConnectionStringOptions connectionStringOptions, out string targetServerUrl, out string error)
- {
- var url = string.Format("{0}/debug/config", serverUrl);
- try
- {
- var request = requestFactory.Create(url, HttpMethods.Get, connectionStringOptions);
- error = null;
- var ravenConfig = request.ExecuteRequest<RavenJObject>();
- var serverUrlFromTargetConfig = ravenConfig.Value<string>("ServerUrl");
- // replace host name with target hostname
- targetServerUrl = new UriBuilder(serverUrl) {Host = new Uri(serverUrlFromTargetConfig).Host}.Uri.ToString();
- return true;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- error = e.Message;
- targetServerUrl = null;
- return false;
- }
- }
- private bool TryGetSchema(string serverUrl, RavenConnectionStringOptions connectionStringOptions, out CountersReplicationTopologyRootNode rootNode, out string error)
- {
- var url = string.Format("{0}/admin/replication/topology/discover?&ttl={1}", serverUrl, ttl - 1);
- try
- {
- var request = requestFactory.Create(url, HttpMethods.Post, connectionStringOptions);
- request.Write(from);
- error = null;
- rootNode = request.ExecuteRequest<CountersReplicationTopologyRootNode>();
- var visitedNodes = new HashSet<string>();
- FindVisitedNodes(rootNode, visitedNodes);
- foreach (var visitedNode in visitedNodes)
- {
- if (@from.Contains(visitedNode) == false)
- {
- @from.Add(visitedNode);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- error = e.Message;
- rootNode = null;
- return false;
- }
- }
- private void FindVisitedNodes(CountersReplicationTopologyNodeBase rootNode, HashSet<string> visitedNodes)
- {
- visitedNodes.Add(rootNode.ServerUrl);
- foreach (var source in rootNode.Sources)
- {
- FindVisitedNodes(source, visitedNodes);
- }
- foreach (var destinationNode in rootNode.Destinations)
- {
- FindVisitedNodes(destinationNode, visitedNodes);
- }
- }
- private ReplicatonNodeState CheckSourceConnectionState(string sourceUrl)
- {
- return CheckConnectionState(sourceUrl, new RavenConnectionStringOptions());
- }
- private ReplicatonNodeState CheckConnectionState(string serverUrl, RavenConnectionStringOptions connectionStringOptions)
- {
- try
- {
- var url = string.Format("{0}/replication/heartbeat?&sourceServer={1}", serverUrl, Uri.EscapeDataString(counterStorage.CounterStorageUrl));
- var request = requestFactory.Create(url, HttpMethods.Post, connectionStringOptions);
- request.ExecuteRequest();
- }
- catch (Exception e)
- {
- log.ErrorException(string.Format("Could not connect to '{0}'.", serverUrl), e);
- return ReplicatonNodeState.Offline;
- }
- return ReplicatonNodeState.Online;
- }
- }
- }