PageRenderTime 43ms CodeModel.GetById 18ms RepoModel.GetById 0ms app.codeStats 0ms

PHP | 320 lines | 263 code | 13 blank | 44 comment | 53 complexity | e569080266e7be51a1728bc6b488d80a MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): LGPL-2.1, GPL-2.0
  1. <?php
  2. /*$Id: report_docacq.php,v 1.24 2010/02/24 08:19:59 devincen Exp $
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. Gazie - Gestione Azienda
  5. Copyright (C) 2004-2010 - Antonio De Vincentiis Montesilvano (PE)
  6. (
  7. <>
  8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Questo programma e` free software; e` lecito redistribuirlo e/o
  10. modificarlo secondo i termini della Licenza Pubblica Generica GNU
  11. come e` pubblicata dalla Free Software Foundation; o la versione 2
  12. della licenza o (a propria scelta) una versione successiva.
  13. Questo programma e` distribuito nella speranza che sia utile, ma
  14. SENZA ALCUNA GARANZIA; senza neppure la garanzia implicita di
  16. veda la Licenza Pubblica Generica GNU per avere maggiori dettagli.
  17. Ognuno dovrebbe avere ricevuto una copia della Licenza Pubblica
  18. Generica GNU insieme a questo programma; in caso contrario, si
  19. scriva alla Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59
  20. Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Stati Uniti.
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. */
  23. require("../../library/include/");
  24. require("../vendit/class/class_scadenzario.php");
  25. $cscad = new ClassScadenzario();
  26. $admin_aziend=checkAdmin();
  27. $message = "";
  28. if (isset($_GET['auxil'])) {
  29. $auxil = $_GET['auxil'];
  30. $where = " tipdoc LIKE 'AF_' ";
  31. } else {
  32. $auxil = 1;
  33. $where = " tipdoc LIKE 'AF_' ";
  34. }
  35. if (isset($_GET['protoc'])) {
  36. if ($_GET['protoc'] > 0) {
  37. $protocollo = $_GET['protoc'];
  38. $auxil = $_GET['auxil']."&protoc=".$protocollo;
  39. $where = " tipdoc LIKE 'AF_' AND protoc = $protocollo ";
  40. $passo = 1;
  41. }
  42. } else {
  43. $protocollo ='';
  44. }
  45. if ((isset($_GET['clientdoc'])) and (!empty($_GET['clientdoc']))) {
  46. $clientdoc = $_GET['clientdoc'];
  47. $auxil = $_GET['auxil'];
  48. $where = " tipdoc LIKE 'AF_' AND ragso1 like '%".addslashes($clientdoc)."%'";
  49. $passo = 10000;
  50. $clientdoc = stripslashes($clientdoc);
  51. }
  52. if ((isset($_GET['per_data'])) and (!empty($_GET['per_data']))) {
  53. $per_data_selected = "checked";
  54. /*
  55. * gioemi=7&mesemi=2&annemi=2001
  56. */
  57. $auxil = $_GET['auxil'];
  58. $data_search_da = $_GET['annemi']."-".$_GET['mesemi']."-".$_GET['gioemi'];
  59. $data_search_a = $_GET['annami']."-".$_GET['mesami']."-".$_GET['gioami'];
  60. if (!empty($where)) {
  61. $where .= " AND datemi >= '".$data_search_da."' AND datemi <= '".$data_search_a."' ";
  62. } else {
  63. $where = " tipdoc LIKE 'AF_' datemi >= '".$data_search_da."' and datemi <= '".$data_search_a."' ";
  64. }
  65. $where .= " GROUP BY protoc, datfat ";
  66. } else {
  67. $_GET['annemi'] = date("Y");
  68. $_GET['mesemi'] = date("m");
  69. $_GET['gioemi'] = date("d");
  70. $_GET['annami'] = date("Y");
  71. $_GET['mesami'] = date("m");
  72. $_GET['gioami'] = date("d");
  73. }
  74. if (isset($_GET['all'])) {
  75. $where = "tipdoc LIKE 'AF_' GROUP BY protoc, datfat";
  76. $auxil = $_GET['auxil']."&all=yes";
  77. $passo = 100000;
  78. $protocollo ='';
  79. }
  80. $titolo="Documenti d'acquisto";
  81. require("../../library/include/header.php");
  82. $script_transl=HeadMain();
  83. ?>
  84. <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" align="center" width="70%">
  85. <tr>
  86. <td class="FacetFormHeaderFont"><a href="admin_docacq.php?Insert&tipdoc=AFA" accesskey="F">Registra Fattura d'Acquisto Merce</a></td>
  87. <td class="FacetFormHeaderFont"><a href="admin_docacq.php?Insert&tipdoc=AFC" accesskey="N">Registra Nota Credito per Merce</a></td>
  88. <td class="FacetFormHeaderFont"><a href="accounting_documents.php?type=A" accesskey="C">Contabilizzazione fatture</a></td>
  89. </tr>
  90. </table>
  91. <form method="GET" >
  92. <div align="center" class="FacetFormHeaderFont"><?php echo $titolo; ?>
  93. </div>
  94. <?php
  95. if (!isset($_GET['field']) || ($_GET['field'] == 2) || (empty($_GET['field'])))
  96. $orderby = "datfat DESC, protoc DESC";
  97. $recordnav = new recordnav($gTables['tesdoc'], $where, $limit, $passo);
  98. $recordnav -> output();
  99. ?>
  100. <table class="Tlarge">
  101. <tr>
  102. <td colspan="2" class="FacetFieldCaptionTD">Protocollo:
  103. <input type="text" name="protoc" value="<?php if (isset($protocollo)) print $protocollo; ?>" maxlength="6" size="3" tabindex="1" class="FacetInput">
  104. </td>
  105. <td colspan="1" class="FacetFieldCaptionTD">Cliente:
  106. <input type="text" name="clientdoc" value="<?php if (isset($clientdoc)) print $clientdoc; ?>" maxlength="100" size="16" tabindex="1" class="FacetInput">
  107. </td>
  108. <td colspan="2" class="FacetFieldCaptionTD">
  109. <input type="checkbox" value="per_data" name="per_data" <?=$per_data_selected?>> Da:
  110. <?
  111. // select del giorno
  112. echo "\t <select name=\"gioemi\" class=\"FacetSelect\" >\n";
  113. for( $counter = 1; $counter <= 31; $counter++ )
  114. {
  115. $selected = "";
  116. if($counter == $_GET['gioemi'])
  117. $selected = "selected";
  118. echo "\t\t <option value=\"$counter\" $selected >$counter</option>\n";
  119. }
  120. echo "\t </select>\n";
  121. // select del mese
  122. echo "\t <select name=\"mesemi\" class=\"FacetSelect\" >\n";
  123. for( $counter = 1; $counter <= 12; $counter++ )
  124. {
  125. $selected = "";
  126. if($counter == $_GET['mesemi'])
  127. $selected = "selected";
  128. $nome_mese = ucwords(strftime("%B", mktime (0,0,0,$counter,1,0)));
  129. echo "\t\t <option value=\"$counter\" $selected >$nome_mese</option>\n";
  130. }
  131. echo "\t </select>\n";
  132. // select del anno
  133. echo "\t <select name=\"annemi\" class=\"FacetSelect\" onchange=\"this.form.submit()\">\n";
  134. for( $counter = date("Y")-10; $counter <= date("Y")+10; $counter++ )
  135. {
  136. $selected = "";
  137. if($counter == $_GET['annemi'])
  138. $selected = "selected";
  139. echo "\t\t <option value=\"$counter\" $selected >$counter</option>\n";
  140. }
  141. echo "\t </select>\n";
  142. ?>
  143. A:
  144. <?
  145. // select del giorno
  146. echo "\t <select name=\"gioami\" class=\"FacetSelect\" >\n";
  147. for( $counter = 1; $counter <= 31; $counter++ )
  148. {
  149. $selected = "";
  150. if($counter == $_GET['gioami'])
  151. $selected = "selected";
  152. echo "\t\t <option value=\"$counter\" $selected >$counter</option>\n";
  153. }
  154. echo "\t </select>\n";
  155. // select del mese
  156. echo "\t <select name=\"mesami\" class=\"FacetSelect\" >\n";
  157. for( $counter = 1; $counter <= 12; $counter++ )
  158. {
  159. $selected = "";
  160. if($counter == $_GET['mesami'])
  161. $selected = "selected";
  162. $nome_mese = ucwords(strftime("%B", mktime (0,0,0,$counter,1,0)));
  163. echo "\t\t <option value=\"$counter\" $selected >$nome_mese</option>\n";
  164. }
  165. echo "\t </select>\n";
  166. // select del anno
  167. echo "\t <select name=\"annami\" class=\"FacetSelect\" onchange=\"this.form.submit()\">\n";
  168. for( $counter = date("Y")-10; $counter <= date("Y")+10; $counter++ )
  169. {
  170. $selected = "";
  171. if($counter == $_GET['annami'])
  172. $selected = "selected";
  173. echo "\t\t <option value=\"$counter\" $selected >$counter</option>\n";
  174. }
  175. echo "\t </select>\n";
  176. ?>
  177. </td>
  178. <td>
  179. <input type="submit" name="search" value="Cerca" tabindex="1" onClick=";">
  180. </td>
  181. <td>
  182. <input type="submit" name="all" value="Mostra tutti" onClick=";">
  183. </td>
  184. </tr>
  185. <tr>
  186. <?php
  187. // creo l'array (header => campi) per l'ordinamento dei record
  188. $headers_tesdoc = array (
  189. "Prot." => "protoc",
  190. "Tipo" => "tipdoc",
  191. "Numero" => "numfat",
  192. "Data" => "datfat",
  193. "Cliente" => "ragso1",
  194. "Totale" => "",
  195. "Status" => "",
  196. "Stampa" => "",
  197. "Cancella" => ""
  198. );
  199. $linkHeaders = new linkHeaders($headers_tesdoc);
  200. $linkHeaders -> output();
  201. ?>
  202. </tr>
  203. <?php
  204. $rs_last_doc = gaz_dbi_dyn_query("MAX(protoc) AS maxpro, YEAR(datfat) AS y", $gTables['tesdoc'],"tipdoc LIKE 'AF_' GROUP BY y " ,'protoc DESC');
  205. while ($last_doc = gaz_dbi_fetch_array($rs_last_doc)){
  206. $lt_doc[$last_doc['y']]=$last_doc['maxpro'];
  207. }
  208. //recupero le testate in base alle scelte impostate
  209. $result = gaz_dbi_dyn_query($gTables['tesdoc'].".*,".$gTables['anagra'].".ragso1", $gTables['tesdoc']." LEFT JOIN ".$gTables['clfoco']." ON ".$gTables['tesdoc'].".clfoco = ".$gTables['clfoco'].".codice LEFT JOIN ".$gTables['anagra'].' ON '.$gTables['clfoco'].'.id_anagra = '.$gTables['anagra'].'.id', $where, $orderby,$limit, $passo);
  210. $ctrlprotoc = "";
  211. while ($a_row = gaz_dbi_fetch_array($result)) {
  212. $y=substr($a_row['datfat'],0,4);
  213. if ($a_row["tipdoc"] == 'AFA') {
  214. $tipodoc="Fattura";
  215. $modulo="stampa_docacq.php?id_tes=".$a_row['id_tes'];
  216. $modifi="admin_docacq.php?Update&id_tes=".$a_row['id_tes'];
  217. } elseif ($a_row["tipdoc"] == 'AFC') {
  218. $tipodoc="Nota Credito";
  219. $modulo="stampa_docacq.php?id_tes=".$a_row['id_tes'];
  220. $modifi="admin_docacq.php?Update&id_tes=".$a_row['id_tes'];
  221. }
  222. if ($a_row["protoc"] <> $ctrlprotoc) {
  223. print "<tr>";
  224. if (! empty ($modifi)) {
  225. print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\"><a href=\"".$modifi."\">".$a_row["protoc"]."</td>";
  226. } else {
  227. print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\">".$a_row["protoc"]." &nbsp;</td>";
  228. }
  229. print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\">".$tipodoc." &nbsp;</td>";
  230. print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\">".$a_row["numfat"]." &nbsp;</td>";
  231. print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\">".$a_row["datfat"]." &nbsp;</td>";
  232. print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\">".$a_row["ragso1"]."&nbsp;</td>";
  233. try {
  234. $totivafat = 0;
  235. $ivacast = 0;
  236. //scarico tutte le variabili precedentemente valorizzate
  237. //mi ricavo il totale dell'ultima fattura
  238. $ay_rigdoc = $cscad->get_all_rigdoc($a_row['id_tes'], $gTables['rigdoc']);
  239. //recupero i dati relativi alla fattura
  240. $ay_tesdoc = $cscad->get_tesdoc_from_idtes($a_row['id_tes'], $gTables['tesdoc'], $gTables['pagame']);
  241. //calcolo il castelletto IVA
  242. $ay_castle = $cscad->get_castle_for_rigdoc($ay_rigdoc, $ay_tesdoc['tesdoc']['sconto']);
  243. //calcolo tutte le spese relative alla fattura appena ricevuta
  244. $tot_spese = $cscad->calc_tot_spese($ay_tesdoc);
  245. //inserisco nella variabile last l'ultimo entry dell'array decalc_castle
  246. $last = count($ay_castle['decalc_castle']);
  247. //inserisco nella variabile acc_val il valore di tot_spese
  248. $acc_val = $tot_spese;
  249. // leggo l'intero array castle e lo analizzo
  250. foreach ($ay_castle['castle'] as $k=>$v) {
  251. //recupero l'iva che interessa il rigo del castelletto e la salvo in variabile
  252. $vat = $cscad->get_iva($k, $gTables['aliiva']);
  253. if (isset($ay_castle['decalc_castle'][$k])) {
  254. $last--;
  255. if ($last==0) {
  256. $v += $acc_val;
  257. $ay_castle['totimpfat'] += $acc_val;
  258. } else {
  259. $decalc=round($tot_spese*$v/$ay_castle['totimp_decalc'],2);
  260. $v += $decalc;
  261. $ay_castle['totimpfat'] += $decalc;
  262. $acc_val-=$decalc;
  263. }
  264. }
  265. $ivacast = round($v*$vat['aliquo'])/100;
  266. $totivafat += $ivacast;
  267. }
  268. // calcolo il totale importo della fattura
  269. $tot_fattura = $ay_castle['totimpfat']+$totivafat+$ay_tesdoc['stamp']-$ay_castle['rit'];
  270. $tot_finale = $tot_finale+$tot_fattura;
  271. } catch (Exception $e) {
  272. $feedback = $e->getMessage();
  273. }
  274. if (isset($feedback)) {
  275. echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\"> ".$feedback." &nbsp;</td>";
  276. } else {
  277. echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\"> &euro; ".$tot_fattura." &nbsp;</td>";
  278. }
  279. if ($a_row["id_con"] > 0) {
  280. echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"../contab/admin_movcon.php?id_tes=".$a_row["id_con"]."&Update\">Cont. n.".$a_row["id_con"]."</a></td>";
  281. } else {
  282. echo "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\" align=\"center\"><a href=\"accounting_documents.php?type=A&last=".$a_row["protoc"]."\">Contabilizza</a></td>";
  283. }
  284. print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\"><a href=\"".$modulo."\"><center><img src=\"../../library/images/stampa.gif\" alt=\"Stampa\" border=\"0\"></a></td>";
  285. if (($lt_doc[$y]==$a_row['protoc']) && ($a_row["id_con"]==0)) {
  286. print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\"><a href=\"delete_docacq.php?id_tes=".$a_row["id_tes"]."\"><center><img src=\"../../library/images/x.gif\" alt=\"Cancella\" border=\"0\"></a></td>";
  287. } else {
  288. print "<td class=\"FacetDataTD\"></td>";
  289. }
  290. print "</tr>\n";
  291. }
  292. $ctrlprotoc = $a_row["protoc"];
  293. }
  294. ?>
  295. </form>
  296. </table>
  298. <table align="right" border="1" cellspacing="1">
  299. <tr>
  300. <td class="FacetFieldCaptionTD"><strong>TOTALE</strong></td>
  301. <td class="FacetDataTD">&euro; <?=$tot_finale?></td>
  302. </tr>
  303. </table>
  304. </body>
  305. </html>