Java | 306 lines | 236 code | 48 blank | 22 comment | 20 complexity | 34374e94e74b9ec3789148699b933163 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): Apache-2.0
- /**
- * File: StartBatchProcessing.java
- * Created by: mhaimel
- * Created on: 16 Jul 2009
- * CVS: $Id: AbstractPipelineBootstrapper.java,v 1.3 2009/12/07 16:35:38 mhaimel Exp $
- */
- package uk.ac.ebi.curtain;
- import java.io.File;
- import java.io.IOException;
- import java.util.List;
- import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
- import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
- import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.configuration.CurtainConfig;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.configuration.CurtainContextModule;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.configuration.CurtainInputArguments;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.configuration.DefaultModule;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.management.CurtainControllerFactory;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.management.TypeInfo;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.pipeline.CurtainPipelineManager;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.service.IdentifierFilepositionIndex;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.util.FileIndexReader;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.util.FileIndexWriter;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.util.FileIndexUtil.FileIndexEvent;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.utils.CurtainUncheckedException;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.utils.data.FileType;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.utils.data.ReadType;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.utils.file.FileInfo;
- import uk.ac.ebi.curtain.utils.io.impl.FileIO;
- import uk.ac.ebi.velvet.model.Strand;
- import com.google.inject.Guice;
- import com.google.inject.Inject;
- import com.google.inject.Injector;
- /**
- * @author mhaimel
- *
- */
- public abstract class AbstractPipelineBootstrapper {
- private Log log= null;
- private CurtainConfig config;
- private CurtainContext context;
- private CurtainPipelineManager manager;
- public AbstractPipelineBootstrapper() {
- // do nothing;
- }
- protected abstract CurtainInputArguments parseArguments(String[] args);
- public String printHelp(){
- Injector inj = getInjector(new CurtainContextImpl(-1));
- // CurtainControllerFactory
- CurtainControllerFactory ctr = inj.getInstance(CurtainControllerFactory.class);
- List<TypeInfo> types = ctr.getTypes();
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb.append("Curtain pipelines:\n-----------------------------------\n");
- for(TypeInfo ty : types){
- if(ty.getMain()){
- sb.append(" ")
- .append(ty.getName())
- .append("\t : ")
- .append(ty.getDescription())
- .append("\n");
- }
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
- public void boot(String[] args){
- CurtainInputArguments arguments = parseArguments(args);
- CurtainContextImpl impl = new CurtainContextImpl(arguments.getCurtainIteration());
- impl.setArguments(arguments);
- Injector injector = getInjector(impl);
- impl.setInjector(injector);
- injector.injectMembers(this);
- this.run();
- }
- private Injector getInjector(CurtainContextImpl impl) {
- return Guice.createInjector(
- new CurtainContextModule(impl),
- new DefaultModule(impl));
- }
- protected void run() {
- try{
- String contr = getControllerType();
- getLog().info("Check and load configuration for " + contr + " ... ");
- _clearConfiguration();
- _checkWorkingDir();
- _checkFilePositionIndex();
- registerSequenceFiles();
- getLog().info("Connect pipeline " + contr + " ... ");
- connectPipeline(contr);
- getLog().info("Boot pipeline " + contr + " ... ");
- bootPipeline(contr);
- getLog().info("Process pipeline " + contr + " ... ");
- processPipeline(contr);
- getLog().info("Wait pipeline to finish " + contr + " ... ");
- getManager().shutdownAndWait(false);
- List<Object> resSet = getManager().getResult(contr);
- getLog().info("Finished Pipeline with " + resSet.size() + " results");
- } catch (Exception e) {
- getManager().shutdown(true);
- getLog().error("Problems with the pipeline", e);
- exit(99);
- }
- }
- protected void bootPipeline(String contr) {
- getManager().startPipeline(contr);
- }
- protected void connectPipeline(String contr) {
- getManager().connectPipeline(contr);
- }
- protected void processPipeline(String type) {
- getManager().handle(type, getContext().currentFiles().getBucketDir());
- }
- protected abstract String getControllerType();
- protected void _checkWorkingDir() {
- {
- File dir = getContext().currentFiles().getWorkingDir();
- if(!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdirs()){
- throw new CurtainUncheckedException("Not able to create working directory " + dir);
- }
- }
- // {
- // File dir = getContext().currentFiles().getContigDir();
- // if(!dir.exists() && !dir.mkdir()){
- // throw new CurtainUncheckedException("Not able to create working directory " + dir);
- // }
- // }
- }
- protected void _clearConfiguration() {
- if(deleteWorkingDirecotry()){
- for(ReadType rt : ReadType.values()){
- deleteFile(getContext().currentFiles().getEntryFilePosition(rt));
- deleteFile(getContext().currentFiles().getEntryFilePosition(rt));
- }
- deleteDir(getContext().currentFiles().getWorkingDir());
- // deleteFile(getContext().currentFiles().getConfigurationInformation());
- // deleteFile(getContext().currentFiles().getEntryFilePosition());
- // deleteFile(getContext().currentFiles().getUnmappedFilePosition());
- // deleteDir(getContext().currentFiles().getContigDir());
- }
- }
- protected abstract boolean deleteWorkingDirecotry();
- protected Log getLog() {
- if(null == log){
- log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
- }
- return log;
- }
- protected void deleteFile(File file){
- if(file.exists()){
- getLog().info("Delete file " + file);
- if(!file.delete()){
- throw new CurtainUncheckedException("Failed deleting File " + file);
- }
- }
- }
- protected void deleteDir(File dir){
- if(dir.exists()){
- if(dir.isDirectory()){
- getLog().info("Delete directory " + dir);
- try {
- FileUtils.deleteDirectory(dir);
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new CurtainUncheckedException("Failed deleting File " + dir,e);
- }
- } else {
- throw new CurtainUncheckedException("Expected directory: " + dir);
- }
- }
- }
- protected void _checkFilePositionIndex() {
- File cFile = getContext().currentFiles().getConfigurationInformation();
- IdentifierFilepositionIndex idx = getContext().getPositionIndex(cFile);
- if(cFile.exists()){
- idx.synchronize();
- }
- if(!idx.isWriteable()){
- idx.setWriteOnly();
- }
- FileIndexWriter out = null;
- try{
- out = idx.getWriter();
- for(FileInfo f : getContext().getArguments().getFiles(FileType.values())){
- Integer cat = getContext().getArguments().getCategory(f);
- out.addFile(f, cat);
- Integer insLen = getContext().getArguments().getInsertLength(f);
- Integer insSd = getContext().getArguments().getInsertLengthSd(f);
- if(null != insLen){
- out.addInsertLength(cat, insLen);
- }
- if(null != insSd){
- out.addInsertLengthSd(cat, insSd);
- }
- }
- } finally{
- FileIO.closeQuietly(out);
- FileIO.closeQuietly(idx);
- }
- }
- protected void registerSequenceFiles() {
- File cFile = getContext().currentFiles().getConfigurationInformation();
- IdentifierFilepositionIndex idx = getContext().getPositionIndex(cFile);
- idx.setReadOnly();
- FileIndexReader reader = null;
- try{
- reader = idx.getReader();
- reader.setEventHandler(new FileIndexEvent(){
- public void addContig(FileInfo fi, String key, Long pos) {/* empty*/}
- public void addContigPosition(FileInfo fi, Long pos) {/* empty*/}
- public void addFile(FileInfo fi, Integer category) {
- getContext().getArguments().addFile2Category(category,fi);
- }
- public void addInsertLength(Integer category, Integer insLen) {
- getContext().getArguments().addInsertLength2Category(category, insLen);
- }
- public void addInsertLengthSd(Integer category, Integer sd) {
- getContext().getArguments().addInsertLengthSd2Category(category, sd);
- }
- public void addRead(FileInfo fi, String key, Strand strand,Long pos) {/* empty*/}
- public void addReadPosition(FileInfo fi, Strand strand, Long pos) {/* empty*/}
- public void close() throws IOException {/* empty*/}
- public void addFileId(Integer fid, FileInfo fi) {
- getContext().getGlobalFileIndex().register(fid, fi);
- }
- @Override
- public void addCategory(Integer category, String id) {
- getContext().getArguments().addCategory(category,id);
- }});
- reader.readAll();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- throw new CurtainUncheckedException("Problems reading initialization file!",e);
- }finally{
- FileIO.closeQuietly(reader);
- }
- }
- protected void exit(Integer id){
- System.exit(id);
- }
- protected CurtainConfig getConfig() {
- return config;
- }
- @Inject
- public void setConfig(CurtainConfig config) {
- this.config = config;
- }
- protected CurtainPipelineManager getManager() {
- return manager;
- }
- @Inject
- public void setManager(CurtainPipelineManager manager) {
- this.manager = manager;
- }
- @Inject
- public void setContext(CurtainContext context) {
- this.context = context;
- }
- public CurtainContext getContext() {
- return context;
- }
- }