Python | 358 lines | 254 code | 44 blank | 60 comment | 39 complexity | 422a9e72cacb5c401916ccbe97b99c5a MD5 | raw file
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import calendar, collections, htmlentitydefs, httplib, logging, os.path, pdb, pprint, re, string, sys, threading, time, urllib, urllib2, urlparse
- Killer = collections.namedtuple("Killer", ("isplayer", "name"))
- CharDeath = collections.namedtuple("CharDeath", ("time", "level", "killers"))
- class Character(object):
- _fields = ("name", "vocation", "level", "guild")
- def __init__(self, **kwargs):
- super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
- self.__data = {}
- for k, v in kwargs.items():
- self[k] = v
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- assert key in self._fields
- assert key not in self.__data
- self.__data[key] = value
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- if name in self._fields:
- return self.__data.get(name)
- else:
- raise AttributeError()
- def update(self, other):
- vars(self).update(vars(other))
- def is_online(self):
- return self.online
- def set_online(self, online, stamp):
- if not hasattr(self, "online"):
- self.last_status_change = stamp if online else 0
- elif online != self.online:
- self.last_status_change = stamp
- self.online = online
- def last_online(self):
- assert not self.online
- return self.last_status_change
- def last_offline(self):
- assert self.online
- return self.last_status_change
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return not self == other
- def __eq__(self, other):
- for a in self._fields:
- if getattr(self, a) != getattr(other, a):
- return False
- else:
- return True
- def __repr__(self):
- return "{0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(("{0}={1!r}".format(f, getattr(self, f)) for f in self._fields)))
- def tibia_time_to_unix(s):
- a = s.split()
- #b = time.strptime(" ".join(a[:-1]) + " UTC", "%b %d %Y, %H:%M:%S %Z")
- b = time.strptime(" ".join(a[:-1]), "%b %d %Y, %H:%M:%S")
- c = calendar.timegm(b)
- #c = int(time.mktime(b))
- #c -= time.timezone
- HOUR = 3600
- c -= HOUR * {"CET": 1, "CEST": 2}[a[-1]]
- return c
- def next_whoisonline_update(secs=None):
- """Returns the unix epoch of the next reasonable time to update from tibia.com whoisonline pages"""
- a = list(time.gmtime(secs))
- min = (((((a[4] - 1) // 5) + 1) * 5) + 1)
- return calendar.timegm(a[0:4] + [min, 0] + a[6:9])
- def make_tibia_url(path, query):
- return urlparse.urlunsplit((
- "http",
- "www.tibia.com",
- path,
- urllib.urlencode(query),
- None),)
- def char_page_url(name):
- return make_tibia_url("/community/", {"subtopic": "characters", "name": name})
- def world_guilds_url(world):
- return make_tibia_url("/community/", {"subtopic": "guilds", "world": world})
- def guild_members_url(guild):
- return make_tibia_url("/community/", {"subtopic": "guilds", "page": "view", "GuildName": guild})
- def world_online_url(world):
- assert isinstance(world, str)
- return make_tibia_url("/community/", {"subtopic": "whoisonline", "world": world})
- def http_get(url):
- """Perform a compressed GET request on the Tibia webserver. Return the decoded response data and other info."""
- # prefer deflate, zlib, gzip as they add ascending levels of headers in that order
- # compress is not as strong compression, prefer it next
- # avoid identity and unhandled encodings at all cost
- request = urllib2.Request(
- url,
- headers={"Accept-Encoding": "deflate;q=1.0, zlib;q=0.9, gzip;q=0.8, compress;q=0.7, *;q=0"},)
- retries = 0
- while True:
- try:
- response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
- except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
- if e.code != 403:
- raise
- else:
- retries += 1
- print "fail:", time.time(), threading.current_thread().name
- time.sleep(retries)
- else:
- break
- del retries
- respdata = response.read()
- response.close()
- assert response.code == 200, (response.code, respdata)
- # decompress the response data
- assert len(respdata) == int(response.info()["Content-Length"])
- contentEncoding = response.info()["Content-Encoding"]
- if contentEncoding == "gzip":
- import gzip, io
- respdata = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io.BytesIO(respdata)).read()
- # retrieve the encoding, so we can decode the bytes to a string
- contentType = response.info()["Content-Type"]
- charset = re.search("charset=([^;\b]+)", contentType).group(1)
- if str != bytes:
- respdata = respdata.decode(charset)
- return respdata, response.info()
- #tibiacomConnection = httplib.HTTPConnection("www.tibia.com")
- #tibiacomConnLock = threading.Lock()
- #def http_get(url):
- #"""Perform a compressed GET request on the Tibia webserver. Return the decoded response data and other info."""
- ## prefer deflate, zlib, gzip as they add ascending levels of headers in that order
- ## compress is not as strong compression, prefer it next, avoid identity and unhandled encodings at all cost
- #with tibiacomConnLock:
- #tibiacomConnection.request("GET", url, headers={
- #"Accept-Encoding": "deflate;q=1.0, zlib;q=0.9, gzip;q=0.8, compress;q=0.7, *;q=0",})
- #response = tibiacomConnection.getresponse()
- #assert response.status == 200
- ##if response.status != 200:
- ## logging.error("%d: %s", response.status, response.reason)
- ##else:
- ## break
- ##print response.status, response.reason
- ##print response.getheaders()
- ###assert response.status == 200
- ## decompress the response data
- #respdata = response.read()
- ##response.close()
- #contentLength = response.msg["Content-Length"]
- #assert len(respdata) == int(response.msg["Content-Length"])
- #contentEncoding = response.msg.getheader("Content-Encoding")
- #if contentEncoding == "gzip":
- #import gzip, io
- #respdata = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io.BytesIO(respdata)).read()
- ## retrieve the encoding, so we can decode the bytes to a string
- #contentType = response.msg["Content-Type"]
- #charset = re.search("charset=([^;\b]+)", contentType).group(1)
- #if str != bytes:
- #respdata = respdata.decode(charset)
- #return respdata, response.msg
- STR = r"<tr[^>]*>"
- ETR = r"</tr>"
- STD = r"<td[^>]*>"
- ETD = r"</td>"
- TIBTIME = r"([^<]+)"
- LEVEL = r".*?at Level (\d+) by "
- KILLERS = r"(.*?)"
- def tibia_worlds_url():
- return make_tibia_url("/community/", {"subtopic": "whoisonline"})
- def parse_tibia_worlds(html):
- worldNames = set()
- for mo in re.finditer(
- r'<A HREF="http://www.tibia.com/community/\?subtopic=whoisonline&world=([^"]+)">', html):
- worldNames.add(mo.group(1))
- return worldNames
- def tibia_worlds():
- html = http_get(tibia_worlds_url())[0]
- return parse_tibia_worlds(html)
- def dilute_tibia_html_entities(html):
- return html.replace("\xa0", " ")
- def unescape_tibia_html(string):
- """Replace HTML entities in the string, and convert any Tibia-specific codepoints"""
- n2cp = htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint
- def substitute_entity(match):
- ent = match.group(2)
- if match.group(1) == "#":
- # numeric substitution
- return chr(int(ent))
- else:
- # get the codepoint from the name
- cp = n2cp.get(ent)
- if cp:
- #if a codepoint was found, return it's string value
- return chr(cp)
- else:
- # codepoint wasn't found, return the match untouched
- return match.group()
- def decode_entities(string):
- # catch any &(#)(12345); or &()(abcdefgh);
- entity_re = re.compile(r"&(#?)(\d{1,5}|\w{1,8});")
- # substitute all matches in the string with the result of the function call
- return entity_re.subn(substitute_entity, string)[0]
- # replace nbsp, there may be others too..
- return dilute_tibia_html_entities(decode_entities(string))
- def _parse_char_page_deaths(html):
- matchobj = re.search(r"<table.*?>Character Deaths<.*?</table>", html, re.IGNORECASE)
- if not matchobj:
- return []
- html = matchobj.group()
- #print(deathhtml)
- alldeaths = []
- for deathmo in re.finditer(STR + STD + TIBTIME + ETD + STD + LEVEL + KILLERS + ETD + ETR, html, re.IGNORECASE):
- time = unescape_tibia_html(deathmo.group(1))
- tibia_time_to_unix(time)
- level = int(deathmo.group(2))
- killers = []
- for killermo in re.finditer(r"(?:<a[^>]*>)?([^<]+?)(</a>)?(?: and |, |\.)", deathmo.group(3)):
- assert killermo.re.groups == 2
- killers.append(Killer(isplayer=bool(killermo.group(2)), name=unescape_tibia_html(killermo.group(1))))
- alldeaths.append(CharDeath(time=time, level=level, killers=killers))
- #pprint.pprint(alldeaths)
- return alldeaths
- class CharDoesNotExist(Exception):
- pass
- def parse_char_page(html, name):
- info = {}
- """Read the simple FieldName: Value data fields from character page HTML"""
- FIELDS = (
- # key name, field name, data transform, required field
- ("name", "Name", lambda x: unescape_tibia_html(x), True),
- ("former_names", "Former Names", lambda x: x.split(", "), False),
- ("sex", "Sex", None, True),
- ("vocation", "Profession", None, True),
- ("level", "Level", int, True),
- ("world", "World", None, True),
- ("residence", "Residence", None, True),
- ( "guild",
- "Guild membership",
- lambda x: unescape_tibia_html(re.search(r"<A.+?>([^<]+)</A>", x).group(1)),
- False),
- ("last_login", "Last login", lambda x: unescape_tibia_html(x), True),
- ("account_status", "Account Status", None, True),
- ("created", "Created", lambda x: unescape_tibia_html(x), False))
- for key, field, transform, required in FIELDS:
- hits = re.findall(
- "<TR.*?><TD.*?>{0}:</TD><TD>(.+?)</TD></TR>".format(field),
- html)
- if len(hits) == 0:
- if required:
- if re.search(
- r"Character <B>{0}</B> does not exist.".format(name),
- html):
- assert key == FIELDS[0][0]
- raise CharDoesNotExist(name)
- else:
- assert False, "Character page for %r: Required field %s not found" % (name, field)
- else:
- info[key] = None
- elif len(hits) == 1:
- info[key] = transform(hits[0]) if transform != None else hits[0]
- else:
- assert False, "Too many hits for field"
- info["deaths"] = _parse_char_page_deaths(html)
- # special name field handling
- a = info["name"].split(",", 1)
- info["name"] = a[0]
- if len(a) > 1:
- info["deletion"] = a[1].strip()
- if name != info["name"]:
- assert name in info["former_names"]
- #raise CharNameChanged(info)
- return info
- def get_char_page(name):
- return parse_char_page(http_get(char_page_url(name))[0], name)
- def get_world_online(world):
- return parse_world_online(http_get(world_online_url(world))[0])
- def parse_world_online(html):
- assert html
- # html is processed in this function, these are data transformations
- def vocation_check(vocation):
- assert vocation in ("None", "Knight", "Elite Knight", "Paladin", "Royal Paladin", "Druid", "Elder Druid", "Sorcerer", "Master Sorcerer")
- return vocation
- FIELDS = (
- ("name", lambda x: unescape_tibia_html(x)),
- ("level", lambda x: int(x)),
- ("vocation", vocation_check),)
- players = []
- row_re = re.compile("""<TR BGCOLOR=#[A-F0-9]+><TD WIDTH=\d+%><A HREF="http://www.tibia.com/community/\?subtopic=characters&name=[^"]+">([^<]+)</A></TD><TD WIDTH=\d+%>(\d+)</TD><TD WIDTH=\d+%>([^<]+)</TD></TR>""")
- for a in row_re.finditer(html):
- assert len(a.groups()) == len(FIELDS)
- # generate a dict from a list of pairs, with keys and values processed through FIELDS
- # FIELDS is iterated by index because of 1-based MatchObject.group()
- players.append(Character(**dict(
- ((f[0], f[1](a.group(i + 1))) for i, f in enumerate(FIELDS)))))
- # check the page player count matches the number of players we found
- pagePlayerCount = re.search(r"Currently (\d+) players are online\.", html)
- if pagePlayerCount is not None:
- pagePlayerCount = int(pagePlayerCount.group(1))
- else:
- pagePlayerCount = 0
- assert len(players) == pagePlayerCount
- return players
- def parse_world_guilds(html, world):
- groups = re.findall(r'<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=GuildName VALUE="([^"]+)', html)
- retval = set()
- for guild in [set([x]) for x in groups]:
- assert len(guild) == 1
- assert retval.isdisjoint(guild)
- retval.update(guild)
- return retval
- def parse_guild_members(html, guild):
- members = set()
- matches = re.findall(r'<TD><A HREF="http://www.tibia.com/community/\?subtopic=characters&name=[^"]+">([^<]+)</A>[^<>]*</TD>', html)
- for m in matches:
- assert m not in members
- members.add(unescape_tibia_html(m))
- return members
- def main():
- pprint.pprint(globals()[sys.argv[1]](*sys.argv[2:]))
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()