http://flatula.googlecode.com/ · Erlang · 256 lines · 213 code · 34 blank · 9 comment · 2 complexity · ed67f11a30fe79f4cdcfd0e0b098d8d4 MD5 · raw file
- -module (flatula_table).
- -export ([ start_link/1 ]).
- -behaviour (gen_server).
- -export ([ init/1,
- handle_call/3,
- handle_cast/2,
- handle_info/2,
- terminate/2,
- code_change/3 ]).
- -include_lib ("kernel/include/file.hrl").
- -record (state, { base_path,
- max_total_bytes,
- max_file_bytes,
- cur_file,
- cur_fd,
- cur_ofs,
- lookup,
- total_bytes }).
- -define (HEADER_LEN, 8).
- %
- % public
- %
- start_link (Options) ->
- gen_server:start_link (?MODULE, Options, []).
- %
- % gen_server callbacks
- %
- init (Options) ->
- process_flag (trap_exit, true),
- BasePath = option (Options, base_path),
- MaxTotalBytes = option (Options, max_total_bytes),
- MaxFileBytes = option (Options, max_file_bytes),
- State = open (#state { base_path = BasePath,
- max_total_bytes = MaxTotalBytes,
- max_file_bytes = MaxFileBytes }),
- { ok, State }.
- handle_call ({ read, Id }, _From, State) ->
- { Result, NewState } = read (State, Id),
- { reply, Result, NewState };
- handle_call ({ write, Term }, _From, State) ->
- { Result, NewState } = write (State, Term),
- { reply, Result, NewState };
- handle_call ({ info, size }, _From, State) ->
- { reply, { size, State#state.total_bytes }, State };
- handle_call ({ info, max_file_bytes }, _From, State) ->
- { reply, { max_file_bytes, State#state.max_file_bytes }, State };
- handle_call ({ info, max_total_bytes }, _From, State) ->
- { reply, { max_total_bytes, State#state.max_total_bytes }, State };
- handle_call (close, _From, State) ->
- { stop, normal, ok, State }.
- handle_cast (_Request, State) ->
- { noreply, State }.
- handle_info (_Msg, State) ->
- { noreply, State }.
- terminate (_Reason, State) ->
- close (State),
- ok.
- code_change (_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
- process_flag (trap_exit, true),
- { ok, State }.
- %
- % private
- %
- read (State = #state { cur_file = Cur }, _Id = { F, _, _ }) when F > Cur ->
- { not_found, State };
- read (State = #state { cur_file = Cur, cur_ofs = CurOfs },
- _Id = { Cur, Ofs, Len })
- when Ofs + Len > CurOfs ->
- { not_found, State };
- read (State = #state { cur_file = Cur, cur_fd = Fd, cur_ofs = CurOfs },
- _Id = { Cur, Ofs, Len })
- when Ofs + Len =< CurOfs ->
- Result = read_term (Fd, Ofs, Len),
- { Result, State };
- read (State = #state { lookup = Lookup }, _Id = { File, Ofs, Len }) ->
- case gb_trees:lookup (File, Lookup) of
- { value, { Fd, Size } } ->
- case Ofs + Len > Size of
- true ->
- { not_found, State };
- false ->
- Result = read_term (Fd, Ofs, Len),
- { Result, State }
- end;
- none ->
- { not_found, State }
- end.
- read_term (Fd, Ofs, Len) ->
- case file:pread (Fd, Ofs, ?HEADER_LEN + Len) of
- { ok, eof } ->
- not_found;
- { ok, Data } ->
- try
- Header = header (Len),
- << Header:?HEADER_LEN/binary, Binary:Len/binary >> = Data,
- { ok, binary_to_term (Binary) }
- catch
- _:E -> { error, E }
- end;
- Error ->
- Error
- end.
- write (State = #state { max_file_bytes = Max,
- cur_file = Cur,
- cur_fd = CurFd,
- cur_ofs = CurOfs,
- lookup = Lookup }, Term) when CurOfs > Max ->
- file:close (CurFd),
- NewCurFd = open_read_or_die (State, Cur),
- Next = Cur + 1,
- NextFd = open_readwrite_or_die (State, Next),
- NewLookup = gb_trees:insert (Cur, { NewCurFd, CurOfs }, Lookup),
- NewState = State#state { cur_file = Next,
- cur_fd = NextFd,
- cur_ofs = 0,
- lookup = NewLookup },
- write_metadata (NewState),
- write (NewState, Term);
- write (State = #state { max_total_bytes = Max,
- total_bytes = Total,
- lookup = Lookup }, Term) when Total > Max ->
- { First, { Fd, Size }, NewLookup } = gb_trees:take_smallest (Lookup),
- file:close (Fd),
- NewState = State#state { total_bytes = Total - Size,
- lookup = NewLookup },
- write_metadata (NewState),
- file:delete (path (State, First)),
- write (NewState, Term);
- write (State = #state { cur_file = Cur,
- cur_fd = Fd,
- cur_ofs = Ofs,
- total_bytes = Total }, Term) ->
- B = term_to_binary (Term, [ { minor_version, 1 } ]),
- Len = size (B),
- case file:pwrite (Fd, Ofs, [ header (Len), B ]) of
- ok ->
- Id = { Cur, Ofs, Len },
- NewState = State#state { cur_ofs = Ofs + Len + ?HEADER_LEN,
- total_bytes = Total + Len + ?HEADER_LEN },
- { Id, NewState };
- Error ->
- erlang:error (Error)
- end.
- write_metadata (State = #state { cur_file = Cur, lookup = Lookup }) ->
- List = [ { F, Size } || { F, { _Fd, Size } } <- gb_trees:to_list (Lookup) ],
- MetaData = term_to_binary ({ ?MODULE, 1, Cur, List }),
- Path = meta_path (State),
- case file:write_file (Path, MetaData) of
- ok -> ok;
- Error -> erlang:error ({ write, Path, Error })
- end.
- open (State) ->
- ok = filelib:ensure_dir (meta_path (State)),
- { Cur, Lookup, Total } =
- try
- { ok, MetaData } = file:read_file (meta_path (State)),
- { ?MODULE, 1, OldCur, List } = binary_to_term (MetaData),
- Files = case file:read_file_info (path (State, OldCur)) of
- { ok, #file_info { size = Size } } ->
- [ { OldCur, Size } | List ];
- _ ->
- List
- end,
- open_files (State, Files, OldCur + 1, gb_trees:empty (), 0)
- catch
- _:_ -> { 0, gb_trees:empty (), 0 }
- end,
- CurFd = open_readwrite_or_die (State, Cur),
- NewState = State#state { cur_file = Cur,
- cur_fd = CurFd,
- cur_ofs = 0,
- lookup = Lookup,
- total_bytes = Total },
- write_metadata (NewState),
- NewState.
- open_files (_State, [], MaxFile, Lookup, Total) ->
- { MaxFile, Lookup, Total };
- open_files (State, [ { File, Size } | Files ], MaxFile, Lookup, Total) ->
- try
- Fd = open_read_or_die (State, File),
- NewLookup = gb_trees:insert (File, { Fd, Size }, Lookup),
- NewMaxFile = case File > MaxFile of
- true -> File;
- false -> MaxFile
- end,
- open_files (State, Files, NewMaxFile, NewLookup, Total + Size)
- catch
- _:_ ->
- open_files (State, Files, MaxFile, Lookup, Total)
- end.
- close (#state { cur_fd = CurFd, lookup = Lookup }) ->
- file:close (CurFd),
- Fds = [ Fd || { _File, { Fd, _Size } } <- gb_trees:to_list (Lookup) ],
- lists:foreach (fun (Fd) ->
- file:close (Fd)
- end,
- Fds).
- open_read_or_die (State, File) ->
- open_or_die (State, File, [ read, raw, binary ]).
- open_readwrite_or_die (State, File) ->
- open_or_die (State, File, [ read, write, raw, binary ]).
- open_or_die (State, File, Options) ->
- Path = path (State, File),
- case file:open (Path, Options) of
- { ok, Fd } ->
- Fd;
- Error ->
- erlang:error ({ open, Path, Error })
- end.
- header (Len) when Len < 16#100000000 ->
- << $E, $E, $E, $E, Len:32/big-unsigned-integer >>.
- path (State, File) ->
- State#state.base_path ++ [ $. | integer_to_list (File) ].
- meta_path (State) ->
- State#state.base_path ++ ".meta".
- option (Options, Name) ->
- case lists:keysearch (Name, 1, Options) of
- { value, { Name, Value } } ->
- Value;
- _ ->
- erlang:error ({ missing_option, Name })
- end.