C++ | 457 lines | 393 code | 37 blank | 27 comment | 88 complexity | ef6862719207df2c7d379da06c0398d6 MD5 | raw file
Possible License(s): GPL-2.0, LGPL-2.1
- // Verilog Behavioral Simulator
- // Copyright (C) 2000-2001,2011 George Varughese, Jimen Ching
- //
- // With modifications from:
- // Jimen Ching <jimen.ching@gmail.com>
- //
- // This file is part of the Verilog Behavioral Simulator package.
- // See the file COPYRIGHT for copyright and disclaimer information.
- // See the file COPYING for the licensing terms and conditions.
- // See the file CONTRIBUTORS for a list of contributing authors.
- //
- // scp_tab.cc
- #include <cstring>
- #include "sym_tab.h"
- #include "st_inst.h"
- #include "st_net.h"
- #include "scp_tab.h"
- #include "vbs.h"
- extern "C" char *vbs_strdup(const char *);
- scope_table::scope_table()
- {
- _current_level = 0; // Top!
- // _hashtab[1] = "top"; // Top level!
- }
- scope_table::scope_table(net_list *n)
- {
- scope_table(n, 0);
- }
- scope_table::scope_table(net_list *n, int sc)
- {
- _dump_scope = sc;
- _instance_level = -1;
- _current_level = 0; // Top!
- }
- void
- scope_table::is_net(const bool yn)
- { _is_net = yn; }
- bool
- scope_table::is_net()
- { return _is_net; }
- char *
- scope_table::find(int i)
- {
- static char null_string[] = {0};
- hashtable_type::iterator itp = _hashtab.find(i);
- if (itp != _hashtab.end())
- return vbs_strdup((*itp).second.c_str());
- return null_string;
- }
- int
- scope_table::find(const str_type &n)
- {
- // This is costly!
- hashtable_type::iterator ibegin = _hashtab.begin();
- hashtable_type::iterator istop = _hashtab.end();
- for (; ibegin != istop; ++ibegin)
- {
- if (ibegin->second == n)
- return ibegin->first;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- scope_table::net_list
- scope_table::get_nets(int sc)
- {
- // Returns nets at scope sc
- symbol_table &symboltable = vbs_engine::symboltable();
- net_list n_list;
- size_type max = symboltable.size();
- for (size_type i = 0; i < max; ++i)
- {
- bucket_type::iterator item = symboltable.begin(i);
- bucket_type::iterator last = symboltable.end(i);
- for (; item != last; ++item)
- {
- st_net *n = item->get()->get_net();
- if (n != 0)
- {
- if (n->scope() == sc)
- n_list.insert(n_list.end(), n);
- }
- }
- }
- return n_list;
- }
- st_net *
- scope_table::get_net(const char *st)
- {
- symbol_table &symboltable = vbs_engine::symboltable();
- int sc;
- char *scp = get_scope(st);
- str_type net_name(st);
- int dot = net_name.find(".");
- if (dot == -1)
- sc = 1; // top
- else
- {
- if (scp == 0)
- sc = 1; // try top
- else
- sc = find(scp);
- if (sc == 0)
- sc = 1; // top level
- }
- free(scp);
- size_type max = symboltable.size();
- unsigned int last_dot_position = net_name.rfind(".");
- if (last_dot_position < net_name.length())
- net_name = net_name.substr(last_dot_position+1);
- for (size_type i = 0; i < max; ++i)
- {
- bucket_type::iterator item = symboltable.begin(i);
- bucket_type::iterator last = symboltable.end(i);
- for (; item != last; ++item)
- {
- st_net *n = item->get()->get_net();
- if (n != 0)
- {
- //if (n->name() == st && n->scope() == sc)
- if (n->name() == net_name && n->scope() == sc)
- return n;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // Returns the scope name of full net name
- // Eg: a.n1 returns a
- char *
- scope_table::get_scope(const char *nin)
- {
- str_type nm = nin;
- str_type top = top_level();
- #if __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 95
- if (nm.compare(top, 0, top.size()) == 0)
- #else
- if (nm.compare(0, top.size(), top) == 0)
- #endif
- nm.replace(0,top.length()+1,"");
- const char * n = nm.c_str();
- size_t full, sub,diff;
- char * last_dot = strrchr(n,'.');
- char * ret = 0;
- if (last_dot != 0)
- {
- full = strlen(n);
- sub = strlen(last_dot);
- diff = full - sub;
- ret = new char [diff+1];
- strncpy(ret,n,diff);
- ret[diff] = '\0';
- }
- else
- {
- if (strlen(n) > 0)
- ret = vbs_strdup(n);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- scope_table::net_list
- scope_table::get_nets(int sc, int lvls)
- {
- net_list n_list;
- instantiation_list inst_list = get_instances(sc);
- if (inst_list.size() > 0)
- n_list = get_nets(inst_list,lvls);
- net_list tmp_n_list = get_nets(sc);
- // This level...
- n_list.insert(n_list.end(), tmp_n_list.begin(), tmp_n_list.end());
- return n_list;
- }
- scope_table::net_list
- scope_table::get_nets(const char *sc)
- {
- net_list lst;
- int scp = 1;
- if (strcmp(sc,top_level().c_str()))
- scp = find(sc); // Not top!
- if (scp == -1)
- return lst;
- lst = get_nets(scp);
- return lst;
- }
- scope_table::net_list
- scope_table::get_nets(const char *sc, int lvls)
- {
- net_list nlst;
- str_type nm = sc;
- str_type top = top_level();
- int scp = 1;
- if (nm != top)
- {
- // scope table is relative to top
- #if __GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 95
- if (nm.compare(top, 0, top.size()) == 0)
- #else
- if (nm.compare(0, top.size(), top) == 0)
- #endif
- nm.replace(0, top.length()+1, "");
- is_net(false);
- scp = find(nm.c_str());
- }
- if (scp == -1)
- {
- // check if its a net
- st_net * net = get_net(nm.c_str());
- if (net == 0)
- {
- cout << "Warning : " << nm << " undefined instance or net." << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- is_net(true);
- nlst.insert(nlst.end(),net);
- }
- return nlst;
- }
- st_instantiation *cur_inst = get_instance(nm);
- if (cur_inst != 0) // get nets for cur_inst
- {
- dump_top_level = cur_inst->level();
- nlst = get_nets(scp,lvls);
- return nlst;
- }
- else // could be a net or top level
- {
- if (nm == top_level())
- {
- // Start from top!
- nlst = get_nets(1,lvls);
- }
- else
- {
- // FIXME: should not reach here after the second
- // setup pass...
- cout << "Warning : " << nm << " undefined instance or net." << endl;
- }
- return nlst;
- }
- }
- scope_table::net_list
- scope_table::get_nets(instantiation_list & inst_list, int lvls)
- {
- // Returns nets lvls levels below inst_list level.
- net_list tmp_net_list;
- instantiation_list tmp_inst_list;
- // It is inefficient to traverse the full symbol table, but...
- instantiation_list::iterator itp = inst_list.begin();
- instantiation_list::iterator stop = inst_list.end();
- for (; itp != stop; ++itp)
- {
- st_instantiation *inst = *itp;
- int inst_scope = inst->instance_scope();
- int cur_rel_level = inst->level() - dump_top_level;
- if ((cur_rel_level < lvls) || ( lvls == 0))
- {
- net_list nt;
- instantiation_list child_inst_list;
- child_inst_list = get_instances(inst_scope);
- nt = get_nets(child_inst_list,lvls);
- tmp_net_list.insert(tmp_net_list.end(), nt.begin(), nt.end());
- nt = get_nets(inst_scope);
- tmp_net_list.insert(tmp_net_list.end(), nt.begin(), nt.end());
- }
- }
- return tmp_net_list;
- }
- st_instantiation *
- scope_table::get_instance(str_type &nam)
- {
- symbol_table &symboltable = vbs_engine::symboltable();
- int sc = find(nam);
- size_type max = symboltable.size();
- for (size_type i = 0; i < max; ++i)
- {
- bucket_type::iterator item = symboltable.begin(i);
- bucket_type::iterator last = symboltable.end(i);
- for (; item != last; ++item)
- {
- st_instantiation *n = item->get()->get_instantiation();
- if (n != 0)
- {
- if (n->instance_scope() == sc)
- return n;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- scope_table::instantiation_list
- scope_table::get_instances(int sc)
- {
- // Returns instances at scope sc.
- symbol_table &symboltable = vbs_engine::symboltable();
- instantiation_list inst_lst;
- size_type max = symboltable.size();
- for (size_type i = 0; i < max ; ++i)
- {
- bucket_type::iterator item = symboltable.begin(i);
- bucket_type::iterator last = symboltable.end(i);
- for (; item != last; ++item)
- {
- st_instantiation *n = item->get()->get_instantiation();
- if (n != 0)
- {
- if (n->scope() == sc)
- inst_lst.insert(inst_lst.end(), n);
- }
- }
- }
- return inst_lst;
- }
- scope_table::instantiation_list
- scope_table::get_instances(const char *sc)
- {
- int i = find(sc);
- return get_instances(i);
- }
- scope_table::instantiation_list
- scope_table::get_instances(char *sc, net_list *n_lst)
- {
- net_list nets;
- nets = get_nets(sc);
- n_lst->insert(n_lst->end(), nets.begin(), nets.end());
- return get_instances(sc);
- }
- scope_table::net_list *
- scope_table::get_dump_list()
- { return &_dump_list; }
- void
- scope_table::clear_dump_list()
- { _dump_list.clear(); }
- int
- scope_table::push_level()
- { return ++_current_level; }
- int
- scope_table::pop_level()
- { return --_current_level; }
- int
- scope_table::level()
- { return _current_level; }
- scope_table::str_type
- scope_table::scope_string()
- {
- str_type sc("");
- str_list::iterator itp(_scope_string.begin());
- str_list::iterator stop(_scope_string.end());
- if (itp != stop && itp->size() > 0)
- sc = *itp;
- else
- return sc;
- for (++itp; itp != stop; ++itp)
- {
- sc += ".";
- sc += *itp;
- }
- return sc;
- }
- void
- scope_table::push_scope(const str_type &s)
- {
- _scope_string.insert(_scope_string.end(), s);
- }
- void
- scope_table::pop_scope()
- {
- if (_scope_string.size() > 0)
- {
- str_list::iterator stop = _scope_string.end();
- --stop;
- _scope_string.erase(stop);
- }
- }
- void
- scope_table::insert(const int i)
- {
- str_list::iterator itp = _scope_string.begin();
- str_list::iterator stop = _scope_string.end();
- str_type this_scope;
- this_scope = (*itp);
- ++itp;
- for (; itp != stop; ++itp)
- {
- this_scope += ".";
- this_scope += (*itp);
- }
- _hashtab[i] = this_scope;
- }
- void
- scope_table::insert(int i, const str_type &s)
- {
- _hashtab[i] = s;
- }
- void
- scope_table::add(net_list &n)
- {
- net_list::iterator b(n.begin());
- net_list::iterator e(n.end());
- if (b != e)
- _dump_list.insert(_dump_list.end(), b, e);
- }
- bool
- scope_table::net_list_added()
- { return _net_list_added; }
- void
- scope_table::net_list_added(bool n)
- {
- _net_list_added = n;
- }
- const scope_table::str_type &
- scope_table::top_level()
- {
- return _top_level;
- }
- void
- scope_table::top_level(const str_type &t)
- {
- _hashtab[1] = t; // Top level!
- _top_level = t;
- }