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- %% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
- %%-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- %% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
- %% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
- %% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
- %% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
- %% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
- %%
- %% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- %% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
- %% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
- %% under the License.
- %%
- %% Copyright 2006-2008, Tobias Lindahl and Kostis Sagonas
- %%
- %% $Id$
- %%
- %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
- %%% File : dialyzer_codeserver.erl
- %%% Author : Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se>
- %%% Description :
- %%%
- %%% Created : 4 Apr 2005 by Tobias Lindahl <tobiasl@it.uu.se>
- %%%-------------------------------------------------------------------
- -module(dialyzer_codeserver).
- -export([all_exports/1,
- delete/1,
- insert/2,
- insert_exports/2,
- is_exported/2,
- lookup/2,
- lookup_records/2,
- lookup_contracts/2,
- lookup_contract/2,
- new/0,
- next_core_label/1,
- store_records/3,
- store_contracts/3,
- update_next_core_label/2]).
- -include("dialyzer.hrl").
- %%--------------------------------------------------------------------
- -spec new() -> #dialyzer_codeserver{}.
- new() ->
- Table = table__new(),
- Exports = sets:new(),
- #dialyzer_codeserver{table=Table, exports=Exports, next_core_label=0,
- records=dict:new(), contracts=dict:new()}.
- -spec delete(#dialyzer_codeserver{}) -> 'ok'.
- delete(#dialyzer_codeserver{table=Table}) ->
- table__delete(Table).
- -spec insert([_], #dialyzer_codeserver{}) -> #dialyzer_codeserver{}.
- insert(List, CS) ->
- NewTable = table__insert(CS#dialyzer_codeserver.table, List),
- CS#dialyzer_codeserver{table=NewTable}.
- -spec insert_exports([mfa()], #dialyzer_codeserver{}) -> #dialyzer_codeserver{}.
- insert_exports(List, CS = #dialyzer_codeserver{exports=Exports}) ->
- Set = sets:from_list(List),
- NewExports = sets:union(Exports, Set),
- CS#dialyzer_codeserver{exports=NewExports}.
- -spec is_exported(mfa(), #dialyzer_codeserver{}) -> bool().
- is_exported(MFA, #dialyzer_codeserver{exports=Exports}) ->
- sets:is_element(MFA, Exports).
- -spec all_exports(#dialyzer_codeserver{}) -> set().
- all_exports(#dialyzer_codeserver{exports=Exports}) ->
- Exports.
- -spec lookup(_, #dialyzer_codeserver{}) -> any().
- lookup(Id, CS) ->
- table__lookup(CS#dialyzer_codeserver.table, Id).
- -spec next_core_label(#dialyzer_codeserver{}) -> non_neg_integer().
- next_core_label(#dialyzer_codeserver{next_core_label=NCL}) ->
- NCL.
- -spec update_next_core_label(non_neg_integer(), #dialyzer_codeserver{}) -> #dialyzer_codeserver{}.
- update_next_core_label(NCL, CS = #dialyzer_codeserver{}) ->
- CS#dialyzer_codeserver{next_core_label=NCL}.
- -spec store_records(atom(), dict(), #dialyzer_codeserver{}) -> #dialyzer_codeserver{}.
- store_records(Module, Dict,
- CS=#dialyzer_codeserver{records=RecDict}) when is_atom(Module) ->
- case dict:size(Dict) =:= 0 of
- true -> CS;
- false ->
- CS#dialyzer_codeserver{records=dict:store(Module, Dict, RecDict)}
- end.
- -spec lookup_records(atom(), #dialyzer_codeserver{}) -> dict().
- lookup_records(Module,
- #dialyzer_codeserver{records=RecDict}) when is_atom(Module) ->
- case dict:find(Module, RecDict) of
- error -> dict:new();
- {ok, Dict} -> Dict
- end.
- -spec store_contracts(atom(), dict(), #dialyzer_codeserver{}) -> #dialyzer_codeserver{}.
- store_contracts(Module, Dict,
- CS=#dialyzer_codeserver{contracts=C}) when is_atom(Module) ->
- case dict:size(Dict) =:= 0 of
- true -> CS;
- false -> CS#dialyzer_codeserver{contracts=dict:store(Module, Dict, C)}
- end.
- -spec lookup_contracts(atom(), #dialyzer_codeserver{}) -> dict().
- lookup_contracts(Mod,
- #dialyzer_codeserver{contracts=ContDict}) when is_atom(Mod) ->
- case dict:find(Mod, ContDict) of
- error -> dict:new();
- {ok, Dict} -> Dict
- end.
- -spec lookup_contract(mfa(), #dialyzer_codeserver{}) -> 'error' | {'ok',_}.
- lookup_contract(MFA={M,_F,_A}, #dialyzer_codeserver{contracts=ContDict}) ->
- case dict:find(M, ContDict) of
- error -> error;
- {ok, Dict} -> dict:find(MFA, Dict)
- end.
- table__new() ->
- spawn_link(fun() -> table__loop(none, dict:new()) end).
- table__delete(TablePid) ->
- TablePid ! stop,
- ok.
- table__lookup(TablePid, Key) ->
- TablePid ! {self(), lookup, Key},
- receive
- {TablePid, Key, Ans} -> Ans
- end.
- table__insert(Table, List) ->
- List1 = [{Key, term_to_binary(Val, [compressed])} || {Key, Val} <- List],
- Table ! {insert, List1},
- Table.
- table__loop(Cached, Map) ->
- receive
- stop -> ok;
- {Pid, lookup, Key = {M, F, A}} ->
- {NewCached, Ans} =
- case Cached of
- {M, Tree} ->
- [Val] = [{Var, Fun} || {Var, Fun} <- cerl:module_defs(Tree),
- cerl:fname_id(Var) =:= F,
- cerl:fname_arity(Var) =:= A],
- {Cached, Val};
- _ ->
- Tree = fetch_and_expand(M, Map),
- [Val] = [{Var, Fun} || {Var, Fun} <- cerl:module_defs(Tree),
- cerl:fname_id(Var) =:= F,
- cerl:fname_arity(Var) =:= A],
- {{M, Tree}, Val}
- end,
- Pid ! {self(), Key, {ok, Ans}},
- table__loop(NewCached, Map);
- {Pid, lookup, Key} ->
- Ans = case Cached of
- {Key, Tree} -> Tree;
- _ -> fetch_and_expand(Key, Map)
- end,
- Pid ! {self(), Key, {ok, Ans}},
- table__loop({Key, Ans}, Map);
- {insert, List} ->
- NewMap = lists:foldl(fun({Key, Val}, AccMap) ->
- dict:store(Key, Val, AccMap)
- end, Map, List),
- table__loop(Cached, NewMap)
- end.
- fetch_and_expand(Key, Map) ->
- Bin = dict:fetch(Key, Map),
- binary_to_term(Bin).