PHP | 1827 lines | 1470 code | 175 blank | 182 comment | 478 complexity | 9d3980a3d8333e51f61f9fd64e0df06d MD5 | raw file
Large files are truncated, but you can click here to view the full file
- <?php
- define("EW_PAGE_ID", "list", TRUE); // Page ID
- define("EW_TABLE_NAME", 'osj-categories', TRUE);
- ?>
- <?php
- session_start(); // Initialize session data
- ob_start(); // Turn on output buffering
- ?>
- <?php include "osj-ewcfg50.php" ?>
- <?php include "osj-ewmysql50.php" ?>
- <?php include "osj-phpfn50.php" ?>
- <?php include "osj-osj2dcategoriesinfo.php" ?>
- <?php include "osj-userfn50.php" ?>
- <?php include "osj-osj2dusersinfo.php" ?>
- <?php
- header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); // Date in the past
- header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); // Always modified
- header("Cache-Control: private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); // HTTP/1.1
- header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
- header("Pragma: no-cache"); // HTTP/1.0
- ?>
- <?php
- // Open connection to the database
- $conn = ew_Connect();
- ?>
- <?php
- $Security = new cAdvancedSecurity();
- ?>
- <?php
- if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) $Security->AutoLogin();
- $Security->LoadCurrentUserLevel('osj-categories');
- if (!$Security->IsLoggedIn()) {
- $Security->SaveLastUrl();
- Page_Terminate("osj-login.php");
- }
- if (!$Security->CanList()) {
- $Security->SaveLastUrl();
- Page_Terminate("osj-login.php");
- }
- ?>
- <?php
- // Common page loading event (in userfn*.php)
- Page_Loading();
- ?>
- <?php
- // Page load event, used in current page
- Page_Load();
- ?>
- <?php
- $osj2Dcategories->Export = @$_GET["export"]; // Get export parameter
- $sExport = $osj2Dcategories->Export; // Get export parameter, used in header
- $sExportFile = $osj2Dcategories->TableVar; // Get export file, used in header
- ?>
- <?php
- if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "html") {
- // Printer friendly, no action required
- }
- if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "xml") {
- header('Content-Type: text/xml');
- header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $sExportFile .'.xml');
- }
- if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "csv") {
- header('Content-Type: application/csv');
- header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $sExportFile .'.csv');
- }
- ?>
- <?php
- // Paging variables
- $nStartRec = 0; // Start record index
- $nStopRec = 0; // Stop record index
- $nTotalRecs = 0; // Total number of records
- $nDisplayRecs = 10;
- $nRecRange = 10;
- $nRecCount = 0; // Record count
- // Search filters
- $sSrchAdvanced = ""; // Advanced search filter
- $sSrchBasic = ""; // Basic search filter
- $sSrchWhere = ""; // Search where clause
- $sFilter = "";
- // Master/Detail
- $sDbMasterFilter = ""; // Master filter
- $sDbDetailFilter = ""; // Detail filter
- $sSqlMaster = ""; // Sql for master record
- // Set up records per page dynamically
- SetUpDisplayRecs();
- // Handle reset command
- ResetCmd();
- // Check QueryString parameters
- if (@$_GET["a"] <> "") {
- $osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction = $_GET["a"];
- // Clear inline mode
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "cancel") {
- ClearInlineMode();
- }
- // Switch to grid edit mode
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "gridedit") {
- GridEditMode();
- }
- // Switch to inline edit mode
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "edit") {
- InlineEditMode();
- }
- // Switch to inline add mode
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "add" || $osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "copy") {
- InlineAddMode();
- }
- } else {
- // Create form object
- $objForm = new cFormObj;
- if (@$_POST["a_list"] <> "") {
- $osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction = $_POST["a_list"]; // Get action
- // Grid Update
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "gridupdate" && @$_SESSION[EW_SESSION_INLINE_MODE] == "gridedit") {
- GridUpdate();
- }
- // Inline Update
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "update" && @$_SESSION[EW_SESSION_INLINE_MODE] == "edit") {
- InlineUpdate();
- }
- // Insert Inline
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "insert" && @$_SESSION[EW_SESSION_INLINE_MODE] == "add") {
- InlineInsert();
- }
- }
- }
- // Get search criteria for advanced search
- $sSrchAdvanced = AdvancedSearchWhere();
- // Get basic search criteria
- $sSrchBasic = BasicSearchWhere();
- // Build search criteria
- if ($sSrchAdvanced <> "") {
- if ($sSrchWhere <> "") $sSrchWhere .= " AND ";
- $sSrchWhere .= "(" . $sSrchAdvanced . ")";
- }
- if ($sSrchBasic <> "") {
- if ($sSrchWhere <> "") $sSrchWhere .= " AND ";
- $sSrchWhere .= "(" . $sSrchBasic . ")";
- }
- // Save search criteria
- if ($sSrchWhere <> "") {
- if ($sSrchBasic == "") ResetBasicSearchParms();
- if ($sSrchAdvanced == "") ResetAdvancedSearchParms();
- $osj2Dcategories->setSearchWhere($sSrchWhere); // Save to Session
- $nStartRec = 1; // Reset start record counter
- $osj2Dcategories->setStartRecordNumber($nStartRec);
- } else {
- RestoreSearchParms();
- }
- // Build filter
- $sFilter = "";
- if (!$Security->CanList()) {
- $sFilter = "(0=1)"; // Filter all records
- }
- if ($sDbDetailFilter <> "") {
- if ($sFilter <> "") $sFilter .= " AND ";
- $sFilter .= "(" . $sDbDetailFilter . ")";
- }
- if ($sSrchWhere <> "") {
- if ($sFilter <> "") $sFilter .= " AND ";
- $sFilter .= "(" . $sSrchWhere . ")";
- }
- // Set up filter in Session
- $osj2Dcategories->setSessionWhere($sFilter);
- $osj2Dcategories->CurrentFilter = "";
- // Set Up Sorting Order
- SetUpSortOrder();
- // Export data only
- if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "xml" || $osj2Dcategories->Export == "csv") {
- ExportData();
- Page_Terminate(); // Terminate response
- }
- // Set Return Url
- $osj2Dcategories->setReturnUrl("osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php");
- ?>
- <?php include "osj-header.php" ?>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "") { ?>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- var EW_PAGE_ID = "list"; // Page id
- var EW_SHOW_HIGHLIGHT = "Show highlight";
- var EW_HIDE_HIGHLIGHT = "Hide highlight";
- //-->
- </script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- function ew_ValidateForm(fobj) {
- if (fobj.a_confirm && fobj.a_confirm.value == "F")
- return true;
- var i, elm, aelm, infix;
- var rowcnt = (fobj.key_count) ? Number(fobj.key_count.value) : 1;
- for (i=0; i<rowcnt; i++) {
- infix = (fobj.key_count) ? String(i+1) : "";
- elm = fobj.elements["x" + infix + "_category_id"];
- if (elm && !ew_HasValue(elm)) {
- if (!ew_OnError(elm, "Please enter required field - category id"))
- return false;
- }
- elm = fobj.elements["x" + infix + "_category_id"];
- if (elm && !ew_CheckInteger(elm.value)) {
- if (!ew_OnError(elm, "Incorrect integer - category id"))
- return false;
- }
- elm = fobj.elements["x" + infix + "_category_name"];
- if (elm && !ew_HasValue(elm)) {
- if (!ew_OnError(elm, "Please enter required field - Category Name"))
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- //-->
- </script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- var firstrowoffset = 1; // First data row start at
- var lastrowoffset = 0; // Last data row end at
- var EW_LIST_TABLE_NAME = 'ewlistmain'; // Table name for list page
- var rowclass = 'ewTableRow'; // Row class
- var rowaltclass = 'ewTableAltRow'; // Row alternate class
- var rowmoverclass = 'ewTableHighlightRow'; // Row mouse over class
- var rowselectedclass = 'ewTableSelectRow'; // Row selected class
- var roweditclass = 'ewTableEditRow'; // Row edit class
- //-->
- </script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- var ew_DHTMLEditors = [];
- //-->
- </script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- // js for Popup Calendar
- //-->
- </script>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- function ew_SelectKey(elem) {
- var f = elem.form;
- if (!f.elements["key_m[]"]) return;
- if (f.elements["key_m[]"][0]) {
- for (var i=0; i<f.elements["key_m[]"].length; i++)
- f.elements["key_m[]"][i].checked = elem.checked;
- } else {
- f.elements["key_m[]"].checked = elem.checked;
- }
- ew_ClickAll(elem);
- }
- function ew_Selected(f) {
- if (!f.elements["key_m[]"]) return false;
- if (f.elements["key_m[]"][0]) {
- for (var i=0; i<f.elements["key_m[]"].length; i++)
- if (f.elements["key_m[]"][i].checked) return true;
- } else {
- return f.elements["key_m[]"].checked;
- }
- return false;
- }
- //-->
- </script>
- <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- // Write your client script here, no need to add script tags.
- // To include another .js script, use:
- // ew_ClientScriptInclude("my_javascript.js");
- //-->
- </script>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "") { ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php
- // Load recordset
- $bExportAll = (defined("EW_EXPORT_ALL") && $osj2Dcategories->Export <> "");
- $bSelectLimit = ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "" && $osj2Dcategories->SelectLimit);
- if (!$bSelectLimit) $rs = LoadRecordset();
- $nTotalRecs = ($bSelectLimit) ? $osj2Dcategories->SelectRecordCount() : $rs->RecordCount();
- $nStartRec = 1;
- if ($nDisplayRecs <= 0) $nDisplayRecs = $nTotalRecs; // Display all records
- if (!$bExportAll) SetUpStartRec(); // Set up start record position
- if ($bSelectLimit) $rs = LoadRecordset($nStartRec-1, $nDisplayRecs);
- ?>
- <p><span class="phpmaker" style="white-space: nowrap;">TABLE: Categories
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "") { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?export=html">Printer Friendly</a>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?export=xml">Export to XML</a>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?export=csv">Export to CSV</a>
- <?php } ?>
- </span></p>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "") { ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanSearch()) { ?>
- <form name="fosj2Dcategorieslistsrch" id="fosj2Dcategorieslistsrch" action="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php" >
- <table class="ewBasicSearch">
- <tr>
- <td><span class="phpmaker">
- <input type="text" name="<?php echo EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH ?>" id="<?php echo EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH ?>" size="20" value="<?php echo ew_HtmlEncode($osj2Dcategories->getBasicSearchKeyword()) ?>">
- <input type="Submit" name="Submit" id="Submit" value="Search (*)">
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?cmd=reset">Show all</a>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategoriessrch.php">Advanced Search</a>
- <?php if ($sSrchWhere <> "" && $nTotalRecs > 0) { ?>
- <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="ew_ToggleHighlight(this);">Hide highlight</a>
- <?php } ?>
- </span></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><span class="phpmaker"><input type="radio" name="<?php echo EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH_TYPE ?>" id="<?php echo EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH_TYPE ?>" value="" <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->getBasicSearchType() == "") { ?>checked<?php } ?>>Exact phrase <input type="radio" name="<?php echo EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH_TYPE ?>" id="<?php echo EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH_TYPE ?>" value="AND" <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->getBasicSearchType() == "AND") { ?>checked<?php } ?>>All words <input type="radio" name="<?php echo EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH_TYPE ?>" id="<?php echo EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH_TYPE ?>" value="OR" <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->getBasicSearchType() == "OR") { ?>checked<?php } ?>>Any word</span></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php
- ?>
- <p><span class="ewmsg"><?php echo $_SESSION[EW_SESSION_MESSAGE] ?></span></p>
- <?php
- $_SESSION[EW_SESSION_MESSAGE] = ""; // Clear message
- }
- ?>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "") { ?>
- <form action="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php" name="ewpagerform" id="ewpagerform">
- <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr>
- <td nowrap>
- <span class="phpmaker">
- <?php if (!isset($Pager)) $Pager = new cNumericPager($nStartRec, $nDisplayRecs, $nTotalRecs, $nRecRange) ?>
- <?php if ($Pager->RecordCount > 0) { ?>
- <?php if ($Pager->FirstButton->Enabled) { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?start=<?php echo $Pager->FirstButton->Start ?>"><b>First</b></a>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($Pager->PrevButton->Enabled) { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?start=<?php echo $Pager->PrevButton->Start ?>"><b>Previous</b></a>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php foreach ($Pager->Items as $PagerItem) { ?>
- <?php if ($PagerItem->Enabled) { ?><a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?start=<?php echo $PagerItem->Start ?>"><?php } ?><b><?php echo $PagerItem->Text ?></b><?php if ($PagerItem->Enabled) { ?></a><?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($Pager->NextButton->Enabled) { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?start=<?php echo $Pager->NextButton->Start ?>"><b>Next</b></a>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($Pager->LastButton->Enabled) { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?start=<?php echo $Pager->LastButton->Start ?>"><b>Last</b></a>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($Pager->ButtonCount > 0) { ?><br><?php } ?>
- Records <?php echo $Pager->FromIndex ?> to <?php echo $Pager->ToIndex ?> of <?php echo $Pager->RecordCount ?>
- <?php } else { ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanList()) { ?>
- <?php if ($sSrchWhere == "0=101") { ?>
- Please enter search criteria
- <?php } else { ?>
- No records found
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } else { ?>
- You do not have the right permission to view the page
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- </span>
- </td>
- <?php if ($nTotalRecs > 0) { ?>
- <td nowrap> </td>
- <td align="right" valign="top" nowrap><span class="phpmaker">Records Per Page
- <select name="<?php echo EW_TABLE_REC_PER_PAGE ?>" id="<?php echo EW_TABLE_REC_PER_PAGE ?>" onChange="this.form.submit();" class="phpmaker">
- <option value="10"<?php if ($nDisplayRecs == 10) echo " selected" ?>>10</option>
- <option value="20"<?php if ($nDisplayRecs == 20) echo " selected" ?>>20</option>
- <option value="50"<?php if ($nDisplayRecs == 50) echo " selected" ?>>50</option>
- </select>
- </span></td>
- <?php } ?>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- <?php } ?>
- <form name="fosj2Dcategorieslist" id="fosj2Dcategorieslist" action="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php" method="post">
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "") { ?>
- <table>
- <tr><td><span class="phpmaker">
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction <> "gridedit") { // Not grid edit mode ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanAdd()) { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategoriesadd.php">Add</a>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?a=add">Inline Add</a>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($nTotalRecs > 0) { ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanDelete()) { ?>
- <a href="" onClick="if (!ew_Selected(document.fosj2Dcategorieslist)) alert('No records selected'); else {document.fosj2Dcategorieslist.action='osj-osj2dcategoriesdelete.php';document.fosj2Dcategorieslist.encoding='application/x-www-form-urlencoded';document.fosj2Dcategorieslist.submit();};return false;">Delete Selected Records</a>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanEdit()) { ?>
- <?php if ($nTotalRecs > 0) { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?a=gridedit">Grid Edit</a>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } else { // Grid edit mode ?>
- <a href="" onClick="if (ew_ValidateForm(document.fosj2Dcategorieslist)) document.fosj2Dcategorieslist.submit();return false;">Save</a>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?a=cancel">Cancel</a>
- <?php } ?>
- </span></td></tr>
- </table>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($nTotalRecs > 0 || $osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "add" || $osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "copy") { ?>
- <table id="ewlistmain" class="ewTable">
- <?php
- $OptionCnt = 0;
- if ($Security->CanEdit()) {
- $OptionCnt++; // edit
- }
- if ($Security->CanDelete()) {
- $OptionCnt++; // multi select
- }
- ?>
- <!-- Table header -->
- <tr class="ewTableHeader">
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "") { ?>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction <> "gridedit") { ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanEdit()) { ?>
- <td nowrap> </td>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanAdd()) { ?>
- <?php if ($OptionCnt == 0 && $osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "add") { ?>
- <td nowrap> </td>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanDelete()) { ?>
- <td nowrap><input type="checkbox" class="phpmaker" onClick="ew_SelectKey(this);"></td>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <td valign="top">
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export <> "") { ?>
- category id
- <?php } else { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?order=<?php echo urlencode('category_id') ?>&ordertype=<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->category_id->ReverseSort() ?>">category id<?php if ($osj2Dcategories->category_id->getSort() == "ASC") { ?><img src="images/sortup.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><?php } elseif ($osj2Dcategories->category_id->getSort() == "DESC") { ?><img src="images/sortdown.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><?php } ?></a>
- <?php } ?>
- </td>
- <td valign="top">
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export <> "") { ?>
- parent id
- <?php } else { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?order=<?php echo urlencode('parent_id') ?>&ordertype=<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->parent_id->ReverseSort() ?>">parent id<?php if ($osj2Dcategories->parent_id->getSort() == "ASC") { ?><img src="images/sortup.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><?php } elseif ($osj2Dcategories->parent_id->getSort() == "DESC") { ?><img src="images/sortdown.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><?php } ?></a>
- <?php } ?>
- </td>
- <td valign="top">
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export <> "") { ?>
- Category Name
- <?php } else { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?order=<?php echo urlencode('category_name') ?>&ordertype=<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->category_name->ReverseSort() ?>">Category Name (*)<?php if ($osj2Dcategories->category_name->getSort() == "ASC") { ?><img src="images/sortup.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><?php } elseif ($osj2Dcategories->category_name->getSort() == "DESC") { ?><img src="images/sortdown.gif" width="10" height="9" border="0"><?php } ?></a>
- <?php } ?>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "add" || $osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "copy") {
- $RowIndex = 1;
- if ($osj2Dcategories->EventCancelled) { // Insert failed
- RestoreFormValues(); // Restore form values
- }
- // Init row class and style
- $osj2Dcategories->CssClass = "ewTableEditRow"; // edit
- $osj2Dcategories->CssStyle = "";
- // Init row event
- $osj2Dcategories->RowClientEvents = "onmouseover='ew_MouseOver(this);' onmouseout='ew_MouseOut(this);' onclick='ew_Click(this);'";
- // Render add row
- $osj2Dcategories->RowType = EW_ROWTYPE_ADD;
- RenderRow();
- ?>
- <tr<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->DisplayAttributes() ?>>
- <td colspan="<?php echo $OptionCnt ?>" align="right"><span class="phpmaker">
- <a href="" onClick="if (ew_ValidateForm(document.fosj2Dcategorieslist)) document.fosj2Dcategorieslist.submit();return false;">Insert</a> <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?a=cancel">Cancel</a>
- <input type="hidden" name="a_list" id="a_list" value="insert">
- </span></td>
- <!-- category_id -->
- <td></td>
- <!-- parent_id -->
- <td>
- <select id="x<?php echo $RowIndex ?>_parent_id" name="x<?php echo $RowIndex ?>_parent_id"<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->parent_id->EditAttributes() ?>>
- <!--option value="">Please Select</option-->
- <?php
- if (is_array($osj2Dcategories->parent_id->EditValue)) {
- $arwrk = $osj2Dcategories->parent_id->EditValue;
- $rowswrk = count($arwrk);
- for ($rowcntwrk = 0; $rowcntwrk < $rowswrk; $rowcntwrk++) {
- $selwrk = (strval($osj2Dcategories->parent_id->CurrentValue) == strval($arwrk[$rowcntwrk][0])) ? " selected" : "";
- ?>
- <option value="<?php echo ew_HtmlEncode($arwrk[$rowcntwrk][0]) ?>"<?php echo $selwrk ?>>
- <?php echo $arwrk[$rowcntwrk][1] ?>
- </option>
- <?php
- }
- }
- ?>
- </select>
- </td>
- <!-- category_name -->
- <td>
- <input type="text" name="x<?php echo $RowIndex ?>_category_name" id="x<?php echo $RowIndex ?>_category_name" title="Category Name" size="30" maxlength="255" value="<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->category_name->EditValue ?>"<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->category_name->EditAttributes() ?>>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php
- }
- ?>
- <?php
- if (defined("EW_EXPORT_ALL") && $osj2Dcategories->Export <> "") {
- $nStopRec = $nTotalRecs;
- } else {
- $nStopRec = $nStartRec + $nDisplayRecs - 1; // Set the last record to display
- }
- $nRecCount = $nStartRec - 1;
- if (!$rs->EOF) {
- $rs->MoveFirst();
- if (!$osj2Dcategories->SelectLimit) $rs->Move($nStartRec - 1); // Move to first record directly
- }
- $RowCnt = 0;
- $nEditRowCnt = 0;
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "edit") $RowIndex = 1;
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "gridedit") $RowIndex = 0;
- while (!$rs->EOF && $nRecCount < $nStopRec) {
- $nRecCount++;
- if (intval($nRecCount) >= intval($nStartRec)) {
- $RowCnt++;
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "gridedit") $RowIndex++;
- // Init row class and style
- $osj2Dcategories->CssClass = "ewTableRow";
- $osj2Dcategories->CssStyle = "";
- // Init row event
- $osj2Dcategories->RowClientEvents = "onmouseover='ew_MouseOver(this);' onmouseout='ew_MouseOut(this);' onclick='ew_Click(this);'";
- // Display alternate color for rows
- if ($RowCnt % 2 == 0) {
- $osj2Dcategories->CssClass = "ewTableAltRow";
- }
- LoadRowValues($rs); // Load row values
- $osj2Dcategories->RowType = EW_ROWTYPE_VIEW; // Render view
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "edit") {
- if (CheckInlineEditKey() && $nEditRowCnt == 0) { // Inline edit
- $osj2Dcategories->RowType = EW_ROWTYPE_EDIT; // Render edit
- }
- }
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "gridedit") { // Grid edit
- $osj2Dcategories->RowType = EW_ROWTYPE_EDIT; // Render edit
- }
- if ($osj2Dcategories->RowType == EW_ROWTYPE_EDIT && $osj2Dcategories->EventCancelled) { // Update failed
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "edit") {
- RestoreFormValues(); // Restore form values
- }
- if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "gridedit") {
- RestoreCurrentRowFormValues(); // Restore form values
- }
- }
- if ($osj2Dcategories->RowType == EW_ROWTYPE_EDIT) { // Edit row
- $nEditRowCnt++;
- $osj2Dcategories->CssClass = "ewTableEditRow";
- $osj2Dcategories->RowClientEvents = "onmouseover='this.edit=true;ew_MouseOver(this);' onmouseout='ew_MouseOut(this);' onclick='ew_Click(this);'";
- }
- RenderRow();
- ?>
- <!-- Table body -->
- <tr<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->DisplayAttributes() ?>>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->RowType == EW_ROWTYPE_EDIT) { ?>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "edit") { ?>
- <td colspan="<?php echo $OptionCnt ?>" align="right"><span class="phpmaker">
- <a href="" onClick="if (ew_ValidateForm(document.fosj2Dcategorieslist)) document.fosj2Dcategorieslist.submit();return false;">Update</a> <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?a=cancel">Cancel</a>
- <input type="hidden" name="a_list" id="a_list" value="update">
- </span></td>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "gridedit") { ?>
- <input type="hidden" name="k<?php echo $RowIndex ?>_key" id="k<?php echo $RowIndex ?>_key" value="<?php echo ew_HtmlEncode($osj2Dcategories->category_id->CurrentValue) ?>">
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } else { ?>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "") { ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanEdit()) { ?>
- <td nowrap><span class="phpmaker">
- <a href="<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->EditUrl() ?>">Edit</a><span class="ewSeparator"> | </span><a href="<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->InlineEditUrl() ?>">Inline Edit</a>
- </span></td>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanAdd()) { ?>
- <?php if ($OptionCnt == 0 && $osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "add") { ?>
- <td nowrap> </td>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanDelete()) { ?>
- <td nowrap><span class="phpmaker">
- <input type="checkbox" name="key_m[]" id="key_m[]" value="<?php echo ew_HtmlEncode($osj2Dcategories->category_id->CurrentValue) ?>" class="phpmaker" onclick='ew_ClickMultiCheckbox(this);'>
- </span></td>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <!-- category_id -->
- <td<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->category_id->CellAttributes() ?>>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->RowType == EW_ROWTYPE_EDIT) { // Edit Record ?>
- <div<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->category_id->ViewAttributes() ?>><?php echo $osj2Dcategories->category_id->EditValue ?></div>
- <input type="hidden" name="x<?php echo $RowIndex ?>_category_id" id="x<?php echo $RowIndex ?>_category_id" value="<?php echo ew_HtmlEncode($osj2Dcategories->category_id->CurrentValue) ?>">
- <?php } else { ?>
- <div<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->category_id->ViewAttributes() ?>><?php echo $osj2Dcategories->category_id->ViewValue ?></div>
- <?php } ?>
- </td>
- <!-- parent_id -->
- <td<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->parent_id->CellAttributes() ?>>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->RowType == EW_ROWTYPE_EDIT) { // Edit Record ?>
- <select id="x<?php echo $RowIndex ?>_parent_id" name="x<?php echo $RowIndex ?>_parent_id"<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->parent_id->EditAttributes() ?>>
- <!--option value="">Please Select</option-->
- <?php
- if (is_array($osj2Dcategories->parent_id->EditValue)) {
- $arwrk = $osj2Dcategories->parent_id->EditValue;
- $rowswrk = count($arwrk);
- for ($rowcntwrk = 0; $rowcntwrk < $rowswrk; $rowcntwrk++) {
- $selwrk = (strval($osj2Dcategories->parent_id->CurrentValue) == strval($arwrk[$rowcntwrk][0])) ? " selected" : "";
- ?>
- <option value="<?php echo ew_HtmlEncode($arwrk[$rowcntwrk][0]) ?>"<?php echo $selwrk ?>>
- <?php echo $arwrk[$rowcntwrk][1] ?>
- </option>
- <?php
- }
- }
- ?>
- </select>
- <?php } else { ?>
- <div<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->parent_id->ViewAttributes() ?>><?php echo $osj2Dcategories->parent_id->ViewValue ?></div>
- <?php } ?>
- </td>
- <!-- category_name -->
- <td<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->category_name->CellAttributes() ?>>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->RowType == EW_ROWTYPE_EDIT) { // Edit Record ?>
- <input type="text" name="x<?php echo $RowIndex ?>_category_name" id="x<?php echo $RowIndex ?>_category_name" title="Category Name" size="30" maxlength="255" value="<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->category_name->EditValue ?>"<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->category_name->EditAttributes() ?>>
- <?php } else { ?>
- <div<?php echo $osj2Dcategories->category_name->ViewAttributes() ?>><?php echo $osj2Dcategories->category_name->ViewValue ?></div>
- <?php } ?>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->RowType == EW_ROWTYPE_EDIT) { ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php
- }
- $rs->MoveNext();
- }
- ?>
- </table>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "") { ?>
- <table>
- <tr><td><span class="phpmaker">
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction <> "gridedit") { // Not grid edit mode ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanAdd()) { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategoriesadd.php">Add</a>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?a=add">Inline Add</a>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($nTotalRecs > 0) { ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanDelete()) { ?>
- <a href="" onClick="if (!ew_Selected(document.fosj2Dcategorieslist)) alert('No records selected'); else {document.fosj2Dcategorieslist.action='osj-osj2dcategoriesdelete.php';document.fosj2Dcategorieslist.encoding='application/x-www-form-urlencoded';document.fosj2Dcategorieslist.submit();};return false;">Delete Selected Records</a>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanEdit()) { ?>
- <?php if ($nTotalRecs > 0) { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?a=gridedit">Grid Edit</a>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } else { // Grid edit mode ?>
- <a href="" onClick="if (ew_ValidateForm(document.fosj2Dcategorieslist)) document.fosj2Dcategorieslist.submit();return false;">Save</a>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?a=cancel">Cancel</a>
- <?php } ?>
- </span></td></tr>
- </table>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "add" || $osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "copy") { ?>
- <input type="hidden" name="key_count" id="key_count" value="<?php echo $RowIndex ?>">
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "edit") { ?>
- <input type="hidden" name="key_count" id="key_count" value="<?php echo $RowIndex ?>">
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction == "gridedit") { ?>
- <input type="hidden" name="a_list" id="a_list" value="gridupdate">
- <input type="hidden" name="key_count" id="key_count" value="<?php echo $RowIndex ?>">
- <?php } ?>
- </form>
- <?php
- // Close recordset and connection
- if ($rs) $rs->Close();
- ?>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "") { ?>
- <form action="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php" name="ewpagerform" id="ewpagerform">
- <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr>
- <td nowrap>
- <span class="phpmaker">
- <?php if (!isset($Pager)) $Pager = new cNumericPager($nStartRec, $nDisplayRecs, $nTotalRecs, $nRecRange) ?>
- <?php if ($Pager->RecordCount > 0) { ?>
- <?php if ($Pager->FirstButton->Enabled) { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?start=<?php echo $Pager->FirstButton->Start ?>"><b>First</b></a>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($Pager->PrevButton->Enabled) { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?start=<?php echo $Pager->PrevButton->Start ?>"><b>Previous</b></a>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php foreach ($Pager->Items as $PagerItem) { ?>
- <?php if ($PagerItem->Enabled) { ?><a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?start=<?php echo $PagerItem->Start ?>"><?php } ?><b><?php echo $PagerItem->Text ?></b><?php if ($PagerItem->Enabled) { ?></a><?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($Pager->NextButton->Enabled) { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?start=<?php echo $Pager->NextButton->Start ?>"><b>Next</b></a>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($Pager->LastButton->Enabled) { ?>
- <a href="osj-osj2dcategorieslist.php?start=<?php echo $Pager->LastButton->Start ?>"><b>Last</b></a>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($Pager->ButtonCount > 0) { ?><br><?php } ?>
- Records <?php echo $Pager->FromIndex ?> to <?php echo $Pager->ToIndex ?> of <?php echo $Pager->RecordCount ?>
- <?php } else { ?>
- <?php if ($Security->CanList()) { ?>
- <?php if ($sSrchWhere == "0=101") { ?>
- Please enter search criteria
- <?php } else { ?>
- No records found
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } else { ?>
- You do not have the right permission to view the page
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- </span>
- </td>
- <?php if ($nTotalRecs > 0) { ?>
- <td nowrap> </td>
- <td align="right" valign="top" nowrap><span class="phpmaker">Records Per Page
- <select name="<?php echo EW_TABLE_REC_PER_PAGE ?>" id="<?php echo EW_TABLE_REC_PER_PAGE ?>" onChange="this.form.submit();" class="phpmaker">
- <option value="10"<?php if ($nDisplayRecs == 10) echo " selected" ?>>10</option>
- <option value="20"<?php if ($nDisplayRecs == 20) echo " selected" ?>>20</option>
- <option value="50"<?php if ($nDisplayRecs == 50) echo " selected" ?>>50</option>
- </select>
- </span></td>
- <?php } ?>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "") { ?>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php if ($osj2Dcategories->Export == "") { ?>
- <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
- <!--
- // Write your table-specific startup script here
- // document.write("page loaded");
- //-->
- </script>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php include "osj-footer.php" ?>
- <?php
- // If control is passed here, simply terminate the page without redirect
- Page_Terminate();
- // -----------------------------------------------------------------
- // Subroutine Page_Terminate
- // - called when exit page
- // - clean up connection and objects
- // - if url specified, redirect to url, otherwise end response
- function Page_Terminate($url = "") {
- global $conn;
- // Page unload event, used in current page
- Page_Unload();
- // Global page unloaded event (in userfn*.php)
- Page_Unloaded();
- // Close Connection
- $conn->Close();
- // Go to url if specified
- if ($url <> "") {
- ob_end_clean();
- header("Location: $url");
- }
- exit();
- }
- ?>
- <?php
- // Set up number of records displayed per page
- function SetUpDisplayRecs() {
- global $nDisplayRecs, $nStartRec, $osj2Dcategories;
- if ($sWrk <> "") {
- if (is_numeric($sWrk)) {
- $nDisplayRecs = intval($sWrk);
- } else {
- if (strtolower($sWrk) == "all") { // Display all records
- $nDisplayRecs = -1;
- } else {
- $nDisplayRecs = 10; // Non-numeric, load default
- }
- }
- $osj2Dcategories->setRecordsPerPage($nDisplayRecs); // Save to Session
- // Reset start position
- $nStartRec = 1;
- $osj2Dcategories->setStartRecordNumber($nStartRec);
- } else {
- if ($osj2Dcategories->getRecordsPerPage() <> "") {
- $nDisplayRecs = $osj2Dcategories->getRecordsPerPage(); // Restore from Session
- } else {
- $nDisplayRecs = 10; // Load default
- }
- }
- }
- // Exit out of inline mode
- function ClearInlineMode() {
- global $osj2Dcategories;
- $osj2Dcategories->setKey("category_id", ""); // Clear inline edit key
- $osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction = ""; // Clear action
- $_SESSION[EW_SESSION_INLINE_MODE] = ""; // Clear inline mode
- }
- // Switch to Grid Edit Mode
- function GridEditMode() {
- $_SESSION[EW_SESSION_INLINE_MODE] = "gridedit"; // Enable grid edit
- }
- // Switch to Inline Edit Mode
- function InlineEditMode() {
- global $Security, $osj2Dcategories;
- if (!$Security->CanEdit()) Page_Terminate("osj-login.php"); // Go to login page
- $bInlineEdit = TRUE;
- if (@$_GET["category_id"] <> "") {
- $osj2Dcategories->category_id->setQueryStringValue($_GET["category_id"]);
- } else {
- $bInlineEdit = FALSE;
- }
- if ($bInlineEdit) {
- if (LoadRow()) {
- $osj2Dcategories->setKey("category_id", $osj2Dcategories->category_id->CurrentValue); // Set up inline edit key
- $_SESSION[EW_SESSION_INLINE_MODE] = "edit"; // Enable inline edit
- }
- }
- }
- // Peform update to inline edit record
- function InlineUpdate() {
- global $objForm, $osj2Dcategories;
- $objForm->Index = 1;
- LoadFormValues(); // Get form values
- if (CheckInlineEditKey()) { // Check key
- $osj2Dcategories->SendEmail = TRUE; // Send email on update success
- $bInlineUpdate = EditRow(); // Update record
- } else {
- $bInlineUpdate = FALSE;
- }
- if ($bInlineUpdate) { // Update success
- $_SESSION[EW_SESSION_MESSAGE] = "Update successful"; // Set success message
- ClearInlineMode(); // Clear inline edit mode
- } else {
- $_SESSION[EW_SESSION_MESSAGE] = "Update failed"; // Set update failed message
- }
- $osj2Dcategories->EventCancelled = TRUE; // Cancel event
- $osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction = "edit"; // Stay in edit mode
- }
- }
- // Check inline edit key
- function CheckInlineEditKey() {
- global $osj2Dcategories;
- //CheckInlineEditKey = True
- if (strval($osj2Dcategories->getKey("category_id")) <> strval($osj2Dcategories->category_id->CurrentValue)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Switch to Inline Add Mode
- function InlineAddMode() {
- global $Security, $osj2Dcategories;
- if (!$Security->CanAdd()) Page_Terminate("osj-login.php"); // Return to login page
- $osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction = "add";
- $_SESSION[EW_SESSION_INLINE_MODE] = "add"; // Enable inline add
- }
- // Peform update to inline add/copy record
- function InlineInsert() {
- global $objForm, $osj2Dcategories;
- $objForm->Index = 1;
- LoadFormValues(); // Get form values
- $osj2Dcategories->SendEmail = TRUE; // Send email on add success
- if (AddRow()) { // Add record
- $_SESSION[EW_SESSION_MESSAGE] = "Add New Record Successful"; // Set add success message
- ClearInlineMode(); // Clear inline add mode
- } else { // Add failed
- $osj2Dcategories->EventCancelled = TRUE; // Set event cancelled
- $osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction = "add"; // Stay in add mode
- }
- }
- // Peform update to grid
- function GridUpdate() {
- global $conn, $objForm, $osj2Dcategories;
- $rowindex = 1;
- $bGridUpdate = TRUE;
- // Begin transaction
- $conn->BeginTrans();
- WriteAuditTrailDummy("*** batch update begin ***"); // Batch update begin
- $sKey = "";
- // Update row index and get row key
- $objForm->Index = $rowindex;
- $sThisKey = strval($objForm->GetValue("k_key"));
- // Update all rows based on key
- while ($sThisKey <> "") {
- // Load all values & keys
- LoadFormValues(); // Get form values
- if (LoadKeyValues($sThisKey)) { // Get key values
- $osj2Dcategories->SendEmail = FALSE; // Do not send email on update success
- $bGridUpdate = EditRow(); // Update this row
- } else {
- $bGridUpdate = FALSE; // update failed
- }
- if ($bGridUpdate) {
- if ($sKey <> "") $sKey .= ", ";
- $sKey .= $sThisKey;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- // Update row index and get row key
- $rowindex++; // next row
- $objForm->Index = $rowindex;
- $sThisKey = strval($objForm->GetValue("k_key"));
- }
- if ($bGridUpdate) {
- $conn->CommitTrans(); // Commit transaction
- WriteAuditTrailDummy("*** batch update success ***"); // Batch update success
- $_SESSION[EW_SESSION_MESSAGE] = "Update successful"; // Set update success message
- ClearInlineMode(); // Clear inline edit mode
- } else {
- $conn->RollbackTrans(); // Rollback transaction
- WriteAuditTrailDummy("*** batch update rollback ***"); // Batch update rollback
- $_SESSION[EW_SESSION_MESSAGE] = "Update failed"; // Set update failed message
- }
- $osj2Dcategories->EventCancelled = TRUE; // Set event cancelled
- $osj2Dcategories->CurrentAction = "gridedit"; // Stay in gridedit mode
- }
- }
- // Load key values
- function LoadKeyValues($sKey) {
- global $osj2Dcategories;
- $arrKeyFlds = explode(EW_COMPOSITE_KEY_SEPARATOR, strval($sKey));
- if (count($arrKeyFlds) >= 1) {
- $osj2Dcategories->category_id->setFormValue($arrKeyFlds[0]);
- if (!is_numeric($osj2Dcategories->category_id->FormValue)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Restore form values for current row
- function RestoreCurrentRowFormValues() {
- global $objForm, $osj2Dcategories;
- // Update row index and get row key
- $rowindex = 1;
- $objForm->Index = $rowindex;
- $sKey = strval($objForm->GetValue("k_key"));
- while ($sKey <> "") {
- $arrKeyFlds = explode(EW_COMPOSITE_KEY_SEPARATOR, strval($sKey));
- if (count($arrKeyFlds) >= 1) {
- if (strval($arrKeyFlds[0]) == strval($osj2Dcategories->category_id->CurrentValue)) {
- $objForm->Index = $rowindex;
- LoadFormValues(); // Load form values
- return;
- }
- }
- // Update row index and get row key
- $rowindex++;
- $objForm->Index = $rowindex;
- $sKey = strval($objForm->GetValue("k_key"));
- }
- }
- // Return Advanced Search Where based on QueryString parameters
- function AdvancedSearchWhere() {
- global $Security, $osj2Dcategories;
- $sWhere = "";
- if (!$Security->CanSearch()) return "";
- // Field category_name
- BuildSearchSql($sWhere, $osj2Dcategories->category_name, @$_GET["x_category_name"], @$_GET["z_category_name"], @$_GET["v_category_name"], @$_GET["y_category_name"], @$_GET["w_category_name"]);
- //AdvancedSearchWhere = sWhere
- // Set up search parm
- if ($sWhere <> "") {
- // Field category_name
- SetSearchParm($osj2Dcategories->category_name, @$_GET["x_category_name"], @$_GET["z_category_name"], @$_GET["v_category_name"], @$_GET["y_category_name"], @$_GET["w_category_name"]);
- }
- return $sWhere;
- }
- // Build search sql
- function BuildSearchSql(&$Where, &$Fld, $FldVal, $FldOpr, $FldCond, $FldVal2, $FldOpr2) {
- $sWrk = "";
- $FldParm = substr($Fld->FldVar, 2);
- $FldVal = ew_StripSlashes($FldVal);
- if (is_array($FldVal)) $FldVal = implode(",", $FldVal);
- $FldVal2 = ew_StripSlashes($FldVal2);
- if (is_array($FldVal2)) $FldVal2 = implode(",", $FldVal2);
- $FldOpr = strtoupper(trim($FldOpr));
- if ($FldOpr == "") $FldOpr = "=";
- $FldOpr2 = strtoupper(trim($FldOpr2));
- if ($FldOpr2 == "") $FldOpr2 = "=";
- if ($Fld->FldDataType == EW_DATATYPE_BOOLEAN) {
- if ($FldVal <> "") $FldVal = ($FldVal == "1") ? $Fld->TrueValue : $Fld->FalseValue;
- if ($FldVal2 <> "") $FldVal2 = ($FldVal2 == "1") ? $Fld->TrueValue : $Fld->FalseValue;
- } elseif ($Fld->FldDataType == EW_DATATYPE_DATE) {
- if ($FldVal <> "") $FldVal = ew_UnFormatDateTime($FldVal, $Fld->FldDateTimeFormat);
- if ($FldVal2 <> "") $FldVal2 = ew_UnFormatDateTime($FldVal2, $Fld->FldDateTimeFormat);
- }
- if ($FldOpr == "BETWEEN") {
- $IsValidValue = (($Fld->FldDataType <> EW_DATATYPE_NUMBER) ||
- ($Fld->FldDataType == EW_DATATYPE_NUMBER && is_numeric($FldVal) && is_numeric($FldVal2)));
- if ($FldVal <> "" && $FldVal2 <> "" && $IsValidValue) {
- $sWrk = $Fld->FldExpression . " BETWEEN " . ew_QuotedValue($FldVal, $Fld->FldDataType) .
- " AND " . ew_QuotedValue($FldVal2, $Fld->FldDataType);
- }
- } elseif ($FldOpr == "IS NULL" || $FldOpr == "IS NOT NULL") {
- $sWrk = $Fld->FldExpression . " " . $FldOpr;
- } else {
- $IsValidValue = (($Fld->FldDataType <> EW_DATATYPE_NUMBER) ||
- ($Fld->FldDataType == EW_DATATYPE_NUMBER && is_numeric($FldVal)));
- if ($FldVal <> "" && $IsValidValue && ew_IsValidOpr($FldOpr, $Fld->FldDataType)) {
- $sWrk = $Fld->FldExpression . SearchString($FldOpr, $FldVal, $Fld->FldDataType);
- }
- $IsValidValue = (($Fld->FldDataType <> EW_DATATYPE_NUMBER) ||
- ($Fld->FldDataType == EW_DATATYPE_NUMBER && is_numeric($FldVal2)));
- if ($FldVal2 <> "" && $IsValidValue && ew_IsValidOpr($FldOpr2, $Fld->FldDataType)) {
- if ($sWrk <> "") {
- $sWrk .= " " . (($FldCond=="OR")?"OR":"AND") . " ";
- }
- $sWrk .= $Fld->FldExpression . SearchString($FldOpr2, $FldVal2, $Fld->FldDataType);
- }
- }
- if ($sWrk <> "") {
- if ($Where <> "") $Where .= " AND ";
- $Where .= "(" . $sWrk . ")";
- }
- }
- // Return search string
- function SearchString($FldOpr, $FldVal, $FldType) {
- if ($FldOpr == "LIKE" || $FldOpr == "NOT LIKE") {
- return " " . $FldOpr . " " . ew_QuotedValue("%" . $FldVal . "%", $FldType);
- } elseif ($FldOpr == "STARTS WITH") {
- return " LIKE " . ew_QuotedValue($FldVal . "%", $FldType);
- } else {
- return " " . $FldOpr . " " . ew_QuotedValue($FldVal, $FldType);
- }
- }
- // Set search parm
- function SetSearchParm($Fld, $FldVal, $FldOpr, $FldCond, $FldVal2, $FldOpr2) {
- global $osj2Dcategories;
- $FldParm = substr($Fld->FldVar, 2);
- $FldVal = ew_StripSlashes($FldVal);
- if (is_array($FldVal)) $FldVal = implode(",", $FldVal);
- $FldVal2 = ew_StripSlashes($FldVal2);
- if (is_array($FldVal2)) $FldVal2 = implode(",", $FldVal2);
- $osj2Dcategories->setAdvancedSearch("x_" . $FldParm, $FldVal);
- $osj2Dcategories->setAdvancedSearch("z_" . $FldParm, $FldOpr);
- $osj2Dcategories->setAdvancedSearch("v_" . $FldParm, $FldCond);
- $osj2Dcategories->setAdvancedSearch("y_" . $FldParm, $FldVal2);
- $osj2Dcategories->setAdvancedSearch("w_" . $FldParm, $FldOpr2);
- }
- // Return Basic Search sql
- function BasicSearchSQL($Keyword) {
- $sKeyword = ew_AdjustSql($Keyword);
- $sql = "";
- $sql .= "`category_name` LIKE '%" . $sKeyword . "%' OR ";
- if (substr($sql, -4) == " OR ") $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql)-4);
- return $sql;
- }
- // Return Basic Search Where based on search keyword and type
- function BasicSearchWhere() {
- global $Security, $osj2Dcategories;
- $sSearchStr = "";
- if (!$Security->CanSearch()) return "";
- $sSearchKeyword = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET[EW_TABLE_BASIC_SEARCH]);
- if ($sSearchKeyword <> "") {
- $sSearch = trim($sSearchKeyword);
- if ($sSearchType <> "") {
- while (strpos($sSearch, " ") !== FALSE)
- $sSearch = str_replace(" ", " ", $sSearch);
- $arKeyword = explode(" ", trim($sSearch));
- foreach ($arKeyword as $sKeyword) {
- if ($sSearchStr <> "") $sSearchStr .= " " . $sSearchType . " ";
- $sSearchStr .= "(" . BasicSearchSQL($sKeyword) . ")";
- }
- } else {
- $sSearchStr = BasicSearchSQL($sSearch);
- }
- }
- if ($sSearchKeyword <> "") {
- $osj2Dcategories->setBasicSearchKeyword($sSearchKeyword);
- $osj2Dcategories->setBasicSearchType($sSearchType);
- }
- return $sSearchStr;
- }
- // Clear all search parameters
- function ResetSearchParms() {
- // Clear search where
- global $osj2Dcategories;
- $sSrchWhere = "";
- $osj2Dcategories->setSearchWhere($sSrchWhere);
- // Clear basic search parameters
- ResetBasicSearchParms();
- // Clear advanced search parameters
- ResetAdvancedSearchParms();
- }
- // Clear all basic search parameters
- function ResetBasicSearchParms() {
- // Clear basic search parameters
- global $osj2Dcategories;
- $osj2Dcategories->setBasicSearchKeyword("");
- $osj2Dcategories->setBasicSearchType("");
- }
- // Clear all advanced search parameters
- function ResetAdvancedSearchParms() {
- // Clear advanced search parameters
- global $osj2Dcategories;
- $osj2Dcategories->setAdvancedSearch("x_category_name", "");
- $osj2Dcategories->setAdvancedSearch("z_category_name", "");
- $osj2Dcategories->setAdvancedSearch("v_category_name", "AND");
- $osj2Dcategories->setAdvancedSearch("y_category_name", "");
- $osj2Dcategories->setAdvancedSearch("w_category_name", "");
- }
- // Restore all search parameters
- function RestoreSearchParms() {
- global $sSrchWhere, $osj2Dcategories;
- $sSrchWhere = $osj2Dcategories->getSearchWhere();
- // Restore advanced search settings
- RestoreAdvancedSearchParms();
- }
- // Restore all advanced search parameters
- function RestoreAdvancedSearchParms() {
- // Restore advanced search parms
- global $osj2Dcategories;
- $osj2Dcategories->category_name->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = $osj2Dcategories->getAdvancedSearch("x_category_name");
- $osj2Dcategories->category_name->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = $osj2Dcategories->getAdvancedSearch("z_category_name");
- $osj2Dcategories->category_name->AdvancedSearch->SearchCondition = $osj2Dcategories->getAdvancedSearch("v_category_name");
- $osj2Dcategories->category_name->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue2 = $osj2Dcategories->getAdvancedSearch("y_category_name");
- $osj2Dcategories->category_name->AdvancedSearch->SearchOperator = $osj2Dcategories->getAdvancedSearch("w_category_name");
- }
- // Set up Sort parameters based on Sort Links clicked
- function SetUpSortOrder() {
- global $osj2Dcategories;
- // Check for an Order parameter
- if (@$_GET["order"] <> "") {
- $osj2Dcategories->CurrentOrder = ew_StripSlashes(@$_GET["order"]);
- $osj2Dcategories->CurrentOrderType = @$_GET["ordertype"];
- // Field category_id
- $osj2Dcategories->UpdateSort($osj2Dcategories->category_id);
- // Field parent_id
- $osj2Dcategories->UpdateSort($osj2Dcategories->parent_id);
- // Field category_name
- $osj2Dcategories->UpdateSort($osj2Dcategories->category_name);
- $osj2Dcategories->setStartRecordNumber(1); // Reset start position
- }
- $sOrderBy = $osj2Dcategories->getSessionOrderBy(); // Get order by from Session
- if ($sOrderBy == "") {
- if ($osj2Dcategories->SqlOrderBy() <> "") {
- $sOrderBy = $osj2Dcategories->SqlOrderBy();
- $osj2Dcategories->setSessionOrderBy($sOrderBy);
- }
- }
- }
- // Reset command based on querystring parameter cmd=
- // - RESET: reset search parameters
- // - RESETALL: reset search & master/detail parameters
- // - RESETSORT: reset sort parameters
- function ResetCmd() {
- global $sDbMasterFilter, $sDbDetailFilter, $nStartRec, $sOrderBy;
- global $osj2Dcategories;
- // Get reset cmd
- if (@$_GET["cmd"] <> "") {
- $sCmd = $_GET["cmd"];
- // Reset search criteria
- if (strtolower($sCmd) == "reset" || strtolower($sCmd) == "resetall") {
- ResetSearchParms();
- }
- // Reset Sort Criteria
- if (strtolower($sCmd) == "resetsort") {
- $sOrderBy = "";
- $osj2Dcategories->setSessionOrderBy($sOrderBy);
- $osj2Dcategories->category_id->setSort("");
- $osj2Dcategories->parent_id->setSort("");
- $osj2Dcategories->category_name->setSort("");
- }
- // Reset start position
- $nStartRec = 1;
- $osj2Dcategories->setStartRecordNumber($nStartRec);
- }
- }
- ?>
- <?php
- // Set up Starting Record parameters based on Pager Navigation
- function SetUpStartRec() {
- global $nDisplayRecs, $nStartRec, $nTotalRecs, $nPageNo, $osj2Dcategories;
- if ($nDisplayRecs == 0) return;
- // Check for a START parameter
- if (@$_GET[EW_TABLE_START_REC] <> "") {
- $nStartRec = $_GET[EW_TABLE_START_REC];
- $osj2Dcategories->setStartRecordNumber($nStartRec);
- } elseif (@$_GET[EW_TABLE_PAGE_NO] <> "") {
- $nPageNo = $_GET[EW_TABLE_PAGE_NO];
- if (is_numeric($nPageNo)) {
- $nStartRec = ($nPageNo-1)*$nDisplayRecs+1;
- if ($nStartRec <= 0) {
- $nStartRec = 1;
- } elseif ($nStartRec >= intval(($nTotalRecs-1)/$nDisplayRecs)*$nDisplayRecs+1) {
- $nStartRec = intval(($nTotalRecs-1)/$nDisplayRecs)*$nDisplayRecs+1;
- }
- $osj2Dcategories->setStartRecordNumber($nStartRec);
- } else {
- $nStartRec = $osj2Dcategories->getStartRecordNumber();
- }
- } else {
- $nStartRec = $osj2Dcategories->getStartRecordNumber();
- }
- // Check if correct start record counter
- if (!is_numeric($nStartRec) || $nStartRec == "") { // Avoid invalid start record counter
- $nStartRec = 1; // Reset start record counter
- $osj2Dcategories->setStartRecordNumber($nStartRec);
- } elseif (intval($nStartRec) > intval($nTotalRecs)) { // Avoid starting record > total records
- $nStartRec = intval(($nTotalRecs-1)/$nDisplayRecs)*$nDisplayRecs+1; // Point to last page first record
- $osj2Dcategories->setStartRecordNumber($nStartRec);
- } elseif (($nStartRec-1) % $nDisplayRecs <> 0) {
- $nStartRec = intval(($nStartRec-1)/$nDisplayRecs)*$nDisplayRecs+1; // Point to page boundary
- $osj2Dcategories->setStartRecordNumber($nStartRec);
- }
- }
- ?>
- <?php
- // Load default values
- function LoadDefaultValues() {
- global $osj2Dcategories;
- $osj2Dcategories->parent_id->CurrentValue = 0;
- }
- ?>
- <?php
- // Load form values
- function LoadFormValues() {
- // Load from form
- global $objForm, $osj2Dcategories;
- $osj2Dcategories->category_id->setFormValue($objForm->GetValue("x_category_id"));
- $osj2Dcategories->parent_id->setFormValue($objForm->GetValue("x_parent_id"));
- $osj2Dcategories->category_name->setFormValue($objForm->GetValue("x_category_name"));
- }
- // Restore form values
- function RestoreFormValues() {
- global $osj2Dcategories;
- $osj2Dcategories->category_id->CurrentValue = $osj2Dcategories->category_id->FormValue;
- $osj2Dcategories->parent_id->CurrentValue = $osj2Dcategories->parent_id->FormValue;
- $osj2Dcategories->category_name->CurrentValue = $osj2Dcategories->category_name->FormValue;
- }
- ?>
- <?php
- // Load recordset
- function LoadRecordset($offset = -1, $rowcnt = -1) {
- global $conn, $osj2Dcategories;
- // Call Recordset Selecting event
- $osj2Dcategories->Recordset_Selecting($osj2Dcategories->Curr…
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