C# | 502 lines | 359 code | 101 blank | 42 comment | 24 complexity | b0e9df0c94b07322db4c77376fc107ed MD5 | raw file
- #region License
- /*
- Copyright (c) 2010, Paweł Hofman (CodeTitans)
- All Rights Reserved.
- Licensed under the Apache License version 2.0.
- For more information please visit:
- http://codetitans.codeplex.com/license
- or
- http://www.apache.org/licenses/
- For latest source code, documentation, samples
- and more information please visit:
- http://codetitans.codeplex.com/
- */
- #endregion
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- namespace CodeTitans.JSon.Objects
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// Internal wrapper class that describes JSON object and provides <see cref="IJSonObject"/> access interface.
- /// </summary>
- internal class JSonDictionary : IJSonObject, IJSonWritable
- {
- private readonly Dictionary<String, IJSonObject> _data;
- /// <summary>
- /// Init constructor.
- /// </summary>
- public JSonDictionary(Dictionary<String, Object> data)
- {
- _data = new Dictionary<String, IJSonObject>();
- foreach (KeyValuePair<String, Object> d in data)
- _data.Add(d.Key, (IJSonObject)d.Value);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Default constructor for inheriting classes.
- /// </summary>
- protected JSonDictionary(Boolean mutable)
- {
- if (!mutable)
- throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("mutable", "Invalid value, use a different constructor if immutable");
- _data = new Dictionary<String, IJSonObject>();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Private constructor for cloning only.
- /// </summary>
- private JSonDictionary(Dictionary<String, IJSonObject> data)
- {
- _data = new Dictionary<String, IJSonObject>(data);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets or sets the value of internal data.
- /// </summary>
- protected internal Dictionary<String, IJSonObject> Data
- {
- get { return _data; }
- }
- #region IJSonObject Members
- string IJSonObject.StringValue
- {
- get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
- }
- int IJSonObject.Int32Value
- {
- get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
- }
- uint IJSonObject.UInt32Value
- {
- get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
- }
- long IJSonObject.Int64Value
- {
- get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
- }
- ulong IJSonObject.UInt64Value
- {
- get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
- }
- float IJSonObject.SingleValue
- {
- get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
- }
- double IJSonObject.DoubleValue
- {
- get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
- }
- public decimal DecimalValue
- {
- get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
- }
- DateTime IJSonObject.DateTimeValue
- {
- get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
- }
- TimeSpan IJSonObject.TimeSpanValue
- {
- get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
- }
- bool IJSonObject.BooleanValue
- {
- get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
- }
- Guid IJSonObject.GuidValue
- {
- get { throw new InvalidOperationException(); }
- }
- bool IJSonObject.IsNull
- {
- get { return false; }
- }
- bool IJSonObject.IsTrue
- {
- get { return false; }
- }
- bool IJSonObject.IsFalse
- {
- get { return true; }
- }
- bool IJSonObject.IsEnumerable
- {
- get { return true; }
- }
- public bool IsArray
- {
- get { return false; }
- }
- object IJSonObject.ObjectValue
- {
- get
- {
- Dictionary<string, object> result = new Dictionary<string, object>();
- foreach (KeyValuePair<string, IJSonObject> v in _data)
- {
- result.Add(v.Key, v.Value.ObjectValue);
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets the DateTime value for given JSON object.
- /// </summary>
- public DateTime ToDateTimeValue(JSonDateTimeKind kind)
- {
- throw new InvalidOperationException();
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Gets the value of given JSON object.
- /// </summary>
- object IJSonObject.ToValue(Type t)
- {
- return JSonObjectConverter.ToObject(this, t);
- }
- /// <summary>
- /// Get the value of given JSON object.
- /// </summary>
- T IJSonObject.ToObjectValue<T>()
- {
- return (T)JSonObjectConverter.ToObject(this, typeof(T));
- }
- int IJSonObject.Length
- {
- get { return _data.Count; }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[int index]
- {
- get
- {
- if (index < 0 || index >= _data.Keys.Count)
- throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Invalid key index");
- foreach(var key in _data.Keys)
- {
- if (index == 0)
- return _data[key];
- index--;
- }
- // shouldn't happen anymore:
- throw new InvalidOperationException();
- }
- }
- int IJSonObject.Count
- {
- get { return _data.Count; }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[string name]
- {
- get { return _data[name]; }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[String name, IJSonObject defaultValue]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- if (defaultValue != null)
- return defaultValue;
- return null;
- }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[String name, String defaultValue]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- return new JSonStringObject(defaultValue);
- }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[String name, String defaultValue, Boolean asJSonSerializedObject]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- if (!asJSonSerializedObject)
- return new JSonStringObject(defaultValue);
- JSonReader reader = new JSonReader(defaultValue);
- return reader.ReadAsJSonObject();
- }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[String name, Int32 defaultValue]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- return new JSonDecimalInt32Object(defaultValue);
- }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[string name, uint defaultValue]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- return new JSonDecimalInt32Object((Int32)defaultValue);
- }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[String name, Int64 defaultValue]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- return new JSonDecimalInt64Object(defaultValue);
- }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[string name, ulong defaultValue]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- return new JSonDecimalInt64Object((Int64)defaultValue);
- }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[String name, Single defaultValue]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- return new JSonDecimalSingleObject(defaultValue);
- }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[String name, Double defaultValue]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- return new JSonDecimalDoubleObject(defaultValue);
- }
- }
- public IJSonObject this[string name, decimal defaultValue]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- return new JSonDecimalDecimalObject(defaultValue);
- }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[String name, DateTime defaultValue]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- return new JSonDecimalInt64Object(defaultValue, JSonDateTimeKind.Default);
- }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[String name, DateTime defaultValue, JSonDateTimeKind kind]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- return new JSonDecimalInt64Object(defaultValue, kind);
- }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[String name, TimeSpan defaultValue]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- return new JSonDecimalInt64Object(defaultValue);
- }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[String name, Guid defaultValue]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- return new JSonStringObject(defaultValue);
- }
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.this[String name, Boolean defaultValue]
- {
- get
- {
- IJSonObject result;
- if (_data.TryGetValue(name, out result))
- return result;
- return new JSonBooleanObject(defaultValue);
- }
- }
- bool IJSonObject.Contains(string name)
- {
- return _data.ContainsKey(name);
- }
- ICollection<string> IJSonObject.Names
- {
- get { return _data.Keys; }
- }
- IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, IJSonObject>> IJSonObject.ObjectItems
- {
- get { return _data; }
- }
- bool IJSonObject.IsMutable
- {
- get { return false; }
- }
- IJSonMutableObject IJSonObject.AsMutable
- {
- get { return (IJSonMutableObject)this; }
- }
- IJSonMutableObject IJSonObject.CreateMutableClone()
- {
- return JSonMutableObject.CreateDictionary(this);
- }
- IJSonObject IJSonObject.CreateImmutableClone()
- {
- return new JSonDictionary(_data);
- }
- public string ToString(string format)
- {
- bool indent = JSonObjectConverter.GetIndentAndVerifyToStringFormat(format);
- using (var writer = new JSonWriter(indent))
- {
- writer.CompactEnumerables = format == JSonObjectConverter.CompactEnumerables;
- writer.Write(_data);
- return writer.ToString();
- }
- }
- IEnumerable<IJSonObject> IJSonObject.ArrayItems
- {
- get { return _data.Values; }
- }
- #endregion
- #region IJSonWritable Members
- void IJSonWritable.Write(IJSonWriter output)
- {
- output.Write(_data);
- }
- #endregion
- public override string ToString()
- {
- return ToString(null);
- }
- }
- }