http://phidget-erlang-manager.googlecode.com/ · Erlang · 299 lines · 127 code · 68 blank · 104 comment · 0 complexity · 83e3fbe2d4224e132ace34a89dfc4c89 MD5 · raw file
- %% Author: Jean-Lou Dupont
- %% Created: 2009-06-23
- %% Description: Server side of the daemon
- %%
- %% This module:
- %% - Listens for incoming connections from Clients
- %% - Accepts 1 connection at a time
- %% - Receives messages from a Client
- %% - Send the messages to the Reflector
- %% {from_client, message, Msg}
- %%
- %% - Receives messages to be sent to Clients
- %% - Messages are received via the Reflector
- %%
- %% {to_client, {MsgId, Msg} }
- %% ^ ------------
- %% | ^
- %% MsgType |
- %% Msg
- %%
- %% - Receives messages from the socket
- %% These are sent to the Reflector with the following:
- %%
- %% {from_client, Msg}
- %%
- %% - Sends messages to clients
- %% - Sends message transmission status through Reflector
- %%
- %% {to_client_tx_status, {MsgId, Code} }
- %% Status Code = txerror || txok
- %%
- %% - Sends the Port opened for management Clients on the Reflector
- %%
- %% {management_port, Port}
- %% ^
- %% |
- %% MsgType
- -module(daemon_server).
- -define(ASSIGNEDPORT_TIMEOUT, 2000).
- %% Reflector subscriptions
- %% We just need to grab the messages destined
- %% to the Client side of the connection
- -define(SUBS, [to_client]).
- %%
- %% Exported Functions
- %%
- -export([
- start_link/0,
- start_link/1,
- stop/0,
- send_message/2
- ]).
- %%
- %% Local Functions
- %%
- -export([
- start_socket/1,
- loop_daemon/0,
- loop_socket/2,
- send_for_client/3,
- send_to_client/3
- ]).
- %% ======================================================================
- %% API Functions
- %% ======================================================================
- start_link() ->
- start_link([]).
- start_link(Args) ->
- Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, loop_daemon, []),
- register(daemon_server, Pid),
- ?MODULE ! {args, Args},
- start_socket(0), %% pick a socket
- {ok, Pid}.
- stop() ->
- daemon_server ! stop.
- %% Send a message to the Client side
- %% of the connection
- send_message(MsgId, Msg) ->
- daemon_server ! {to_client, MsgId, Msg}.
- %% ======================================================================
- %% LOCAL Functions
- %% ======================================================================
- loop_daemon() -> %%daemon_server loop
- receive
- {args, Args} ->
- put(args, Args),
- switch:subscribe(daemon_server, ?SUBS);
- {switch, subscribed} ->
- %%base:ilog(?MODULE, "subscribed~n",[]),
- switch:publish(daemon_server, ready, self());
- stop ->
- exit(ok);
- %% Status of transmission to client side
- {tx_status, {info, Code, MsgId}} ->
- %%base:ilog(?MODULE, "tx_status: Code[~p] MsgId[~p]~n",[Code, MsgId]),
- switch:publish(?MODULE, to_client_tx_status, {MsgId, Code});
- %% The listen port could have been assigned
- %% by the OS: we need to keep track of it
- %% for managing the daemon through a management
- %% client interface.
- {assignedport, Port} ->
- put(assignedport, Port),
- switch:publish(?MODULE, management_port, Port);
- %% message to send down the socket ... if any.
- %% send to socket process for delivery
- {_From, to_client, {MsgId, Msg}} ->
- SocketPid = get(socket_pid),
- send_for_client(SocketPid, MsgId, Msg);
- %% Just acting as relay.
- %% This type of message comes from the socket process
- %% (from the Client side) and needs to be relayed.
- %% The message is sent on the Reflector.
- {from_client, Message} ->
- switch:publish(?MODULE, from_client, Message);
- %% Need to track the socket process Pid in order
- %% to establish a communication link between
- %% a Client and a resident daemon
- {daemon_socket_pid, Pid} ->
- put(socket_pid, Pid);
- %%base:ilog(?MODULE, "socket Pid[~p]~n", [Pid]);
- {closed, _Sock} ->
- ok;
- %%base:ilog(?MODULE,"Socket[~p] closed~n", [Sock]);
- {lsocket, _LSocket} ->
- ok;
- %%base:ilog(?MODULE,"LSocket[~p]~n", [LSocket]);
- {socket, _Socket} ->
- ok;
- %%base:ilog(?MODULE,"Socket[~p]~n", [Socket]);
- {error, lsocket, _Reason} ->
- ok;
- %%base:elog(?MODULE,"LSocket Error[~p]~n", [Reason]);
- {error, socket, _Reason} ->
- ok;
- %%base:elog(?MODULE,"Socket Error[~p]~n", [Reason])
- Other ->
- base:elog(?MODULE, "unhandled message [~p]~n", [Other])
- %% We always have to sync to the reflector;
- %% we can't rely on the having to send stuff
- %% to re-sync.
- Port=get(assignedport),
- switch:publish(?MODULE, management_port, Port)
- end,
- loop_daemon().
- %% CALLED FROM daemon_server PROCESS
- %% These functions server as bridge between the daemon_server
- %% process and the socket process
- send_for_client(undefined, MsgId, Msg) ->
- %% TODO throttle this?
- base:elog(?MODULE, "socket process ERROR, cannot send MsgId[~p] Msg[~p]~n", [MsgId, Msg]);
- send_for_client(SocketPid, MsgId, Msg) ->
- SocketPid ! {for_client, MsgId, Msg}.
- start_socket(Port) ->
- {Code, LSocket} = gen_tcp:listen(Port,[{nodelay, true}, {packet, 2}, {reuseaddr, true},{active, true}]),
- case Code of
- ok ->
- %% Retrieve the Port number as it could have been assigned by the OS
- %% by setting '0' in the call to gen_tcp:listen
- AssignedPort = inet:port(LSocket),
- daemon_server ! {lsocket, LSocket},
- Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, loop_socket, [AssignedPort, LSocket]),
- register(daemon_socket, Pid),
- %% info back to the main loop 'daemon_server'
- {_, Porte} = AssignedPort,
- base:ilog(?MODULE, "assignedport [~p]~n",[Porte]),
- daemon_server ! {assignedport, Porte},
- daemon_server ! {daemon_socket_pid, Pid},
- %% Start accepting calls!
- daemon_socket ! {dostart};
- _ ->
- daemon_server ! {error, lsocket, LSocket}
- end,
- ok.
- %% =========================================================================================================================
- %% =========================================================================================================================
- %% Socket process loop
- %% =========================================================================================================================
- %% =========================================================================================================================
- loop_socket(Port, LSocket) ->
- receive
- %% waits for a connection i.e. BLOCKING <=======================================
- %% =============================================================================
- {dostart} ->
- {Code, Socket} = gen_tcp:accept(LSocket),
- inet:setopts(Socket, [{packet,2},binary,{nodelay, true},{active, true}]),
- case Code of
- ok ->
- put(socket, Socket),
- daemon_server ! {socket, Socket};
- _ ->
- daemon_server ! {error, socket, Socket},
- %% try again
- %% TODO think about limiting this?
- self() ! {dostart}
- end;
- %% Message Reception
- %% Rx from Client connected on the socket,
- %% message is relayed through the daemon_server.
- {tcp, Sock, Data} ->
- Message = binary_to_term(Data),
- daemon_server ! {from_client, Message},
- base:ilog(?MODULE, "tcp socket: Sock[~p] Decoded[~p]~n", [Sock, Message]);
- %% Client Connection close... restart
- {tcp_closed, Sock} ->
- daemon_server ! {closed, Sock},
- self() ! {dostart};
- %% Message to deliver to the Client connected to the socket
- {for_client, MsgId, Msg} ->
- Socket=get(socket),
- send_to_client(Socket, MsgId, Msg);
- Other ->
- base:elog(?MODULE, "socket: Other[~p]~n", [Other])
- end, %%RECEIVE
- loop_socket(Port, LSocket).
- %% Send message down the socket to the Client side
- send_to_client(undefined, MsgId, Msg) ->
- %% TODO throttle?
- base:elog(?MODULE, "socket error, cannot send, MsgId[~p] Msg[~p]~n", [MsgId, Msg]),
- daemon_server ! {tx_status, {info, txerror, MsgId}};
- send_to_client(Socket, MsgId, Msg) ->
- base:elog(?MODULE, "Message to client, MsgId[~p] Msg[~p]~n", [MsgId, Msg]),
- Coded = term_to_binary(Msg),
- case gen_tcp:send(Socket, Coded) of
- ok ->
- daemon_server ! {tx_status, {info, txok, MsgId}};
- {error, Reason} ->
- base:elog(?MODULE, "send_to_client: ERROR, Reason[~p] MsgId[~p] Msg[~p]~n", [Reason, MsgId, Msg]),
- daemon_server ! {tx_status, {info, txerror, MsgId}}
- end.