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Config | 33 lines | 31 code | 2 blank | 0 comment | 0 complexity | 7d29ddc04794940e7ad5d5b20bbda935 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): AGPL-3.0, GPL-3.0, LGPL-2.1
  1. #include "common.cfg"
  2. DontUseNS = 1;
  3. StartCommands +=
  4. {
  5. // Create a gateway for global interconnection
  6. // modules from different shard are visible to each other if they connect to
  7. // this gateway. SU Local module have no interest to be plugged here.
  8. "moduleManager.createModule StandardGateway glob_gw",
  9. // add a layer 3 server transport
  10. "glob_gw.transportAdd L3Server l3s",
  11. // open the transport
  12. "glob_gw.transportCmd l3s(open port="+SUGlobalPort+")",
  13. // Create a session manager module
  14. "moduleManager.createModule RingSessionManager rsm web(port=49999) ring_db(host="+DBHost+" user="+DBRingUser+" password="+DBRingPass+" base="+DBRingName+") nel_db(host="+DBHost+" user="+DBNelUser+" password="+DBNelPass+" base="+DBNelName+")",
  15. "rsm.plug gw",
  16. // Create a login service module
  17. "moduleManager.createModule LoginService ls ring_db(host="+DBHost+" user="+DBRingUser+" password="+DBRingPass+" base="+DBRingName+") web(port=49998) nel_db(host="+DBHost+" user="+DBNelUser+" password="+DBNelPass+" base="+DBNelName+")",
  18. "ls.plug gw",
  19. // Create a character synchronization module
  20. "moduleManager.createModule CharacterSynchronisation cs fake_edit_char ring_db(host="+DBHost+" user="+DBRingUser+" password="+DBRingPass+" base="+DBRingName+")",
  21. "cs.plug gw",
  22. // Create entity locator module
  23. "moduleManager.createModule EntityLocator el ring_db(host="+DBHost+" user="+DBRingUser+" password="+DBRingPass+" base="+DBRingName+") nel_db(host="+DBHost+" user="+DBNelUser+" password="+DBNelPass+" base="+DBNelName+")",
  24. "el.plug gw",
  25. // Create a mail forum notifier forwarder
  26. "moduleManager.createModule MailForumNotifierFwd mfnfwd ring_db(host="+DBHost+" user="+DBRingUser+" password="+DBRingPass+" base="+DBRingName+") web(port=49897)",
  27. "mfnfwd.plug gw",
  28. // Create a chat unifier server module
  29. "moduleManager.createModule ChatUnifierServer cus ring_db(host="+DBHost+" user="+DBRingUser+" password="+DBRingPass+" base="+DBRingName+")",
  30. "cus.plug gw",
  31. };