PHP | 614 lines | 506 code | 64 blank | 44 comment | 82 complexity | 784b8511c95d71ce8f965ff7eee2d4e4 MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- /*
- @todo This form currently does not validate postcodes, as the validation method does not seem to work correctly.
- */
- $noPreValidate = true; //Disables the .validate() method being called in the header.
- $USR_REQUIREMENT = 'can_create_orders';
- require_once "../header.php";
- loadClass('FormHelper');
- $formHelper = new FormHelper();
- if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
- die('<div class="ui-state-error">Sorry! This form currently cannot edit orders. We\'re working on adding this functionality soon.</div>');
- }
- ?><style type="text/css">
- td label, legend, #itemsSummaryTable td, #orderItemsTable td{color:#000!important}
- input:focus {
- color: #FFF;
- font-weight:bolder
- }
- .ui-autocomplete{width:500px!important}
- </style>
- <h1>Create an Order</h1>
- <div id="errors" class="ui-state-highlight" style="display:none">
- <span class='ui-icon ui-icon-alert'></span><strong>I found the following issues with the order:</strong><br />
- <ul id="errorContent">
- </ul>
- </div>
- <form action="javascript:" id="orderFormMain" method="POST">
- <table style="width:100%">
- <tr>
- <td>
- <fieldset>
- <legend>Order Details</legend>
- <div id='orderItemsContainer'>
- Preparing the Flumpshop Ordering Platform...
- </div>
- </fieldset>
- <fieldset>
- <legend>Other Details</legend>
- <table id="otherDetailsTable">
- <tr>
- <td><input type="checkbox" name="vatExempt" id="vatExempt" onclick="updatePrices()" /></td>
- <td colspan="3"><label for="vatExempt">This customer does not need to pay VAT</label></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><input type="checkbox" name="mailingList" id="mailingList" checked="checked" /></td>
- <td colspan="3"><label for="mailingList">Add this customer's email address to the mailing list</label></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="4"><a href="javascript:" onclick="addCouponCode();">Add a voucher to this order...</a>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><label for="orderStatus">Order Status</label></td>
- <td colspan="3"><?php echo $formHelper->orderStatusSelector("orderStatus");?></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </fieldset>
- </td>
- <td><fieldset>
- <legend>Billing Details [<a href='javascript:' onclick='addressFinder("Billing");'>Load Data...</a>]</legend>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td><label for="billingID">Customer Number: </label></td>
- <td><input type='text' class='ui-state-disabled' readonly="readonly" value="New" name="billingID" id="billingID" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><label for="customerBillingName">Customer Name: </label></td>
- <td><input type="text" class="ui-state-active required" name="customerBillingName" id="customerBillingName" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><label for="customerBillingAddress1">Billing Address 1: </label></td>
- <td><input type="text" class="ui-state-active required" name="customerBillingAddress1" id="customerBillingAddress1" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><label for="customerBillingAddress2">Billing Address 2: </label></td>
- <td><input type="text" class="ui-state-active" name="customerBillingAddress2" id="customerBillingAddress2" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><label for="customerBillingAddress3">Billing Address 3: </label></td>
- <td><input type="text" class="ui-state-active" name="customerBillingAddress3" id="customerBillingAddress3" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><label for="customerBillingPostcode">Billing Address Postcode: </label></td>
- <td><input type="text" class="ui-state-active required" name="customerBillingPostcode" id="customerBillingPostcode" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><label for="customerBillingCountry">Billing Address Country: </label></td>
- <td><?php
- echo $formHelper->countrySelector("customerBillingCountry",false);
- ?></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td><label for="customerBillingEmail">Email Address (Optional): </label></td>
- <td><input type="text" class="ui-state-active email" name="customerBillingEmail" id="customerBillingEmail" /></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </fieldset>
- <fieldset>
- <legend>Shipping Details [<a href='javascript:' onclick='addressFinder("Shipping");'>Load Data...</a>]</legend>
- <table>
- <tr>
- <td><label for="noShipping">Same as Billing: </label></td>
- <td><input type="checkbox" name="noShipping" id="noShipping" style="width:auto" class="ui-state-default" onchange="toggleShippingFields();" checked="checked" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="ui-helper-hidden">
- <td><label for="shippingID">Customer Number: </label></td>
- <td><input type='text' class='ui-state-disabled ui-helper-hidden' readonly="readonly" value="New" name="shippingID" id="shippingID" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="ui-helper-hidden">
- <td><label for="customerShippingName">Customer Name: </label></td>
- <td><input type="text" class="ui-state-active" name="customerShippingName" id="customerShippingName" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="ui-helper-hidden">
- <td><label for="customerShippingAddress1">Shipping Address 1: </label></td>
- <td><input type="text" class="ui-state-active" name="customerShippingAddress1" id="customerShippingAddress1" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="ui-helper-hidden">
- <td><label for="customerShippingAddress2">Shipping Address 2: </label></td>
- <td><input type="text" class="ui-state-active" name="customerShippingAddress2" id="customerShippingAddress2" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="ui-helper-hidden">
- <td><label for="customerShippingAddress3">Shipping Address 3: </label></td>
- <td><input type="text" class="ui-state-active" name="customerShippingAddress3" id="customerShippingAddress3" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="ui-helper-hidden">
- <td><label for="customerShippingPostcode">Shipping Address Postcode: </label></td>
- <td><input type="text" class="ui-state-active" name="customerShippingPostcode" id="customerShippingPostcode" /></td>
- </tr>
- <tr class="ui-helper-hidden">
- <td><label for="customerShippingCountry">Shipping Address Country: </label></td>
- <td><?php
- echo $formHelper->countrySelector("customerShippingCountry",false);
- ?></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </fieldset>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2">
- <button onclick="buildProforma();">Generate a Proforma Invoice</button>
- <input type="submit" value="Confirm Order" />
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- /*Declare Variables*/
- window.nextOrderItemID = 1;
- window.prices = new Array();
- window.orderItemStock = new Array();
- window.itemDeliveryCosts = new Array();
- window.nextCouponCodeID = 1;
- window.couponActions = new Array();
- /*Validation Rules*/
- var validObject = {
- errorContainer:'#errors',
- errorLabelContainer:'#errorContent',
- wrapper:'li',
- errorClass:'errorDetails',
- messages:{
- customerBillingName: "Please enter the Customer Name in the billing address section.",
- customerBillingAddress1: "Please fill in Billing Address 1.",
- customerBillingPostcode: {
- required: "Please fill in the Billing Address Postcode.",
- postcode: "Please enter a valid Billing Address Postcode."
- },
- customerBillingCountry: "Please fill in the Billing Address Country.",
- customerShippingName: "Please enter the Customer Name in the shipping address section.",
- customerShippingAddress1: "Please fill in Shipping Address 1.",
- customerShippingPostcode: {
- required: "Please fill in the Shipping Address Postcode.",
- postcode: "Please enter a valid Shipping Address Postcode."
- },
- customerShippingCountry: "Please fill in the Shipping Address Country.",
- item1ID:{
- required:"Please enter at least one item in the order details section."
- },
- orderStatus: "Please set the order status."
- },
- rules:{
- item1ID:"required",
- customerShippingName: {
- required: "#noShipping:not(#noShipping:checked)"
- },
- customerShippingAddress1: {
- required: "#noShipping:not(#noShipping:checked)"
- },
- customerShippingPostcode: {
- required: "#noShipping:not(#noShipping:checked)"
- //postcode:true
- },
- customerShippingCountry: {
- required: "#noShipping:not(#noShipping:checked)"
- },
- customerBillingPostcode: {
- //postcode:true
- },
- orderStatus:"required"
- }
- };
- //Create the order form
- $(document).ready(function() {
- $('td').each(function() {$(this).css('vertical-align','top')});
- $('#orderItemsContainer').html("<table id='orderItemsTable'><tr><th> </th><th>Product Code</th><th>Product Name</th><th>Quantity</th><th>Price</th></tr></table>");
- $('#orderItemsContainer').append("<table id='itemsSummaryTable' style='width:100%;text-align:right'></table>");
- $('#itemsSummaryTable').append("<tr><th>Subtotal</th><td style='width:80px' id='subTotal'>Ł0.00</td><td rowspan='500' style='width:85px'></td></tr>");
- $('#itemsSummaryTable').append("<tr id='discountRow' style='display:none'><th>Discounts</th><td id='discounts'>Ł0.00</td></tr>");
- $('#itemsSummaryTable').append("<tr id='vatRow'><th>VAT @ <?php echo $config->getNode('site','vat');?>%</th><td id='vat'>Ł0.00</td></tr>");
- $('#itemsSummaryTable').append("<tr><th>Shipping & Handling</th><td id='shipping'>Ł0.00</td></tr>");
- $('#itemsSummaryTable').append("<tr><th>Total</th><td id='total'>Ł0.00</td></tr>");
- newOrderRow();
- $('#orderFormMain').validate(validObject);
- //Sets up custom messages (dirty I know, but couldn't get it to work any other way)
- $('#errorContent').bind("DOMSubtreeModified",function() {
- $('#errorContent li label').each(function (index,element) {
- var regex = new RegExp(/item[0-9]+ID/);
- if (regex.test($(this).attr("for")) && $(this).html() == "Please enter a valid number.") {
- //Product code not a number
- $(this).html("The product code on row "+$(this).attr("for").replace("item","").replace("ID","")+" is incorrect. Please enter a number.")
- }
- var regex = new RegExp(/item[0-9]+Qty/);
- if (regex.test($(this).attr("for")) && $(this).html() == "Please enter a valid number.") {
- //Not enough Stock
- $(this).html("Please enter a number for the quantity field on row "+$(this).attr("for").replace("item","").replace("Qty","")+".")
- } else if (regex.test($(this).attr("for")) && $(this).html() == "<?php echo str_replace('"','\"',$config->getNode('messages','formFieldRequired'));?>") {
- //No quantity entered
- $(this).html("Please enter a quantity on row "+$(this).attr("for").replace("item","").replace("Qty","")+".")
- }
- });
- });
- });
- //Adds a row to the order items
- function newOrderRow() {
- newID = window.nextOrderItemID;
- if (newID != 1) {
- newDisplayID = parseInt($('#orderItemsTable tr:visible:last td strong').html())+1;
- } else {newDisplayID = 1}
- newRow = "<tr id='orderRow"+(newID)+"'>";
- newRow = newRow+"<td>";
- if (newID != 1) {newRow = newRow+"<a href='javascript:' onclick='hideRow("+newID+");' title='Delete Row'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-close'></span></a>";}
- newRow = newRow+"<strong>"+newDisplayID+"</strong></td>";
- newRow = newRow+"<td><input type='text' name='item"+newID+"ID' id='item"+newID+"ID' class='ui-state-default positiveInt itemIDField' onkeyup='idKeyPress(this.id);' style='width:100px' unique='itemIDField' maxlength='11' /></td>";
- newRow = newRow+"<td><input type='text' disabled='disabled' class='orderItemName' id='item"+newID+"Name' style='width:300px;color:#000' /></td>";
- newRow = newRow+"<td><input type='text' name='item"+newID+"Qty' id='item"+newID+"Qty' class='ui-state-default positiveInt' onkeyup='quantityKeyPress(this.id);' onkeypress='document.lastQty = this.value;' style='width:65px' value='1' checkOrderQuantity='"+newID+"' required='$(\"item"+newID+"ID\").html() == \"\"' /></td>";
- newRow = newRow+"<td><input type='text' readonly='readonly' id='item"+newID+"Price' name='item"+newID+"Price' style='width:80px;' /></td>";
- newRow = newRow+"<td><a href='javascript:' onclick='findItem("+newID+");'>More...</a></td>";
- newRow = newRow+"</tr>";
- $('#orderItemsTable').append(newRow);
- $('#orderRow'+newID).effect('highlight',{},1000);
- window.nextOrderItemID++;
- }
- function idKeyPress(id,dialog) {
- if (!dialog) dialog = false;
- idNumber = parseInt(id.replace("item","").replace("ID",""));
- if (idNumber+1 == window.nextOrderItemID || $('#orderItemsTable tr:visible:last').attr('id') == 'orderRow'+idNumber) {
- newOrderRow();
- }
- if ($('#'+id).val() == "") return;
- //Find name
- $('#item'+idNumber+'Name, #item'+idNumber+'Price').val(' Checking...').css('background','url("../../../images/loading.gif") no-repeat');
- $.ajax({
- url:'../orders/ajax/itemName.php?id='+$('#'+id).val()+'&dialog='+dialog.toString()+'&rowID='+idNumber,
- dataType:'json',
- success:function(data) {
- if (dialog) {
- $('#item'+data[2]+'Name').val(data[0]).css('background','none');
- //Use prices from the dialog, not the Ajax Request
- $('#item'+data[2]+'Price').val("Ł"+parseFloat($('#morePrice').val()).toFixed(2))
- .css('background','none');
- $('#item'+data[2]+'Qty').val($('#morePriceUnits').val());
- window.prices[data[2]] = $('#morePrice').val()/$('#morePriceUnits').val();
- window.orderItemStock[data[2]] = data[1];
- window.itemDeliveryCosts[data[2]] = $('#moreDelivery').val()/$('#moreDeliveryUnits').val();
- //This function was called by the dialog box
- //The dialog is only hidden at the moment so data could be grabbed
- $('#dialog').dialog('destroy');
- } else {
- $('#item'+data[4]+'Name').val(data[0]).css('background','none');
- //Directly entered - use full Ajax data
- $('#item'+data[4]+'Price').val("Ł"+(data[1]*$('#item'+data[4]+'Qty').val()).toFixed(2)).css('background','none');
- window.prices[data[4]] = data[1];
- window.orderItemStock[data[4]] = parseInt(data[2]);
- window.itemDeliveryCosts[data[4]] = data[3];
- }
- updatePrices();
- },
- cache:true
- });
- }
- function quantityKeyPress(id) {
- idNumber = parseInt(id.replace("item","").replace("Qty",""));
- if (idNumber+1 == window.nextOrderItemID || $('#orderItemsTable tr:visible:last').attr('id') == 'orderRow'+idNumber) {
- newOrderRow();
- }
- originalPrice = window.prices[idNumber];
- if (parseInt($('#'+id).val()) <= 0) newVal = "0.00"; else
- newVal = (originalPrice*$('#'+id).val()).toFixed(2);
- $('#item'+idNumber+'Price').val("Ł"+newVal);
- window.lastQty = 0;
- updatePrices();
- }
- function loadCustomer() {
- loader('Not Implemented.');
- }
- //Find Item Dialog
- function findItem(id) {
- window.tempFindItemId = id;
- $('#dialog').html("<img src='../../../images/loading.gif' />Loading Content...").attr('title','Advanced Item Select');
- $('#dialog').dialog({width:600,height:400});
- $('#dialog').load('../orders/ajax/findItem.php?id='+id, function(var1,var2,var3) { //Loaded Function
- //Load Item if already entered
- if ($('#item'+window.tempFindItemId+'ID').val() != "" &&
- $('#item'+window.tempFindItemId+'Name').val() != "Invalid Item. [Doesn't Exist]" &&
- $('#item'+window.tempFindItemId+'Name').val() != "Invalid Item. [No longer available]") {
- $('#findItemName').val($('#item'+window.tempFindItemId+'Name').val());
- itemSummary($('#item'+window.tempFindItemId+'ID').val());
- }
- //Initialise the new form
- $('#findItemName').autocomplete({
- source:'../orders/ajax/itemSuggest.php',
- select: function(event, ui) {
- $('#findItemName').val(ui.item[1]);
- itemSummary(ui.item[0]);
- return false;
- }
- })
- .data("autocomplete")._renderItem = function(ul, item) { //This is one of those WTF Lines
- return $( "<li></li>")
- .data("item.autocomplete", item)
- .append("<a>"+item[1]+"</a>")
- .appendTo(ul);
- }
- });
- }
- function itemSummary(id) {
- $('#findItemDetails').html("<img src='../../../images/loading.gif' />Loading Content...")
- .load("../orders/ajax/itemSummary.php?id="+id, function() {$('#dialogItemData').validate()});
- }
- function updatePrices() {
- //Updates the totals
- var total = 0;
- for (n=1;n<window.nextOrderItemID;n++) {
- //Calculate Total Price
- if ($('#item'+n+'Price').val() != "") {
- //Set the price to 0 if it is ŁNaN
- if ($('#item'+n+'Price').val() == 'ŁNaN') $('#item'+n+'Price').val('Ł0.00');
- //Skip if the price is still being loaded
- if (!$('#item'+n+'Price').val().match(/ *Checking/))
- total += parseFloat($('#item'+n+'Price').val().replace('Ł',''));
- }
- }
- $('#subTotal').html('£'+(total.toFixed(2)));
- var shipping = 0;
- for (n=1;n<window.nextOrderItemID;n++) {
- //Calculate Total Delivery
- if ($('#item'+n+'ID').val() != "" && window.itemDeliveryCosts[n]) {
- shipping += parseFloat(window.itemDeliveryCosts[n]*$('#item'+n+'Qty').val());
- }
- }
- $('#shipping').html('£'+(shipping.toFixed(2)));
- //Calculate Vouchers
- var totalAdjustment = 0;
- for (n=1;n<window.nextCouponCodeID;n++) {
- var action = window.couponActions[n];
- //Affects Basket Final Total
- if (action.match(/BasketTotal_/) !== null) {
- action = action.replace("BasketTotal_","");
- if (action.match(/[0-9\-]%/) !== null) {
- adjustment = parseFloat(action.replace("%",""))/100;
- adjustment = total*adjustment;
- $('#coupon'+n+'PriceAdjust').val(('Ł'+adjustment.toFixed(2)).replace("Ł-","-Ł"));
- totalAdjustment += adjustment;
- }
- }
- //Affects the price of a single item
- else if (action.match(/Item[0-9]*Price_/) !== null) {
- var item_id = action.replace(/Item/,"").replace(/Price_.*/,"");
- var newPrice = parseFloat(action.replace(/Item[0-9]*Price_/,""));
- //Find the item ID if its set, and adjust price based on quantity if so
- for (i=1;i<window.nextOrderItemID;i++) {
- if ($('#item'+i+'ID').val() == item_id) {
- //Found the item
- var oldPrice = parseFloat($('#item'+i+'Price').val().replace('Ł',''));
- var adjustment = (newPrice*$('#item'+i+'Qty').val())-oldPrice;
- $('#coupon'+n+'PriceAdjust').val(('Ł'+adjustment.toFixed(2)).replace("Ł-","-Ł"));
- totalAdjustment += adjustment;
- //Don't need to do anything with VAT - it's calculated afterwards anyway
- }
- }
- }
- //No action to current basket
- $('#coupon'+n+'PriceAdjust').val('Ł0.00');
- }
- //Finalize Coupons
- $('#discounts').html(('£'+totalAdjustment.toFixed(2)).replace("£-","-£"));
- if (totalAdjustment == 0 && $('#discountRow:visible').length != 0) {
- $('#discountRow').hide('highlight');
- } else if (totalAdjustment != 0 && $('#discountRow:visible').length == 0) {
- $('#discountRow').show('highlight');
- }
- total+=totalAdjustment;
- //Calculate VAT
- if ($('#vatExempt:checked').val() == null) {
- var vatRate = <?php echo $config->getNode('site','vat')/100;?>;
- if ($('#vatRow:visible').length == 0) $('#vatRow').show('highlight');
- } else {
- var vatRate = 0;
- if ($('#vatRow:visible').length == 1) $('#vatRow').hide('highlight');
- }
- $('#vat').html('£'+(total*vatRate).toFixed(2));
- total = total*(1+vatRate);
- //Add shipping afterwards so VAT doesn't affect it
- total += shipping;
- $('#total').html('£'+total.toFixed(2));
- }
- function addCouponCode() {
- newID = window.nextCouponCodeID;
- newRow = "<tr id='couponRow"+newID+"'>";
- newRow = newRow+"<td><a href='javascript:' onclick='hideCoupon("+newID+");' title='Delete Row'><span class='ui-icon ui-icon-close'></span></a><strong>"+newID+"</strong></td>";
- newRow = newRow+"<td><input type='text' name='coupon"+newID+"Key' id='coupon"+newID+"Key' class='ui-state-default couponKey' onkeyup='couponKeyPress(this.id);' style='width:100px' unique='couponKey' maxlength='32' /></td>";
- newRow = newRow+"<td><input type='text' disabled='disabled' class='couponDetails' id='coupon"+newID+"Action' style='width:300px;color:#000' /></td>";
- newRow = newRow+"<td><input type='text' disabled='disabled' id='coupon"+newID+"PriceAdjust' style='width:80px;' /></td>";
- newRow = newRow+"</tr>";
- $('#otherDetailsTable').append(newRow);
- $('#couponRow'+newID).effect('highlight',{},1000);
- window.nextCouponCodeID++;
- }
- function couponKeyPress(id) {
- idNumber = parseInt(id.replace("coupon","").replace("Key",""));
- if ($('#'+id).val() == "") return;
- //Find name
- $('#coupon'+idNumber+'Action, #coupon'+idNumber+'PriceAdjust').val(' Checking...').css('background','url("../../../images/loading.gif") no-repeat');
- $.ajax({
- url:'../orders/ajax/couponAction.php?id='+$('#'+id).val(),
- dataType:'json',
- success:function(data) {
- $('#coupon'+idNumber+'Action').val(data[0]).css('background','none');
- //Calculate the effect the coupon has on the total
- window.couponActions[idNumber] = data[1];
- $('#coupon'+idNumber+'PriceAdjust').css('background','none');
- updatePrices();
- },
- cache:true
- });
- }
- function addressFinder(prefix) {
- $('#dialog').html("<img src='../../../images/loading.gif' />Loading Content...").attr('title',prefix+' Address Finder');
- $('#dialog').dialog({width:600,height:400});
- $('#dialog').load('../orders/ajax/findAddress.php?pre='+prefix, function(var1,var2,var3) { //Loaded Function
- //Load Address if already entered
- if ($('#'+prefix.toLowerCase()+'ID').val() != "New") {
- $('#findAddressTerm').val($('#'+prefix.toLowerCase()+'ID').val());
- addressSummary($('#'+prefix.toLowerCase()+'ID').val());
- }
- //Initialise the new form
- $('#dialog form').validate();
- $('#findAddressTerm').autocomplete({
- source:'../orders/ajax/addressSuggest.php',
- select: function(event, ui) {
- $('#findAddressTerm').val(ui.item[0]);
- addressSummary(ui.item[0],prefix);
- return false;
- }
- })
- .data("autocomplete")._renderItem = function(ul, item) { //This is one of those WTF Lines
- return $( "<li></li>")
- .data("item.autocomplete", item)
- .append("<a>"+item[1]+" "+item[3]+" "+item[4]+" "+item[6]+"</a>")
- .appendTo(ul);
- }
- });
- }
- function hideRow(id) {
- $('#item'+id+'Price').val("0.00");
- $('#item'+id+'Qty').val("0.00");
- $('#orderRow'+id).hide('highlight');
- updatePrices();
- }
- function hideCoupon(id) {
- $('#couponRow'+id).hide('highlight',{},1000);
- $('#coupon'+id+'Key').val("");
- window.couponActions[id] = "__DELETED__";
- updatePrices();
- }
- function addressSummary(id,prefix) {
- $('#findAddressDetails').html("<img src='../../../images/loading.gif' />Loading Content...")
- .load("../orders/ajax/addressSummary.php?id="+id+"&pre="+prefix, function() {$('#dialogAddressData').validate()});
- }
- function applyAddress(prefix) {
- $('#'+prefix.toLowerCase()+'ID').val($('#findAddressTerm').val());
- $('#customer'+prefix+'Name').val($('#dialog .fs-customer-name').html());
- $('#customer'+prefix+'Address1').val($('#dialog .fs-customer-address1').html());
- $('#customer'+prefix+'Address2').val($('#dialog .fs-customer-address2').html());
- $('#customer'+prefix+'Address3').val($('#dialog .fs-customer-address3').html());
- $('#customer'+prefix+'Postcode').val($('#dialog .fs-customer-postcode').html());
- $('#customer'+prefix+'Country').val($('#dialog .fs-customer-countrycode').html());
- if (prefix === 'Billing') {
- $('#customerBillingEmail').val($('#dialog .fs-customer-email').html());
- }
- }
- function toggleShippingFields() {
- if ($('#noShipping:checked').length == 0) {
- //Same as shipping
- $('#shippingID, #customerShippingName, #customerShippingAddress1, #customerShippingAddress2, #customerShippingAddress3, #customerShippingPostcode, #customerShippingCountry').parent().parent().show('highlight');
- } else {
- //Different to shipping
- $('#shippingID, #customerShippingName, #customerShippingAddress1, #customerShippingAddress2, #customerShippingAddress3, #customerShippingPostcode, #customerShippingCountry').parent().parent().hide('highlight');
- }
- }
- function buildProforma() {
- $('#dialog').html('The order is being checked and processed. Please wait...').attr('title','Generating Proforma Invoice');
- $('#dialog').dialog();
- if ($('#orderFormMain').valid()) {
- if ($('#billingID').val() === "New") {
- //Save the billing details
- commitBilling();
- }
- if ($('#shippingID').val() === "New" && $('#noShipping').attr('checked') === "checked") {
- //Save the shipping details
- commitShipping();
- }
- $('#orderFormMain').attr('action','proforma.php').attr('target','_blank');
- }
- $('#dialog').dialog('destroy');
- }
- //commitBilling sends an Ajax request to store the customer data in the database and update the form accordingly
- function commitBilling() {
- $.ajax({
- url:'ajax/commitBilling.php',
- data:'name='+$('#customerBillingName').val()+'&address1='+$('#customerBillingAddress1').val()+'&address2='+$('#customerBillingAddress2').val()+'&address3='+$('#customerBillingAddress3').val()+'&postcode='+$('#customerBillingPostcode').val()+'&country='+$('#customerBillingCountry').val()+'&email='+$('#customerBillingEmail').val()+'&contact='+$('#mailingList').val(),
- type:'post',
- success: function(data) {$('#billingID').val(data)}
- });
- }
- $('#dialog').css('display','block');
- //Test Function - Creates a large number of order items
- function testlib_largeOrder() {
- for (i=1;i<=300;i++) {
- setTimeout("$('#item"+i+"ID').val("+i+");idKeyPress('item"+i+"ID');",5*i);
- }
- return "Executing Command...";
- }
- function testlib_largeQuantity() {
- for (i=1;i<window.nextOrderItemID;i++) {
- setTimeout("$('#item"+i+"Qty').val(200);quantityKeyPress('item"+i+"Qty');",5*i);
- }
- return "Executing Command...";
- }
- </script></body></html>