Objective C | 219 lines | 186 code | 33 blank | 0 comment | 25 complexity | 6f1c69957397bd3e4f599f5494382f85 MD5 | raw file
- function return_status = nc_addvar ( ncfile, varstruct )
- % NC_ADDVAR: adds a variable to a NetCDF file
- %
- % USAGE: status = nc_addvar ( ncfile, varstruct );
- %
- % Input
- % ncfile:
- % varstruct:
- % This is a structure with four fields:
- %
- % Name
- % Nctype
- % Dimension
- % Attribute
- %
- % "Name" is just that, the name of the variable to be defined.
- %
- % "Nctype" should be
- % 'double', 'float', 'int', 'short', or 'byte', or 'char'
- %
- % "Dimension" is a cell array of dimension names.
- %
- % "Attribute" is also a structure array. Each element has two
- % fields, "Name", and "Value".
- %
- % Output:
- % status:
- % Optional. If not requested, an exception is thrown if an
- % error condition arises. Otherwise, -1 is returned if the
- % routine fails, or 0 is the routine succeeds
- %
- % johnevans@acm.org
- %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %
- % $Name: snctools-2_0_21 $
- % $Id: nc_addvar.m,v 1.17 2006/04/25 18:47:14 johnevans007 Exp $
- % AUTHOR: johnevans@acm.org
- %
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- if nargout < 1
- throw_exception = 1;
- else
- throw_exception = 0;
- end
- return_status = -1;
- if nargin < 2
- msg = sprintf ( '%s: must have two input arguments.\n', mfilename );
- handle_error ( msg, throw_exception );
- return
- end
- if ( ~strcmp(class(ncfile),'char') )
- msg = sprintf ( '%s: 1st input argument must be char.\n', mfilename );
- handle_error ( msg, throw_exception );
- return
- end
- if ( ~isstruct(varstruct) )
- msg = sprintf ( '%s: 2nd input argument must be a structure.\n', mfilename );
- handle_error ( msg, throw_exception );
- return
- end
- %
- % Check that required fields are there.
- % Must at least have a name.
- if ~isfield ( varstruct, 'Name' )
- msg = sprintf ( '%s: variable structure must at least have ''Name'' field.\n', mfilename );
- handle_error ( msg, throw_exception );
- return
- end
- %
- % Check that required fields are there.
- % Default Nctype is double.
- if ~isfield ( varstruct, 'Nctype' )
- varstruct.Nctype = 'double';
- end
- % If the datatype is not a string.
- % Change suggested by Brian Powell
- if ( isa(varstruct.Nctype, 'double') && varstruct.Nctype < 7 )
- types={ 'byte' 'char' 'short' 'int' 'float' 'double'};
- varstruct.Nctype = char(types(varstruct.Nctype));
- end
- %
- % Check that the datatype is known.
- switch ( varstruct.Nctype )
- case { 'NC_DOUBLE', 'double', ...
- 'NC_FLOAT', 'float', ...
- 'NC_INT', 'int', ...
- 'NC_SHORT', 'short', ...
- 'NC_BYTE', 'byte', ...
- 'NC_CHAR', 'char' }
- %
- % Do nothing
- otherwise
- msg = sprintf ( '%s: unknown Nctype ''%s''\n', mfilename, varstruct.Nctype );
- handle_error ( msg, throw_exception );
- return
- end
- %
- % Check that required fields are there.
- % Default Dimension is none. Singleton scalar.
- if ~isfield ( varstruct, 'Dimension' )
- varstruct.Dimension = [];
- end
- %
- % Check that required fields are there.
- % Default Attributes are none
- if ~isfield ( varstruct, 'Attribute' )
- varstruct.Attribute = [];
- end
- [ncid, status] = mexnc ( 'open', ncfile, nc_write_mode );
- if ( status < 0 )
- ncerr = mexnc ( 'strerror', status );
- msg = sprintf ( '%s: mexnc:open failed on ''%s'', error message ''%s''.\n', mfilename, ncfile, ncerr );
- handle_error ( msg, throw_exception );
- return
- end
- %
- % determine the dimids of the named dimensions
- num_dims = length(varstruct.Dimension);
- dimids = [];
- for j = 1:num_dims
- [dimids(j), status] = mexnc ( 'dimid', ncid, varstruct.Dimension{j} );
- if ( status < 0 )
- ncerr = mexnc ( 'strerror', status );
- mexnc ( 'close', ncid );
- strformat = '%s: mexnc:dimid failed to return a dimid for %s, file %s, error ''%s''.\n';
- msg = sprintf ( strformat, mfilename, varstruct.Dimension{j}, ncfile, ncerr );
- handle_error ( msg, throw_exception );
- return
- end
- end
- %
- % go into define mode
- status = mexnc ( 'redef', ncid );
- if ( status < 0 )
- ncerr = mexnc ( 'strerror', status );
- mexnc ( 'close', ncid );
- msg = sprintf ( '%s: mexnc:redef failed on %s, ''%s''.\n', mfilename, ncfile, ncerr );
- handle_error ( msg, throw_exception );
- return
- end
- status = mexnc ( 'def_var', ncid, varstruct.Name, varstruct.Nctype, num_dims, dimids );
- if ( status < 0 )
- ncerr = mexnc ( 'strerror', status );
- mexnc ( 'endef', ncid );
- mexnc ( 'close', ncid );
- msg = sprintf ( '%s: mexnc:def_var failed on %s, ''%s''.\n', mfilename, ncfile, ncerr );
- handle_error ( msg, throw_exception );
- return
- end
- status = mexnc ( 'endef', ncid );
- if ( status < 0 )
- mexnc ( 'close', ncid );
- msg = sprintf ('%s: mexnc:endef failed on %s.\n', mfilename, ncfile );
- handle_error ( msg, throw_exception );
- return
- end
- status = mexnc ( 'close', ncid );
- if ( status < 0 )
- msg = sprintf ( '%s: mexnc:close failed on %s.\n', mfilename, ncfile );
- handle_error ( msg, throw_exception );
- return;
- end
- %
- % Now just use nc_attput to put in the attributes
- for j = 1:length(varstruct.Attribute)
- attname = varstruct.Attribute(j).Name;
- attval = varstruct.Attribute(j).Value;
- status = nc_attput ( ncfile, varstruct.Name, attname, attval );
- if ( status == -1 )
- msg = sprintf ( '%s: nc_attput failed to write %s to variable %s, file %s.\n', mfilename, attname, varstruct.Name, ncfile );
- handle_error ( msg, throw_exception );
- return
- end
- end
- return_status = 0;
- function handle_error ( msg, throw_exception )
- if throw_exception
- error ( msg );
- else
- fprintf ( 2, msg );
- end
- return