PHP | 331 lines | 323 code | 8 blank | 0 comment | 10 complexity | 61543f85ec8976d443b79fe55df184d4 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0
- <?php
- require 'authorisation.php';
- require 'format.php';
- require 'hc.php';
- $comPk = reqival('comPk');
- $embed = reqsval('embed');
- $link = db_connect();
- $offerall = 0;
- if ($comPk < 2)
- {
- $offerall = 1;
- $comPk=1;
- }
- $comUnixTo = time();
- $query = "select *, unix_timestamp(comDateTo) as comUnixTo from tblCompetition where comPk=$comPk";
- $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
- $title = 'highcloud.net';
- $comContact = '';
- if ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))
- {
- $title = $row['comName'];
- $comType = $row['comType'];
- $comClass = $row['comClass'];
- $comContact = $row['comContact'];
- $comUnixTo = $row['comUnixTo'];
- }
- if ($comContact == '')
- {
- $comContact = 'your competition organiser';
- }
- if (array_key_exists('foo', $_REQUEST))
- {
- $fh = fopen("/tmp/submit24", "w");
- foreach ($_REQUEST as $k=>$v)
- {
- fwrite($fh, "key=$k, value$v\n");
- }
- fclose($fh);
- echo "<title>Track Accepted</title>\n";
- $id = accept_track($comUnixTo, $comContact);
- redirect("tracklog_map.php?trackid=$id&comPk=$comPk&ok=1");
- exit(0);
- }
- if ($embed == '')
- {
- hcheader($title, 1, "");
- echo "<div id=\"content\">";
- echo "<div id=\"text\">";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "<html><head>";
- echo "<link HREF=\"$embed\" REL=\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\">\n";
- echo "</head><body><div id=\"track_submit\">\n";
- }
- ?>
- <h1>Tracklog Submission</h1>
- Download your GPS track from your GPS using one of the free
- programs shown on the right. Then you're ready to upload the
- .IGC file created to this website using the form here!
- <br><br>
- <?php
- function upload_track($file,$pilPk,$contact)
- {
- # Let the Perl program do it!
- $out = '';
- $retv = 0;
- $traPk = 0;
- exec(BINDIR . "igcreader.pl $file $pilPk", $out, $retv);
- if ($retv)
- {
- echo "<b>Failed to upload your track, it appears to have been submitted previously.</b><br>\n";
- echo "Contact $contact if this was a valid track.<br>\n";
- foreach ($out as $txt)
- {
- echo "$txt<br>\n";
- }
- echo "</div></body></html>\n";
- exit(0);
- }
- foreach ($out as $row)
- {
- if (substr_compare("traPk=6", $row, 0, 6) == 0)
- {
- $traPk = 0 + substr($row, 6);
- break;
- }
- }
- return $traPk;
- }
- function task_score($traPk)
- {
- # Let the Perl program do it!
- $out = '';
- $retv = 0;
- exec(BINDIR . "track_verify_sr.pl $traPk", $out, $retv);
- return $retv;
- }
- function accept_track($until, $contact)
- {
- //$file = addslashes($_REQUEST['userfile']);
- $hgfa = addslashes($_REQUEST['hgfanum']);
- $name = strtolower($_REQUEST['lastname']);
- $route = reqival('route');
- $comid = reqival('comid');
- $link = db_connect();
- $query = "select pilPk, pilHGFA from tblPilot where pilLastName='$name'";
- $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
- $member = 0;
- while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))
- {
- if ($hgfa == $row['pilHGFA'])
- {
- $pilPk = $row['pilPk'];
- $member = 1;
- }
- }
- if (time() > ($until + 7*24*3600))
- {
- echo "<b>The submission period for tracks has closed ($until).</b><br>\n";
- echo "Contact $contact if you're having an access problem.<br>\n";
- echo "</div></body></html>\n";
- exit(0);
- }
- if ($member == 0)
- {
- echo "<b>Only registered pilot may submit tracks.</b><br>\n";
- echo "Contact $contact if you're having an access problem.<br>\n";
- echo "</div></body></html>\n";
- exit(0);
- }
- // Copy the upload so I can use it later ..
- $dte = date("Y-m-d_Hms");
- $yr = date("Y");
- $copyname = FILEDIR . $yr . "/" . $name . "_" . $hgfa . "_" . $dte;
- copy($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $copyname);
- chmod($copyname, 0644);
- // Process the file
- $maxPk = upload_track($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $pilPk, $comContact);
- $tasPk = 'null';
- $tasType = '';
- $comType = '';
- $turnpoints = '';
- if ($route > 0)
- {
- $tasPk = $route;
- }
- else
- {
- $query = "select T.tasPk, T.tasTaskType, C.comType from tblTask T, tblTrack TL, tblCompetition C where C.comPk=T.comPk and T.comPk=$comid and TL.traPk=$maxPk and TL.traStart > date_sub(T.tasDate, interval C.comTimeOffset hour) and TL.traStart < date_add(T.tasDate, interval (24-C.comTimeOffset) hour)";
- $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
- if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
- {
- $tasPk=mysql_result($result,0,0);
- $tasType=mysql_result($result,0,1);
- $comType=mysql_result($result,0,2);
- }
- }
- $query = "insert into tblComTaskTrack (comPk,tasPk,traPk) values ($comid,$tasPk,$maxPk)";
- $result = mysql_query($query) or die('ComTaskTrack failed: ' . mysql_error());
- $out = '';
- $retv = 0;
- if ($tasPk != 'null')
- {
- $turnpoints = '3';
- if ($tasType == 'free')
- {
- $turnpoints = '0';
- }
- exec(BINDIR . "optimise_flight.pl $maxPk $tasPk $turnpoints", $out, $retv);
- }
- else
- {
- if ($comType == 'Free')
- {
- $turnpoints = '0';
- exec(BINDIR . "optimise_flight.pl $maxPk 0 $turnpoints", $out, $retv);
- }
- else
- {
- echo "optimise_flight.pl $maxPk<br>";
- exec(BINDIR . "optimise_flight.pl $maxPk", $out, $retv);
- }
- }
- if ($retv)
- {
- echo "<b>Failed to optimise your track correctly.</b><br>\n";
- echo "Contact $contact if this was a valid track.<br>\n";
- foreach ($out as $txt)
- {
- echo "$txt<br>\n";
- }
- echo "</div></body></html>\n";
- exit(0);
- }
- $glider = addslashes($_REQUEST['glider']);
- $dhv = addslashes($_REQUEST['dhv']);
- $query = "update tblTrack set traGlider='$glider', traDHV='$dhv' where traPk=$maxPk";
- $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Update tblTrack failed: ' . mysql_error());
- if ($tasPk != 'null')
- {
- if ($tasType == 'speedrun' || $tasType == 'race' || $tasType =='speedrun-interval')
- {
- task_score($maxPk);
- }
- elseif ($tasType == 'airgain')
- {
- exec(BINDIR . "airgain_verify.pl $maxPk $comid $tasPk", $out, $retv);
- }
- }
- return $maxPk;
- }
- echo "<form enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" action=\"submit_track.php?comPk=$comPk\" method=\"post\">";
- echo '
- <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000000">
- ';
- $igcarr = array();
- if ($offerall)
- {
- $comps = array();
- $query = "select * from tblCompetition where curdate() < date_add(comDateTo, interval 3 day)";
- $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
- while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
- {
- $comName = $row['comName'];
- $compid = $row['comPk'];
- $comps[$comName] = $compid;
- }
- $igcarr[] = array('Competition', fselect('comid', $comPk, $comps));
- }
- else
- {
- echo("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"comid\" value=\"$comPk\">");
- }
- if ($comType == 'Route')
- {
- $query = "select * from tblTask where comPk=$comPk";
- $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Route query failed: ' . mysql_error());
- $routes = array();
- while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
- {
- $routes[] = $row['tasName'];
- }
- //echo '</td><td>';
- $igcarr[] = array('Route', fselect('route', $comPk, $routes));
- }
- $igcarr[] = array('Send IGC file', "<input name=\"userfile\" type=\"file\">");
- $igcarr[] = array('HGFA Number', "<input name=\"hgfanum\" type=\"text\">");
- $igcarr[] = array('Last Name', "<input name=\"lastname\" type=\"text\">");
- if ($comClass == 'PG')
- {
- $classarr = fselect('dhv', 'competition', array('novice' => '1', 'fun' => '1/2', 'sports' => '2', 'serial' => '2/3', 'competition' => 'competition' ));
- }
- elseif ($comClass == 'HG')
- {
- $classarr = fselect('dhv', 'open', array('floater' => 'floater', 'kingpost' => 'kingpost', 'open' => 'open', 'rigid' => 'rigid' ));
- }
- else
- {
- $classarr = fselect('dhv', '2', array('pg-novice' => '1', 'pg-fun' => '1/2', 'pg-sport' => '2', 'pg-serial' => '2/3', 'pg-comp' => 'competition', 'hg-floater' => 'floater', 'hg-kingpost' => 'kingpost', 'hg-open' => 'open', 'hg-rigid' => 'rigid' ));
- }
- $igcarr[] = array('Glider', '<input name="glider" type="text">', $classarr);
- echo ftable($igcarr, '', '', '');
- echo '<br><center><input type="submit" name="foo" value="Send Tracklog"></center>';
- if ($embed == '')
- {
- echo "</div>";
- echo "<div id=\"sideBar\">";
- echo "<h1>GPS Downloaders</h1>";
- $gpsarr = array(
- "<a href=\"http://www.gethome.no/stein.sorensen/body_gpsdump.htm\">GPSDump</a>",
- "<a href=\"http://flighttrack.sourceforge.net/\">FlightTrack (MacOS X)</a>",
- "<a href=\"http://www.gpsbabel.org/\">GPS Babel</a>",
- "<b><a href=\"http://www.freethinker.com/iphone/livetrack24/index.html\">Livetrack 24 (*iOS*)</a></b>",
- );
- echo fnl($gpsarr);
- hcopencomps($link);
- hcclosedcomps($link);
- echo "</div>";
- hcimage($link,$comPk);
- hcfooter();
- echo "</div>";
- }
- else
- {
- echo "</div>";
- }
- mysql_close($link);
- echo "</body></html>\n";
- ?>