Python | 358 lines | 305 code | 37 blank | 16 comment | 62 complexity | bce7831f74e3bfba19ce8cfa454343ed MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): BSD-3-Clause, Apache-2.0, MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception, MIT, EPL-1.0, AGPL-1.0
- import pydevd_file_utils
- from _pydev_bundle._pydev_filesystem_encoding import getfilesystemencoding
- from _pydevd_bundle import pydevd_xml
- from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_constants import get_thread_id, IS_PY3K, IS_PY36_OR_GREATER
- from pydevd_concurrency_analyser.pydevd_thread_wrappers import ObjectWrapper, AsyncioTaskWrapper, wrap_attr
- file_system_encoding = getfilesystemencoding()
- try:
- from urllib import quote
- except:
- from urllib.parse import quote # @UnresolvedImport
- from _pydev_imps._pydev_saved_modules import threading
- threadingCurrentThread = threading.currentThread
- DONT_TRACE_THREADING = ['threading.py', 'pydevd.py']
- INNER_METHODS = ['_stop']
- INNER_FILES = ['threading.py']
- QUEUE_MODULE = 'queue.py'
- # Tread method `start` is removed, because it's being handled in `pydev_monkey` thread creation patching
- THREAD_METHODS = ['_stop', 'join']
- LOCK_METHODS = ['__init__', 'acquire', 'release', '__enter__', '__exit__']
- QUEUE_METHODS = ['put', 'get']
- from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_comm import NetCommand
- from _pydevd_bundle.pydevd_constants import GlobalDebuggerHolder
- import traceback
- import time
- # return time since epoch in milliseconds
- cur_time = lambda: int(round(time.time() * 1000000))
- try:
- import asyncio # @UnresolvedImport
- except:
- pass
- def get_text_list_for_frame(frame):
- # partial copy-paste from make_thread_suspend_str
- curFrame = frame
- cmdTextList = []
- try:
- while curFrame:
- #print cmdText
- myId = str(id(curFrame))
- #print "id is ", myId
- if curFrame.f_code is None:
- break #Iron Python sometimes does not have it!
- myName = curFrame.f_code.co_name #method name (if in method) or ? if global
- if myName is None:
- break #Iron Python sometimes does not have it!
- #print "name is ", myName
- filename = pydevd_file_utils.get_abs_path_real_path_and_base_from_frame(curFrame)[1]
- myFile = pydevd_file_utils.norm_file_to_client(filename)
- if file_system_encoding.lower() != "utf-8" and hasattr(myFile, "decode"):
- # myFile is a byte string encoded using the file system encoding
- # convert it to utf8
- myFile = myFile.decode(file_system_encoding).encode("utf-8")
- #print "file is ", myFile
- #myFile = inspect.getsourcefile(curFrame) or inspect.getfile(frame)
- myLine = str(curFrame.f_lineno)
- #print "line is ", myLine
- #the variables are all gotten 'on-demand'
- #variables = pydevd_xml.frame_vars_to_xml(curFrame.f_locals)
- variables = ''
- cmdTextList.append('<frame id="%s" name="%s" ' % (myId , pydevd_xml.make_valid_xml_value(myName)))
- cmdTextList.append('file="%s" line="%s">' % (quote(myFile, '/>_= \t'), myLine))
- cmdTextList.append(variables)
- cmdTextList.append("</frame>")
- curFrame = curFrame.f_back
- except :
- traceback.print_exc()
- return cmdTextList
- def send_message(event_class, time, name, thread_id, type, event, file, line, frame, lock_id=0, parent=None):
- dbg = GlobalDebuggerHolder.global_dbg
- if dbg is None:
- return
- cmdTextList = ['<xml>']
- cmdTextList.append('<' + event_class)
- cmdTextList.append(' time="%s"' % pydevd_xml.make_valid_xml_value(str(time)))
- cmdTextList.append(' name="%s"' % pydevd_xml.make_valid_xml_value(name))
- cmdTextList.append(' thread_id="%s"' % pydevd_xml.make_valid_xml_value(thread_id))
- cmdTextList.append(' type="%s"' % pydevd_xml.make_valid_xml_value(type))
- if type == "lock":
- cmdTextList.append(' lock_id="%s"' % pydevd_xml.make_valid_xml_value(str(lock_id)))
- if parent is not None:
- cmdTextList.append(' parent="%s"' % pydevd_xml.make_valid_xml_value(parent))
- cmdTextList.append(' event="%s"' % pydevd_xml.make_valid_xml_value(event))
- cmdTextList.append(' file="%s"' % pydevd_xml.make_valid_xml_value(file))
- cmdTextList.append(' line="%s"' % pydevd_xml.make_valid_xml_value(str(line)))
- cmdTextList.append('></' + event_class + '>')
- cmdTextList += get_text_list_for_frame(frame)
- cmdTextList.append('</xml>')
- text = ''.join(cmdTextList)
- if dbg.writer is not None:
- dbg.writer.add_command(NetCommand(145, 0, text))
- def log_new_thread(global_debugger, t):
- event_time = cur_time() - global_debugger.thread_analyser.start_time
- send_message("threading_event", event_time, t.getName(), get_thread_id(t), "thread",
- "start", "code_name", 0, None, parent=get_thread_id(t))
- class ThreadingLogger:
- def __init__(self):
- self.start_time = cur_time()
- def set_start_time(self, time):
- self.start_time = time
- def log_event(self, frame):
- write_log = False
- self_obj = None
- if "self" in frame.f_locals:
- self_obj = frame.f_locals["self"]
- if isinstance(self_obj, threading.Thread) or self_obj.__class__ == ObjectWrapper:
- write_log = True
- if hasattr(frame, "f_back") and frame.f_back is not None:
- back = frame.f_back
- if hasattr(back, "f_back") and back.f_back is not None:
- back = back.f_back
- if "self" in back.f_locals:
- if isinstance(back.f_locals["self"], threading.Thread):
- write_log = True
- try:
- if write_log:
- t = threadingCurrentThread()
- back = frame.f_back
- if not back:
- return
- _, name, back_base = pydevd_file_utils.get_abs_path_real_path_and_base_from_frame(back)
- event_time = cur_time() - self.start_time
- method_name = frame.f_code.co_name
- if isinstance(self_obj, threading.Thread):
- if not hasattr(self_obj, "_pydev_run_patched"):
- wrap_attr(self_obj, "run")
- if (method_name in THREAD_METHODS) and (back_base not in DONT_TRACE_THREADING or \
- (method_name in INNER_METHODS and back_base in INNER_FILES)):
- thread_id = get_thread_id(self_obj)
- name = self_obj.getName()
- real_method = frame.f_code.co_name
- parent = None
- if real_method == "_stop":
- if back_base in INNER_FILES and \
- back.f_code.co_name == "_wait_for_tstate_lock":
- back = back.f_back.f_back
- real_method = "stop"
- if hasattr(self_obj, "_pydev_join_called"):
- parent = get_thread_id(t)
- elif real_method == "join":
- # join called in the current thread, not in self object
- if not self_obj.is_alive():
- return
- thread_id = get_thread_id(t)
- name = t.getName()
- self_obj._pydev_join_called = True
- send_message("threading_event", event_time, name, thread_id, "thread",
- real_method, back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno, back, parent=parent)
- # print(event_time, self_obj.getName(), thread_id, "thread",
- # real_method, back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno)
- if method_name == "pydev_after_run_call":
- if hasattr(frame, "f_back") and frame.f_back is not None:
- back = frame.f_back
- if hasattr(back, "f_back") and back.f_back is not None:
- back = back.f_back
- if "self" in back.f_locals:
- if isinstance(back.f_locals["self"], threading.Thread):
- my_self_obj = frame.f_back.f_back.f_locals["self"]
- my_back = frame.f_back.f_back
- my_thread_id = get_thread_id(my_self_obj)
- send_massage = True
- if IS_PY3K and hasattr(my_self_obj, "_pydev_join_called"):
- send_massage = False
- # we can't detect stop after join in Python 2 yet
- if send_massage:
- send_message("threading_event", event_time, "Thread", my_thread_id, "thread",
- "stop", my_back.f_code.co_filename, my_back.f_lineno, my_back, parent=None)
- if isinstance(self_obj, ObjectWrapper):
- if back_base in DONT_TRACE_THREADING:
- # do not trace methods called from threading
- return
- back_back_base = pydevd_file_utils.get_abs_path_real_path_and_base_from_frame(back.f_back)[-1]
- bbb_base = None
- bbb_frame = getattr(back.f_back, "f_back", None)
- if bbb_frame is not None:
- bbb_base = pydevd_file_utils.get_abs_path_real_path_and_base_from_frame(bbb_frame)[-1]
- if back_back_base in DONT_TRACE_THREADING and bbb_base is not None and bbb_base != QUEUE_MODULE:
- # back_back_base is the file, where the method was called froms
- return
- back = back.f_back
- if method_name == "__init__":
- send_message("threading_event", event_time, t.getName(), get_thread_id(t), "lock",
- method_name, back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno, back, lock_id=str(id(frame.f_locals["self"])))
- if "attr" in frame.f_locals:
- real_method = frame.f_locals["attr"]
- if real_method not in ALL_METHODS:
- return
- if method_name == "call_begin":
- real_method += "_begin"
- elif method_name == "call_end":
- real_method += "_end"
- else:
- return
- if real_method == "release_end":
- # do not log release end. Maybe use it later
- return
- send_message("threading_event", event_time, t.getName(), get_thread_id(t), "lock",
- real_method, back.f_code.co_filename, back.f_lineno, back, lock_id=str(id(self_obj)))
- except Exception:
- traceback.print_exc()
- class NameManager:
- def __init__(self, name_prefix):
- self.tasks = {}
- self.last = 0
- self.prefix = name_prefix
- def get(self, id):
- if id not in self.tasks:
- self.last += 1
- self.tasks[id] = self.prefix + "-" + str(self.last)
- return self.tasks[id]
- class AsyncioLogger:
- def __init__(self):
- self.task_mgr = NameManager("Task")
- self.start_time = cur_time()
- def get_task_id(self, frame):
- if "self" in frame.f_locals:
- self_obj = frame.f_locals["self"]
- current_task = asyncio.tasks._OrigTask.current_task(self_obj._loop)
- return id(current_task)
- else:
- while frame is not None:
- if "self" in frame.f_locals:
- self_obj = frame.f_locals["self"]
- if isinstance(self_obj, asyncio.Task):
- method_name = frame.f_code.co_name
- if method_name == "_step":
- return id(self_obj)
- frame = frame.f_back
- def log_event(self, frame):
- event_time = cur_time() - self.start_time
- if not hasattr(frame, "f_back") or frame.f_back is None:
- return
- back = frame.f_back
- if "self" in frame.f_locals:
- self_obj = frame.f_locals["self"]
- if self_obj.__class__ == AsyncioTaskWrapper:
- method_name = frame.f_code.co_name
- if method_name == "__init__" and "obj" in frame.f_locals:
- original_task = frame.f_locals["obj"]
- task_id = id(original_task)
- task_name = self.task_mgr.get(str(task_id))
- if hasattr(frame, "f_back") and hasattr(frame.f_back, "f_back"):
- frame = frame.f_back.f_back
- send_message("asyncio_event", event_time, task_name, task_name, "thread", "start", frame.f_code.co_filename,
- frame.f_lineno, frame)
- if method_name == "call_end" and "attr" in frame.f_locals:
- real_method = frame.f_locals["attr"]
- if real_method == "done":
- task_id = id(self_obj.wrapped_object)
- task_name = self.task_mgr.get(str(task_id))
- send_message("asyncio_event", event_time, task_name, task_name, "thread", "stop", frame.f_code.co_filename,
- frame.f_lineno, frame)
- else:
- if isinstance(self_obj, asyncio.Task):
- method_name = frame.f_code.co_name
- if method_name == "set_result":
- task_id = id(self_obj)
- task_name = self.task_mgr.get(str(task_id))
- send_message("asyncio_event", event_time, task_name, task_name, "thread", "stop", frame.f_code.co_filename,
- frame.f_lineno, frame)
- method_name = back.f_code.co_name
- if method_name == "__init__":
- task_id = id(self_obj)
- task_name = self.task_mgr.get(str(task_id))
- send_message("asyncio_event", event_time, task_name, task_name, "thread", "start", frame.f_code.co_filename,
- frame.f_lineno, frame)
- method_name = frame.f_code.co_name
- if isinstance(self_obj, asyncio.Lock):
- if method_name in ("acquire", "release"):
- task_id = self.get_task_id(frame)
- task_name = self.task_mgr.get(str(task_id))
- if method_name == "acquire":
- if not self_obj._waiters and not self_obj.locked():
- send_message("asyncio_event", event_time, task_name, task_name, "lock",
- method_name+"_begin", frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, frame, lock_id=str(id(self_obj)))
- if self_obj.locked():
- method_name += "_begin"
- else:
- method_name += "_end"
- elif method_name == "release":
- method_name += "_end"
- send_message("asyncio_event", event_time, task_name, task_name, "lock",
- method_name, frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, frame, lock_id=str(id(self_obj)))
- if isinstance(self_obj, asyncio.Queue):
- if method_name in ("put", "get", "_put", "_get"):
- task_id = self.get_task_id(frame)
- task_name = self.task_mgr.get(str(task_id))
- if method_name == "put":
- send_message("asyncio_event", event_time, task_name, task_name, "lock",
- "acquire_begin", frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, frame, lock_id=str(id(self_obj)))
- elif method_name == "_put":
- send_message("asyncio_event", event_time, task_name, task_name, "lock",
- "acquire_end", frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, frame, lock_id=str(id(self_obj)))
- send_message("asyncio_event", event_time, task_name, task_name, "lock",
- "release", frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, frame, lock_id=str(id(self_obj)))
- elif method_name == "get":
- back = frame.f_back
- if back.f_code.co_name != "send":
- send_message("asyncio_event", event_time, task_name, task_name, "lock",
- "acquire_begin", frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, frame, lock_id=str(id(self_obj)))
- else:
- send_message("asyncio_event", event_time, task_name, task_name, "lock",
- "acquire_end", frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, frame, lock_id=str(id(self_obj)))
- send_message("asyncio_event", event_time, task_name, task_name, "lock",
- "release", frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno, frame, lock_id=str(id(self_obj)))