http://phidget-erlang-manager.googlecode.com/ · Erlang · 186 lines · 93 code · 44 blank · 49 comment · 0 complexity · 4ed4585c8026e0983f7a3f5e9a28b4e3 MD5 · raw file
- %% Author: Jean-Lou Dupont
- %% Created: 2009-06-23
- %% Description: Module for communicating with the daemon
- %%
- %% ==============
- %%
- %% {to_daemon, {MsgId, Msg}}
- %% {management_port, Port}
- %% {client, doconnect}
- %%
- %%
- %% ==================
- %% {from_daemon, Message} Message from Server side
- %% {management, open} Socket is open & ready
- %% {management, closed} Socket is closed
- %% {management, error} Socket cannot be opened
- %% {management, {txerror, MsgId}} Error transmitting message to Server
- %% {management, {txok, MsgId}} Transmission to Server OK
- -module(daemon_client).
- %%
- %%
- -define(TIMEOUT, 2000).
- -define(SUBS, [to_daemon, management_port, client]).
- %%
- %% Exported Functions
- %%
- -export([
- start_link/0,
- start_link/1,
- stop/0
- ]).
- -export([
- loop_connection/0,
- close_socket/0,
- close_socket/1,
- send_to_reflector/1,
- send_to_server/2,
- send_to_server/3
- ]).
- %% ======================================================
- %% API Functions
- %% ======================================================
- start_link()->
- Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, loop_connection, []),
- register(daemon_client, Pid),
- ?MODULE ! {sync,undefined, undefined},
- %%base:ilog(?MODULE,"Pid[~p]~n",[Pid]),
- {ok, Pid}.
- %% Once started, sends Msg to Recipient
- start_link({Recipient, Msg}) ->
- Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, loop_connection, []),
- register(daemon_client, Pid),
- ?MODULE ! {sync,Recipient, Msg},
- %%base:ilog(?MODULE,"Pid[~p]~n",[Pid]),
- {ok, Pid}.
- stop() ->
- daemon_client ! stop.
- %% ======================================================
- %% Local Functions
- %% ======================================================
- loop_connection() ->
- receive
- %% When we need to notify a root proc of our progress
- {sync, Recipient, Msg} ->
- put(root_proc, Recipient),
- base:send_ready_signal(daemon_client, Recipient, Msg);
- %% All modules are ready... let's sync
- %% to the Reflector
- mods_ready ->
- reflector:sync_to_reflector(?SUBS),
- ok;
- %% We are subscribed... final sync to the root proc
- {from_reflector, subscribed} ->
- RootProc=get(root_proc),
- %%base:send_on_count(RootProc, Msg, CountVar, TargetCount)
- base:send_synced_signal(daemon_client, RootProc),
- ok;
- {management_port, Port} ->
- put(management_port, Port);
- stop ->
- close_socket(),
- exit(ok);
- %% Starts a connection towards the Server
- {client, doconnect} ->
- close_socket(),
- Port=get(management_port),
- {Code, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", Port, [binary, {active, true}, {packet, 2}], ?TIMEOUT),
- case Code of
- ok ->
- put(socket, Socket),
- reflector:send_sync(daemon_client, management, open, ?SUBS);
- _ ->
- put(socket, undefined),
- reflector:send_sync(daemon_client, management, error, ?SUBS)
- end;
- {to_daemon, {MsgId, Msg}} ->
- send_to_server(MsgId, Msg);
- %% From socket
- {tcp, _Sock, Data} ->
- Message = binary_to_term(Data),
- send_to_reflector(Message);
- %% From socket
- {tcp_closed, _Sock} ->
- put(socket, undefined),
- reflector:send_sync(daemon_client, management, closed, ?SUBS)
- %%after ?TIMEOUT ->
- %%reflector:sync_to_reflector(?SUBS)
- end,
- loop_connection().
- close_socket() ->
- Socket=get(socket),
- close_socket(Socket).
- close_socket(undefined) ->
- ok;
- close_socket(Socket) ->
- gen_tcp:close(Socket),
- put(socket, undefined).
- send_to_reflector({MsgType, Msg}) ->
- reflector:send_sync(daemon_server, MsgType, Msg, ?SUBS);
- send_to_reflector(Message) ->
- base:elog(?MODULE, "INVALID FORMAT: Message[~p]~n", [Message]).
- %% Send a message over the socket connection
- %% to the server side. The MsgId field is used
- %% to correlate a status message back to the
- %% subscriber of this Client interface.
- send_to_server(MsgId, Msg) ->
- Socket=get(socket),
- send_to_server(Socket, MsgId, Msg).
- send_to_server(undefined, MsgId, _Msg) ->
- reflector:send_sync(daemon_client, management, {txerror, MsgId}, ?SUBS);
- send_to_server(Socket, MsgId, Msg) ->
- Coded = term_to_binary(Msg),
- case gen_tcp:send(Socket, Coded) of
- ok ->
- reflector:send_sync(daemon_client, management, {txok, MsgId}, ?SUBS);
- {error,Reason} ->
- base:elog(?MODULE, "send_to_server: ERROR, Reason[~p], MsgId[~p] Msg[~p]~n", [Reason, MsgId, Msg]),
- reflector:send_sync(daemon_client, management, {txerror, MsgId}, ?SUBS)
- end.