Java | 155 lines | 55 code | 33 blank | 67 comment | 3 complexity | 942ca9c6b1ae6661f8f8ed092a4a381b MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): BSD-2-Clause, BSD-3-Clause
- /*
- * Created on Feb 27, 2006
- *
- * This file is part of Banjo (Bayesian Network Inference with Java Objects)
- * edu.duke.cs.banjo
- * Banjo is licensed from Duke University.
- * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 by Alexander J. Hartemink.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * License Info:
- *
- * For non-commercial use, may be licensed under a Non-Commercial Use License.
- * For commercial use, please contact Alexander J. Hartemink or the Office of
- * Science and Technology at Duke University. More information available at
- * http://www.cs.duke.edu/~amink/software/banjo
- *
- */
- package edu.duke.cs.banjo.learner;
- import java.util.TreeSet;
- import edu.duke.cs.banjo.bayesnet.BayesNetManager;
- import edu.duke.cs.banjo.bayesnet.BayesNetStructure;
- import edu.duke.cs.banjo.data.settings.Settings;
- import edu.duke.cs.banjo.learner.components.EvaluatorBDe;
- import edu.duke.cs.banjo.utility.BANJO;
- /**
- * This searcher is only setting up as much of the bayesnet structures as is
- * necessary to prepare for the post-processing, without actually having to go
- * through a search. Consequently, we suppress the display of the various
- * search parameters in the output.
- *
- * <p><strong>Details:</strong> <br>
- *
- * <p><strong>Change History:</strong> <br>
- * Created on Feb 27, 2006
- *
- * 8/6/2008 hjs Add evaluator to have network score computed.
- *
- * @author Jurgen Sladeczek (hjs) <br>
- * For the latest info, please visit www.cs.duke.edu.
- */
- public class SearcherSkip extends Searcher {
- public SearcherSkip( Settings _processData ) throws Exception {
- super( _processData );
- // Validate the required settings
- boolean isDataValid = validateRequiredData();
- // If crucial settings could ne be validated, we can't execute the remaining
- // code in this constructor
- if ( !isDataValid ) return;
- // Set up the required (subordinate) objects
- setupSearch();
- }
- // Compiles various pieces of info about the search, to be used by the recorder
- protected void setupSearch() throws Exception {
- // Set up the bayesnet infrastructure (in particular, the user likely has an
- // initial structure to be examined by the post-processor)
- this.bayesNetManager = new BayesNetManager( processData );
- // Set up the standard container for our network structure:
- highScoreStructureSinceRestart = new BayesNetStructure(
- bayesNetManager.getCurrentParents(),
- currentBestScoreSinceRestart, 0 );
- highScoreStructureSet = new TreeSet();
- highScoreStructureSet.add( new BayesNetStructure(
- highScoreStructureSinceRestart,
- currentBestScoreSinceRestart,
- networksVisitedGlobalCounter ) );
- // (v2.2) hjs
- // Add an evaluator, so we actually compute the network score of the initial network
- if ( processData.getValidatedProcessParameter(
- .equalsIgnoreCase( BANJO.UI_EVAL_BDE )) {
- this.evaluator = new EvaluatorBDe(bayesNetManager, processData);
- }
- else {
- this.evaluator = new EvaluatorBDe(bayesNetManager, processData);
- }
- // Compute the initial score for the network
- currentBestScoreSinceRestart = evaluator.computeInitialNetworkScore(
- bayesNetManager );
- // Set the initial network as the current best score, and add to the high score networks
- // highScoreStructureSinceRestart = new BayesNetStructure(
- // bayesNetManager.getCurrentParents(),
- // currentBestScoreSinceRestart, 0 );
- highScoreStructureSet = new TreeSet();
- highScoreStructureSet.add( new BayesNetStructure(
- bayesNetManager.getCurrentParents(),
- currentBestScoreSinceRestart, 0 ) );
- // highScoreStructureSinceRestart,
- // currentBestScoreSinceRestart,
- // networksVisitedGlobalCounter ) );
- // Finally, store the network and score given by the initial structure
- // for the post-processing
- processData.setHighScoreStructureSet( highScoreStructureSet );
- // Set the string buffer
- searcherStats = new StringBuffer( BANJO.BUFFERLENGTH_STAT_INTERNAL );
- // Is there something we want to pass along at this point?
- // Well, here we pass "it" along (nothing for now)
- processData.setDynamicProcessParameter( BANJO.DATA_SEARCHERINFO_SPECIFICSEARCHER,
- searcherStats.toString() );
- processData.setDynamicProcessParameter( BANJO.DATA_SEARCHERINFO_COREOBJECTS,
- searcherStats.toString() );
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see edu.duke.cs.banjo.learner.SearcherI#executeSearch()
- */
- public void executeSearch() throws Exception {
- // There's not much to do in this searcher:
- // Record the initial data
- searcherStatistics.recordInitialData(this);
- }
- /* (non-Javadoc)
- * @see edu.duke.cs.banjo.learner.SearcherI#updateProcessData(
- * edu.duke.cs.banjo.data.settings.Settings )
- */
- public void updateProcessData( Settings _processData ) throws Exception {
- // nothing to do
- }
- private boolean validateRequiredData() throws Exception {
- // There is nothing to validate:
- boolean isDataValid = true;
- return isDataValid;
- }
- }