PHP | 609 lines | 534 code | 63 blank | 12 comment | 119 complexity | d3ff77720ceef65b6df93cf0dfea20b0 MD5 | raw file
- <?php
- include_once("db_connect.php");
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- if($_SESSION['logged']=='admin' || $_SESSION['logged']=='stat') {
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- if($xls!=1) include_once("menu.php");
- include_once("db_connect.php");
- if($xls==1) $_POST=$_GET;
- $search = trim ($_POST['search']);
- $kouch = trim ($_POST['kouch']);
- $service = trim ($_POST['service']);
- $call_type = trim ($_POST['call_type']);
- $number = trim ($_POST['number']);
- $date = trim ($_POST['to_date_from']);
- $datet = trim ($_POST['to_date_to']);
- $time = trim ($_POST['to_time_from']);
- $timet = trim ($_POST['to_time_to']);
- $random = trim ($_POST['random']);
- $random_count = (isset($_POST['random_count']))?trim($_POST['random_count']):50;
- $operators = pg_exec('select * from public.operators ORDER BY opr_name ASC');
- $services = pg_exec('SELECT * FROM public.services ORDER BY srv_order DESC');
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- header("Content-Type: application/download");;
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- xlsBOF();
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- foreach($_SESSION['xls_table'.$xlstype] as $str) {
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- else xlsWriteLabel($i,$j++, iconv('utf-8', 'cp1251', $cell));
- }
- $i++;
- }
- xlsEOF();
- exit();
- ?><?
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- <h2>?????????</h2>
- <form method="post" name="op">
- ????:
- <select name="kouch" id="kchs">
- <option value="none">...</option>
- <?
- $kouchdb = pg_exec('select * from public.kouch ORDER BY kch_name ASC');
- while($t3 = pg_fetch_array($kouchdb)){
- echo "<option value=".$t3['kch_id'];
- if($kouch==$t3['kch_id']) echo " selected";
- echo ">".$t3['kch_name']."</option>";
- }
- ?>
- </select>
- <br />
- ????????:<br>
- <select name="search" id="oprs">
- <option class="all" value="all">??? ?????????</option>
- <?
- while($t = pg_fetch_array($operators)){
- echo "<option class=\"".$t['kch_id']."\"";
- if($t['opr_password']==$search) echo "selected ";
- echo "value=".$t['opr_password'].">".$t['opr_password']." - ".$t['opr_name']."</option>";
- }
- ?>
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- ???? ?: <input name="to_date_from" id="to_date_from" type="text" size="11" maxlength="11" value="<?=(!empty($date))?$date:Date("Y-m-d");?>">
- <a href="javascript:void(null);" id="icon2"><img src="images/calendar.gif" width="16" height="16" border=0 alt="" /></a>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- new Component.Calendar('to_date_from', {lang: 'en'});
- new Component.Calendar('to_date_from', {lang: 'en', click: 'icon2'});
- </script>
- <br>
- ????? ?: <input name="to_time_from" type="text" size="11" maxlength="11" value="<?=(!empty($time))?$time:"07:00:00";?>">
- </td><td>
- </td><td>
- ???? ??: <input name="to_date_to" id="to_date_to" type="text" size="11" maxlength="11" value="<?=(!empty($datet))?$datet:Date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day"));?>">
- <a href="javascript:void(null);" id="icon3"><img src="images/calendar.gif" width="16" height="16" border=0 alt="" /></a>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- new Component.Calendar('to_date_to', {lang: 'en'});
- new Component.Calendar('to_date_to', {lang: 'en', click: 'icon3'});
- </script>
- <br>
- ????? ??: <input name="to_time_to" type="text" size="11" maxlength="11" value="<?=(!empty($timet))?$timet:"06:59:59";?>">
- </td></tr></table>
- ??????:
- <select name="service">
- <option value="">???</option>
- <?
- while($t = pg_fetch_array($services)){
- echo "<option ";
- if($t['srv_name']==$service) echo "selected ";
- echo "value=".$t['srv_name'].">".$t['srv_name']."</option>";
- }
- ?>
- </select>
- ??? ??????:
- <select name="call_type">
- <option value="">???</option>
- <option <? if($call_type=="in") echo "selected "; ?> value="in">????????</option>
- <option <? if($call_type=="out") echo "selected "; ?> value="out">?????????</option>
- </select>
- <br />
- ????? ????????: <input type="text" name="number" size="11" maxlength="11" value="<?=$number;?>">
- <br />
- <input type="checkbox" onclick="show_n_hide('show_random');" id="label_random" name="random" value="on" <?if($random=='on') echo 'checked'?> >????????? ???????
- <span id="show_random" style="display:none;">
- <br>
- ?????????? ????????? ??????: <input type="text" name="random_count" size="5" maxlength="5" value="<?=$random_count;?>">
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- </script>
- <br /><br />
- <input type="submit" value="?????" name="submit"><br />
- </form>
- <?php
- function show_table($logs_new, $hide=array(0,0,0), $xlstype="") {
- $j=0;
- echo "<table border=1><tr>
- <td>???</td>
- <td>??????</td>
- <td>????</td>";
- $tmp = array("???", "??????", "????");
- if($hide[0]==0) {
- echo"
- <td>? ???????</td>
- <td>?????</td>";
- $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array("? ???????", "?????"));
- }
- echo "<td>??????????</td>";
- echo"<td>??????</td>";
- $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array("?????", "??????"));
- if($hide[0]==0) echo '<td>?????</td>';
- if($hide[1]==0) echo '<td>????????</td>';
- if($hide[0]==0) echo '<td>???????</td>';
- if($hide[2]==0) echo '<td>????????</td>';
- if($hide[0]==0) echo '<td>??????</td>';
- if($hide[0]==0) echo '<td>hangup</td>';
- if($hide[0]==0) $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array("?????"));
- if($hide[1]==0) $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array("????????"));
- if($hide[0]==0) $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array("???????"));
- if($hide[2]==0) $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array("????????"));
- if($hide[0]==0) $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array("??????"));
- if($hide[0]==0) $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array("hangup"));
- echo"
- </tr>";
- $_SESSION['xls_table'.$xlstype][] = $tmp;
- while($t = pg_fetch_array($logs_new)){
- $tmp = array();
- echo '<tr>';
- echo '<td>'.$t['opr_name'].'</td>';
- echo '<td>'.$t['opr_password'].'</td>';
- echo '<td>'.substr($t['dt'],0,10).'</td>';
- $tmp = array($t['opr_name'], $t['opr_password'], substr($t['dt'],0,10));
- if($hide[0]==0) {
- echo '<td>'.substr($t['dt_begin'],11,8).'</td>';
- echo '<td>'.date("H:i:s", strtotime(substr($t['dt'],11,8)." -".$t['timer']." seconds")).'</td>';
- echo '<td>'.substr($t['dt'],11,8).'</td>';
- $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array(substr($t['dt_begin'],11,8), date("H:i:s", strtotime(substr($t['dt'],11,8)." -".$t['timer']." seconds")), substr($t['dt'],11,8)));
- } else {
- echo '<td>'.substr($t['dt'],11,8).'</td>';
- $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array(substr($t['dt'],11,8)));
- }
- if($t['event']==21) echo '<td>????</td>';
- elseif($t['event']==22) echo '<td>?????</td>';
- elseif($t['event']==10) {echo '<td>????????</td>';$tmp = array_merge($tmp, array("????????"));}
- elseif($t['event']==52) {echo '<td><b>??? ??????</b></td>';$tmp = array_merge($tmp, array("??? ??????"));}
- elseif($t['event']==53) {echo '<td><b>??????????</b></td>';$tmp = array_merge($tmp, array("??????????"));}
- elseif($t['event']==31) {echo '<td>?????????</td>';$tmp = array_merge($tmp, array("?????????"));}
- elseif($t['event']==36) {echo '<td>???. ??? ??????</td>';$tmp = array_merge($tmp, array("???. ??? ??????"));}
- elseif($t['event']==32) {echo '<td><i><b>????????? ??.</b></i></td>';$tmp = array_merge($tmp, array("????????? ????????"));}
- else echo '<td>'.$t['event'].'</td>';
- if($hide[0]==0) {echo '<td>'.$t['callid'].'</td>';$tmp = array_merge($tmp, array($t['callid']));}
- if($hide[1]==0) {echo '<td>'.$t['timer'].'</td>';$tmp = array_merge($tmp, array($t['timer']));}
- if($hide[0]==0) {echo '<td>'.$t['beforeanswertime'].'</td>';$tmp = array_merge($tmp, array($t['beforeanswertime']));}
- if($hide[2]==0) {
- if($j==0) {
- $j=strtotime($t['dt']." -".$t['timer']." seconds")-$t['beforeanswertime'];
- echo '<td>0</td>';
- $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array(0));
- } else {
- $m = $j-strtotime($t['dt']);
- if($hide[0]!=0) $m=round($m/60);
- echo '<td>'.($m).'</td>';
- $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array($m));
- $j=strtotime($t['dt']." -".$t['timer']." seconds")-$t['beforeanswertime'];
- }
- echo '</td>';
- }
- if($hide[0]==0){
- echo '<td>'.$t['acdgroup'];
- $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array($t['acdgroup']));
- echo '</td>';
- }
- // if($hide[0]==0) echo '<td>'.$t['exten'].'</td>';
- if($t['dialstatus']==10) $t['dialstatus']="<b>????????</b>";
- else $t['dialstatus']="";
- if($hide[0]==0) echo '<td>'.$t['dialstatus'].'</td>';
- $tmp = array_merge($tmp, array($t['dialstatus']));
- if($t['callid']==0) $t['callid'] = '';
- if( $t['record_file_name'] ) echo '<td><a href="sound.php?id='.$t['record_id'].'">?????</a></td>';
- echo '</tr>';
- $_SESSION['xls_table'.$xlstype][] = $tmp;
- }
- echo "</table>";
- }
- function op_info($search, $date, $time, $datet, $timet, $service, $call_type) {
- // $where="AND (op.opr_password like '%$search%' OR op.opr_name='$search')";
- $where="AND (op.opr_password = '$search')";
- // if($kouch!=0) $where.=" AND op.kouch='$kouch'";
- if($service!=0) $where.=" AND al.acdgroup='$service'";
- if( $call_type ) {
- $where.= ($call_type=='in')? " AND (al.event=10)" : " AND (al.event=31)";
- }
- if(!empty($date) && !empty($date)) $where.=" AND al.dt BETWEEN '$date $time' AND '$datet $timet'";
- else $where.=" AND al.dt BETWEEN '".Date("Y-m-d")." 00:00:00' AND '".Date("Y-m-d")." 23:59:59'";
- //echo ('select COUNT(*), SUM(al.timer), SUM(al.beforeanswertime) from public.agents_logs al JOIN public.operators op ON (al.agent=op.opr_id) WHERE (al.event=10) '.$where.' GROUP by al.agent');
- $logs_new = pg_fetch_array(pg_exec('select COUNT(*), SUM(al.timer), SUM(al.beforeanswertime) from public.agents_logs al JOIN public.operators op ON (al.agent=op.opr_id) WHERE (al.event=10) '.$where.' GROUP by al.agent'));
- $recived = ($logs_new[0])?$logs_new[0]:0;
- $totaltime = round($logs_new[1]/60);
- if($logs_new[0]!=0) {
- $answertime = round($logs_new[1]/$logs_new[0]);
- $reaction = round($logs_new[2]/$logs_new[0]*100)/100;
- } else {
- $answertime = $reaction = 0;
- }
- $logs_new = pg_fetch_array(pg_exec('select COUNT(*) from public.agents_logs al JOIN public.operators op ON (al.agent=op.opr_id) WHERE (al.event=52) '.$where.' GROUP by al.agent'));
- $noanswer = ($logs_new[0])?$logs_new[0]:0;
- $logs_new = pg_fetch_array(pg_exec('select COUNT(*) from public.agents_logs al JOIN public.operators op ON (al.agent=op.opr_id) WHERE (al.event=53) '.$where.' GROUP by al.agent'));
- $lost = ($logs_new[0])?$logs_new[0]:0;
- $logs_new = pg_fetch_array(pg_exec('select COUNT(*) from public.agents_logs al JOIN public.operators op ON (al.agent=op.opr_id) WHERE (al.dialstatus=10) '.$where.' GROUP by al.agent'));
- $hangup = ($logs_new[0])?$logs_new[0]:0;
- $logs_new = pg_fetch_array(pg_exec('select COUNT(*) from public.agents_logs al JOIN public.operators op ON (al.agent=op.opr_id) WHERE (al.event=31 OR al.event=32) '.$where.' GROUP by al.agent'));
- $local_count = ($logs_new[0])?$logs_new[0]:0;
- $logs_new = pg_fetch_array(pg_exec('select SUM(al.timer) from public.agents_logs al JOIN public.operators op ON (al.agent=op.opr_id) WHERE (al.event=31 OR al.event=32) '.$where.' GROUP by al.agent'));
- $local_timer = ($logs_new[0])?round($logs_new[0]/60*100)/100:0;
- $total_time=$break_time=0;
- $tb=$tp='';
- $logs_new = pg_exec('select *, date_trunc(\'second\', al.Dt) as dt from public.agents_logs al JOIN public.operators op ON (al.agent=op.opr_id)
- LEFT JOIN public.records r ON (al.record_id=r.record_id)
- WHERE (al.event=21 OR al.event=22) '.$where.' order by date_trunc(\'second\', al.Dt) Asc, al.event Desc');
- while($t = pg_fetch_array($logs_new)){
- if($t['event']==21) {
- $tb=$t['dt'];
- if ($tp!='') {
- $break_time+=strtotime($tb)-strtotime($tp);
- $tp='';
- }
- }
- if($t['event']==22 && $tb!='') {
- $tp=$t['dt'];
- if ($tb!='') {
- $total_time+=strtotime($tp)-strtotime($tb);
- $tb='';
- }
- }
- }
- $timeonline = round($total_time/60);
- $timeoffline = round($break_time/60);
- return (array($recived, $totaltime, $answertime, $reaction, $noanswer, $lost, $timeonline, $timeoffline, $local_count, $local_timer, $hangup));
- }
- $more_than_day = ((strtotime($datet." ".$timet)-strtotime($date." ".$time)) > (25*60*60));
- if(empty($search) || $search!='all') {
- echo '<h3>??????? ?????????</h3>';
- // if($search!='all') $where.="AND (op.opr_password like '%$search%' OR op.opr_name='$search')";
- if($search!='all') $where.="AND (op.opr_password='$search')";
- if(!empty($date) && !empty($date)) $where.=" AND al.dt BETWEEN '$date $time' AND '$datet $timet'";
- else $where.=" AND al.dt BETWEEN '".Date("Y-m-d")." 00:00:00' AND '".Date("Y-m-d")." 23:59:59'";
- }
- echo "<table><tr><td valign='top'>";
- $where = "";
- if(!empty($search)) {
- // if($search!='all') $where.="AND (op.opr_password like '%$search%' OR op.opr_name='$search')";
- if($search!='all') $where.="AND (op.opr_password='$search')";
- if($kouch!=0 && $search=='all') $where.=" AND op.kch_id='$kouch'";
- if(!empty($date) && !empty($date)) $where.=" AND al.dt BETWEEN '$date $time' AND '$datet $timet'";
- else $where.=" AND al.dt BETWEEN '".Date("Y-m-d")." 00:00:00' AND '".Date("Y-m-d")." 23:59:59'";
- if(!empty($search) && $search!='all' && !$more_than_day && $random!='on') {
- list($recived, $totaltime, $answertime, $reaction, $noanswer, $lost, $timeonline, $timeoffline, $local_count, $local_timer, $hangup) = op_info($search, $date, $time, $datet, $timet, $service, $call_type);
- echo "<b>????????:</b> $recived<br>";
- echo "<b>????????(????), ???:</b> $totaltime<br>";
- echo "<b>??????? ????? ??????, ???:</b> $answertime<br>";
- echo "<b>??????? ????? ???????, ???:</b> $reaction<br>";
- if($timeonline!=0) echo "<b>???????, ??????? ?? ???:</b> ".round($recived/($timeonline/60))."<br>";
- echo "<b>??? ??????:</b> $noanswer<br>";
- echo "<b>??????????:</b> $lost<br>";
- echo "<b>hangup:</b> $hangup<br>";
- echo "<b>hangup ?? ????????:</b> ".round($hangup/$recived*100)."%<br>";
- echo "<b>????????? ???????:</b> $local_count<br>";
- echo "<b>????? ????????? ???????, ???:</b> $local_timer<br>";
- echo "<b>????? ?? ?????, ???:</b> $timeonline<br>";
- echo "<b>??????? ????? ???????, ???:</b> ".round((($timeonline-$totaltime)*60-5*$recived)/($recived+1))."<br>";
- echo "<b>????? ?????????, ???:</b> $timeoffline<br>";
- $logs_new = pg_exec('select * from public.agents_logs al JOIN public.operators op ON (al.agent=op.opr_id)
- LEFT JOIN public.records r ON (al.record_id=r.record_id)
- WHERE (al.event=21 OR al.event=22) '.$where.' order by date_trunc(\'second\', al.Dt_begin) Desc, al.event Asc LIMIT 100');
- echo '<h3>????-?????</h3>';
- $_SESSION['xls_table2'] = "";
- echo '<a href="?xls=1&type=2"><img border=0 src="http://stat.isystems.com.ua/img/admin/xls.gif"> ??????? ? Excel</a>';
- show_table($logs_new, array(1,1), 2);
- } elseif ( $more_than_day && (!empty($search)) && $random!='on' && empty($number)) {
- echo '<h3>??????? ?? ?????????</h3> <a href="?xls=1"><img border=0 src="http://stat.isystems.com.ua/img/admin/xls.gif"> ??????? ? Excel</a>';
- echo "<table border=1><tr>
- <td></td>
- <td>??????</td>
- <td>???</td>
- <td>????</td>
- <td><small>????????</small></td>
- <td><small>????, ???</small></td>
- <td><small>??????? ?? ???</small></td>
- <td><small>??????? t ??????, ???</small></td>
- <td><small>???????. ???????, ???</small></td>
- <td><small>??? ??????</small></td>
- <td><small>??????</small></td>
- <td><small>Hangup</small></td>
- <td><small>Hangup ?? ????????</small></td>
- <td><small>?????????</small></td>
- <td><small>?????????, ???</small></td>
- <td><small>?? ?????, ???</small></td>
- <td><small>???????, ???</small></td>
- <td><small>???????, ???????, ???</small></td></tr>
- ";
- $_SESSION['xls_table'][] = array("","??????", "???", "????", "????????", "????, ???", "??????? ?? ???", "??????? ????? ??????, ???", "???????. ???????, ???", "??? ??????", "??????", "?? ?????, ???", "???????, ???", "???????, ???????, ???");
- $operators = pg_exec('select opr_password, opr_name from public.operators op INNER JOIN public.agents_logs al ON (al.agent=op.opr_id) WHERE 1=1 '.$where.' GROUP BY op.opr_password, op.opr_name ORDER BY op.opr_name ASC');
- $i=0;
- while($t = pg_fetch_array($operators)){
- $ij=0;
- do {
- $now_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date + $ij day"));
- $ij++;
- $next_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date + $ij day"));
- $i++;
- $opr_password = $t['opr_password'];
- list($recived, $totaltime, $answertime, $reaction, $noanswer, $lost, $timeonline, $timeoffline, $local_count, $local_timer, $hangup) = op_info($t['opr_password'], $now_date, '07:00:00', $next_date, '06:59:59', $service, $call_type);
- //if($timeonline!=0)
- {
- echo "<tr>
- <td>$i</td>
- <td>".$t['opr_password']."</td>
- <td><nobr>".$t['opr_name']."</nobr></td>
- <td><nobr>$now_date</nobr></td>
- <td>$recived</td>
- <td>$totaltime</td>
- <td>";
- echo ($timeonline)?round($recived/($timeonline/60)):0;
- echo "</td>
- <td>$answertime</td>
- <td>$reaction</td>
- <td>$noanswer</td>
- <td>$lost</td>
- <td>$hangup</td>";
- if($recived!=0) echo"<td>".round($hangup/$recived*100)."%</td>";
- else echo "<td>0%</td>";
- echo"<td>$local_count</td>
- <td>$local_timer</td>
- <td>$timeonline</td>
- <td>$timeoffline</td>
- <td>".round((($timeonline-$totaltime)*60-5*$recived)/($recived+1))."</td></tr>
- ";
- $rto = ($timeonline)?round($recived/($timeonline/60)):0;
- $_SESSION['xls_table'][] = array($i,$t['opr_password'], $t['opr_name'], $now_date, $recived, $totaltime, $rto, $answertime, $reaction, $noanswer, $lost, $timeonline, $timeoffline, round((($timeonline-$totaltime)*60-5*$recived)/($recived+1)));
- }
- } while ($now_date<$datet);
- }
- echo "</table>";
- if(pg_num_rows($operators)==1) {
- $ij=0;
- do {
- $now_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date + $ij day"));
- $ij++;
- $next_date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("$date + $ij day"));
- $logs_new = pg_exec('select * from public.agents_logs al JOIN public.operators op ON (al.agent=op.opr_id)
- LEFT JOIN public.records r ON (al.record_id=r.record_id)
- WHERE (op.opr_password=\''.$opr_password.'\') ANd (al.event=21 OR al.event=22) AND al.dt BETWEEN \''.$now_date.' 06:45:00\' AND \''.$next_date.' 07:14:59\' order by date_trunc(\'second\', al.Dt_begin) Desc, al.event Asc LIMIT 100');
- if(pg_num_rows($logs_new)) {
- echo '<h3>????-????? '.$now_date.'</h3>';
- $_SESSION['xls_table2'] = "";
- // echo '<a href="?xls=1&type=2"><img border=0 src="http://stat.isystems.com.ua/img/admin/xls.gif"> ??????? ? Excel</a>';
- show_table($logs_new, array(1,1), 2);
- }
- } while ($now_date<$datet);
- }
- } elseif(empty($number) && $random!='on') {
- echo '<h3>??????? ??????????</h3> <a href="?xls=1"><img border=0 src="http://stat.isystems.com.ua/img/admin/xls.gif"> ??????? ? Excel</a>';
- echo "<table border=1><tr>
- <td></td>
- <td>??????</td>
- <td>???</td>
- <td><small>????????</small></td>
- <td><small>????, ???</small></td>
- <td><small>??????? t ??????, ???</small></td>
- <td><small>???????. ???????, ???</small></td>
- <td><small>??? ??????</small></td>
- <td><small>??????</small></td>
- <td><small>Hangup</small></td>
- <td><small>Hangup ?? ????????</small></td>
- <td><small>?????????</small></td>
- <td><small>?????????, ???</small></td>
- <td><small>?? ?????, ???</small></td>
- <td><small>???????, ???</small></td>
- <td><small>???????, ???????, ???</small></td></tr>
- ";
- $_SESSION['xls_table'][] = array("","??????", "???", "????????", "????, ???", "??????? ????? ??????, ???", "???????. ???????, ???", "??? ??????", "??????", "?? ?????, ???", "???????, ???", "???????, ???????, ???");
- $operators = pg_exec('select opr_password, opr_name from public.operators op INNER JOIN public.agents_logs al ON (al.agent=op.opr_id) WHERE 1=1 '.$where.' GROUP BY op.opr_password, op.opr_name ORDER BY op.opr_name ASC');
- $i=0;
- while($t = pg_fetch_array($operators)){
- list($recived, $totaltime, $answertime, $reaction, $noanswer, $lost, $timeonline, $timeoffline, $local_count, $local_timer, $hangup) = op_info($t['opr_password'], $date, $time, $datet, $timet, $service, $call_type);
- if($totaltime) {
- $i++;
- echo "<tr>
- <td>$i</td>
- <td>".$t['opr_password']."</td>
- <td><nobr>".$t['opr_name']."</nobr></td>
- <td>$recived</td>
- <td>$totaltime</td>
- <td>$answertime</td>
- <td>$reaction</td>
- <td>$noanswer</td>
- <td>$lost</td>
- <td>$hangup</td>";
- if($recived!=0) echo"<td>".round($hangup/$recived*100)."%</td>";
- else echo "<td>0%</td>";
- echo"<td>$local_count</td>
- <td>$local_timer</td>
- <td>$timeonline</td>
- <td>$timeoffline</td>
- <td>".round((($timeonline-$totaltime)*60-5*$recived)/($recived+1))."</td></tr>
- ";
- $_SESSION['xls_table'][] = array($i,$t['opr_password'], $t['opr_name'], $recived, $totaltime, $answertime, $reaction, $noanswer, $lost, $timeonline, $timeoffline, round((($timeonline-$totaltime)*60-(5*$recived))/($recived+1)));
- }
- }
- echo "</table>";
- }
- // if((empty($search) || $search!='all' || !empty($number) || !empty($service))) {
- // if((empty($search) || $search!='all' || !empty($number))) {
- if(!$more_than_day || $random=='on' || !empty($number))
- if( empty($search) || $search!='all' || $random=='on' || !empty($number) ) {
- if(!empty($service)) $where.="AND (al.acdgroup = '$service')";
- if(!empty($number)) $where.="AND (al.callid = '$number')";
- if( $call_type ) {
- $where.= ($call_type=='in')? " AND (al.event=10)" : " AND (al.event=31)";
- }
- $limit = "";
- $order_by = "ORDER BY al.Dt_begin DESC, al.Dt Desc";
- if($random=="on"){
- if(is_numeric($random_count)) $limit = "LIMIT $random_count";
- $order_by = "ORDER BY RANDOM()";
- }
- $logs_new = pg_exec('select * from public.agents_logs al JOIN public.operators op ON (al.agent=op.opr_id)
- LEFT JOIN public.records r ON (al.record_id=r.record_id)
- WHERE (al.event=10 OR al.event=52 OR al.event=53 OR al.event=31 OR al.event=32) '.$where.' '.$order_by.' '.$limit);
- echo '<h3>????????</h3>';
- $_SESSION['xls_table'] = "";
- echo '<a href="?xls=1"><img border=0 src="http://stat.isystems.com.ua/img/admin/xls.gif"> ??????? ? Excel</a>';
- if(!empty($number) || $search=='all') {
- show_table($logs_new, array(0,0,1));
- } else {
- show_table($logs_new);
- }
- }
- }
- include_once("db_disconnect.php");
- echo "</td></tr></table>";
- }
- }
- ?>