Python | 342 lines | 278 code | 47 blank | 17 comment | 64 complexity | 6b62efa3e4e88ca6151a1088f850dc5c MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0, AGPL-1.0
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Copyright  2007-2008 Stockholm TreeAligner Project
- # Author: Torsten Marek <shlomme@gmx.net>
- # Licensed under the GNU GPLv2
- """This module contains classes for building result sets for TIGERSearch queries .
- The result builder classes evaluate a TigerSearch query based on the internal
- representation of the query.
- The algorithm and the interfaces in this module are still subject to heavy change. For more
- information, see the inline comments.
- """
- import operator
- from functools import partial
- from itertools import count, izip
- from collections import defaultdict
- from nltk_contrib.tiger.index import IndexNodeId
- from nltk_contrib.tiger.query.exceptions import MissingFeatureError
- from nltk_contrib.tiger.utils.parallel import multiprocessing
- from nltk_contrib.tiger.query.constraints import Direction
- from nltk_contrib.tiger.query.nodesearcher import NodeSearcher, EqualPartitionsGraphFilter
- __all__ = ["ResultBuilder", "ParallelResultBuilder"]
- product = partial(reduce, operator.mul)
- def named_cross_product(items):
- def _outer_product(depth, combination):
- varname, nodes = items[-depth]
- for node in nodes:
- combination[varname] = node
- if depth == 1:
- yield combination.copy()
- else:
- for res in _outer_product(depth - 1, combination):
- yield res
- if items:
- return _outer_product(len(items), {})
- else:
- return iter([{}])
- def partition_variables(variables, constraints):
- var_connections = dict(izip(variables, count()))
- for l, r in constraints:
- new_id = var_connections[l]
- old_id = var_connections[r]
- for name, value in var_connections.iteritems():
- if value == old_id:
- var_connections[name] = new_id
- sets = defaultdict(set)
- for name, value in var_connections.iteritems():
- sets[value].add(name)
- return sets.values()
- class ConstraintChecker(object):
- @classmethod
- def _nodevar_idx_combinations(cls, ordered_node_vars):
- return [(upper_key, lower_key)
- for lower_key in xrange(1, len(ordered_node_vars))
- for upper_key in xrange(lower_key)]
- @classmethod
- def _get_node_variables(cls, constraints):
- return set(var for var_pair in constraints for var in var_pair)
- @classmethod
- def prepare(cls, constraints, sizes = {}):
- constraints = dict(constraints)
- set_weight = sum(sizes.values()) + 1
- ordered_node_vars = sorted(
- cls._get_node_variables(constraints),
- key = lambda k: set_weight if k.is_set else sizes.get(k, 0))
- ordered_constraints = []
- for (upper_idx, lower_idx) in cls._nodevar_idx_combinations(ordered_node_vars):
- var_pair = (ordered_node_vars[upper_idx], ordered_node_vars[lower_idx])
- fail_after_success = False
- if var_pair in constraints:
- constraint = constraints[var_pair].check
- direction = constraints[var_pair].get_singlematch_direction()
- if direction is Direction.BOTH or direction is Direction.LEFT_TO_RIGHT:
- fail_after_success = True
- ordered_constraints.append((var_pair[0], var_pair[1], constraint, False, fail_after_success))
- elif var_pair[::-1] in constraints:
- constraint = constraints[var_pair[::-1]].check
- direction = constraints[var_pair[::-1]].get_singlematch_direction()
- if direction is Direction.BOTH or direction is Direction.RIGHT_TO_LEFT:
- fail_after_success = True
- ordered_constraints.append((var_pair[0], var_pair[1], constraint, True, fail_after_success))
- return partial(ConstraintChecker, ordered_constraints)
- def __init__(self, constraints, nodes, query_context):
- self.ordered_constraints = constraints
- self.nodes = nodes
- self.ok = set()
- self.has_results = self.prefilter(query_context)
- def prefilter(self, query_context):
- for (left_var, right_var, constraint, exchange, fail_after_success) in self.ordered_constraints:
- l_success = set()
- r_success = set()
- for left in self.nodes[left_var]:
- ldata = query_context.get_node(left)
- for right in self.nodes[right_var]:
- rdata = query_context.get_node(right)
- if exchange:
- larg, rarg = rdata, ldata
- else:
- larg, rarg = ldata, rdata
- query_context.constraint_checks += 1
- if constraint(larg, rarg, query_context):
- self.ok.add((left, right))
- if not right_var.is_set:
- l_success.add(left)
- r_success.add(right)
- if fail_after_success:
- break
- elif right_var.is_set:
- break
- else:
- if right_var.is_set:
- l_success.add(left)
- r_success.update(self.nodes[right_var])
- if not l_success:
- return False
- if not r_success and not right_var.is_set:
- return False
- self.nodes[left_var] = list(l_success)
- self.nodes[right_var] = list(r_success)
- return True
- def _nodeids(self, query_result):
- for node_var in query_result:
- query_result[node_var] = IndexNodeId.from_int(query_result[node_var])
- return query_result
- def extract(self):
- """Creates the result set.
- The function currently uses a brute-force attempt. Please see the TODOs at the top
- of the module.
- """
- if self.has_results:
- g = [item for item in self.nodes.items() if not item[0].is_set]
- return [self._nodeids(query_result)
- for query_result in named_cross_product(g)
- if self._check(query_result)]
- else:
- return []
- def _check(self, result):
- for (left_variable, right_variable, __, __, __) in self.ordered_constraints:
- if right_variable.is_set:
- for right_node in self.nodes[right_variable]:
- if (result[left_variable], right_node) not in self.ok:
- return False
- else:
- if (result[left_variable], result[right_variable]) not in self.ok:
- return False
- return True
- def cct_search(graph_results, query_context):
- query_context._ncache.clear()
- query_context.checked_graphs += 1
- if query_context.checked_graphs == PREPARE_NEW_AFTER:
- query_context.checker_factory = ConstraintChecker.prepare(query_context.constraints, query_context.node_counts)
- elif query_context.checked_graphs < PREPARE_NEW_AFTER:
- for node_var, node_ids in graph_results.iteritems():
- query_context.node_counts[node_var] += len(node_ids)
- c = query_context.checker_factory(graph_results, query_context)
- return c.extract()
- class LazyResultSet(object):
- def __init__(self, nodes, query_context):
- query_context.checked_graphs += 1
- self._nodes = [(node_var.name, [IndexNodeId.from_int(nid) for nid in node_ids])
- for node_var, node_ids in nodes.iteritems()
- if not node_var.is_set]
- self._size = product((len(ids) for var, ids in self._nodes), 1)
- self._items = None
- def __len__(self):
- return self._size
- def __getitem__(self, idx):
- if self._items is None:
- self._items = list(iter(self))
- return self._items[idx]
- def __iter__(self):
- return named_cross_product(self._nodes)
- class QueryContext(object):
- def __init__(self, db, constraints, nodevars):
- self.cursor = db.cursor()
- self._ncache = {}
- self.constraints = constraints
- self.node_counts = defaultdict(int)
- variable_partitions = partition_variables(nodevars, (c[0] for c in constraints))
- if len(variable_partitions) == len(nodevars):
- self.constraint_checker = LazyResultSet
- elif len(variable_partitions) == 1:
- self.checker_factory = ConstraintChecker.prepare(constraints)
- self.constraint_checker = cct_search
- else:
- raise MissingFeatureError, "Missing feature: disjoint constraint sets. Please file a bug report."
- self._reset_stats()
- def _reset_stats(self):
- self.node_cache_hits = 0
- self.node_cache_misses = 0
- self.checked_graphs = 0
- self.constraint_checks = 0
- def get_node(self, node_id):
- try:
- self.node_cache_hits += 1
- return self._ncache[node_id]
- except KeyError:
- self.node_cache_misses += 1
- self.cursor.execute("""SELECT id, edge_label,
- continuity, left_corner, right_corner, token_order, gorn_address
- FROM node_data WHERE id = ?""", (node_id, ))
- rs = self._ncache[node_id] = self.cursor.fetchone()
- return rs
- class ResultBuilderBase(object):
- def __init__(self, node_descriptions, predicates):
- self._nodes = node_descriptions
- self._predicates = predicates
- def node_variable_names(self):
- """Returns the set of node variables defined in the query."""
- return frozenset(nv.name for nv in self._nodes)
- class ResultBuilder(QueryContext, ResultBuilderBase):
- def __init__(self, ev_context, node_descriptions, predicates, constraints):
- QueryContext.__init__(self, ev_context.db, constraints, node_descriptions.keys())
- ResultBuilderBase.__init__(self, node_descriptions, predicates)
- self._nodesearcher = ev_context.nodesearcher
- def evaluate(self):
- """Evaluates the query.
- Returns a list of `(graph_number, results)` tuples, where `results` is a list of
- dictionaries that contains `variable: node_id` pairs for all defined variable names.
- """
- self._reset_stats()
- matching_graphs = self._nodesearcher.search_nodes(self._nodes, self._predicates)
- return filter(operator.itemgetter(1),
- ((graph_id, self.constraint_checker(nodes, self))
- for graph_id, nodes in matching_graphs))
- class ParallelEvaluatorContext(object):
- def __init__(self, db_provider, graph_filter):
- self.db = db_provider.connect()
- self.nodesearcher = NodeSearcher(self.db, graph_filter)
- self.db_provider = db_provider
- def evaluate_parallel(db_provider, nodes, predicates, constraints, result_queue, graph_filter):
- ev_ctx = ParallelEvaluatorContext(db_provider, graph_filter)
- query = ResultBuilder(ev_ctx, nodes, predicates, constraints)
- result_set = query.evaluate()
- result_queue.put((result_set, (query.checked_graphs, query.constraint_checks,
- query.node_cache_hits, query.node_cache_misses)))
- result_queue.close()
- class ParallelResultBuilder(ResultBuilderBase):
- def __init__(self, ev_context, node_descriptions, predicates, constraints):
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__(node_descriptions, predicates)
- self._constraints = constraints
- self._db_provider = ev_context.db_provider
- self._reset_stats()
- def _reset_stats(self):
- self.node_cache_hits = 0
- self.node_cache_misses = 0
- self.checked_graphs = 0
- self.constraint_checks = 0
- def evaluate(self):
- self._reset_stats()
- result_queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
- num_workers = multiprocessing.cpuCount()
- workers = []
- for i in range(num_workers):
- worker = multiprocessing.Process(
- target = evaluate_parallel,
- args = (self._db_provider, self._nodes, self._predicates,
- self._constraints, result_queue,
- EqualPartitionsGraphFilter(i, num_workers)))
- worker.start()
- workers.append(worker)
- results = []
- running_workers = num_workers
- while running_workers > 0:
- partial_result, stats = result_queue.get()
- results.extend(partial_result)
- self.checked_graphs += stats[0]
- self.constraint_checks += stats[1]
- self.node_cache_hits += stats[2]
- self.node_cache_misses += stats[3]
- running_workers -= 1
- for worker in workers:
- worker.join()
- return results