Java | 320 lines | 33 code | 23 blank | 264 comment | 0 complexity | 2cfd8474aa08ee5f584ff682cdf9d523 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-3.0, LGPL-3.0
- /*
- * Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009 Duncan McGregor
- *
- * This file is part of Rococoa, a library to allow Java to talk to Cocoa.
- *
- * Rococoa is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * Rococoa is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- * along with Rococoa. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
- package org.rococoa.cocoa;
- import org.rococoa.ID;
- import org.rococoa.ObjCClass;
- import org.rococoa.Rococoa;
- import org.rococoa.RunOnMainThread;
- import org.rococoa.cocoa.foundation.NSImage;
- import org.rococoa.cocoa.foundation.NSInteger;
- import org.rococoa.cocoa.foundation.NSObject;
- /**
- * NSApplication
- *
- * @author <a href="mailto:harald.kuhr@gmail.com">Harald Kuhr</a>
- * @author last modified by $Author: haraldk$
- * @version $Id: NSApplication.java,v 1.0 Mar 21, 2008 11:12:34 PM haraldk Exp$
- */
- @RunOnMainThread
- public abstract class NSApplication extends NSObject {
- private static final _Class CLASS = Rococoa.createClass("NSApplication", _Class.class); //$NON-NLS-1$
- // NOTE: This class should not run on main thread (deadlocks?)
- private interface _Class extends ObjCClass {
- NSApplication sharedApplication();
- }
- static public final NSApplication NSApp = NSApplication.CLASS.sharedApplication();
- /*
- Tasks
- Getting the Application
- * + sharedApplication
- */
- static public NSApplication sharedApplication() {
- return NSApp;
- }
- public abstract void run();
- public abstract void stop(ID sender);
- /*
- Configuring Applications
- * ? applicationIconImage
- * ? setApplicationIconImage:
- * ? delegate
- * ? setDelegate:
- * */
- public abstract NSImage applicationIconImage();
- public abstract void setApplicationIconImage(NSImage image);
- public abstract NSDockTile dockTile();
- public abstract ID delegate();
- public abstract void setDelegate(ID delegate);
- public abstract NSWindow mainWindow();
- /*
- typedef enum {
- NSCriticalRequest = 0,
- NSInformationalRequest = 10
- } NSRequestUserAttentionType;
- */
- public static final int NSCriticalRequest = 0;
- public static final int NSInformationalRequest = 10;
- /**
- * Activating the application cancels the user attention request.
- * A spoken notification will occur if spoken notifications are enabled.
- * Sending requestUserAttention: to an application that is already active has no effect.
- *
- * If the inactive application presents a modal panel, this method will be invoked with
- * NSCriticalRequest automatically. The modal panel is not brought to the front for an
- * inactive application.
- *
- * @param requestType {@link #NSCriticalRequest} or {@link #NSInformationalRequest}
- * @return The identifier for the request.
- * You can use this value to cancel the request later using the {@link #cancelUserAttentionRequest} method.
- */
- public abstract NSInteger requestUserAttention(int requestType);
- public abstract void cancelUserAttentionRequest(NSInteger request);
- /*
- Launching Applications
- * ? finishLaunching
- * ? applicationWillFinishLaunching: delegate method
- * ? applicationDidFinishLaunching: delegate method
- Terminating Applications
- * ? terminate:
- * ? applicationShouldTerminate: delegate method
- * ? applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed: delegate method
- * ? replyToApplicationShouldTerminate:
- * ? applicationWillTerminate: delegate method
- Managing Active Status
- * ? isActive
- * ? activateIgnoringOtherApps:
- * ? applicationWillBecomeActive: delegate method
- * ? applicationDidBecomeActive: delegate method
- * ? deactivate
- * ? applicationWillResignActive: delegate method
- * ? applicationDidResignActive: delegate method
- Hiding Applications
- * ? hideOtherApplications:
- * ? unhideAllApplications:
- * ? applicationWillHide: delegate method
- * ? applicationDidHide: delegate method
- * ? applicationWillUnhide: delegate method
- * ? applicationDidUnhide: delegate method
- Managing the Event Loop
- * ? isRunning
- * ? run
- * ? stop:
- * ? runModalForWindow:
- */
- public abstract int runModalForWindow(NSWindow window);
- /*
- * ? stopModal
- * ? stopModalWithCode:
- * ? abortModal
- * ? beginModalSessionForWindow:
- * ? runModalSession:
- * ? modalWindow
- * ? endModalSession:
- * ? sendEvent:
- Handling Events
- * ? currentEvent
- * ? nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:
- * ? discardEventsMatchingMask:beforeEvent:
- Posting Events
- * ? postEvent:atStart:
- Managing Sheets
- * ? beginSheet:modalForWindow:modalDelegate:didEndSelector:contextInfo:
- * ? endSheet:
- * ? endSheet:returnCode:
- Managing Windows
- * ? keyWindow
- * ? mainWindow
- * ? windowWithWindowNumber:
- * ? windows
- * ? makeWindowsPerform:inOrder:
- * ? applicationWillUpdate: delegate method
- * ? applicationDidUpdate: delegate method
- * ? applicationShouldHandleReopen:hasVisibleWindows: delegate method
- Minimizing Windows
- * ? miniaturizeAll:
- Hiding Windows
- * ? isHidden
- * ? hide:
- * ? unhide:
- * ? unhideWithoutActivation
- Updating Windows
- * ? updateWindows
- * ? setWindowsNeedUpdate:
- Managing Window Layers
- * ? preventWindowOrdering
- * ? arrangeInFront:
- Accessing the Main Menu
- * ? mainMenu
- * */
- public abstract NSMenu mainMenu();
- /*
- * ? setMainMenu:
- Managing the Window Menu
- * ? windowsMenu
- * ? setWindowsMenu:
- * ? addWindowsItem:title:filename:
- * ? changeWindowsItem:title:filename:
- * ? removeWindowsItem:
- * ? updateWindowsItem:
- Managing the Dock Menu
- * ? applicationDockMenu: delegate method
- Managing the Services Menu
- * ? registerServicesMenuSendTypes:returnTypes:
- * ? servicesMenu
- * ? setServicesMenu:
- Providing Services
- * ? validRequestorForSendType:returnType:
- * ? servicesProvider
- * ? setServicesProvider:
- Managing Panels
- * ? orderFrontColorPanel:
- * ? orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:
- * ? orderFrontStandardAboutPanelWithOptions:
- * ? orderFrontCharacterPalette:
- * ? runPageLayout:
- Displaying Help
- * ? showHelp:
- * ? activateContextHelpMode:
- Displaying Errors
- * ? application:willPresentError: delegate method
- Managing Threads
- * + detachDrawingThread:toTarget:withObject:
- Posting Actions
- * ? tryToPerform:with:
- * ? sendAction:to:from:
- * ? targetForAction:
- * ? targetForAction:to:from:
- Drawing Windows
- * ? context
- Logging Exceptions
- * ? reportException:
- Scripting
- * ? orderedDocuments
- * ? orderedWindows
- * ? application:delegateHandlesKey: delegate method
- Managing User Attention Requests
- * ? requestUserAttention:
- * ? cancelUserAttentionRequest:
- * ? replyToOpenOrPrint:
- Managing the Screen
- * ? applicationDidChangeScreenParameters: delegate method
- Opening Files
- * ? application:openFile: delegate method
- * ? application:openFileWithoutUI: delegate method
- * ? application:openTempFile: delegate method
- * ? application:openFiles: delegate method
- * ? applicationOpenUntitledFile: delegate method
- * ? applicationShouldOpenUntitledFile: delegate method
- Printing
- * ? application:printFile: delegate method
- * ? application:printFiles:withSettings:showPrintPanels: delegate method
- Deprecated
- * ? runModalForWindow:relativeToWindow:
- * ? beginModalSessionForWindow:relativeToWindow:
- * ? application:printFiles: delegate method Deprecated in Mac OS X v10.4
- */
- }