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Smarty Template | 475 lines | 465 code | 10 blank | 0 comment | 26 complexity | 0ecee5539792a5880264c0be438bb5f2 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): LGPL-2.1, Apache-2.0, GPL-3.0
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  2. <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/ui-ng/data.js"></script>
  3. <div id="form-environment-edit-view"></div>
  4. <script type="text/javascript">
  5. var title = '{$env->name}';
  6. var id = '{$env->id}';
  7. var params = eval({$envParams});
  8. var timezones = eval({$timezones});
  9. {literal}
  10. Ext.onReady(function () {
  11. Ext.override(Ext.form.Field, {
  12. getName: function () {
  13. return || || '';
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  34. checked:params['api.enabled']
  35. }, {
  36. xtype:'displayfield',
  37. cls: 'x-form-check-wrap',
  38. value:'Enable API for this environment'
  39. }]
  40. }, {
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  43. fieldLabel: 'API Key ID',
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  47. value: params['api.keyid']
  48. }, {
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  56. value: params['api.access_key']
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  60. items: [ {
  61. xtype:'displayfield',
  62. cls: 'x-form-check-wrap',
  63. value:'<br />Allow access to the API only from the following IPs (coma separated).<br />Example:, 67.46.*.*, 91.*.*.*'
  64. }]
  65. }, {
  66. xtype:'textarea',
  67. hideLabel: true,
  68. name:'api.allowed_ips',
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  70. height:100,
  71. value:params['api.allowed_ips']
  72. }]
  73. },
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  81. items: [{
  82. xtype:'displayfield',
  83. cls: 'x-form-check-wrap',
  84. value:'Automatically abort instance synchronization if it does not complete in'
  85. }, {
  86. xtype: 'textfield',
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  88. allowBlank: false,
  89. width: 50,
  90. value: params['sync_timeout']
  91. }, {
  92. xtype: 'displayfield',
  93. cls: 'x-form-check-wrap',
  94. value: 'minutes.'
  95. }]
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  100. xtype: 'textfield',
  101. name: 'client_max_instances',
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  104. value: params['client_max_instances']
  105. }, {
  106. html: '<img src="/images/ui-ng/icons/info_icon_16x16.png" style="padding: 2px; cursor: help;" id="feev-client-max-instances">'
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  109. xtype: 'compositefield',
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  112. xtype: 'textfield',
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  116. value: params['client_max_eips']
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  118. html: '<img src="/images/ui-ng/icons/info_icon_16x16.png" style="padding: 2px; cursor: help;" id="feev-client-max-eips">'
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  121. }, {
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  125. xtype: 'combo',
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  129. editable: true,
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  148. title: 'AWS EC2',
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  157. 'check': function (checkbox, checked) {
  158. if (checked) {
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  176. }
  177. }, {
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  182. value: params['ec2.account_id'],
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  184. }, {
  185. xtype: 'textfield',
  186. fieldLabel: 'Access Key',
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  188. name: 'ec2.access_key',
  189. value: params['ec2.access_key'],
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  191. }, {
  192. xtype: 'textfield',
  193. fieldLabel: 'Secret Key',
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  195. name: 'ec2.secret_key',
  196. value: params['ec2.secret_key'],
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  198. }, {
  199. xtype: 'textfield',
  200. inputType: 'file',
  201. fieldLabel: 'X.509 Certificate file',
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  204. }, {
  205. xtype: 'textfield',
  206. inputType: 'file',
  207. fieldLabel: 'X.509 Private Key file',
  208. name: 'ec2.private_key',
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  210. }]
  211. }, {
  212. title: 'AWS RDS',
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  214. items: [{
  215. xtype: 'checkbox',
  216. name: 'rds.is_enabled',
  217. checked: params['rds.is_enabled'] && params['ec2.is_enabled'],
  218. hideLabel: true,
  219. boxLabel: 'Enable platform',
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  221. 'check': function (checkbox, checked) {
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  244. checked: params['rds.the_same_as_ec2'],
  245. hideLabel: true,
  246. boxLabel: 'Use the same as EC2',
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  249. 'check': function (checkbox, checked) {
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  251. form.getForm().findField('rds.account_id').enable();
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  253. form.getForm().findField('rds.secret_key').enable();
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  262. }
  263. }
  264. }
  265. }, {
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  269. name: 'rds.account_id',
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  272. }, {
  273. xtype: 'textfield',
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  276. name: 'rds.access_key',
  277. value: params['rds.access_key'],
  278. disabled: !params['rds.is_enabled'] || params['rds.the_same_as_ec2']
  279. }, {
  280. xtype: 'textfield',
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  283. name: 'rds.secret_key',
  284. value: params['rds.secret_key'],
  285. disabled: !params['rds.is_enabled'] || params['rds.the_same_as_ec2']
  286. }, {
  287. xtype: 'textfield',
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  292. }, {
  293. xtype: 'textfield',
  294. inputType: 'file',
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  296. name: 'rds.private_key',
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  298. }]
  299. }, /*{
  300. title: 'Rackspace',
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  303. xtype: 'checkbox',
  304. name: 'rackspace.is_enabled',
  305. checked: params['rackspace.is_enabled'],
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  307. boxLabel: 'Enable platform',
  308. listeners: {
  309. 'check': function (checkbox, checked) {
  310. if (checked) {
  311. form.getForm().findField('rackspace.username').enable();
  312. form.getForm().findField('rackspace.api_key').enable();
  313. } else {
  314. form.getForm().findField('rackspace.username').disable();
  315. form.getForm().findField('rackspace.api_key').disable();
  316. }
  317. }
  318. }
  319. }, {
  320. xtype: 'textfield',
  321. fieldLabel: 'Username',
  322. name: 'rackspace.username',
  323. value: params['rackspace.username'],
  324. disabled: !params['rackspace.is_enabled']
  325. }, {
  326. xtype: 'textfield',
  327. fieldLabel: 'API Key',
  328. name: 'rackspace.api_key',
  329. value: params['rackspace.api_key'],
  330. disabled: !params['rackspace.is_enabled']
  331. }]
  332. },*/ {
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  335. items: [{
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  338. checked: params['eucalyptus.is_enabled'],
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  340. boxLabel: 'Enable platform',
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  342. 'check': function (checkbox, checked) {
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  361. }
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  363. }
  364. }, {
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  371. }, {
  372. xtype: 'textfield',
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  375. name: 'eucalyptus.access_key',
  376. value: params['eucalyptus.access_key'],
  377. disabled: !params['eucalyptus.is_enabled']
  378. }, {
  379. xtype: 'textfield',
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  382. width:320,
  383. value: params['eucalyptus.secret_key'],
  384. disabled: !params['eucalyptus.is_enabled']
  385. }, {
  386. xtype: 'textfield',
  387. width:320,
  388. fieldLabel: 'EC2 URL (eg.',
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  391. disabled: !params['eucalyptus.is_enabled']
  392. }, {
  393. xtype: 'textfield',
  394. fieldLabel: 'S3 URL (eg.',
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  398. disabled: !params['eucalyptus.is_enabled']
  399. }, {
  400. xtype: 'textfield',
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  402. fieldLabel: 'X.509 Certificate file',
  403. name: 'eucalyptus.certificate',
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  405. }, {
  406. xtype: 'textfield',
  407. inputType: 'file',
  408. fieldLabel: 'X.509 Private Key file',
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  410. disabled: !params['eucalyptus.is_enabled']
  411. }, {
  412. xtype: 'textfield',
  413. inputType: 'file',
  414. fieldLabel: 'X.509 Cloud certificate file',
  415. name: 'eucalyptus.cloud_certificate',
  416. disabled: !params['eucalyptus.is_enabled']
  417. }]
  418. }]
  419. }],
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  421. buttons: [{
  422. type: 'submit',
  423. text: 'Save',
  424. handler: function() {
  425. if (form.getForm().isValid()) {
  426. form.getForm().submit({
  427. url: '/environment_edit.php',
  428. params: {
  429. env_id: id
  430. },
  431. success: function(form, action) {
  432. document.location.href = '/environments.php';
  433. },
  434. failure:
  435. });
  436. }
  437. }
  438. }, {
  439. type: 'reset',
  440. text: 'Cancel',
  441. handler: function() {
  442. document.location.href = '/environments.php';
  443. }
  444. }]
  445. });
  446. form.getForm().getEl().select('input').each(function(el) {
  447. = 'var[' + + ']';
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  451. });
  452. new Ext.ToolTip({
  453. target: 'feev-client-max-instances',
  454. dismissDelay: 0,
  455. html: "You need to ask Amazon ( to increase instances limit for you before increasing this value."
  456. });
  457. new Ext.ToolTip({
  458. target: 'feev-client-max-eips',
  459. dismissDelay: 0,
  460. html: "By default, every AWS account can allocate maximum 5 Elastic IPs. If you're already using Elastic IPs outside Scalr, make sure to substract this amount, otherwise IPs will be reassigned to Scalr instances without any prompt."
  461. });
  462. });
  463. {/literal}
  464. </script>
  465. {include file="inc/footer.tpl"}