Perl | 381 lines | 293 code | 60 blank | 28 comment | 32 complexity | 3a9507397795d6afa0671e02c91589c6 MD5 | raw file
- package Foorum::Controller::Profile;
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- our $VERSION = '1.000005';
- use base 'Catalyst::Controller';
- use Foorum::XUtils qw/theschwartz/;
- use Digest ();
- use Locale::Country::Multilingual;
- use vars qw/$lcm/;
- $lcm = Locale::Country::Multilingual->new();
- sub edit : Local {
- my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
- return $c->res->redirect('/login') unless ( $c->user_exists );
- $c->stash->{template} = 'user/profile/edit.html';
- # get all countries code
- $lcm->set_lang( $c->stash->{lang} );
- my @codes = $lcm->all_country_codes();
- my %countries;
- foreach (@codes) {
- $countries{$_} = $lcm->code2country($_);
- }
- $c->stash->{countries} = \%countries;
- unless ( $c->req->method eq 'POST' ) {
- my $birthday = $c->user->{details}->{birthday};
- if ( $birthday
- and $birthday
- and $birthday =~ /^(\d+)\-(\d+)\-(\d+)$/ ) {
- $c->stash(
- { year => $1,
- month => $2,
- day => $3,
- }
- );
- }
- $c->stash->{user_details} = $c->user->{details};
- return;
- }
- my $birthday
- = $c->req->param('year') . '-'
- . $c->req->param('month') . '-'
- . $c->req->param('day');
- my ( @extra_valid, @extra_insert );
- if ( length($birthday) > 2 ) { # is not --
- @extra_valid
- = ( { birthday => [ 'year', 'month', 'day' ] } => ['DATE'] );
- @extra_insert = ( birthday => $birthday );
- }
- # be compatible with Yahoo! ID and email
- foreach my $param ( 'gtalk', 'yahoo', 'skype' ) {
- if ( $c->req->param($param) =~ /^(\w+)\@/ ) {
- $c->req->param( $param, $1 ); # only need the username before @
- }
- }
- $c->form(
- gender => [ [ 'REGEX', qr/^(M|F)?$/ ] ],
- lang => [ [ 'REGEX', qr/^\w{2}$/ ] ],
- @extra_valid,
- homepage => ['HTTP_URL'],
- nickname => [ qw/NOT_BLANK/, [qw/LENGTH 4 20/] ],
- 'qq' => [ [ 'REGEX', qr/^\d{6,14}$/ ] ],
- msn => [ qw/EMAIL_LOOSE/, [qw/LENGTH 5 64/] ],
- gtalk => [ [ 'REGEX', qr/^\w{2,64}$/ ] ],
- yahoo => [ [ 'REGEX', qr/^\w{2,64}$/ ] ],
- skype => [ [ 'REGEX', qr/^\w{2,64}$/ ] ],
- country => [ [ 'REGEX', qr/^\w{2}$/ ] ],
- );
- return if ( $c->form->has_error );
- # validate country
- unless ( $lcm->code2country( $c->req->param('country') ) ) {
- $c->req->param( 'country', '' );
- }
- $c->model('DBIC::User')->update_user(
- $c->user,
- { nickname => $c->req->param('nickname') || $c->user->username,
- gender => $c->req->param('gender') || 'NA',
- lang => $c->req->param('lang') || $c->config->{default_lang},
- country => $c->req->param('country') || '',
- }
- );
- $c->model('DBIC::UserDetails')->update_or_create(
- { user_id => $c->user->user_id,
- homepage => $c->req->param('homepage') || '',
- 'qq' => $c->req->param('qq') || '',
- msn => $c->req->param('msn') || '',
- gtalk => $c->req->param('gtalk') || '',
- yahoo => $c->req->param('yahoo') || '',
- skype => $c->req->param('skype') || '',
- @extra_insert,
- }
- );
- # clear user cache too
- $c->model('DBIC::User')->delete_cache_by_user( $c->user );
- $c->res->redirect( '/u/' . $c->user->username );
- }
- sub change_password : Local {
- my ( $self, $c, $username, $security_code ) = @_;
- my $password = $c->req->param('password');
- $c->stash->{template} = 'user/profile/change_password.html';
- my $user;
- # the user input old password
- # or the user click from forget_password email
- # CAN change password
- my $can_change_password = 0;
- if ( $username and $security_code ) {
- # check if that's mataches.
- $user = $c->model('User')->get( { username => $username } );
- if ($user) {
- my $security_code2 = $c->model('DBIC::SecurityCode')
- ->get( 'forget_password', $user->{user_id} );
- if ( $security_code2 and $security_code2 eq $security_code ) {
- $can_change_password = 1;
- $c->stash->{use_security_code} = 1;
- }
- }
- $c->stash->{user} = $user;
- }
- unless ($can_change_password) {
- return $c->res->redirect('/login') unless ( $c->user_exists );
- $user = $c->user;
- $c->stash->{user} = $user;
- # check the password typed in is correct
- if ($password) {
- my $d = Digest->new(
- $c->config->{authentication}->{password_hash_type} );
- $d->add($password);
- my $computed = $d->digest;
- if ( $computed ne $c->user->{password} ) {
- $c->set_invalid_form( password => 'WRONG_PASSWORD' );
- $c->stash->{user} = $user;
- return;
- }
- $can_change_password = 1;
- }
- }
- return unless ($can_change_password);
- # execute validation.
- $c->form(
- new_password => [ qw/NOT_BLANK/, [qw/LENGTH 6 20/] ],
- { passwords => [ 'new_password', 'confirm_password' ] } =>
- );
- return if ( $c->form->has_error );
- # encrypted the new password
- my $new_password = $c->req->param('new_password');
- my $d = Digest->new( $c->config->{authentication}->{password_hash_type} );
- $d->reset;
- $d->add($new_password);
- my $new_computed = $d->digest;
- $c->model('DBIC::User')
- ->update_user( $user, { password => $new_computed } );
- # delete so that can't use again
- if ( $c->stash->{use_security_code} ) {
- $c->model('DBIC::SecurityCode')
- ->remove( 'forget_password', $user->{user_id} );
- }
- $c->detach(
- '/print_message',
- [ { msg => 'Reset Password OK',
- url => '/profile/edit',
- stay_in_page => 1,
- }
- ]
- );
- }
- sub forget_password : Local {
- my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
- $c->stash->{template} = 'user/profile/forget_password.html';
- return unless ( $c->req->method eq 'POST' );
- my $username = $c->req->param('username');
- my $email = $c->req->param('email');
- my $user;
- if ($username) {
- $user = $c->model('DBIC::User')->get( { username => $username } );
- return $c->stash->{ERROR_NOT_SUCH_USER} = 1 unless ($user);
- $email = $user->{email};
- } elsif ($email) {
- $user = $c->model('DBIC::User')->get( { email => $email } );
- return $c->stash->{ERROR_NOT_SUCH_EMAIL} = 1 unless ($user);
- $username = $user->{username};
- } else {
- return;
- }
- # create a security code
- # URL contains the security_code can change his password later
- my $security_code = $c->model('DBIC::SecurityCode')
- ->get_or_create( 'forget_password', $user->{user_id} );
- # send email
- $c->model('DBIC::ScheduledEmail')->create_email(
- { template => 'forget_password',
- to => $email,
- lang => $c->stash->{lang},
- stash => {
- username => $username,
- security_code => $security_code,
- IP => $c->req->address,
- }
- }
- );
- $c->detach(
- '/print_message',
- [ { msg =>
- 'The instruction to rest your password is sent to your email, please have a check',
- url => '/',
- stay_in_page => 1,
- }
- ]
- );
- }
- sub change_email : Local {
- my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
- return $c->res->redirect('/login') unless ( $c->user_exists );
- $c->stash->{template} = 'user/profile/change_email.html';
- return unless ( $c->req->method eq 'POST' );
- # check the password typed in is correct
- my $password = $c->req->param('password');
- my $d = Digest->new( $c->config->{authentication}->{password_hash_type} );
- $d->add($password);
- my $computed = $d->digest;
- if ( $computed ne $c->user->{password} ) {
- $c->set_invalid_form( password => 'WRONG_PASSWORD' );
- return;
- }
- # validation
- my $email = $c->req->param('email');
- if ( $email eq $c->user->email ) {
- return $c->set_invalid_form( email => 'EMAIL_DUPLICATION' );
- }
- my $err = $c->model('DBIC::User')->validate_email($email);
- if ($err) {
- return $c->set_invalid_form( email => $err );
- }
- $c->model('DBIC::User')->update_user( $c->user, { email => $email } );
- $c->res->redirect('/profile/edit');
- }
- sub change_username : Local {
- my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
- return $c->res->redirect('/login') unless ( $c->user_exists );
- $c->stash->{template} = 'user/profile/change_username.html';
- return unless ( $c->req->method eq 'POST' );
- # check the password typed in is correct
- my $password = $c->req->param('password');
- my $d = Digest->new( $c->config->{authentication}->{password_hash_type} );
- $d->add($password);
- my $computed = $d->digest;
- if ( $computed ne $c->user->{password} ) {
- $c->set_invalid_form( password => 'WRONG_PASSWORD' );
- return;
- }
- # execute validation.
- $c->form(
- new_username => [qw/NOT_BLANK/],
- { usernames => [ 'new_username', 'confirm_username' ] } =>
- );
- return if ( $c->form->has_error );
- my $new_username = $c->req->param('new_username');
- my $err = $c->model('DBIC::User')->validate_username($new_username);
- if ($err) {
- $c->set_invalid_form( new_username => $err );
- return;
- }
- $c->model('DBIC::User')
- ->update_user( $c->user, { username => $new_username, } );
- $c->session->{__user} = $new_username;
- $c->res->redirect("/u/$new_username");
- }
- sub profile_photo : Local {
- my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
- return $c->res->redirect('/login') unless ( $c->user_exists );
- $c->stash->{template} = 'user/profile/profile_photo.html';
- return unless ( $c->req->method eq 'POST' );
- my $new_upload = $c->req->upload('upload');
- my $old_upload_id
- = ( $c->user->{profile_photo}->{type} eq 'upload' )
- ? $c->user->{profile_photo}->{value}
- : 0;
- my $new_upload_id = $old_upload_id;
- if ( ( $c->req->param('attachment_action') eq 'delete' ) or $new_upload )
- {
- # delete old upload
- if ($old_upload_id) {
- $c->model('DBIC::Upload')
- ->remove_by_upload( $c->user->{profile_photo}->{upload} );
- $new_upload_id = 0;
- }
- # add new upload
- if ($new_upload) {
- $new_upload_id = $c->model('DBIC::Upload')
- ->add_file( $new_upload, { user_id => $c->user->user_id } );
- unless ( $new_upload_id =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
- return $c->set_invalid_form( upload => $new_upload_id );
- }
- my $client = theschwartz();
- $client->insert(
- 'Foorum::TheSchwartz::Worker::ResizeProfilePhoto',
- $new_upload_id );
- }
- }
- $c->model('DBIC')->resultset('UserProfilePhoto')
- ->search( { user_id => $c->user->{user_id} } )->delete;
- $c->model('DBIC')->resultset('UserProfilePhoto')->create(
- { user_id => $c->user->{user_id},
- type => 'upload',
- value => $new_upload_id,
- width => 0,
- height => 0,
- time => time(),
- }
- );
- $c->model('DBIC::User')->delete_cache_by_user( $c->user );
- $c->res->redirect( '/u/' . $c->user->{username} );
- }
- 1;
- __END__
- =pod
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Fayland Lam <fayland at gmail.com>
- =cut