C | 449 lines | 290 code | 96 blank | 63 comment | 9 complexity | ced97c556fa51b5865f94d22b0bb9a09 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): LGPL-2.1
- /*
- * This file is part of XForms.
- *
- * XForms is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * XForms is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with XForms; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
- * MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- /*
- * Demo showing the use of a free obejct
- *
- * This file is part of xforms package
- * T.C. Zhao and M. Overmars
- *
- */
- #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
- #include "config.h"
- #endif
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "include/forms.h"
- /**** Forms and Objects ****/
- typedef struct {
- FL_FORM * drawfree;
- void * vdata;
- char * cdata;
- long ldata;
- FL_OBJECT * freeobj;
- FL_OBJECT * figgrp;
- FL_OBJECT * colgrp;
- FL_OBJECT * colorobj;
- FL_OBJECT * rsli;
- FL_OBJECT * gsli;
- FL_OBJECT * bsli;
- FL_OBJECT * miscgrp;
- FL_OBJECT * sizegrp;
- FL_OBJECT * hsli;
- FL_OBJECT * wsli;
- FL_OBJECT * drobj[ 3 ];
- } FD_drawfree;
- extern FD_drawfree * create_form_drawfree( void );
- static FD_drawfree * drawui;
- extern void draw_initialize( FD_drawfree * );
- static int max_w = 150,
- max_h = 150;
- static Display *dpy;
- /***************************************
- ***************************************/
- int
- main( int argc,
- char * argv[ ] )
- {
- dpy = fl_initialize( &argc, argv, "FormDemo", 0, 0 );
- drawui = create_form_drawfree( );
- fl_set_object_color( drawui->colorobj, FL_FREE_COL1, FL_FREE_COL1 );
- draw_initialize( drawui );
- fl_show_form( drawui->drawfree, FL_PLACE_CENTER | FL_FREE_SIZE,
- FL_FULLBORDER, "FreeObject" );
- fl_do_forms( );
- fl_free( drawui );
- fl_finish( );
- return 0;
- }
- /* Structure mantainace */
- typedef void ( *DrawFunc )( int, int, int, int, int, unsigned long );
- /***************************************
- ***************************************/
- void
- draw_triangle( int fill,
- int x,
- int y,
- int w,
- int h,
- unsigned long col )
- {
- XPoint xpoint[ 4 ];
- GC gc = fl_state[ fl_vmode ].gc[ 0 ];
- Window win = fl_winget( );
- xpoint[ 0 ].x = x;
- xpoint[ 1 ].x = x + w / 2;
- xpoint[ 2 ].x = x + w - 1;
- xpoint[ 0 ].y = y + h - 1;
- xpoint[ 1 ].y = y;
- xpoint[ 2 ].y = y + h - 1;
- XSetForeground( dpy, gc, fl_get_pixel( col ) );
- if ( fill )
- XFillPolygon( dpy, win, gc, xpoint, 3, Nonconvex, Unsorted );
- else
- {
- xpoint[ 3 ].x = xpoint[ 0 ].x;
- xpoint[ 3 ].y = xpoint[ 0 ].y;
- XDrawLines( dpy, win, gc, xpoint, 4, CoordModeOrigin );
- }
- }
- static DrawFunc drawfunc[ ] = { fl_oval,
- fl_rectangle,
- draw_triangle
- };
- typedef struct
- {
- DrawFunc drawit;
- int x,
- y,
- w,
- h,
- fill,
- c[ 3 ];
- int newfig;
- FL_COLOR col;
- } DrawFigure;
- static DrawFigure saved_figure[ 800 ],
- *cur_fig;
- /***************************************
- ***************************************/
- void draw_initialize( FD_drawfree * ui )
- {
- fl_set_form_minsize( ui->drawfree, 530, 490);
- fl_set_object_gravity( ui->colgrp, WestGravity, WestGravity );
- fl_set_object_gravity( ui->sizegrp, SouthWestGravity, SouthWestGravity );
- fl_set_object_gravity( ui->figgrp, NorthWestGravity, NorthWestGravity );
- fl_set_object_gravity( ui->miscgrp, SouthGravity, SouthGravity );
- fl_set_object_resize( ui->miscgrp, FL_RESIZE_NONE );
- cur_fig = saved_figure;
- cur_fig->c[ 0 ] = cur_fig->c[ 1 ] = cur_fig->c[ 2 ] = 127,
- cur_fig->w = cur_fig->h = 30;
- cur_fig->drawit = fl_oval;
- cur_fig->fill = 1;
- cur_fig->col = FL_FREE_COL1 + 1;
- fl_mapcolor( FL_FREE_COL1,
- cur_fig->c[ 0 ], cur_fig->c[ 1 ], cur_fig->c[ 2 ] );
- fl_mapcolor( cur_fig->col,
- cur_fig->c[ 0 ], cur_fig->c[ 1 ], cur_fig->c[ 2 ] );
- fl_set_slider_bounds( ui->wsli, 1, max_w );
- fl_set_slider_bounds( ui->hsli, 1, max_h );
- fl_set_slider_precision( ui->wsli, 0 );
- fl_set_slider_precision( ui->hsli, 0 );
- fl_set_slider_value( ui->wsli, cur_fig->w );
- fl_set_slider_value( ui->hsli, cur_fig->h );
- /* color sliders */
- fl_set_slider_bounds( ui->rsli, 1.0, 0 );
- fl_set_slider_bounds( ui->gsli, 1.0, 0 );
- fl_set_slider_bounds( ui->bsli, 1.0, 0 );
- /* intial drawing function */
- fl_set_button( ui->drobj[ 0 ], 1 );
- /* Setup the color slider so we can find out colorobject from
- the callback funtions. This is not necessary as drawui
- is static, this is done to show how to access other objects
- from an object callback function */
- ui->rsli->u_vdata = ui;
- ui->gsli->u_vdata = ui;
- ui->bsli->u_vdata = ui;
- }
- /***************************************
- ***************************************/
- void
- switch_object( FL_OBJECT * ob FL_UNUSED_ARG,
- long which )
- {
- cur_fig->drawit = drawfunc[ which ];
- }
- /***************************************
- ***************************************/
- void
- change_color( FL_OBJECT * ob,
- long which )
- {
- cur_fig->c[ which ] = fl_get_slider_value(ob) * 255.01;
- fl_mapcolor( cur_fig->col,
- cur_fig->c[ 0 ], cur_fig->c[ 1 ], cur_fig->c[ 2 ] );
- fl_mapcolor( FL_FREE_COL1,
- cur_fig->c[ 0 ], cur_fig->c[ 1 ], cur_fig->c[ 2 ] );
- fl_redraw_object( ( ( FD_drawfree * ) ob->u_vdata )->colorobj );
- }
- /***************************************
- ***************************************/
- void
- fill_cb( FL_OBJECT * ob,
- long notused FL_UNUSED_ARG )
- {
- cur_fig->fill = !fl_get_button( ob );
- }
- /***************************************
- ***************************************/
- void
- change_size( FL_OBJECT * ob,
- long which )
- {
- if ( which == 0 )
- cur_fig->w = fl_get_slider_value( ob );
- else
- cur_fig->h = fl_get_slider_value( ob );
- }
- /***************************************
- ***************************************/
- void
- refresh_cb( FL_OBJECT * ob FL_UNUSED_ARG,
- long which FL_UNUSED_ARG )
- {
- fl_redraw_object( drawui->freeobj );
- }
- /***************************************
- ***************************************/
- void
- clear_cb( FL_OBJECT * ob FL_UNUSED_ARG,
- long notused FL_UNUSED_ARG )
- {
- saved_figure[ 0 ] = *cur_fig;
- cur_fig = saved_figure;
- fl_redraw_object( drawui->freeobj );
- }
- /***************************************
- * The routine that does drawing
- ***************************************/
- int
- freeobject_handler( FL_OBJECT * ob,
- int event,
- FL_Coord mx,
- FL_Coord my,
- int key,
- void * xev FL_UNUSED_ARG )
- {
- DrawFigure *dr;
- switch ( event )
- {
- case FL_DRAW:
- if ( cur_fig->newfig == 1 )
- {
- cur_fig->drawit( cur_fig->fill,
- cur_fig->x + ob->x,
- cur_fig->y + ob->y,
- cur_fig->w, cur_fig->h, cur_fig->col );
- }
- else
- {
- fl_draw_box( ob->boxtype, ob->x, ob->y, ob->w,
- ob->h, ob->col1, ob->bw );
- for ( dr = saved_figure; dr < cur_fig; dr++ )
- {
- dr->drawit( dr->fill, dr->x + ob->x,
- dr->y + ob->y,
- dr->w, dr->h, dr->col);
- }
- }
- cur_fig->newfig = 0;
- break;
- case FL_PUSH:
- if ( key != 2 )
- {
- cur_fig->x = mx - cur_fig->w / 2;
- cur_fig->y = my - cur_fig->h / 2;
- /* convert position to relative to the free object */
- cur_fig->x -= ob->x;
- cur_fig->y -= ob->y;
- cur_fig->newfig = 1;
- fl_redraw_object( ob );
- *(cur_fig+1) = *cur_fig;
- fl_mapcolor( cur_fig->col + 1, cur_fig->c[ 0 ],
- cur_fig->c[ 1 ], cur_fig->c[ 2 ] );
- cur_fig++;
- cur_fig->col++;
- }
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /***************************************
- ***************************************/
- FD_drawfree *
- create_form_drawfree( void )
- {
- FL_OBJECT *obj;
- FD_drawfree *fdui = fl_calloc(1, sizeof *fdui );
- fdui->drawfree = fl_bgn_form( FL_NO_BOX, 530, 490 );
- fl_add_box( FL_UP_BOX, 0, 0, 530, 490, "" );
- obj = fl_add_frame( FL_DOWN_FRAME, 145, 30, 370, 405, "" );
- fl_set_object_gravity( obj, FL_NorthWest, FL_SouthEast );
- fdui->freeobj = obj = fl_add_free( FL_NORMAL_FREE, 145, 30, 370, 405,"",
- freeobject_handler );
- fl_set_object_gravity( obj, FL_NorthWest, FL_SouthEast );
- obj = fl_add_checkbutton( FL_PUSH_BUTTON, 15, 25, 100, 35, "Outline" );
- fl_set_object_color( obj, FL_MCOL,FL_BLUE );
- fl_set_object_gravity( obj, FL_NorthWest, FL_NorthWest );
- fl_set_object_callback( obj, fill_cb, 0 );
- fdui->figgrp = fl_bgn_group( );
- fdui->drobj[ 0 ] = obj = fl_add_button( FL_RADIO_BUTTON, 10, 60, 40, 40,
- "@#circle" );
- fl_set_object_lcolor( obj, FL_YELLOW );
- fl_set_object_callback( obj, switch_object, 0 );
- fdui->drobj[ 1 ] = obj = fl_add_button( FL_RADIO_BUTTON, 50, 60, 40, 40,
- "@#square" );
- fl_set_object_lcolor( obj, FL_YELLOW );
- fl_set_object_callback( obj, switch_object, 1 );
- fdui->drobj[ 2 ] = obj = fl_add_button( FL_RADIO_BUTTON, 90, 60, 40, 40,
- "@#8>" );
- fl_set_object_lcolor( obj, FL_YELLOW );
- fl_set_object_callback( obj, switch_object, 2 );
- fl_end_group( );
- fdui->colgrp = fl_bgn_group();
- fdui->colorobj = fl_add_box( FL_BORDER_BOX, 25, 140, 90, 25, "" );
- fdui->rsli = obj = fl_add_slider( FL_VERT_FILL_SLIDER, 25, 170, 30, 125,
- "" );
- fl_set_object_color( obj, FL_COL1, FL_RED );
- fl_set_object_callback( obj, change_color, 0 );
- fl_set_slider_return( obj, FL_RETURN_CHANGED );
- fdui->gsli = obj = fl_add_slider( FL_VERT_FILL_SLIDER, 55, 170, 30, 125,
- "" );
- fl_set_object_color( obj, FL_COL1, FL_GREEN );
- fl_set_object_callback( obj, change_color, 1 );
- fl_set_slider_return( obj, FL_RETURN_CHANGED );
- fdui->bsli = obj = fl_add_slider( FL_VERT_FILL_SLIDER, 85, 170, 30, 125,
- "" );
- fl_set_object_color( obj, FL_COL1, FL_BLUE );
- fl_set_object_callback( obj, change_color, 2 );
- fl_set_slider_return( obj, FL_RETURN_CHANGED );
- fl_end_group( );
- fdui->miscgrp = fl_bgn_group( );
- obj = fl_add_button( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 420, 455, 105, 30, "Quit");
- fl_set_button_shortcut( obj,"Qq#q", 1 );
- obj = fl_add_button( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 280, 445, 105, 30, "Refresh" );
- fl_set_object_callback( obj, refresh_cb, 0 );
- obj = fl_add_button( FL_NORMAL_BUTTON, 165, 445, 105, 30, "Clear" );
- fl_set_object_callback( obj, clear_cb, 0 );
- fl_end_group( );
- fdui->sizegrp = fl_bgn_group( );
- fdui->hsli = obj = fl_add_valslider( FL_HOR_SLIDER, 15, 410, 120, 25,
- "Height" );
- fl_set_object_lalign( obj, FL_ALIGN_TOP );
- fl_set_object_callback( obj, change_size, 1 );
- fl_set_slider_return( obj, FL_RETURN_CHANGED );
- fdui->wsli = obj = fl_add_valslider( FL_HOR_SLIDER, 15, 370, 120, 25,
- "Width" );
- fl_set_object_lalign( obj, FL_ALIGN_TOP );
- fl_set_object_callback( obj, change_size, 0 );
- fl_set_slider_return( obj, FL_RETURN_CHANGED );
- fl_end_group( );
- fl_end_form( );
- return fdui;
- }
- /*
- * Local variables:
- * tab-width: 4
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * End:
- */