Scala | 519 lines | 444 code | 54 blank | 21 comment | 6 complexity | 868af7f3d3cff3441d818de8c3820a66 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- /**
- * Copyright (c) 2010 MongoDB, Inc. <http://mongodb.com>
- * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 Novus Partners, Inc. <http://novus.com>
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- * For questions and comments about this product, please see the project page at:
- *
- * http://github.com/mongodb/casbah
- *
- */
- package com.mongodb.casbah.test.core
- import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
- import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
- import com.mongodb.WriteConcernException
- import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
- @SuppressWarnings(Array("deprecation"))
- class QueryIntegrationSpec extends CasbahDBTestSpecification {
- "Casbah's collection string representation" should {
- "not read the collection" in {
- collection.toString must beEqualTo(collection.name)
- }
- }
- "$set" should {
- "Work with a single pair" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "baz")
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "baz"), $set("foo" -> "bar"))
- collection.find(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")).count must beEqualTo(1)
- }
- "Work with multiple pairs" in {
- val set = $set("foo" -> "baz", "x" -> 5.2,
- "y" -> 9, "a" -> ("b", "c", "d", "e"))
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "baz"), set)
- collection.find(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")).count must beEqualTo(1)
- }
- }
- "$setOnInsert" should {
- "Work with a single pair" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 4) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.4")
- collection.drop()
- try {
- collection.update(MongoDBObject(), $setOnInsert("foo" -> "baz"), upsert = true)
- collection.find(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "baz")).count must beEqualTo(1)
- } catch {
- case ex: WriteConcernException if ex.getErrorMessage != "Invalid modifier specified $setOnInsert" =>
- throw ex
- }
- success
- }
- "Work with multiple pairs" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 4) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.4")
- val set = $setOnInsert("foo" -> "baz", "x" -> 5.2,
- "y" -> 9, "a" -> ("b", "c", "d", "e"))
- collection.drop()
- try {
- collection.update(MongoDBObject(), set, upsert = true)
- collection.find(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "baz")).count must beEqualTo(1)
- } catch {
- case ex: WriteConcernException =>
- if (ex.getErrorMessage != "Invalid modifier specified $setOnInsert")
- throw ex
- }
- success
- }
- "work combined with $set" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 4) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.4")
- collection.drop()
- try {
- collection.update(MongoDBObject(), $setOnInsert("x" -> 1) ++ $set("a" -> "b"), true)
- collection.find(MongoDBObject("x" -> 1)).count must beEqualTo(1)
- collection.find(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b")).count must beEqualTo(1)
- } catch {
- case ex: WriteConcernException =>
- if (ex.getErrorMessage != "Invalid modifier specified $setOnInsert")
- throw ex
- }
- success
- }
- }
- "$unset" should {
- "work as a single item" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "baz", "hello" -> "world")
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "baz"), $unset("foo"))
- collection.findOne().get.keySet.asScala must beEqualTo(Set("_id", "hello"))
- }
- "work with multiple items" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject(
- "foo" -> "One",
- "bar" -> 1,
- "x" -> "X",
- "y" -> "Y",
- "hello" -> "world"
- )
- val unset = $unset("foo", "bar", "x", "y")
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("hello" -> "world"), unset)
- collection.findOne().get.keySet.asScala must beEqualTo(Set("_id", "hello"))
- }
- }
- "$where" should {
- "work as expected" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "baz")
- collection.find($where("this.foo == 'baz'")).count must beEqualTo(1)
- }
- }
- "$inc" should {
- "Work with a single pair" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("hello" -> "world")
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("hello" -> "world"), $inc("foo" -> 5.0))
- collection.findOne().get("foo") must beEqualTo(5)
- }
- "Work with multiple pairs" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("hello" -> "world")
- val inc = $inc("foo" -> 5.0, "bar" -> -1.2)
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("hello" -> "world"), inc)
- val doc = collection.findOne()
- doc.get("foo") must beEqualTo(5)
- doc.get("bar") must beEqualTo(-1.2)
- }
- }
- "$max" should {
- "Work with a single pair" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 6) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.6")
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("hello" -> "world", "foo" -> 5.0)
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("hello" -> "world"), $max("foo" -> 6.0))
- collection.findOne().get("foo") must beEqualTo(6)
- }
- "Work with multiple pairs" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 6) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.6")
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("hello" -> "world", "foo" -> 5.0, "bar" -> 5.0)
- val max = $max("foo" -> 3.0, "bar" -> 10.0)
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("hello" -> "world"), max)
- val doc = collection.findOne()
- doc.get("foo") must beEqualTo(5)
- doc.get("bar") must beEqualTo(10)
- }
- }
- "$or" should {
- "load some test data first" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> 6)
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> 5)
- collection += MongoDBObject("x" -> 11)
- success
- }
- "Accept multiple values" in {
- val or = $or("foo" -> "bar", "foo" -> 6)
- collection.find(or).count must beEqualTo(2)
- }
- "Accept a mix" in {
- val or = $or {
- "foo" -> "bar" :: ("foo" $gt 5 $lt 10)
- }
- collection.find(or).count must beEqualTo(2)
- }
- "Work with nested operators" in {
- "As a simple list (comma separated)" in {
- val or = $or("foo" $lt 6 $gt 1, "x" $gte 10 $lte 152)
- collection.find(or).count must beEqualTo(2)
- }
- "As a cons (:: constructed) cell" in {
- val or = $or(("foo" $lt 6 $gt 1) :: ("x" $gte 10 $lte 152))
- collection.find(or).count must beEqualTo(2)
- }
- }
- }
- "$nor" should {
- "load some test data first" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar", "x" -> "y")
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "baz", "x" -> "y")
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> 6, "x" -> 5)
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> 5, "x" -> 6)
- success
- }
- "Accept multiple values" in {
- val nor = $nor("foo" -> "bar", "x" -> "y")
- collection.find(nor).count must beEqualTo(2)
- }
- "Accept a mix" in {
- val nor = $nor("foo" -> 5 :: ("foo" $gt 5 $lt 10))
- collection.find(nor).count must beEqualTo(2)
- }
- "Work with nested operators" in {
- "As a simple list (comma separated)" in {
- val nor = $nor("foo" $lt 6 $gt 1, "x" $gte 6 $lte 10)
- collection.find(nor).count must beEqualTo(3)
- }
- "As a cons (:: constructed) cell" in {
- val nor = $nor(("foo" $lt 6 $gt 1) :: ("x" $gte 6 $lte 10))
- collection.find(nor).count must beEqualTo(3)
- }
- }
- }
- "$and" should {
- "load some test data first" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar", "x" -> "y")
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar", "x" -> 5)
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar", "x" -> 11)
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> 4, "x" -> 11)
- success
- }
- "Accept multiple values" in {
- val and = $and("foo" -> "bar", "x" -> "y")
- collection.find(and).count must beEqualTo(1)
- }
- "Accept a mix" in {
- val and = $and {
- "foo" -> "bar" :: ("x" $gte 5 $lt 10)
- }
- collection.find(and).count must beEqualTo(1)
- }
- "Work with nested operators" in {
- "As a simple list (comma separated)" in {
- val and = $and("foo" $lt 5 $gt 1, "x" $gte 10 $lte 152)
- collection.find(and).count must beEqualTo(1)
- }
- "As a cons (:: constructed) cell" in {
- val and = $and(("foo" $lt 5 $gt 1) :: ("x" $gte 10 $lte 152))
- collection.find(and).count must beEqualTo(1)
- }
- }
- }
- "$rename" should {
- "Accept one or many sets of renames" in {
- "A single set" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar", "x" -> "y")
- val rename = $rename("foo" -> "bar")
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar"), rename)
- collection.findOne().get.keySet.asScala must containAllOf(Seq("_id", "bar", "x"))
- }
- "Multiple sets" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar", "x" -> "y")
- val rename = $rename("foo" -> "bar", "x" -> "y")
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar"), rename)
- collection.findOne().get.keySet.asScala must containAllOf(Seq("_id", "bar", "y"))
- }
- }
- }
- "Casbah's DSL Array operators" should {
- "$push" in {
- "Accept a single value" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")
- val push = $push("x" -> "y")
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar"), push)
- val doc = collection.findOne().get
- doc.keySet.asScala must beEqualTo(Set("_id", "foo", "x"))
- doc.as[MongoDBList]("x") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList("y"))
- }
- "Accept multiple values" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("a" -> "b")
- val push = $push("foo" -> "bar", "x" -> 5.2)
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b"), push)
- val doc = collection.findOne().get
- doc.keySet.asScala must beEqualTo(Set("_id", "a", "foo", "x"))
- doc.as[MongoDBList]("foo") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList("bar"))
- doc.as[MongoDBList]("x") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(5.2))
- }
- }
- "$pushAll" in {
- "Accept a single value list" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar")
- val push = $pushAll("baz" -> ("bar", "baz", "x", "y"))
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("foo" -> "bar"), push)
- val doc = collection.findOne().get
- doc.keySet.asScala must containAllOf(Seq("_id", "baz", "foo"))
- doc.as[MongoDBList]("baz") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList("bar", "baz", "x", "y"))
- }
- "Accept multiple value lists" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("a" -> "b")
- val push = $pushAll("foo" -> ("bar", "baz", "x", "y"), "x" -> (5, 10, 12, 238))
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b"), push)
- val doc = collection.findOne().get
- doc.keySet.asScala must containAllOf(Seq("_id", "a", "foo", "x"))
- doc.as[MongoDBList]("foo") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList("bar", "baz", "x", "y"))
- doc.as[MongoDBList]("x") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(5, 10, 12, 238))
- }
- }
- "$pull" in {
- "Accept a single value" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("a" -> "b", "foo" -> MongoDBList(3, 2, 1))
- val pull = $pull("foo" -> 2)
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b"), pull)
- collection.findOne().get.as[MongoDBList]("foo") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(3, 1))
- }
- "Allow Value Test Operators" in {
- "A simple $gt test" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("a" -> "b", "foo" -> MongoDBList(3, 2, 1))
- val pull = $pull("foo" $gt 2)
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b"), pull)
- collection.findOne().get.as[MongoDBList]("foo") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(2, 1))
- }
- "A deeper chain test" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("a" -> "b", "foo" -> MongoDBList(30, 20, 10, 3, 2, 1))
- val pull = $pull("foo" $gt 5 $lte 52)
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b"), pull)
- collection.findOne().get.as[MongoDBList]("foo") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(3, 2, 1))
- }
- "a sub document from a list" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("_id" -> "xyz", "answers" -> MongoDBList(
- MongoDBObject("name" -> "Yes"),
- MongoDBObject("name" -> "No")
- ))
- val pull = $pull("answers" -> MongoDBObject("name" -> "Yes"))
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("_id" -> "xyz"), pull)
- collection.findOne().get.as[MongoDBList]("answers") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(MongoDBObject("name" -> "No")))
- }
- }
- "Accept multiple values" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("a" -> "b", "foo" -> MongoDBList(3, 2, 1), "x" -> MongoDBList(5.1, 5.2, 5.3))
- val pull = $pull("foo" -> 2, "x" -> 5.2)
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b"), pull)
- collection.findOne().get.as[MongoDBList]("foo") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(3, 1))
- collection.findOne().get.as[MongoDBList]("x") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(5.1, 5.3))
- }
- }
- "$pullAll" in {
- "Accept a single value list" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("a" -> "b", "foo" -> MongoDBList(30, 20, 10, 3, 2, 1))
- val pull = $pullAll("foo" -> (30, 20, 10))
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b"), pull)
- collection.findOne().get.as[MongoDBList]("foo") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(3, 2, 1))
- }
- "Accept multiple value lists" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("a" -> "b", "foo" -> MongoDBList(3, 2, 1), "x" -> MongoDBList(5.1, 5.2, 5.3))
- val pull = $pullAll("foo" -> (3, 2), "x" -> (5.1, 5.2))
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b"), pull)
- collection.findOne().get.as[MongoDBList]("foo") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(1))
- collection.findOne().get.as[MongoDBList]("x") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(5.3))
- }
- }
- }
- "$addToSet" in {
- "Accept a single value" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("a" -> "b")
- val addToSet = $addToSet("foo" -> "bar")
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b"), addToSet)
- val doc = collection.findOne().get
- doc.as[MongoDBList]("foo") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList("bar"))
- }
- "Accept multiple values" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("a" -> "b")
- val addToSet = $addToSet("foo" -> "bar", "x" -> 5.2)
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b"), addToSet)
- val doc = collection.findOne().get
- doc.keySet.asScala must beEqualTo(Set("_id", "a", "foo", "x"))
- doc.as[MongoDBList]("foo") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList("bar"))
- doc.as[MongoDBList]("x") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(5.2))
- }
- "Function with the $each operator for multi-value updates" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("a" -> "b")
- val addToSet = $addToSet("foo") $each ("x", "y", "foo", "bar", "baz")
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b"), addToSet)
- val doc = collection.findOne().get
- doc.as[MongoDBList]("foo") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList("x", "y", "foo", "bar", "baz"))
- }
- }
- "$pop" in {
- "Accept a single value" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("a" -> "b", "foo" -> MongoDBList(3, 2, 1))
- val pop = $pop("foo" -> 1)
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b"), pop)
- collection.findOne().get.as[MongoDBList]("foo") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(3, 2))
- }
- "Accept multiple values" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("a" -> "b", "foo" -> MongoDBList(3, 2, 1), "x" -> MongoDBList(1, 2, 3))
- val pop = $pop("foo" -> 1, "x" -> -1)
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("a" -> "b"), pop)
- val doc = collection.findOne().get
- doc.as[MongoDBList]("foo") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(3, 2))
- doc.as[MongoDBList]("x") must beEqualTo(MongoDBList(2, 3))
- }
- }
- "$bit" in {
- "Accept a single value For 'and'" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> 5)
- val bit = $bit("foo") and 1
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("foo" -> 5), bit)
- collection.findOne().get("foo") must beEqualTo(1)
- }
- "Accept a single value For 'or'" in {
- collection.drop()
- collection += MongoDBObject("foo" -> 5)
- val bit = $bit("foo") or 1
- collection.update(MongoDBObject("foo" -> 5), bit)
- collection.findOne().get("foo") must beEqualTo(5)
- }
- }
- "$text operator" should {
- "Setup and load some test data first" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.5")
- val enableTextCommand = MongoDBObject("setParameter" -> 1, "textSearchEnabled" -> true)
- collection.getDB.getSisterDB("admin").command(enableTextCommand)
- val textIndex = MongoDBObject("a" -> "text")
- collection.drop()
- collection.createIndex(textIndex)
- collection += MongoDBObject("_id" -> 0, "unindexedField" -> 0, "a" -> "textual content")
- collection += MongoDBObject("_id" -> 1, "unindexedField" -> 1, "a" -> "additional content")
- collection += MongoDBObject("_id" -> 2, "unindexedField" -> 2, "a" -> "irrelevant content")
- success
- }
- "Accept just $text" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.5")
- collection.find($text("textual content -irrelevant")).count should beEqualTo(2)
- }
- "Accept $text and other operators" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.5")
- collection.find(("unindexedField" $eq 0) ++ $text("textual content -irrelevant")).count should beEqualTo(1)
- }
- "Accept $text and $language" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.5")
- collection.find($text("textual content -irrelevant") $language "english").count should beEqualTo(2)
- }
- "Work with $meta projection" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.5")
- collection.find($text("textual content -irrelevant"), "score" $meta).count should beEqualTo(2)
- val result = collection.findOne($text("textual content -irrelevant"), "score" $meta)
- result must haveSomeField("score")
- }
- "Work with $meta in projection and sort" in {
- serverIsAtLeastVersion(2, 5) must beTrue.orSkip("Needs server >= 2.5")
- collection.find($text("textual content -irrelevant"), "score" $meta).sort("score" $meta).count should beEqualTo(2)
- }
- }
- }