Java | 251 lines | 98 code | 27 blank | 126 comment | 6 complexity | d268d83926af70414c97c50eb576bd96 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): LGPL-2.1
- package org.javasimon;
- import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
- import java.io.FileReader;
- import java.io.InputStream;
- import java.io.InputStreamReader;
- import java.util.Collection;
- import org.javasimon.callback.Callback;
- import org.javasimon.callback.CompositeCallback;
- import org.javasimon.utils.SimonUtils;
- import org.javasimon.utils.SystemDebugCallback;
- /**
- * SimonManager is static utility class providing so called "default {@link org.javasimon.Manager}.
- * It is possible to create separate Manager, but it cannot be accessed via this convenient
- * utility-like class. This option may be usefull in Java EE environmant when it's required to
- * separate Simon trees accross different applications. For majority of Java SE applications this
- * class is recommended.
- * <p/>
- * SimonManager also provides configuration initialization via properties. To initialize configuration
- * with the configuration file following option can be added to JVM executable:
- * <pre>-Djavasimon.config.file=some-path/simon.config.xml</pre>
- * To configure the SimonManager via resource that can be found on classpath:
- * <pre>-Djavasimon.config.resource=org/javasimon/example/wannabe-config.xml</pre>
- *
- * @author <a href="mailto:virgo47@gmail.com">Richard "Virgo" Richter</a>
- */
- public final class SimonManager {
- /**
- * Property name for the Simon configuration file is "javasimon.config.file".
- */
- public static final String PROPERTY_CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "javasimon.config.file";
- /**
- * Property name for the Simon configuration resource is "javasimon.config.resource".
- */
- public static final String PROPERTY_CONFIG_RESOURCE_NAME = "javasimon.config.resource";
- private static final long INIT_NANOS;
- private static final long INIT_MILLIS;
- private static Manager manager = new SwitchingManager();
- /**
- * Calls {@link #init()}.
- */
- static {
- init();
- // for conversion between nano and millis - see method millisForNano(long)
- INIT_NANOS = System.nanoTime();
- INIT_MILLIS = System.currentTimeMillis();
- }
- /**
- * Initilizes the configuration facility for the default Simon Manager. Fetches exception
- * if configuration resource or file is not found. This method does NOT clear the manager
- * itself, only the configuration is reloaded. Method also preserves Callback setup.
- */
- static void init() {
- Callback tempraryCallback = new SystemDebugCallback();
- manager.callback().addCallback(tempraryCallback); // just for reporting warnings, will be removed
- try {
- manager.configuration().clear();
- String fileName = System.getProperty(PROPERTY_CONFIG_FILE_NAME);
- if (fileName != null) {
- manager.configuration().readConfig(new FileReader(fileName));
- }
- String resourceName = System.getProperty(PROPERTY_CONFIG_RESOURCE_NAME);
- if (resourceName != null) {
- InputStream is = SimonManager.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resourceName);
- if (is == null) {
- throw new FileNotFoundException(resourceName);
- }
- manager.configuration().readConfig(new InputStreamReader(is));
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- manager.callback().onManagerWarning("SimonManager initialization error", e);
- }
- manager.callback().removeCallback(tempraryCallback);
- }
- private SimonManager() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- /**
- * Returns Simon by its name if it exists.
- *
- * @param name name of the Simon
- * @return Simon object
- */
- public static Simon getSimon(String name) {
- return manager.getSimon(name);
- }
- /**
- * Destroys Simon or replaces it with UnknownSimon if it's necessary to preserve the hierarchy.
- *
- * @param name name of the Simon
- */
- public static void destroySimon(String name) {
- manager.destroySimon(name);
- }
- /**
- * Returns existing Counter or creates new if necessary.
- *
- * @param name name of the Counter
- * @return counter object
- */
- public static Counter getCounter(String name) {
- return manager.getCounter(name);
- }
- /**
- * Returns existing Stopwatch or creates new if necessary.
- *
- * @param name name of the Stopwatch
- * @return stopwatch object
- */
- public static Stopwatch getStopwatch(String name) {
- return manager.getStopwatch(name);
- }
- /**
- * Enables the Simon Manager. Enabled manager provides real Simons.
- */
- public static void enable() {
- manager.enable();
- }
- /**
- * Disables the Simon Manager. Disabled manager provides null Simons that actually do nothing.
- */
- public static void disable() {
- manager.disable();
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if the Simon Manager is enabled.
- *
- * @return true if the Simon Manager is enabled
- */
- public static boolean isEnabled() {
- return manager.isEnabled();
- }
- /**
- * Returns root Simon. Type of the Simon is unknown at the start but it can be replaced
- * by the real Simon later. Specific get method with root Simon name constant can be used
- * in that case.
- *
- * @return root Simon
- */
- public static Simon getRootSimon() {
- return manager.getRootSimon();
- }
- /**
- * Returns unmodifiable collection containing names of all existing Simons.
- *
- * @return collection of all Simon names
- * @since 3.1
- */
- public static Collection<String> getSimonNames() {
- return manager.getSimonNames();
- }
- /**
- * Returns collection containing all existing Simons matching the pattern (can be {@code null}).
- * Collection is unmodifiable if {@code null} pattern is provided and all Simons are returned,
- * otherwise new collection with matching Simons is returned.
- *
- * @param pattern Simon name pattern (see {@link SimonPattern}
- * @return collection of all Simons matching the pattern
- * @see SimonPattern to find out more about possible patterns
- * @since 3.1
- */
- public static Collection<Simon> getSimons(SimonPattern pattern) {
- return manager.getSimons(pattern);
- }
- /**
- * Clears the SimonManager (ignored if manager is disabled). All Simons are lost,
- * but configuration is preserved.
- */
- public static void clear() {
- manager.clear();
- }
- /**
- * Accesses Simon callback.
- *
- * @return Simon callback
- */
- public static CompositeCallback callback() {
- return manager.callback();
- }
- /**
- * Accesses configuration of this manager.
- *
- * @return configuration of this manager
- */
- public static ManagerConfiguration configuration() {
- return manager.configuration();
- }
- /**
- * Accesses default Simon Manager which is the switching manager.
- *
- * @return default Simon Manager
- */
- public static Manager manager() {
- return manager;
- }
- /**
- * Method propagates message to manager's {@link org.javasimon.callback.Callback}. This allows user to report any
- * message if they implement {@link org.javasimon.callback.Callback#onManagerMessage(String)}.
- *
- * @param message message text
- */
- public static void message(String message) {
- manager.message(message);
- }
- /**
- * Method propagates warning to manager's {@link org.javasimon.callback.Callback}. This allows user to report any
- * warning and/or exception if they implement {@link org.javasimon.callback.Callback#onManagerWarning(String, Exception)}.
- *
- * @param warning arbitrary warning message
- * @param cause exception causing this warning
- */
- public static void warning(String warning, Exception cause) {
- manager.warning(warning, cause);
- }
- /**
- * Converts nano timer value into millis timestamp compatible with {@link System#currentTimeMillis()}.
- *
- * @param nanos nano timer value
- * @return ms timestamp
- * @since 3.1
- */
- public static long millisForNano(long nanos) {
- return INIT_MILLIS + (nanos - INIT_NANOS) / SimonUtils.NANOS_IN_MILLIS;
- }
- }